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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1906, p. 10

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F RCOAT WANTED-Second- huband Buffalo or Beaver coat, large size, 113 good repalir. Send particulars to Tua eTAESMÂZ<, Bowmanville . 48-tf BJ.Hazlewood, L .,. EOWNA VILE. * OXT. MEDALIST of Trinity Un esty. Toronto; Foryar ttendiiar Ppyttnand Surgeon at Mt. Oarmel Hospital Offce andJ esidence Wellington St. Tekc vbone No. Voterinary Surgeon and Dentst FHe ., Lowrey, flONORARY GRADUATE o! Ontart, Veterlnary College. Toronto. Special attention given t* Dntlstry Officein-Mr, W Oaldwell's Livery Stable; night calls at hif resaience, Lamne Villa, Centre Street. Day o r nlght calis promptly responded te. Hous phione ne 126, Me 1 owmanviUle BANK 0 MO"%NTRflAL Established 1817 Oaptal -$14,400,000 Itest - $11,00 1,OOO Undivideci Profits - $922,418 Total Âssets' - $168,001,173 Head Office, Montreal J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager. Bowmanville Branch. 44 PERSONAL.' Mr. A. W. Foley, Pouitry Commis- sioner for Alberba, witb liead-quarters at Edmonton, returned home lest week to accompany his wife, and family to the Norbh West country. Mr. J. H. Renwick, leader of the M1ethodist choir, Port Hope. for the paet sevon y cars was preseuted Friday evenlng witli a beautiful chiair as a blrtbday gif t from bbc choir. The services of Mr. Dan Gilbert, who Is weliknowu in piano manufacturing circlas, bave been secured by theKarn. Piano and Organ 0o , of Woodsbock.- Canadian Mlusic Trades Journal, .Ail cases o! weak or lame bick, back ache. rbeumatism, will find relief b% wearing one o! Carter's Smart Wead and Balledonna Backeche, 1'isters pie 125 cents Trj them. Mr. W. K Greenwood who bas bsen Manager o! Bowmanville Elcctnic Llght Co ,for soma time, ba s been promotcd to the head office, assi4aut of tlie tark T L. & P. SS stem at Toronto Junction. The Toronto Globe speaking o f a recital given in St George's Hall sa-vs:- -Mr. R Norman Joiliffa, builtons,'lias e fine voýct, mellow and Fonorous, and h,3 manages it with uncommonI skill. He wes eutbusiastically recalled." We congratulate Miss Laure M. Hogarth, olnon baing eiected Grand SuperintendeuU of the Young Peopie's Work of tbe Grand Division. Sons of -Temparance, wbidli met at Orillia lest week. Mr. J S Hamley was presented witb a tie pin Fat in pearls and emerelds by the Port Hope post office staff prevlous to leaving for Calgary, Alta. Durham 1I'odge, 1. O O. F.. preseuied him with a soiid gold locket and cbein. We bave receiyed fro m Mr Cassel M. Tait, pliotograplier. a copy o! -Begini nings of t4reatncss," a souvenir of Ed-j mou ton, Stratbcoue and viclulity. The]J photos are ail tinted wbich, mekes At a vary pretty and valuebla souvenir, of the Greait West. The work is very creditabie, indeed, to tlie publisher. The Chris tien Guardian last week lied a splendid likeneas ou its cover o! Rey. John Kenner, Mitchell, formerlv 1pastor of the Bible Christian churcli, Bowmen. ville lie was forts.thae yecars lu active service lu the cburch and since 1900 has bacu superannuataed thougli stillteking 9. deep interest lu the wor k of the churcl Iu japan there le a national law for bldding school-boys to emoke tobacco. The bill for ibis law was introduced lnto their parliament by a member wlio is a Methodist, and one o! the chie! influ- eances that carriad it tbrougli wes a tract ou tle evils o! alcohol and tobacco wrlbten by au American missiouary. Mr Harry Caun, Agent for the Cana- dieu CaEuaity and Bolier Insurence Co , Toronto, le distributing a very unique folder issued bt' this populer accident compan' y, which by tbc record showu lu ibis toidler seems to be pas !ne~ out deliv handfuls o! moue- to sick and wouudcd members. Ask Mr Cau about a $1000 policy. Mr. Neil Yeliowlees, of Toronto, (a BowmarivIlle old box) tuner for Gotirlay, Winter & Lecmlng, was lu bown Frlday. He bad just returned from a trip uortl, beving visited Midliard, Peuetang and other places. Be calied on several old friends whule lu town, also meking a pleasent eall et the Guide office. Neil le liroking weil and le doing Wall also. Ha waut cast to Daudonald.