tition The aunSdanstatesmanrt-la1011 ellhd fVcry aed ely nin rug a tolk 26 S tteman flock, King 'Stieet, jýnrmau C'li Ot., by M.A. Jms Edior nd roprietor. Subscription ïtrictly in advanïce. AdIvetisbug rates. trauieutadvetfsig~ en ce-nts per ,e ~rs iusrton;five cents per linâ eli.ch mubsequenit ,ils 2rtion. , otract rates 4;n Ilarrister n IlcIr an Cnveaner 13olewaulvîîîe. Mon8y to bjan at reason. able rates. 48-lyr. PROBERET YOUJNG,V.S Oposte Towu Hal Etranc, liee e wIll ýe fouiîtdfrom R a.in. tu p ni,. 'heI eradee.di-et. y poteDrili Shed. 1-y WIl~titrupt ion vitis p:reseni occ upain Wasitecii tuleuit l securiujg nposition. ron'Adbeay. Write 'oday for frec cataloguIe, lustrciosanapplication bleui. A.6, Bo'stIon io flineapo is, 111, U. 5. A. -P URSUANT,' TO POWÏERS 0F * ihwîibe Vroned* atr ch inte e th-- Sale, P uîb 1 îc Acto 2 2 n ciDAY 0 F D ýC !iBERi A D196 BlsbOpA"eiUer, tme felwn scb eo pad: Firstly, etft'ss'tIl w ;tquate- e nol wy sacre c h1noO ws qa rter f lo t cty s t e n ie n n t mmt acescftie nMhee ur e Tsi op 1 e ra lo ue îet fe aideiGn btlLh iea.ei Osas a OF SAL J. y, Gne-enluoaH a tnt c sleeuug Ohw s li îra~u imle eethr t N prhaeM«buen udt4e3alnc 3w S Thp a tw'e !ij ýiew lu axi tli usaufcir ica re sid t hathe neetinjg,hsdo membersa al pres. .snig. Ml.inutes of on mýotion con Veld frein a nui îg for tbe opeig oui Bilih treàet nf of Ceus. Spry wss referred t Coin. te rep n on A 11Lmbe-r 0f tex appOals wene rece re2d te the court ofneiso Tl'b Duri-au RhbrCi.',. band aFk Cti fn rem ao f taxKes ontheir baud stanýd prOPertîy. On imotkiofo!Couns. Spry and Telse tes other ta f routage tax, was emîtd Tish lre Lîtght Ce. notified tise Coopcil th'at they were new rennung an u ail nigbt service, Raud that froml- this ont tisere would op ne f urther reýbats from tiseý regeler ceutrac,. On motion of Ccos. 'ýHil er aud LKâig, tise maler was nefenredt th ie Pab. Property ,Cerm wîth the Chef te Io )k inte aid report et tise3 next meeting. Freintise GueealBras WonksCe., To-ronto, niotifying C )uncil thaýt they had decided to rtmai iiin Toronto, end thanit ing, Council ber ceurtesies extended te lheir repreaenatives wliile hure. F'rem. thseO. P R Ce. re tiseir pro 1xeseti entrance te ILe town FroDi Canada Nojrthennm yCe, aAk ung- for imp of the Lewis, and aise ýýccst of right of way tLroeugis îewu.Rfret te Puis, Prop. CeOn. Coun. Hiler presented report frein FinanceCrrcmenigpvnn ois accouLta emo1unting te$Q5415 59 fas followsï: j1od e ftareetýs $5 Fire sud W11ter, $77 92; Police, - 303 Pu.Pnep., $4,3 37; Cemetery, ,$ý4 50; Peer Relief, $75;Coningenrt, $5j 52; Printing, ce3 R'cuivet d adope Ceeu. King resetedreport frein Pnb. Prop. Crn. re the petition of S Sco)bell aud others, eskinug for iights ona Kýing 5sireeteuat; tigait i a nenertaineti et peet as tbeY