A Merry ,X as to Ail Our Friendis. h O MAKIE YOU MIERRV and give you a chance to make your friends happy----We have placed lu stock, and are T ofiering for sale the finest assortment of useful articles suitable for Xmas presents for Father. Mother Sister, Brother, &unt, Cousin or Friend. Comprising in part the following: Fvor the Leadies Fur Ruifs and Gaantiets muffs, and Collarettes. Fascinators, For the House Chenille Curtaiins, Chenille Table Covers, Damask Table flnvers. flumsk C flrtans. Lace COirtainsabl'elpflmasks ra Tlh1t For the tien Fur ColIlars and Gaunti1ets, GIt,Ves in Mocha, and r s for man uneso! Xm prst - Doine ui ok eser pons Brasad KOliadBadsPuKivs Our sock or gWntrfort asTcgt agr1 W. i.Dustan Phone 74. 7,r, W. S Gamsiby ras la the City re- cently. Mrj. and mes, Jas. Fisher msud son vltaa Mr. T, Jaokfson'a recently. Mr. Ge, MuBgreve ha. returned frcmi the city imIpOved iu hea!lh. Mr. and r-lrWÏiliam caun,Bowman- ville, Visfised friands, the AMisses cl- ville. Me, and àMn.A.. JStaple and Nis Agatha Staples 3Viuted ÏiOnde lthe City. Dr. David ScmnervIlle, Chlieao, 111. bas beýen Ili wilh typhfold but le reoov- ering.. eoe uodBho Mr. BebeeChareOS nodsho ehui cf Rev. -S 'y'Mounteer's, was a reecent vielitor at theePanae miss BeatýriCÇ3 ester aýtteded the converEazlone at Victoria Unlversit'y Toýron)te, Mr. Fred C. Mears,PrircOlp3a cf Our Sechool, will teaqch Stvathcmoa Szbool !n Addi,oin 0CenntY fer 1907. Mr. W, T. Andrus bas inlshed the peddllng s aso sd willl Spend ýib wjlnter wth his siter5 aib BownanviÎll andi L'ndEay Mr, wm. Armstrnng recelved a lengljhy ltter froue Dave Les, an old soclm&eWho left bers 37 jean sue Davo ïS now 7resllng aiHo)t 5rn Iowmanville. Ark , gnd Isprospercus. Mra. NYAJerome ,Syracuse, N. Y. was mumnirled home on account cf the ilInese cf bet hnaband. Her daughter Mrs.S ctieacom hnedbe. Wolverhampton Lod2e. S. 0, E B S elecoe the followilr.4 ciffle-ers P. W. p Ose.ý W. Cornieb; W.V P. L. T Eîwe ad W V P, James E HaqWke; CbAp, A W Carveth; Secretnry D. T. Alitin seen- teenth cscuIv' ys ae by ac'clama i nl Ttcasu-,rv.j G Boney;Comte n lat F W Do)bson ?ind Jas. W3d W H Ba-rrait., 4 thbJ oh n Spryy, 5 h) N C Allln, Gth lobÉe 1Coopýer: 1 G.,H Hooper, O G. John E-j ar-s odg Trutee - ohnD.avFy, Wni.4 vin- ptroû02S Ctet Auditors A. W Car- vetb, 'q He0per auid W E l srre't The Chiake.-n Pie Sup)per uondeýrthp auspices o! the Pehîeînchu rch waî a great a2UcCý'pp; the net, recufp P being $10?. After ehe supp.r saitte grainÇpa2 given a3 foiowS: Solos hy; Mise iThomnps n, MCGArniatrrcnp and Mrý . b JhpIades yM Bss' Vîlda Cowan and Ed3na Smith, quaIrreit by Misa Thoimpso ., Ms.Somýervi le Dr ColvIlle anidMv Chapiznanr Rea itatlIons by Mrs RUee eM Fraser Little îaud PRev M le NMUaiCal eecln by ClarlkeUno or lait pret3luig. minutes ci 'ast mieet ing re-ad, and on motion confirmcd. The Clerk reported taifle dltc had rieturned bis ýrolf, ihomlas ;-Iherin piedte haiïve b itne taken off tho dram ax':roil, daim lng tha)t ho bad no conniecion wih 1 town draiýn On motion cf, Councillori EÎLiir and KUinyit was ýreterrecd toRoedt and Sretsciý oitorpoton, From (I. W. rant, Týuooto, climîni that 4ie 'ha-d no -ntice ot't1 assssine on bis cotge at th'e lake, Moived bi Couns. HuElllier and Tole that the tappea 'Dismet ninconice, as tbe notice wa not placed on11 bis assset paper. O1 moýtion ot coun-s Glbatbsd Rn tha appeal was allovved. FProm -ýJames McLean. 