-Port Hope Guide. Ver'. Arclideecon Warren o! St. Johins churcli, Lasefieild, who receutiy left for Toronto, was mafia the recîpient o! mauy gifts The Bible class pressuted him wibb a beautiful gold.headed weik- in)g SticiL; the Runday school !ollowed with e toiet set for lamself and a igold Peu for NITS Warretî, aund the choir presented bim wlth a 8ilver.mouted umbrelia Mme. Warren is sister o!Mrs, A. A. Sutton of Bowmauvilloý aai AN T D RLIABLE men VV W ED en every locahity thoti.euUnitod Statkeo anud Ceaad t on teelte-e,, ride a.1 eonapcoua pla.e% dis- triutl,.ý_al.dertsigmtatter. COmmission or oalary $90 a month and expeeses $C390 a day. Steady emP]OY- ment to good reliable -e,,. W. 1a&Y Out your worls 'or sou. No experience needed. Write for particular. .IALUS MdEDICINAL CO., LondOn, Ontario, Canatda THIS WEEK'S PAPER. Town Council report appears on an inside page. also Csrtwright council Literary notes, Orono news an~d locaýs are on samne page. Christm;is Pare and Healtli column are full of iaform- atior, Wedding reports-three of tbem- -Enniskillen and Shaw's sclio6A reports, Mrs. 1 L. Brown's essay, and1 an article on t'-.e servant problein ap- pear on another tnner page. Tliq Coward's Compirromice is a grand article Christmas dinner aid Fashion Hints are timely on another page 1i'very page ls interestin,- reading. THE CITIZENS' COMMITTEE. To sbow the publie, what Cars was taken to select good and respectable pâtizens and at the saine time to bave represeuted ail the larger industries, also the Varions professions and oc- cupations, we pliblisli herewith. the naines of said committee. Tbey have baldi two meetings but lifter consîder- able discussion of the municipal situ ation decided to requisition the Mayor to cali a public meeting ,,Friday evening of this wekt to furtbor discuss tle muni- cipal situation The members of the Citizens' Committoa are: bey. T W. Jolliffe 'W. Trewlu D. Morrison .Iule Roenigk H. A. Fletcher Arthur Hardy F. R. Kirkendall George Bartou John. T, Hooper Fred Heal W. Painton Fred Martyn Lewis Jollow J. H. Cryderman E R, Bounsali C. M. Cawker F. A. Haddv J H. H. Jury J Jý M son Mavor Tait Harry Rice F H. Mason J. B. Mitchell F. R. Finkie Norris Wilson Cliristian Rehder Fred C. Vanistone R H. Hamley T. E. lligginbotham John Penfound W.H. Williams, Liberty street Jobu Elliott, farmer Dr. J. C Devitt Dr GOBonnycastie Dr Alex Beitli Dr B J Hazelwood DD Simpson, K.C James MeLean Thomas Bottreli AUCTIONSALES. TÉURSDAY, Dec. 13-Mr. Chas. Wil liains, lot 21, con. 9 Darlington), bey.- iug rented bis farm, will salI by auction ail o! bis valuable f arm e.tock, implements. bey, soma furniture, etc. Sa'e et 12 o'clock noon Lunch ser- ved at 11.80 e. m to those from a dis- tance. Sec bills. L_. A W TOLU, auctioneer. SATURDAY, Dec 22-The exeoutors of tbe late William Law, offer for sale on the premises thie brick bouse and Sî acres of land, Scugog St., nortb, Bowmanville. For termas etc , se advt. Sale et 2 p. m.- L. A. W. TOLE auctiOneer, J. F. GRIEuR,ýT Oshawa, Solicitor. SATURDAY, Dec. 22-At the Q 'teeu's Hotel, Oshawa, there will ne offered for sale, 58 acres in the Sth and 9th Concessions o! Darlington. Sale at 2 p. m For terms etc ,seeadvt. J. F. GRsor, Soîlcitor, Oshawa. JAMES BIsHOP, aurtioneer. BOWMAN VILLE MARKPETS. FLOtTa, e 100 IbS....... _2 00 to 2 40 WnnAr, Feui, bush .... 0 0't 0 75 t' prug......O00 t' 712 Re Bd File....... 09" 0 80 o' Goose ....0-00"f 0 65 BARLEY, Pbusli Noý 1... 0 00" Oi 0 il 'y 2 ... 000 i 0 48 't a; 13... 