undensteeti il wrs lise intention of the EetncLigit Ce. te exfend ligista t bers in the spY.nug,whien tise uatten migisl be conýsidertIl. Ceelu. Spry in1du 3 Y law fer -tse holding ef àMun1icipal e1Lectioes l'or tise yeer 1907. On motion council weut jute ommT-nitten, c f tise wieois ith tie Mayer in tise Chair, w"h2n tise By law was -1ive1 Ils severalrednad e-6Blïiç fled in. Cousu. Galbraiths roved, secentied Ïby CounK'ng, that tise motionU refenn1ing tise appeai of thie Cauanien Expess Ce. te tise Court of Rvaibbe ricen sidened, sud thet tise Incarnete assessed on thein te rmte Allter soe rsrdsuse'onu cdjourmed. book, For rai e ig 20 Plg Bjwmaýnvil.e, GAIND 1 POrDS ~Iwas ail mn down andi couti n=tde m_.y o wr Eerybg I A dmat e micsce MSuite !'Dr.Cisoe'e nreFondiandi ro- rSelve-ci ft>v it. Asaeul fti treent1 bae gaind an pounde3do run own Workmaue anti feIslie an h ie cnaeceeu t 9)7 tisp naine of tish Cnic LIUme Nee wonk wHIiihbecisauged te ptistof tie "Home Needewerk Magazinof cen- tuba" Pracica anti teuicalluMme iions i in nsfloçt endiese aisbsof Ln3e01ework Iluslra;tions cf dsgs patterns, M.adels, sgetos oSl blak and Oweon, wu!l be mor prfus tissu heretefere. Sml oy1 eî Coricit 51kCcenpnPbihr. ro, Qe.Tie TATESMAN Uanti tise HerndI'ýdlwork bMagv 7zne vil,' ha se f $50 fer eue sar 1eetsCultur-e!for DUscemnber la ce tanyof gr afimora c t is eade3rF. rebllt mb s reglisanti 'Cor Cshel be reat uaIl. T voiset bet aciceie uieevil. Oth)er pa,,pens area trs livetid t ou eS ' Trlopicua! ri andy istrte wih shouiýtarn by alwho weuid ha eeL. publiiser at $ 90 yea or 10e a rinmbor ey Tise HeAtti Chltre Conpanv M 3West2ir Steet% New York. einigwith an attracti-ve, anowy anti 'cbnsla vcr, tise Deceinber D(esigner failaninturesuiIIg liaI o! sýeasenzbie articles 'J]hoe vatrunfor mfidwtteter garmnenta vs prove o! un- Us'uai velue "Points on Desnig also whl prove o! g7reaýt Ibelp.,reîîv suggestionsa for "Mudwl,-nter ,1'11neuyll ise Deigner tsChnisîm18 La ffenung a especiaiiy "isomnej" and! brIght Dr. John MCllcswbo reentlv re- meoveti te Ltndsay freinBlck li s purcietiPnD. VW W Nasmyvti's pase ee anti fine rsdue Mue~s [mali."buîtbj Dr. Wrn. Ala. eeîît- fer, aud lu the san> tise West. Dr. Me te Japetin l a supost. alof 1200 r u îlawafiln js- May reL'Ovej -, aelois wiil reuso4"e( ,y ortw.Ls- Iieetiun P e -iru - F, a AFf? 1 '1 J. MRS. "Itr iihn u-e u tetPo ater o o iai one AmT og lir Mand red accompaied tise disenew-strsible. tise tonesand 1 wns 'l-,a wecst condition. cItrsi d?-"rt rcemedies ati t'1es best professionl teletal lu in iuny ster ii irHambîton. 