0 cpp 1aln aqainst assessmient on bsnsas lb, notice was not placed on bisý asseasýmen paýper. On motion cf Co-us. spry .)n Ilillier, the appeýal ewaallowe. UaPt. Ring made a similar cem-plaint as no not1ice ad been served on lmn-, 01 motion of (Jouns. Hlieir and Tojle thý aýmount wss reitted. The Messrs. Mnindýia, pledfr usual bonus fer erectig wiro fence i 11h- road . On miotion of Couins.,Hileir and 1-Ring the matter was referred to th. Roads and Streets Com, te report on. NI . 0. P Bla6i r, Sec (of the Rigi School Board, uotifled lt!ýe Conc î ha ibere was a vacancy nu the Board, caus,, (d by the resignation of Lv. D. R.Simp soui, Vho wau appointed by the Ceunicîl On m1otion of Couns. Hýilier a.nd Ring- the commuol atien was lid on the table, A commiiunication frontMiheNtoa Sanatorium Assïocia,,tion was laid on thi table until the Ja'nuiary Meeting. 1'ro111theUdrriesAssociationi notifying the Cubeil to see tbat ail ap- liances were in proper working order dluring the wi1uteýr. Referred te Pire com, CouLn. Mlillier, Chairman of the Fi, nance Coni > presente-d report recomf meling pavm elit if acc'ts ameingiLD to $191 06, as foLowsý: Pire and Water. K31 47; Pub. Pro)p., $572 oor Re- El, $30 38. On, motion o! Couns, Spry and Tole, a supplementary grant of $"50 was al- lowed the Roads and Streets0com., te square up outïatarnding bal-ance. The Clerkprste report of monies; passing thro-ugh bis b aLds. The Clerk lsopres('edreo',o Conitingenit and Salarieýs Departments. The Street Commissioner, R. jarvis. prFsented lreýport ili detail of expendi. trire in thatdermnt Receivedï and fy1cl., Chie! Jarvis preented a report re the Electric ligbts on tbe strëets b'i town, showing a shortagýe cf 19() rîights for oeeii-At, On motion ofc ouIns Snry and Ring, the report Iwas rifere tu the Chairman of Public Property uouu. litiirpruiu lepov.tceui P1>riulig Com., showing amount (-f ex.. IPidtrleasing a surplu's on h~do Public Prop. Cern., s Row!g t uu S Coun .Spr pesntd.a e îlifrot the Ioads ,and tet0mseige. p eudài tilr e up te PbYpresen1',t ime. Coun Glbaih resejted report from- Polfi !ce Co; in ,she wir gadef0citqo! 25,61 inl that ciel actrent, and askLing for a I supîemntar grat teco)ver sie Coun.le prteIeutedreport tfor Coun. Sefeyfor Poor Rle Ci, howing a s urpIiis in tatdeprr. of $150.42. Coun. Tolie ahIo presented report froin Cemetery Coi., shewing a surplus of 115 5a. Ï Coun. T. le aise, preeented report frei FîPre and W 'Çater Coni, showing a deficit tOf 809 and aku for a supplemen- Onmin cf Cý-unsl. Spry and Rl ing, the a#ou reortsrecelvl-d were vefer- redte inace oin tereport on. Cotin, H-ilier, Chiairman cf Finance Coin., pres-ented,' a report sbowiug the "ý etatsnd expenditure in each coin- , iitlee durng tbhe yeîr. rOn mibon cf Couns. Galbraith and ,Rntheunpmaid taxes was left with the ICllecter te collect in the usual way. Mvayor Tai t submitted three petitiens wbichi had been banded te him, and r igned by a number cfciies asking - tat pulicmeeting be calledl to dis- csmncial matters, aný_,to te elect a citiens'ComIttec te chloose a Conneil Consderbiediscussion foillowed, the opinion cf thiose disculssing the question, beingl4, tbat it was an) insuit toeufie intel- ligence o')fthe ratepayers tea ppoint a Comrnittee te nominate a Courcil, as the Statuitesoviedfo-r the nominma- 1tioins, and eue rateplaye a sgo ight as3 another te. nominale candidates for Council. The niatter was bewever, left wth the Maýyor te