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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1906, p. 5

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Stock is Iow on- Exhibition ti Ib' YOU ARE tWISE von will do as hpudreds didl lasit y ear-make your selection early-This saves worry and andue haste at the last moment and you get a mucli better selection. We, wiil show Olir speciaily redueed priees f buayling-It's better for ye Druggists and OptieianQ, Spectacles for christilas Our experience enables us to'"fit 3 cases out of 5 with spcalswithout even SeeiDg the party Let us tell you how this is donc and if you select a pair for a friend -yon eau get al the pleasure of the surprise and after Xmas Df any change le necessary we will m.1ake a careful examination of the sight and change h glasses froe of al charge. appreciation by gvinig you for ive like to encourage early ou1 anxd better for us. Bowmanville. I I OWMAVILLE, NOV. 28, 1906. Mr. W. L, Allen, Cobourg' was in town Friday. Dr: j, H.FLllotravenhurst, was ;in town Monday. Mrs. R, Easton, LindspY, is guest ef Mrs. Thos. Hoar. Mr R.T. Stephens bas returned home from lindian Mead, Sask. Mrs. Thos H.ardy, Sr.. Whltb V, is visiting bier son, Mir Artbu'r Hardy. Mayor and Mrq. A. Tait spent Sun. day with Mr. L. R MciNall> Port Ilope. Miss Ida Clemens is visiting b er cousin, Mliss Lura Roberts, Cobourg M1r. H. H. Todgham- and Mr. Gordon Mitchell, Toronto, spent Silnday at borne. Mir Robert Beitb attendeîd the flineral or tbe ate Senjator Kerr at C-obýourg Sulndav. Horse for sale. See adyt. Frame building for sale. Sec advt. Read The Mason Co's advt, th111 week W inter Pair at Port Ferry ",c. 20., "Brides of the Hlour" on aiP"inside pag e. Stacks of Toys and Games. Sctbem at Nýicholis'. Supper and sale at St. John's church this evening. The T Eaton G) Co , Oshawa, want op- erRtors, Sec advt. Rad wbat Hlerpicide has done and is digo inside page. Attend the supper lin St John's cbnarch this W6Leneday evening. Mr> W M. Clive succeedsMr C H. Gordon as publiher cf The Port Perry Star, If von an tho best bargain ini an overcoat -Go to The Mason Co Seo advt. Hear tbe Jolly RatnterS at tbe3 S. A. Barracks Saturday and Sunday Dec lst and 2ad. I have 1220 doils now in stock for Xmas ranging in price f rom 1 cent to $8.0W Nicholsp Faacy articles for Christmas at st. John's cburch thîs evening. Don't miss the supper Ladies' Aid of St. Jobn's church will hold their nnual supper and sale tbls (Wednesdav), at 5 p. m. lu the scb.ool- room. Ontario Agricultural and Experi- mental union willi hold the 28th annual meeting at tbe O. A. C Guelph Dec. 10-12.1 TOOCURE0AOOLfD IN ONE 1DAY Taire LAXA,'TIVE BROMO Quiinine Tableto. Drugists refund money ifih f aila ta cure. E. W. GROVE'5s ,ignature !S on each box. 25e, The Women's Instîtute Convention wiL be held Wednesday and Tbursday Dec. 12 and 13 in Massey fHall, O.A C, Guelph. A merry load of voung pe0ple froma town ernjoyed a pleasgnt evenng at the residence of Mr S S rûoo, Courtice, 1W dnesdlay. 1 OUÂRANTEED CURE FOR PILES 1tching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrudin& ils Drngglàsts are aathorized ta refund mûoney if pAkZO Oiutmebit fahs to cure in 6ta 14 daysý. 50c, No lady sbould buy 8a dress before seelnig tbeo superb stock of ail the new- est materials in black- and colors; im- ported direct at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman 's Wihat about funs? If ivou. have not bongbt furs drop in to see the newest styles of furs at M. Maý er's old reliable fur store. Evcr thilng in fur gonds for COoWN-In,-Nov,-. 19, ta Mi% and Mrs. AIlo,;ze Cowan, adc. her FARAQBERF,-At 412 Ricýmond St., Racehesiter, N. Y.. Oct. 25. ta Mr. and M"s Oea, Faragher, (nlee Kate Baftte) a dauitiZLer. B(7rCsÂxcrT-In OShaw, NOV. 15th, ta Mr. anS Mrs. J. Butchai, a son. SAIT-IB OsaliWa', NOV. 14th, ta Mr, and Mrs. a Smith, a dautlgliter. RsoN-1in East Whitby. Nov. 18, the wlfe of Nir Oea. Reesan, cf a daugliter. McOLs-In Oshawa, Nov. l8th, ta Mr. and MYs. Chas. McG ec, - a ighter, DUSsaFiow-At 610 Bethuine str eet, Peterboro, Nov. 22nid, ta ir, and airm,. H. Diinlow, a son. BOUIISÀLL,-On Nov. 23, at 804 Qusen stre et Ei, Toronto, to Mr. and airs. L, H. Bounisail, a1 son. FÂaRPow-BROWN-On Nov. l4th. b 1 e,- W E. Carro-il. Ethel B3rown, àdanebter 0f ir.Jas Brownl,and Wiliam rnJames yarrow, al af Bow- maniville. Royval Souvenir Range. Yon will get fuill value for your 111 money, purchasing a "Royal Sou- venir" Range. It does ail kinds of cooking in the most satisfactory mariner and with very smnall expense for fuel. ~Pure, DISTINOTIVELY A CREAM 0F TARTAR BAKINC POWDER kýoyal does flot contain an atom of phosphatic acid (which is the rr1-odujct of bones> digested in sul- ç3huric acid) or of alum (which is on.,e-third sulphuric acid) substan- ces adopted for other baking pow- ders fbeca.use of their cheapness,. ROYAL BAKINCI POWDER'CO., NEW YOR. A fine tasty dish for breakfast, dii- ner or supper-opon the can and its ready to serve. An excellen ntiient compos- ed of dialogues,retaindii.a- leaux, etc., Wi ho beld at .S o5 Darlington, on Friday Dec. 21-8t Con- cert commences 8 p. m. Admission 15 cents. RUSH IN TEL, RDERS, iMr. Tnhn A. whov nl n <01 rnn

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