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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1906, p. 8

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Neu bro' s«R Herp The rignalRemdy hat lkilts th, Dandrif G3rmn" THE MHUNTERS CAME TO L»AT'E! Their FihflDog fba5 pointed out the True Remedy te, prevent Baldness, but the hunters camnetoo late- Mhonc badness le incurable. IIERPiÇIDE A "II=AE. Newbro's Herpielde is a Tweuticth Cetur, EtRcmedy. Newbrýo's Herpic-ide ae thoe haïr by destro.ving the tli mision le to teach new miles for scalp leanîiue-sa, new gocrm or miicrobe. that les uow known tate behe cause ef ,ruilosfor hair preservation ani to provide a g-erm destraoi. dde!-ruofi, zfl'îng hairadblde. In chreniic balducs ing solution that will enabiecaeu persqns to ha~ve beau- the hair folilielIes are comnp!le!ey arobsd ausing th'e tifuli and luxuriant bair Ama avturslaflo scalp to sr' and alune ;:litte rrreaobe on lu h cases the use of Rerpicide, and if it dosa; not do more thanl we ',eept .>%saeotha remdiinin2 e " and tius is weli dlaim for Il, ý our dealer wili refund ýour prebcaso pies worth sadng., for it offers soins p1roteetOnu agaluat tue cold As a hair dressing it ie tralv exquilshe, on accouut et îte The U;ýr Ggwe" iý>% t, rquies bt adainty and refrepbing oder, wbhii iis charsoýt-ri4Ict Th k.' rwr"u al'c. Ltrqlesbtacontains n il, grease or seimsntry qisbstnee ither slt ko!g fAi utom;'.~bow that tha hair gets dose it stain or dsthbar its tifs sud ;stîerug-tn hmt arpPilatthe bottom of y h ar theo biair foiliclc, and 0te apnlalutun r geS itýS nourisb- WIIAT A LEADINO DRUGGIST SAYS Heicd ment fireCt mmte 'od tzreoe atr l i', honîy bas been a suecess with us !rom Ucthe towùgto îwa truairgowr b'c r nmc fhargot htconsiderations. First, becaiu eil i,-, en, i.'nmetr caus1e haï, ie-'e ndbldcs rvil'c obiegrowths loue article-, doej the wcrk t-bt is dislfor it stLCd eVcry enerte i~aeo~glandesitate'atthe top, of uthe ar bti cdmksafinwh ulsîatega ige folils (ir$~'louau. f arssa-s tbsmïierebe usua4to other friende, and an 3ndietz, ;bain le blini etdfour entera H- iIn ,'outhl, whezre ons colny atter anoter Herpicide. la eslablehobýd, untifnliyv, after meonthe aud sometimes Secondly ; You 0111 ytiur contm1ractuit,) Uic etter sud vear,thrce la anori ihing scalp and treat your agents squarelv and Ov-ngdv. utrls and brittle bair. takes pleasure ii, pushlingý the goode3 * : NwrtsHerpicide anid proteet the nev er sold a proprie5t-,ry rticle wbich hapir againet re.ifetien, sand il wtt! was more satisfactorv. (Slgued) grow as nature inteuded. W R. Torbert, Dubuque, Iewa. AUCTIOUI SALES, THURTISDA-, Noveîniber29,--Mesers John Ayre & Son, lot 25, con, 3, Darling- ;,on will ýeI elght horses and colts, i1 bull, to 0ws, autd two cftIV8, il thorough bred A Iso -eight acres of mlixgd wood i lots. Seo bills Sale at 12 o'clock inoon L A. W. TOLFI, auctioneer Miss Lena Sallsbur'y, Troto l gruest of her sister Mrs. J ý E L. Cole -MNr, L LBlrown çvas electid treas surer of the churehl trustes board Ïn place of Mir. 7?. TaYlÔ)r removed. . Mr. Fred T, Allun was appointed secre- tarv of the Butter and Cheese Compauv to fil1 the vacancyecaused by the deatb of mr YF1b.11Eliq -1-h basfilied the of- fiee for 20 ý sars ...MastE>r Earle Mc Lean, eldest son ofM, %J. MeLean of tlte