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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1906, p. 4

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~West End M HOuse Week ..f T HE1 EXPECTED Certally Happeneti. We knewý we had theg-oods that would please, we stated accord- lnzly on our price list and we gave our enstomers the benefit. This week we bave some correspoading snaps whleh for quality and price are unexcelled, Y our Be st Friend at any time i the firm that looks carefuliy at ail Urnes atter your lnterest, We have no hesttauey ln saying we carry the beset lnes that moues' ean produçce and eheerfully share the proflts wlth our eustomers. Read and Digest the Following : Fresh and Frozen Fish Choicýe Lake Trout .. ...............i, b Pink Salmon. Headless and Dressed. ...1. Ma.nitoba White Fish f frozen) ...... ýý ...2e.1lb. Perh . . .. .. . .. ... ..9c, lb, British ColunOua Sion medeat].....1' b. Dry Sait and Pickled Fish Labrador Hering (uew stoel,) ......25c. düz. SaIt Soa Salmon (red mEýat).............10ce. lb. Scotch Herring, very fine, f ry a dozen yoit will be pieased, per dozen ..... ...... -.20e :sm-oked Fish This isihneadquiarters for Ciseoes and Eaddle. Isos ............. .......-2 lb. 25c. Hladdie....... ................10e (,,lb Bloaters, mlld curoe........... ..... 25e daz Canned Fish-Best Brands Sardines, Dornestic....... ..5ce per tini. Sardine.ç, Cross fish 'brand....... .15c. per tie. Sardines, < ' large tin.., -25C. per tin Salmon, HomseSboe Bad....1Se. per tin. Salmon, Clover Leal Brand ý........1. c per tin. Salimon, Canoe Btandi......... .... 15C. per tin. -Salmon, Tig-er Brand...-........ 2 tins for 25c Haddie, Thisîle Brand.........-.9 tins for 25c. Klppered Herring, per tin -ý-,............10e Kippered lierring,, very fpanes, pres-rved anid pReked at brenctad 1,5c per tin- Klppered Herrinug in Tomato Sauce, something ot o! the ordinary, try a tin......25C. Lobster, Leiard Brand-..... ....20e pertÎtn. Shrlmps ...... ........... .. ...2 tins for 25e. Cali and Seo our Complote Line or phonoe your order to us. pssile1, we bave QUItineUthe Cust ci repairs and improvemneuts oni such work as has beern meniouced as necessitating such large outlay. Here is the informa- tion Electric Light Bridge...... 8o oo Hendersoîu Br i dge' ............ 143 00O King St~ . . . 195 Pavement repairs.......... ...'168 co Cemetery bridge........25 G09 Burk's bride................ 9 on Wharf Road.,... _.........6Goo New Grader..........225 oc ToalI$895 50 This is a very smail part of the 541 .33 actually paid out up to Nov. i. In the absence of any repiy or explan- ation of any kiud from ti-e members of Cuuncil why iieurly double the ordinary expeuiditure on roads and streets bas becu nmade t' isyear1 wa can only guess the reason. WehaâVe been looking round- for ý ome probable gTounds on which ta justify even a portion of it, but we id absoluteily no justifization for any outlay excecding $3 000. A councillor says it is oflot 1a d$86320 to the$5413 actutally paid out thus inakrng a total o!9 $6 304 pi3 already contributed by rate. payers towards roads and streets. But it is perfecly fair to lnClude it in this ye;îr's ;outlay. notwithstandfing that it goes ta pay debentures issuxed to Jimprove the streets lu Mayor Mitchell's term of office. If Cover five miles of pavements had not been coi-structed with thiat money, the Ioul i wu' have had over five- miles more of sidewaiks to keûep i repair and large sections ta renýew or 4to put it as a problem i arithmettic: if the mile or such a tremendous expenditure, whatj ýwould the expenditure have been if $3000000 haqd not been spentin igoi and 1902 On over S Miles o! cernent pavements and on imnproving the roads î We chai lenge the Conmittee ou Roads and Streets ta show ratepayers that adequate value has býeen receiýved for the money spent or that the nýeeessity existed for1 spending more thau e3000 Vlis yeir. Wel offer the commnittee sýpace fUr r-piy ROBERT BEITH FOR SENATOR. l1 1 S-tock=Redlucing Sale 10 days.-..NoY. 2lst to Dm , st-..-10 days Men 's and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoesý W E must have more room, Our store is crowded to the veî'y doors with new and fashionable Merchandise. In order to do this we have marked down the following goods at a price that is 'bound to make thiem maove. This Sale will set a new pace in Bariain giving. IIen's Suits 38 Men's Suits iu Fanes' Tweed effects. weil lined throughout, lunses froîn 84 to 44. Reg. $6 50, $7 00 and $7 50, sale price.. 28 Mensa Suits in Eng- lish Wor8teds and St'yliRh Wool. Tweeds, Overcheeks, in sizes 86 to 42, Regular $1000 and $12.00 values,' sale priec ....... 8QO ?ien'sOvrot 24 Meu's Overesats. this Peason's garments. lu Dark Grey Black, Cheviots and Tweed Overchecks, vers' handromely made and lined throughout with best fat- mer satin., Regular $1200 value sale pi~ .85 Iiad aBusy I OVTES-ehayefresh arriva] 9, three djays of the w6eÏk. Youeau dapend on geOttlng thema fresh f rom uas. Alhough addfie were searce atwe emngdt5flalotodr.Ti FI1~ NA~4 tiA b bIE-fish s Wll very sare but f t heoY are to behad rest asrd w ilbv them -M-

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