OPERATOSWANT _________S fl~~fC~ On ra or ~IIcei D r wilesei nt luc a ow lettr fr r 7 ý arm 9;â à publicto thtt De8 50 mh at aia o':o-kP fo withth e ir rt d Chrism pvinv Pas rv e, 'er, itlle h& ben pib lete for t W oh&s iss uhatvra write a lezter far publication on tiwn itopies with whlch bis riame bas beaun oo n s ad o- z re ~ r~xc. associated, omitting groaspersonalities, we shali bave pleacure in publishîx'g ALSOSMA~ GIRS TO E R "We must bud the ladder tbat reach- j as Up te success-let each citizen put in a rin.".' Mr. H. J. Lytia, manaiger of the lin-dsay brandi of the Bank of APPLYMontreal. recentiy macle use o! the sâbave trîte saving, which should be allowed to sink deep int the minds of o EUEMw 'LMIT ElD our business menaPndcitizens. Rend it ovar twice. Tbink, it over, Then OSH WAONT RIOanswer the quecries: Have I ut lu m-, OSH WA O TA IOring? If not, ýwhrca 1put it in? So miany citizens, sýomci of tham tbe largest reai esIate- owniers in towu, have waited ou. us the past few dayo and re- questad us to again be a canidida.te fo.r @ inavor or reeve, that -we take this MeanaI taligai ot than aýn .il s~ ~ ~~~I whîaeepesd t s thteir desire tbat we sbouild agaiin enter mun- icîpalj politiCS, RÏud of -asig thalt je ~1/I~1IY X~KtII annt acepianv extra dutie3 at SllltSresent, owin, - lh conrtin ot u ________________________________ a. ea!tb. WVe hýv ad no serious in- M * ~~ tentions o! en.tering mncpllite next -Ether pricc -t you a ýý01i suit, olle -______ ThRt von- wiil f eel aI homae in, It w'ill ho, cut ta fit perfectly. S Tlhat vou. wlý iook ;ree n, IF will ha f shionabie. h;ere is a daînger 'bat maniy people S That -wilI asrna.md Ito wvil ha big o~au. , f liymxted meants wi idIspendi mo1nev for, e ~ Letus sho '~ou ur gooe li«Q cvCristmas prsnstbat~ shouisi OvErÏOA:-ý-Yor lpitliet gamen vev soilDow Ai be used for nýecessaries for tlhemselves -&ROTSYu h1nies !amn er -oo now Ai ~ rheir own ho)uaebold Tbev seem to tha eril nsai se nso k radv for our -rii ' ad - vlo the tc btagf tîî your bu. ing it will plea.se us to hive yout eailu1 seso ksa evidece of god.wl andhi You can',t aifford toý payv leess than we charget because gool el t, remembrancel. A prettY sentiment cnri wokCan~ hodn trbs t lie bt work,, because aé praîty card, a photo, ai book or any i better worký cani't be3 doueo aïiywb1-ere b,, ani\ bod. Ilusetul arYtîc]e expresses the heart's ' greetinge ju-t as effectiveiY as a- more 1 a SeOstly preseni. A ascriplion 10 the' e home paper or a mag8tzine foi' a person 1 & ON wois tond of realn aian admirable JEFFERYxma &-ONlXsit. #à THEu STATESMAN bas neyer lu ira bis- ~~ tory had sncb a rush of advertising, almasi entirelv lnsolicitesi too. WVe this week are3 forced to issue a "ýBaby STATESMAN" to carry -orne ufthe ad- vertising. elso nu- home pages woW(d ha al advertïiidg. Somre huu'rireds of e extra copies are boing printd, ever3' week since November isI, and sent Our rOPOSOnS nul o ur reg-uiar lists. ' TheF are boaring fruit for nover lun TT E MA' hitr shve mau)v voIuUtarý subiscriptions beaui received, 4 to out knuiwiedge. ersetui ask our renders 10 saud this weok's T,,pr t&'distant friands afler reao1ing il ___________________________________________ ~ -articles it conlains. laswrt u flama on a papor se saunt. ChrrsNia i Ab out n ______? iio Abut urs? ~Daringonis shujwingZ a storm peîrel, OW s h tme o -uvVou FUsý 'M.