441 couit ssateady 4mpovem n nt rffer 1nsing ,,four btte 'A in pein Luiine I was feelingwelgan y LITEIIARY NOTES. Tho December numbbr ci Keith's Mag- azine is ci special inieresi,' as it. fea lures ibis mûnili the piaster benne a si)la ci structure Ihet lis gaining in populariiy hy leape auJ bounds. The laading aride "Tha Evelulion ci ihe Pînster Flouse," show~s xvhat can ha docte and what is being doue lu Ibis lina in. tise Scuihwcsi. ElahI new de sîgs 1 r b ainlîuIldc r li a f thi 1 su, al ;xn1pify1V)p4sla co- I irtîcic d il-sho:r np leasýing e 1teld proi agicaf ýIîepa bssae lion~~ ~~ fedl eri. Sm Suggcil rialal seru 1ies e xal Jcrto Ficionappopiall, favre wih h Ch ita sirCi stl peoian J lirM hue I', " he! i t i lt i l o " y flax o in "he ChistuiesSTe." thert (irac S. lîch onoAnimptant tee turc cfthe ma azine t after e un-o publishei >1oemIb the lae ugen re, M.deicN . Fieid. arlonicf 10Gene il gised -1aihes ip(1e0 ;.1 Aen111 q h,3, spa- tllioli;Mhand Te uidt. 1r Ilýt(iilînea aud pain. He tý r' a s:i,ýiýC,ýo t i,1' ,-)I trul bigopecly a thîng cl tise3 past. "TodayI wuidnet taisý oe ue tousanti dollars for F hat t is gadmetilie has ons orme," Ma1'ny women ows vutheir lvs of Perunsa. A grea-t many moe stheDir -hecaith iPer-> A ~ ~ ~ W1e mu+iue11-oe trUhu Canada are using Puruena un a preveuta- tive uda relief from catarrisal egs anti colds We han uOur fles a great uiner of luttera from nlgrateufl'womren 'who -have oemn ce ed biTy IPraa, pmissiýj o teuse tuselattera bu inpublie pnint. Calar-is would (net ba such u curse Io the humnan rae f pee-pla thoroughly une iot fs natu're. Ca hri3aa disease wh.Ichneycer fin. dccee'e nted te onet is -negiaetd It huL e a Ëat nce tA pe- vent i it froi mxakng v ponvital cal articles are "Chrisimas Thousghi~" liy Dr. Fdw ccd ~vereit hale, 'Woman's Share lu Hie ~ew Chiid Laher Pro- grant," lcy Samuel MeCune Liudsay, and "Easy-to-Make Chrisintes Prosenis," by Grace Margaret. Geuid. There are sex eral claver pcems by Wallace Irwin, Edmund \'anca Cooke, Chinton Scohlerd, sud Samuel Minium Peck, and a Christ- nias plai in verse by Katharine Pyle, 7-1u 1 Onu ! , O s ei'fr. 1- uta neparîmenJi s S ûc -,- 4--m ('OOD THING3 TU1IS YEA TItAN 1,,VE R B E V GIE Tise girl or boy Miwbo ýg uwsnp ~ih pleamue sud au iuliaeusM rgood. LMi-wiscls Dot liki E bui lter yeers'cs ý n -a-rrs~e a sut Niciolas Yomr Chni'efrand àu 17. Its pages wi![ hs ieS chtisa m',pyearc with DakseEs cf fui-y taies bv Frn-c-s Eoýdg' wsns nover writiea,-clise anise e! "i. Wvizgs OF ie Calsisage PaleS" ,,h es rill1es a1 Seriai gte.-?y bot tise .boys whe ead St NieSeinsý; heit esasllChrisîmna l e ft t113 at ores atO-yý , "Aih Ana." f rm te athr o tie n-,uy Lon tones,; moecf PWky Icikst.'nomeur'a eew Msel y RAiph Reny Babon"YetaouAuti ilsrtosby tise be,t Bu r zorîa isie agi anobn fuetshort s torie.ia-l ketchesanti polacisoce stc'es, aud tieSetNicisiLaceue.thse vas. cri yable nnd siîuxietiu ci f yoG1 fu t)Lk n7% x. fcled bu 190. LAOBS'i NG MAG'T Au bycronaga aabý! le o uuead _sieti1etmSaleOte.T