SUPPLIEI1ENT TO TheC Statesm an Volume LII -BOWMANVILLE, ONT, WEDNESDAY, DECEAIBER 12, 1906 No. 50. Weekly Globe Free for 1907 Desiring te add 1000 new naines to THE STATESMAN SUbbCriptioil liat iu 10 dtays-by Saturday week-we will for one new subscription to THs STATESMAN f r 1907 sent us on or before Saturdav Dec. 15, accompauied e.Y one-dollar, send, te thýe person seading us the new subecription absolutely free front now te Jan. 1 19 8-13 menths-TEE WEEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA FARMER. No such valuable prcfmlum was ever before offered by us for one new naine. Ferbors now receilig the WEEKLY GLOBE cannot recelve it free, but wew~ill send thera for the samîe trne a choice of the MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD, or THE FAR-MING WORLD This offer is open toeoveryboldy for 10 days., Write to-day. M. A J AMES & SON. Publishers, 49 2w Bowmanviile, Ont. ' 145 16,$18, $20 Elits TO THE EDITOR, Preacher of truth, and flot of praise or blame, Crible whose law inFpires as well as tries, You who have deepened -and enlarged you day, You shahI remain when it has paseed away. -W. D. Uloweils BOWMANVILLE. Towni teachers asked fôr an, advance and get it Christmas spirit bs manifest lu ail the shops now. Cawker & Son are slkewing prime Xmas meâts. Reports of threefashionable weddinga on another page. .Editor James bas one sp lendid drlv- ing horse for sale. Addressed enyelope and remibtance blank lu this paper. Master McTavish retires from town teaching staff at end of 1906. S J. Williams oifers $25 fer rcturn et the meney he lest last month, Slelghing came Dec. 6 this 37ear and a yery colui $poil came with it. Saïe xnoney by reading_ advertise- monts. Merchants make attractive of- fers, Mr. R. B Roaers. Petarbnrnx,. L, tho ÈIut& 09Mw Jila. 2n1 d floe ara soute or the, EENT RECORDS made3 by the TORO-NTO, ONT. Out of the last 250 calis front business firmes we have illed. FlFTBEN of the positions, We had no one aise ready to send. We have alsc had 82 catIs for business collega teach- ers. loi ex-stuidents of other business colieges or sborthand c! ools were enrolied here durinýgthje last two Years.a We belleve we bave the best commercial s-110o1 lu Canada. We throughiy satisfy Our studeuts. Write to-day- for catalogu1e, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principai, 31 Corn Yonige mid Aiexfýaer 8tm. The Ontario BUSINESS COLLEOE Belleville, 89th year. 39th year,