ýMaerthe Ibis ýear. UJnleas the storm subsides(3 W latis lie t bu yulr urs M.Mayr * on, Or hore Dec. 1 ithare. will ha a - fturr.r has a fifli lino of ail kinsis of furs and w municip)al conîost Some yuungar men N0w ai1lse !pol.Cp.oofrn thomselvos as - sacrifice ta LADIES - Fur Jgekets. Fuit- Jackets. 'Sto'as, luifs, t hespittaftheirdesirt's. ReevePa6coo NAEN'S - Fun Coats Fur Lied Coats, Caps, Gaun' its, promise 1lasi ' ear. This would leave a Divn MJitts and Fur Coliars utapiran. fr iedt insara nfrom ~ CBLDR~N' .~ Strm olirsRuis, uif Ga ~ta s Cas ~ thatt quarter sbuuld ha elecled. Saiemn iddFm.bas a man. Bethesdat bas anoîbier, ~~~~~Ne~~~~~~~~ &Iohv aeisokc ~eG'eMte e - ~lampioni can; put Upi several and Matple tisUbeis SlI and Linon 11,-ndker)chiefs. , e c suit GrOo t hin-l ka i l about limie thjal section a~~~~~~~~ .-frihitutePeens~d a man of ils own. If s the inten- Sioni O! P-11 pr-osent mnembers te off-r for ff...l.,..-uf-4ra eletion- Mr. J W Mclaughilln for MY arkY .us ia .. Y.a y., Reeve andi Nir Alex Wigbt for The Furrier Boxýmqailville. izeeve. Bath are0 strng mon _--d wil E ..~ not Iikniy beopposed. lndeed, ihemau _________________________________-- who de! eats any o! the present miembers w wihaeu ebuy right a-way for hae ~ ~wili have a herculea-n contract. Altbough we hava by no meaus ex- hauslad the discussion of tha wcrk and money-speuding of the Town Council, we prafer te drap the question for Ibis,, week as wa dasire tbat peace and good- ___________________________________________________ wiil shali prevail amcixig hil citiza3na 'ehave not writteni an unkind or ù ls- i especiful word o! auv mamber of the * Council, having confined aur wriling axcilusively ta criticizing their actions Il Ud l n r and axpendituresR, buIt soma uftlhem a hbave gui excaedingiy angrv, tooish men Ihat tboýy are.«aud- hav e actd ii;ýe bigbihbrlg cholbos.We doIhel Dr.Sam el ohsto sa :-"L t) 1 vrg aho o decidad nutc TheBuinssCollage, SI.Oatbarines, can doa f r s ou whai ehe be coiiected betore the end At Decembter bia dloue for scores of yuur fellows if yuu wil' bu- -ive ber lthe su IhaI Ibe deficil mnay b2 as t s n pportnnity. S.atter Jaur r.psil.Wlth the 25 miii tax rate uf 19063 thora Laever shouldi hava bcem an,, T. F. WRIGH 1-u esýacicfl altd Ilepn w,311 ttha in PIheir osthnes exýepi haIý R ad PricîIl Sireai's cornmittaa w hicsa exceaded li ostmt by soma Prmouii,, rrning weil up tu tno abortage na.med by Such exces o! oxpeuditure ovar lthe ostimates bas never- boon kuroýanbefore _j bn Bowmagnvlle'e Coutncïl record, 4 More Busy ShOpping Days Str pnEey-Store Open Every X ight Till Xmas. NSt TiOpenXmas _DON'T-____DO'T nis Fail To See Our Fail T - ----- - * Dislay . .Display ... Thes iv*Il b Dus dayBe sure and have a and we ask yoio do look at aur fine range y yur shapping as early ~ of Chinla and Croekery S as possible.