uuanii amout bybaudrequ rati th seicsa sixina ersixn ouesr.t flic uîrine is bo,-t and scaldig- He1ed tise danger signale. Take THE GENTL.E KHDI4EY PILL "Bu-J" stimulatsandi etemgushatise weakened, Commnicaionsw(ee receiv'd (rom Ilu regard t exendure o oundarýy hues, James Bnhmmd plcto rent di~i sied 1r skaing uiGranedý. LA àu caseci a poli is demanded tor: CenucnLuors rfe year ]De By aw racî nd -al eg, sigeid,=4ale aithe f!)!o'i in prtesand p-laces ap oitedl ; îs-. Nýo 1 Tewn hl ~c sokJBF3 euor,1) 1R O.Di'N 2 rng all, blot1 cu2, Da n li1 ) R O sD(.No 3 oolje~ N.7, Go H Iyt.R o; Div. o Micee Caprunslot 2 co 7,Wm,ýx R,,ueve sgnsd orderSans fLAlws: chaso. Ciuan, Indigent, $4; T. Whîlfi. ,12 rdofwîre fuu,$;Whliby Ouncil, ler woko atrgtaLrîd WhIiîby boeuary 11.50;ManersCotuuclifor woak ou arîwtigh sud Mavers heuni dary, -$10 83; TttiucAico ,Ihe kiiled y dogto thri1e "value, $6; Tueos Davidsurepaira to culIvenrt con). S 5 '> D idGaDiraitis irey fur am! a fhair roda(if wire fue 2,2 o ear te ceet, coniý. 3. $"2; Jemes Hýall, e- Trea. S S No i. M onjjipail g;e'.t u Trustes re$40013; Jon Wightdo, Ne. 2 86 9271Rouent A Brme N1 $236FI; Jon Teins, Ne4, $?s930 Abm omahi ekNo. 5,$376 90; ib 1P111p, Ni6 2905; janelue ,N 7, $9 45; G -.toevN.8 $8,7 tetu ebl sat mut subr, $2; -seChaina, 9roda ef wire feuce 11225 Gas tepsesbalance oun co fo)r timben, $17 2,1; Vri. Par, rebats ont sttt abon, $1 50; Geo-. McLugshu serice asReeeselecting j uror nd. of H,$3;aes yrsevcss C3leriL-s ïaalary ant sletigjanorsc$u2 R J, McNally, repaira te chair 0 CeeniJGl adjounrned 1te meeýet Dc Sh 1906 W~rBEÂO e1T'p Clerk. A vÇsie hch has sýtfedf.t 3, &bGnd fuor ailthm, ia Set5îm A mArîcan life , bs hiaid fas b 1e eunei traeîuns e terare, atded neterlihv nthe da.Veupment oùf Alaeicas at by eduotig pPU"arase suLd l'Li tiuok in tis0 banda eùt prowiSing ai istv, and in sea aiý1 nac ut cf sEý"Sselenrged c"pon a "ud c àplec ipu licnIMm, justiceto opotiiefor aiL--li-TeOtocs &nfor filll prsecu cu ed1 a t M.1 R. Be r's, veItïei lier grantIfaI'hr, Mn. Jame lrs anti AirsFracS O'aeBowusan- svill, îstbu ierMntiser imrs. Thensasoîý wa suda !IStena, ise Misses Ce-Ivihie, visited at'Mr, E. Ben"w' ,Yalivertcmn, Mr. antiMe. rtbur Farrow, vett Se>. faber, Mr. A Conuvier, on tise ) vitisenfari lisud Mme Tisonsr A N bi have ruxurueti frein Hpieatsyvstt M-H.Moulton bas rt'urnetih;lin me frei Wierion, Fsud M. anti Mrs ill- iam jArmstroeg are expeanetishoridy. Mrc. Pnk rSnsitb ho bI) as beau vhiitlng be ohe r e. FHughsonbaeýs etumusut)i te her bora t C -ubýourg. Mrc. (Drn7) F. W. Trali bas reiunnet te Valejo., havilug apent an eecj îy. able vost ih rd!e liseherm Mn. wn-. Coi-n!Fy s is aspuWasd tisa Omonio bakenybidigf2rnR. C. M0,-L Mn, John S, Green-woud, rlad. poeetiof! bugrýce"rybuieshr. 