000"t 0 45 il Tw> rowed 00" I 0 00 Os-1, white il .... .0 O0 it O 85 RYE, fi......O 0 '0 Oi 60 BUouWmnAT "l......O0 00 if 0 50 PuAs, Blackeyo, P bush. O O0 'l O O0 ft Canadiaen Beties O O0 il O 75 ~' Mummey i' O 00 't O0O IlSmalh t' 0 60 't 70 it Blue 'i ýO00il 0 70 CLOvER SEED .........700" 750 TimoTHY SED ........... 0 O0 OU0 duTTEn, best table, VI lb. O 00 0 24 1pias, Pdoz ........000" 025 IorAT0EB, e bash new -, 40 0~ 45 Hev &ton '. . 5 500"1 6 WU FIEE AND WATEE W Edger. repaire........... R. Mitchell & Co . supplies.. JOB. Fletcher, hot pipes... Jas Elliott. gesoline ..... McClellan & Co, woodi teerntng Rice & Co, supplies..........< POLICE G. D. Fletcher c- rsteble ... ,S Glanville, t ... Rice & Co , Supplies .......... PUBLIîC PR0PERTY Juo Reid, drewing ashes,.. Coal and wood ............. 6 20 1 00 9 181 22 18 e 60 82 76 I 792 81 2 I48 87 CEMETERY , P. Murdochi, grass seed ..........60 Rioe & Co , supplies... «..........75 Mason & Dais, supplies ý... 1 1,5 W. Fisbleigbh, repaire .......... 2 003 S 4 50 POOR RELIEF Ciamk's advaineto Indigents .... 8 00 ModClelian & Co , coal and wood 19 51) CONTINGENT Clerk's supplies.. .........._.? 5 50 PRuNTINO M. A. James &Son .._... ý......800 C. J. Gibson arebi'ect, vailuation and evîdeuce re D. O.,& P. Co. essessment eppeel ...... 50 00 Total 4595 57 Iidland Loan and.*SaYiugs Port Hope, ont. Establlshed 1872 Capital fuiiy peaid up... $360,000 Reserve Fand.ý.......... .140,000 Savings DeposIts of 01,00 and npwards roelved and inierest at ai pier Cent paid or compounded half yearly. 'rime Depiosit of $t).0 ntI upwards received for any term of yeatrs. but 110t less tbaneue year, at higlher rates of in- terest. Executors and Tmustees are authonized by law te deposit money et their dispseai ,with ibis Company. The flands of the Company are Invested enly In municipal debentures andI Srgt mortge oson irprovedl reai estate. wluch gives absolute seeurlty to deposîtors. Money loanetI ai lowesit rates of lnterest and on fav'orable teînma. in gtving yoszs, business to tiâ .oxnpalr y yox seeu re, strict prIvaacy. No nf maton au ie obtained by any one as to vour affeirs. J. H. BELMe 28-6m.Manager NEWCASTLU. Mr Murray E lbeck lias gone to Tara Neurc;%stlq open skating rink lu being- fitted up.> Mr. John Warren bas returned from tle North Wc'st \ir. Walter Cr uch bas purchased the HJenry Bowen residence. Nir. and Mcrs. Jos Heard are vlsltlng fiiends at Fenelon Fails Mr. add Mrs Aif. Bennett vislted friends in Toronto recently. Miss Bertha Couch. Peterboro, bas been guest of Miis Wagst.aff. Miss Curtis, Peterboro, bas been guest of Mrs Wm. Wagstaff. Mrs. Geo Vanstone, Brooklu, le visit- ing ber son, Mr. Geo. Colwill, Mr. John Pool lias greatlv improved the grounds of bis new residence. Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Bowmanvilie, recently visited lier mother, Mrs.Thorne Mr. Artliur Tolus, recently In Parls, has taken a positlin la the Port Hope Times office. Josephus Kirkendall, Bowmanyllle. recently visited NY.1r. JMn Tebble and other friands. While Mr. Bort Reid of Clarke wag passing through the village receutly one of bis drivers broke Its log. Mr Howell and Miss May Rowland attended the wedding of their brothar Ralph aud Miss Olive K. Clark, Port Hope, Wednesday. Palpitation of the beart, nervousng3ss. trembllngs. nervous headache. cold blands and feet, pain la the baek, and other forms of weakness are relleved by Carter's Trou Pis mde speciiil for the blond. nerves and complexion. TOWN COUriCIL. Accounts passed nit Deembar meetin g of rown Couincil. bADS AbN STRESITS T. L le. labor...... ....... 23 25 Rd Jennings, labor ...... ý.... 9 88 J. Reid and team............. 62 10 Geo Bickei and team ..........I1 50 A. T. Pennington, nails ........26 48 M. D. Williams, gravai.._....... 8 10 Geo H. Bickeli. .... 18i 90 Samuel Souch, -... 470 ,John Clark, .....18 75 ?. M. Cale, .... 1 10 J B. Martsn, supplies.......... 15 83 John Percy, ...... . 8 15 Wm Edger, "10 101 Rice & Co , ....... 72 87 MeClellan & Co., lumber ....... .78 79

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