-tebetlton Î- Mp re S ý;a j j Just put in stock ai a big savi g-Ladies' Fancy Couirs, Tics, Balla, SCarts_ Shawls IIIIIJ~8L~K~~C~L~LIJI~D Cilouds, Dress Fronts, Baaded Puises (the lalesI) and. Hosiery, birnsSmi S Coals and Drosses in Siik Cashmere, Veivet and Ptear Skin. Boys' and Mïen's Sveaiers (135 sampies ta ehoose tram) 'very fine quality. Men's Dressing Gowns,-Smoking Jackets, Bath Robas and Vâney Vasîs. IlHandkerehies-lhe finest choice wa bave ever hait 2c to $1.00 Un~Ia from............................75e up S SUppers tram......................... 2.5e up lu $t.75 pair. iuen goods of ail kinds, Chidren's fine boots for Xmnas. Seie the Children's Samiple Coats in Silk, Cashmere (be»--itif1Lly ernbroidered) Velvet and Bear Skin at Lessa thanl Whoiesale Prices 'elEdbsWest End busee Ifeadquarter.s for Po c-rus ns ours-. I SeYon vWjE UNDERSTAND perfectly well the co ndit ot;s that comm-and trade and are makIng it distitly Swrth your' while to send yovr Grocery, Fruiit ard Fïsh orders to us, We ilueep îin tuch with t1y, most up-to date whi-olesaIe people in binress and whaîeverweae in the buyinig goes to you in the selling,. You run rno îisk at a11 ini telephoninr sendi01, your rcquirements. We guarantee absolute satisfaction wvith ail orders entrusted to us and discounit eeyh in sight whien it cornes to values. F£,:ruits for the Xmas .Cake. Seeded Raisýins 2 p.e for, ...........2c C-urrants ý i bs for...........5 Blueg Bell currnts, choice qualty, heautifali fivr ~Iha for..........5 Loosa t urweatRisns pr b .... .......S Figa,' 5 ibs fo .................... 25 Dates, i»ew. aioenBransci, i8lbs, for... .25e Lèmon tPeel, par lb....... ............... 20e Orang& tPeel, par 1lb.-.............c Citron 'eel. par lb......... .........0 Sae tLindor.U Display Weary of Winter Ara yon tiri-.elsi ut Wntr Fuud-'?Do'oul want for-taýsle o! summer eeest'W biave a agulaRr Juno di-3play utfelLcious gns2en sli Isummaer pices. L-ettuce, par bunich ... ................ 5c Pars'ev, par buncis............. --........ 7c Colery, per bunch.......... .. ......... 5 Bacishes, par huuch..........e 'We aiso have Peets, Canuts, Tar-nipp, -Cal - baes aud Oaious;, Tis IVOI2HL CRQGERY Oranges, Lemons, .Grapes. CaifriaOrn epr doze. ....... 1...SO Cali fornlia Oranges,'I large, par dozen-,, 40e Floida Orangea, par dozen ......... eO Grape Fruit, l.arge. aach ý«...........10e Califorula, s;ceadesa, very fine,...830C Malag-a Grapaes, per 1lb..........2e See xhiioir- isu WE ARE ALWVAYS READY TO BUY PROD UCE -Ready lu pay ail tbai we eau afard for Butter and Egga-t and othaer tiingSa Ia gracary store nsuialy gels train a tarm-r. It sbouild ail bhaoftibe fine-st quality than it will bring- the topp i. Hlow to Dress 'r- ultry TO B BING(i THE BEST 'PRICES FOR 51111' P!NG Halive tise birds wol fateued, give tbamn nutb!ing lu aeat for 21 or euekiln.Bleesi weil, pluck dry, d'l(' scalsi, lave head andi tee- on, aiso long teather-s of wingsa - a'ilu Dori't draw the entrails, place band under win ',, fid tent and île witb string. Lastiy, du not for-et lu bnlng ihai Louns. I Vi KJNGHT None og