Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1906, p. 2

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No argument is neeCderi to prove thec valu cfr such a pepratonin the treatmmnt of B3-rnchitis and imionary ]1iaeScrofuila, Rces A naand wastng dseassofIainy 1kind.l F~or Croup, WVhooping Cough and Chironic Coughis aniciCod Ferrol is ani absýolute speciric. F~RLis not a patent miystery. The formiula is fresl-y pbihd.I pre-scribed býy thse best Physicians. ïIt b cdrsdb>' the nost mnnmentILMedjicai journais. IL is uscd in promihesat lHospitals, Sntrnsec ROYAL MAILSTAE. Yom% M El. DOM N8 FROM IJALIFAX Mir NGas $5 aDuardaeoig A Seond l ass 813, 2..'5)0 to 4 7.0 BotntoGago Fr ltes sdai norainappi> s TLA 1MSI 1PS PLo!tland IJto LiVerpool. DominIo.No, 4 ada.ur u. c iot b temers0 0buhue Gtsana tr a Tha i .d tao l oedfrRe tadns Fopr al. n rao pyt Ë rpLow11 W1()Nter1 N Bates. Did ye ee lise BarrIe Car. nag C ~u eisil~at tise recent Toroto xhIbtio Nodouibt abt l5La leaer, rit athtie toa centire ofuttrcIncou- arrangements to carryafe The MUinerai Springs of ar~fanons Wh fot spenci a fe das a on 0fthese puj1ts? A il situa ted on the G.T. R. 1ilotelî ,acceonOJdaion isgodraeresn able. Tickots good going Dec. 8LIh toi l4th inclusive, 'vaiid to, return ilun-! Otaw aves Toýronto caily 10.15 P. m 'For rates and enomain 1- q or f STOIT & JURY, town agents. J. D. Dold District PsegrAgent. Cip tfi, whvatie z e ot, ft Vh young en e uGai a a today. n r nli , ng ot ooans 12oA0 , w 1h)fttEpS T, To 1aa poiin iiriwa fici il UalR iEs anin4fon$sÉV 5t0p I Fartme a I 1-laf ta fun f Chis mal ies c-in m'n m' iog candfi' te l efikaI . Neyer ge ceieph, llacxepr10 by cndy toc il iS ()t I pure canies aibe peoie uyidel ieiprsint liîey re su i g(mIl ey.Retlieony Tanj i,,! lain taffy M is easy 10 begio n it ' lool otuvaer (aou hll OIJ pans s cool.gVhlnI ool eoglig10 Peperi nt a-,[ rops. C1too . ivithu Irs'l Il-og l titil lhreads 2 cepsgrlI' nuialcd' beao l lii lik nI îlf X i1su itoi and iot £lx'or i a f drupnof1es stiff. Dro in a Vaîl esil on le bfan nIo deap.if t anis useI, cl in inchsquresuienbarlenug iNu1 ffl Die s. oil togthea lii i mile nd aaîolup f btter. tird I t hlimeuntl i glssuaryafeitb mik a ele, nt tenlkafrm h tire a. i ba i qie hck ddi nul ernes, io ino or hllicory. SI gLili 1hed c rauletCnni soglr itls :ilnoIlugl o 'aer1 m l l nI3Ita Mpn rea flalr s l hed and pa 0f a ry coltIIiéýI iî wa"ir'c el boiling ot on te cora nd O i igly liiil ita coale1-ti., I ltabs n o1 jng of f i ixtra ripanifrm ts balla as soon as possibl. vr'jit Ru ine you nd ïlwsiagh --- ---p -- I 30 minutes pfin a moideaeon Wn coo Il ihL 01riseti sugar.1 cusouxnsua, gIIcu u'- siciidîfor10 roîl. i Nul rop lakes (Ill iogeierj mille. pinch si,1w itpi bai clîopped nuls, dî o cli ei-bu ler t butter 11-; cupa four-1 ddti easxoo baig powder1,,3 tason ai at