- - -JAPAN TEA QON bod ni iuaeiued lead pcaeni 5,30,4e IBy il Gocr 50e and 60e per lb, A.I{nbrof Pui.ti e s 7u)e Cr ea.sesCla ISTORY 0F IBc WMANi VILLE Mr ECAWKERS When a good housewîfe cies Uua baking ia pan of hucs sha is especiali)- c7a1eftIi to -yt rethat theigrd entsealrdinto its c(omposition are free fror aduteraion but a!So goodandý whoneorne and Wbuor hy arc taten nut cf toi aven tWCtthey a'e properiv ba0c and 5it for use.tchen John Cawl er barj-,( hocarrdi te aîl asetteii theshpe f rir sps ndsevendah ters Iflhe lad no ehelpsssson h ecoud hume bcmna praudmuHIL aife ccd tbey were a rich aýddiition t o the ecarnng power cf the tcoship and a, thcy were gradual!y aSsimPIatdune ubbud intoand b1carna part yftel workingpopulaion thuy vilnust have ie grea aditi'natstregthto he Otarjoi bady poitCk FiMy years bas bîought abouLt sar, espect !o the traiŽres ïa b (rh f Cntas re i n- foauacte change. it is a icatter PrtAc ms serieus cenideration of al oa this continenrt vho dsr htthe Eeng s spaigpeop'e hoild mnaintain a poi linof &~ec.Iamn suret Hi Ccer5isu ascrecltce CoVeïàr îe ý,aSt fifteen ysr"itwnld beshown t2at ,n veragzeef iwo chi (d an v)a homse j* '-.5 Many huewvsthink it cheaper to buy thaîî1 to bake. That is because their baki'ng isn'tÉ successful evey thime. Their fiursrun, the çost up. GeC, andfo1o~directions. The resit îllbc light, vl- orebread or pastry ev"ery time, C.You p ?yafeceýnts more for Royal Ulousehold, but those few cen-t-sbu certaýintv and turity, Your Unuleistili iidrs ae ab favored aboxe Ihoir ule eatos Sea !ihees pîiaaIeprl mured in, i ' hd icln luo SUGESTON I~OWWOME.RN NAY FIND GrIppe co Yifelynzawchvryo "'Q cail i, isoneofthernZ'u wakein lâat is lie bouse at peetowl ed byIl. about al hie reasn si lia formarrjy. - l a the ie lok luna-Roman scarf iorUmLure cf p A. To'e -They oaîrived 1hczeaý iga man-." tc mtril fln uti.fiOf ae V il-SaPa",by! To3 i i'Fy,, fracr wasa vry rhîcaitim fo ai pesos bous rodo y aNewYor orisl 'i ) i ntalîrnenl(j"of wihappear l-S ndlesaunoyaîn C bew ne nsa a mf yn ec i-______boc ilcisptonbrîi fildnod ucesMaaie o Dcmbr s h icia n r.rur ic e tr odtay das î~îi cllo , nïin g hlie ISnlîevn aie s "h ot r m îabe cl- b 1 n ua ;oss~drmetot, t h iiaitns ep perpr o helc. tcss iorpi imoe uns" aic tlmn bog tilt*~4 f,-,r r rlpnr .,.l~, n-rorr rhç i sanIlorall 1e~th tte r mIs .5 a ci ~f as~ ne, u LfýZý ËI P--ý' tý iIýI' A'j Ai ý14,