temperance hous, fraetursd bis teg above the kjaee -whle plaýJng at sebool. Ma le progressing favorabiy. T'hose unhappy persons who suifer from n ervousueseý and dyspepsia should use Carter',,Littîs N2rve Pille, whieh- are madeexresle fr leepless ner- vous, d hppi sffere-rs Pries 25 ets. ENNISKILEN MisRose. teacher. bas been engag ed v.util Rid umnier Pieas(àd to hear Mis Rose te,-iving siuch good satis- faction aRs she la first lady teacher that baps been engaged for our aeadem.._.. vr Johin Hockin is laid up wvith aý fractured knee ..... M rsL. W. M. W o tte n vistted bier seIte3r airs. Paul, Lindsay, sud returned aeconipanied by ber sister Mrs. J. Ashtoni and daughter Marjory of Lindsay .. . .Mrs D. Trebilcoek visited frieuds in Bowmanvilie recently *...Xîpas Troc enterta inmeuit Frida'y evenDing býefiere Ximas...., Rer and Mrs. T. Snowdoti report a good time attend. ing snuiysrsary sbrvices, at Cambray, rn.sýwiug- old acqusaintauces where they wejre statlones Sveu 3ears ago... .Mr. and Mfrs 1i-rt <Stevens vlsitcd MWr. 27à,eh Stevens1 recently. Thlers te Do on.i articeo u the lins of medieýs that give3sûs large a return for th mne ,a agond porus strength- ehning plaster. suich ias Carter's Smart W'eed ani Belladonna Backache Plas- ters, - Freshand Frozen Fish Choies Lake Trout...........le1h. Pink Salmon. Headîessud Dressed..... ... 12c. Manitoba Wbite Fisb (frez.3in).......12e ýlb. Percb ... ........9c. lb, British Coumbia Salmon fred eÏ ....15c lb. Dry Salt and Pickled Fish Labrador Herring (tiew stock)....... 25c. doz, MW A XIyPEOPLE are LP-iiunCHE ana ivAlhld back bicuse thev do noti keep ir, teuchi with an up-to date grocer on the different lines he handIes, We Have the Best Supply of Fisb The best quaiity anld tebest value for the money. ýAsk the man Who has had tive or' sïx years exper- lence dealing with uis and you wiIi fnd that we always treat Our clIstonmers right. Mlay we flot have your stand- ing order for some of the following lines? Caurned Fish-Best Brands Sardines, Domestic...............Se Sardines, Cross fieli brand ..... ....1be. per Sardines, 4 large ta.. _25c per Salmon, Horse Sites Brand.,.....18Se. per Salmon, Clover Lest Brald....... ISe. peýr Salmon, Canes Brand.,-........ .... 15-, per1 Salmon, Tiger Braud. ...... ......2_ý tins for I Sa;itSes almn àie mat), Thistî Br-aud ..........2 tins for 2re. Scotch Herriug, very flu, try a dozen you will be pleased per doz3n.............. 20e. Kippered-llsrriug, per ticL,, .........100. j Kippered Herriug, ery faney, prýjesresd sud 5 ke sh1packed at Asde4etsd 15c Per lin Sm ke FshKippsrsd HerrIniu la Tmatoece, seimct.tng ut j This is headquartere for Ciecees and liaddîe, et the ordinary, try a lin..... ........ 25e Ciscoes ............... .............. 2 lb, 25c. Lobster, Leard Brand ... ......20 e i Iladdie............. ................. 10oe1oplbtn Bloaters, mild surst ................... -25e doz. Sbrimpe............ ..... ..... âtins fer 25c OYSTERS-Ws baYe fresh arrivali. tbrss days cf the weslt. Yen udepeud ougetting tbemf fresb from uis. AihuhHâddie weresecarce last weck we managed te flil al Our orders. Tis fiis tl very searce but if the-Y are te be had reet assured ws wit! have tbsum. Cail and SoeOur Comleto Line or phone your order to us.

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