bka. icc alrait I 34cep butl" iter, oilin logtixr. oocx eiroro tire, btnI'inti oz melîctI chocolate an ioa ioxe 3 eggs. BaLe oy n dîopn s I ll ftreaîoîsu i L T k ch in a subsequent aî'lîcle. in the first stages of bore Ibroal. a compress is olton *ellechxo, and manx sax ore cases 0f such trouble mighl be averiefi, aod rouefi suiferoîg sax cd, h inotiiers ooly know of and u'~J the sim pie rcîoedy iii Urne. But so oll*c~ï wo foîget about tho "stilcb in lime' ond tel a congli or simple sucO Ibroal go oo until il is bord 10 chook, ood jnuoh sut- forîng is onioilcd, ail of xx hicb migbl boxe b on axoided by a iîmoly opplica lion of xvatcr. Noria 0f oui' lbree clijîdron axer had an altooi~ of ihe cîoup, oiliioogh olten box iog ayroptom.s ol il, ond w e are i'nnfldeiït lb I o fi nely îles cf the oo'i'î- preas boa been the prex ~nhx e. l'or a colci iii Ibo bead il N cften bene- ficiai to inhale Ibrougli Uic nostril:. steam lrom b xiling xx aloi', holding hie bond antI lace os licou lice ix 01er as pos sible, 50 OS 10 gel tue steam as bol os can be borne. Aller a lhoîoogb sio'im ing, if ho patient lies doxi iî with ciolbs wi'ung fi so xx ater as bot as con be boino on Ihe lhrcbeod, ar't i:epl bot. tîsing Ibe iiid aoplir'alioo fOI' hall an boni' or sx, greal rehef udt u~ually be expei'ienced. lu case ci' a bruNe or-airnilor injury. an appîlcohon ol clolbs w ruog h m ~ ors bol w'îtcr, oîîd cbaîîged os s '00 115 lbey begin te cool, wiil prevent swelling or discoloisîlon aîîd removo ail sorencas fraisa the ports. Cenuine' :)Cr Ileiw. 'fixe e lite Hqhcst Io fiors o l n e ~ ~ ~ ~ [i Ielilelh er aiii-dc-; oi \Ved io!eScî u t b froaxxBo its of Ciaejnoal Canaa, uxhse stls, C Irlov, aln tilt , iii, i hels r- fer i nti lii - i'od akîe drauîn 5,00tickelt r o ld. Ho whsvý- is ~ ~ W, folnl1eog raw he lucky' the girl briga xibr ads!!dory; -o f rlm IpLi on " um th t icket cover o b aii Dk "a Cnumptonbu tisLide ? . ct ITS TlUE -ý,AM5ERICA NMOTL TMS YE IIIT Î r5M R N 1D)SPE TFE IANEU 'Iknw lehat îreghl ia columo inea s'îw have-ee 1prseaed ni e ihît T could 70t Gtherwise ihave lîad acice'sate; Becaiue aIl crî e nd thoughîf;lc,1 ne maer ýýho-w wi l thir !idesaQdiverlge, are gi vrefrn unrnci in ils eco:;ms. T70 RE"P LFSENTU S 1 N VERY COMMUNý-TTYÎ larelad aaifor fuli cor sýpa-re te or. helierl om is sions and cah riss ffeadIanlte marvelous acllng qualitie"s a1zine Clubbing Cmain, or witih the hndsmet tIlesetof b'ooka yenouever saw,- our LTLMAEIPC"sri- to biqî'pabusies ihneocaitalexcpt ENRG -ubsf- andproitale ncoe. e'l begla bteil you IlHaouit if yesa- asbus rieTOýDAY beoreenforge "1-1_1 ît)itohe Rv ow f R3e ew1i ' Copn, 3Atotlce om 4,NeYo 1 70 DOTYOif NOW AN AGNT Sar ke wrth2.5Cent fr bs rr) iuýsame nd;liss-o you endil? yer's absripion REEif tepason ourcoî a snap iLa in Canadp.

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