do as heý pleased abonutit Ccuiiia ouned Mrs. F. W e netie h ou marrie>d people Frida-y evenîrn AIL bad a matst enjn -le lme- w_ i.Chs Wýlllams' sale was lavgely ettended olng te the hrog avrtlgin 1lErzSTATSsMA .....Mýr F. W. Lee Was in Toýronto recentiv ..... WeCýddigboujIs J, W WVilliams, oshàw-a, at Mr. C. W 'lam;Mr. R B Beacock ln Car t- vvright at hiq fathev's over SvudPav -... ,Mr. E~. Paqcoe a n,.,Mi-es Din-a N!idderyý and .Jernie Ashton, Enfield, at Mr.,C J. Mountjov's: Mr. and Mrs B. G, Stewmts a-ad Mr. andi MmsPR C. Seott,î Solina, at Mr. G, Pascoel S; Mr. Ueo.' MfiteaIf. Moore6ield, aMr. Nob.ele Mtcal!, Baw,0 Lino, at ai1Mr. C. Stewart's. colateths ifomation: New sidewalks bull:207 ft 1 fI. wide.-508 ft-lJ', 26& fI 2 ft. 2948 f1 3 fi, 4523 ft4 ft aund 6Qft 6 fITol 8512 f t. Sidewalks rq epaired -~70 f -wdthnetst0edNew stret ciners120 Graingbase lLCn I esin tDke,RigChrScog 2 meln 24 a.Amuspldot $162271, sewer pipe $24362, 2 cr'àIr $225 00. supplies î$195 581 gravel $5 1,1.57 Totlal $58.80 5, The following new wal.ksq bave bec laid:- Rýing str't te Jno 3on-h'si 200 ftt cf 16 in wi 3d 207 12 80 24 158 16 Elgin '10 1 Lý-we ,5 4 Sengog 4ï" Liberty 642 concession 66 Vctozla 13". Brown 962 Durbam 148 Albert -13 4 Electrie Light rcad (66 King 81reet fi 60 Oit Qcieen -' 86 4f 9sotari486 Liberty 2q1 Base inR 261 «coneffsicn i38 Elein 9 Qneen 222 ;engoz 1.247 Il Sýcu7gg262 Qnieens A venue 361 Da;k3e 798 Brou n 134 SBuilt on postsaud jo ats. The follow'ing walke bave been laid, nem strînge&s ar-tiusinp, &Il old plank that wa8 i8t te be used agale,, (Jonceff. Street 124 fb, cf 3 wid e Jiber ty ner, h 51)0 .IIý ( Vicorina 11 Brown 176 Itinhain104 Albtît 4 - Cnbit's lire 74 Cburch 134 4 wide Duke 197 (int!ario 16S Q -ien 304 Scugog409 Elgia86 BEsse Lice 16 libgtty, Bsonth l 280 TYROÎME' "'p c i a',serv",iscontin ue inD tbe Chunreh this Weeok -....Rev j. F. Chapman, PontDyprool, proaches bore next Saihbath evenîing in the ab3ence of tIbe pester at !Annîversarvý services. .Miss Pearl, Sklnnerhbas been visiliug rber cousine, 1« the Misses Osborne, Mariposa. CLARK'S PORK AND BEAIS. Are theý best-always roady-geood wben Co'-,, as goo1 when hioL-god al- ways-5e ad l0e tin0. The Mason Co 1Qlmdity Îrs We wish 10 emphasize the fact that we keep hjegh grade cloîthingý,, rores rand, SOVereign cr,,ii et' There are none boet any price, nonle so goo ti or prices for thlese highi class linea. We ke-ep ounly clothio)g tht il gv sîifaîoywear anad wouald rather loose a sethnkeep poor sBluff. iD o nt M ake a7ny Mistake Thenamlea brndao! loting are made up for saie and not for wear. Youi will pay dear for yonr whistle- when -you taci(kle these so ealed bargains. Neyer mind you will kniow botter niexl lime and il wont bc long bc- fore you will want anud need a chanige. Our Oloting Wea.-4rs Like Irouýi We bave o! ton (scores o! limes, perhaips hundreds of limes) been cdngraluliated ou the warof our elothing and you can buy no more sensible Christmas Presents Than our Suils, Overcoats, Pu"tr Coats, Fur-lined Cas Pur Collers, Far Caps, Fýttr-lined Caps, Gloves, Tiesý, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, HlosierY, Silk Handkerchiefs, Em- b)rcidered Hfandkerchiefs, Tlable Covers, Table Naipkinis, * Aminîe Rusetc-. If in doubt as to what 10 buy, wallc through onv store and yon will alnnost be sure to see someîhing 10 suit you well. open every ight before Xmias. The Masor BOWMIANVILLE, ert I I., '11 v