'Ir. Emn At isn hnetent is Appis pcklg ang toail oys.tez, spper ou Fnidy wMek Mies Bajsais Sta-pie, slaî, hitt lier uncle, Mr. Colin Siaples,ýSUuda'y week. Mise Rein tDouicastter bas sieonrueti a position lu QshaýwePoat Offlue.' Mrn James Ritig basgune te Baisons bnrg, lu s genarail)'làcks.miîh s'sop. Miss6Uljan Ra, Port HJope, heu been engagetiA teta i Lch-te aPchol. Thé MOOnah resîdeisas on MaSi sctret v as oidt 1 M. Lesac Winter, Manitobe. Mi-. Wlîler weut 19 Mau- Itoba ovar tw;eut;y yemao p)Pd"OîÊboy. sud wili a:unn h taloiîy %Whibi wfa aid faktnly of six ohiltirena te cc- coipy hie naw homes, sud hlve a rotlred Spnn~hii DitritN. S., la Sn A depates irm hfaliax scys,: laniadpx ituatin lu Cumbtili CHat aspiigdatgdre drbase lanti ut, thaf ne par.os wioI i I 'Bîy Mple eaf'llubersI o wani'tac neat, Gau Con Ornt tho shape of the shoe-, styiish fth. Sil- in Shape. Wear long. DOCNýJ'TFE AD T EIerylDayi SBa At the ~~t Aispll Ce c, nre stilihndn B] ~ ements, BiihColumia Red Cedi !3iands Cear ad PJIniS1ne SLumber, Dressed vaiUndressed,1 F'reushMidSerantýIon ol,Canne! ei Seu S Cal Charuoa], Hardd Se! t Woodf, Lonrg, Sawel sud. '~Spiit ShahsEdgingsLand Piaster, Fne and' CeaNe Sait in barreis and sck. e aiways aim ite gi-ve tis beatvalue at reasoable pnices.llighoet asis Pric, S paid forGri antid ets King St lEasti Bawmnvilla va a 'S. gain I Brands Canadian .ar anl i oter geet Deors, Sasi, ilitid2 0 s nou nam nt o te jHome. r opular taste no0 clings te deeply car-ved, P'Cople vo want risý - simple, eleganlce. Thae is theway 1 ma * new Grand Pein sular The '<Grand Peni is easy te keep clai, Yb there are -cno cdeep carvîî collet he dat nd dîrt. design is sîmple but very efcive. No ftessor Just smooth surfces which cake a beauifu bright p The nccle casîings are detachable, and c n e off wviîheut leosening a boit> whvIen the - rgeisi brushed or cleand. Then ý,there is tliseALL-S'TEE L OE-teTJ{ERMOI on tise otren door-exîra lar-geGRTBA -adaoenoi andlaor-îeing cnvniece-thi reexcusve i;mGi PENINSULAR. IHave your denIr show' you al ihcsc poîmit. UNN DisbandràIrt o dest 0f Forces of tise Doiminion. WH.DUNS- A daspaich from London saus: ici- exchtîngo parial recipr-'cbty lu soldiers pi ici mu Canadian t h le oea et lite recuits et Vu~sr Soi va- auJ British lary ihaidanes recant dishan litent cf Une chiait sottie bettallons et iha Briti4tï arnty iii scribes tu tha foîtheranca ci tha genocai pic- gramme et eceiiemy. The new îtiî.î e- nîceit watt be iniliaied b) 150 nîcu. xx lic Stalla-'~l ivore lately dishandc-d front ibe lh'rîl Ethel, Ihat Battalion of tuS Manchestar luahitcactt. lest nirist nie an; 015505 tpe cart ha sept 'ceps sent b C mccc cieseiy an Imperiai te 'l think I le teli 1 nie- i r0lecd I Ther' an eed ih uulctions Dy maji lât yourý ligin flim-, - el., . - - - , -'i -î., - 7; 1 Ç: r a:&, 1 li, SI,