0f youl zâctQ b make ths acquintence cfl"Tii. Fourtteen', Yu ckndo 50oby follow- f ng tht Ach. whIch folcw tis. EverY Pair GOOdyealr Welted. (Tro 6e cont'ltued). Ott? Ageat ïanVOUr dty- wiil take p1caaure In shcwIng you the Delly Varden Shoe. THi E S HOE 0aF 14 N zIV FE ATUiRas BOSTO",N COPrkgt, 190, by the Dot-yVaftieai Sh& Comnpay MONTRIAL REI & PEARN, Exclusive A.genlts For Bowmanville. GOods fîor YOU WILL FINUus headquart ers for many 1Unes 1of Xmas. presnt vs Ca-rveýrs, case Carvers, Steels, Dinnier Kivessand Forks Dessert - joules and Forko. Dessert spoons, Bread Kvives aùnd Bo)Rad.Pl uvs Pochet IKnne, azorRelur SrOps. Sclseor@, Childs ts DurW tufomWnter Sport was i n'eyermre completainskates.IWe have te olowngstle: anne esLlhTubes, ub iMac, flamnini Prf~c. RyalLadis' e~yrsCrascent, if <cke3y Club,. O-PEFRAT ORS ANTED,- !xpqeAïî1r-enced ,zpra t -314Wan~e OiN -'zzCl cabigfc torey ý 14 New 0F li-M DOLLY'V AR ia .4î-. on tihe Nox T~ie tor r Hort arc the tourteen i FEMININE FOOT COPIES IIARMLESS IGH HEELS ]BAREFOOT COMFORt A. CORSET SHOR "VELVETTE T KID" FREE FLAT TREAD ATHLTICERECT1NESS ARISTOCRATIC ARCH HIGH ARCH AND HIGH INSTEP DEFORMED FOOT PREVENTION A PLEASING STRIDE A REST FU L SM OR AN KLE RE.DUCI1NG S H A P E G 1 V1 N G Bowmanviiie. i. ~91n ~1iif~ M 0 T)DEL SCH 0OL XÀMINATOS i sonal examination for etudenlts injt trai t ~por-t Hope Model Schoo0.f sos pecial to this year wero admitte3di under age and also somA vwho have flot r passedff the, now professional examina.V tions. These wilI reuelVe certificates ù wlhen the legal requireniente have been com)rplied with. 13 G ý Brawu L. fRnrnham D, LII i ~tJ O4~~TARIO HAMP~0N. li' a U 0 -'1 tho lu w V 01 îile.G'2o. Ellie Fax, a mtertaner of Toronto wi ýati-thu--Mimea ,lina, and others will render 10ectioins and good addresses ea by7 Revs. Dixon Aud Snow- se. B, Yeilowl;ees, Toronito, is or mothen, . , Mr. Ezra Gifford it the pnopenty ùutrthe late iffdHampton . -... EHnpton -tory patrons my-eeting, town1 tav , t 9C"ni.ni Wecanre 1t)howsou uffored,- unrý. IRochy M-Duntin Toa mfikes tho pu-nte'ý weks spci 1n maun or vomnan. MasterGeo), Coldwibil Trïrity School, wViLb his au:nt-Mrs (Gr.Fanob WHIi17,8 foulud an excellent remepdy Liver PlUs. Thouiisand8 of letters ffrom people Who have nithe01M prove this fact. Try tbemn, Mnî JohnIHant2r Wh,) was nmred at Treherne, NMan., Dec. 19, le wltb bis bride expected berp for New Years. If sick he !Gcheisesrv, wrhfatar 1907 Whatfit 1k With the aCivcnt of' 190g7" w are ion 0, foýr utr friscrase tedne, W r sok o aymore fi-om usines msfor dur gauts For'ct-e bnei c ur Sbortban!rd 'j'mrsef" e~ eoal!.1 eoal!1 Of CDai 'at the loweai ,passible pniýe. Prompt de- ivery & a n(1 satisfaction John ibrt&Sn The Ontario BUSINES5 COLLEQE Belleville, P351h laea r7 JeteMOFt prosei ui cani;1-o b ere b, r, Ir - - 'IW- work, but - P-- os-----t-lub-lee egle b o l m a k u g , m a c i n e b o p w r, b to theicir ava L'e Y sending Ii noti'ce slaUrj.g theSuibj etinatemstd in, ta th8 Amenrcazn Scbool of Crepn- eus v13, Chiu-gcag, III. 5 2.I 39t yar Freow Win t>~ -tples NM. TasIoe a, Tayl1or'eJ. -s,1 Tikel , Trotter NM, Wadde!llNM, Wvestl"ake NI. Wbitfiald S, Wight A. L. »READED !iJSONIA-"I ',AS afficted wlvtb nervoease sud dreatldd i nuis so that 1 never knew for lbree vears wbat sa fuil bour's sleep was H]eart pjainssud hadachEýs almnoet drao me wvild. I had spelîs of wMalkues-s sud cTanýpS ln stomaeb and lmb.Flnatlly Dr Cbase's Nenve Food W&3.brDought bf me sud eigbt boxes cued me3 "-Mn. jas WVesl'ey Weaver, a Vdetnnof the, FOunln RidPort Daihousie, (Ont o~r Rate». watetýý onrie i nîte'r. MiaMcKey, of iUoderwood, le v'ist- bier W ster, Mra. R. Jf. Ci)Cor. Invi alon ae oui for utàwddj ùf, . .dta C 0avil, aîd Ç153 Mabl sugerJ~Mn. Fraask 1,4_9an Sixtb lise, Orsmsday.0 M thýodilet ocb ehtesa âtE zbtbv e1 Mr ù' oes as ased aà,tho e- paoeHoqse at Newtonaville to Mnr, Petae HawthornEý, at Zion., Mný.. D, M. Bi"llînigs La apendlug the dOh;rîlmas hldaswith bher ssten' 1MiS, De,. Kerr, sud othenienr!ide at Toroito) 11,1- rï, BojweoaÏCf the Union Bs3nk, Wlnnuipeg, le 8pendln Xwasholidaýy. at bis8 fatber's, Mr. I. C. Bowen. Mý38 Mary Arnmstron)g ow bas pneu. lr,3i A .DnïOe ft'oore, îrü,lnül nure, a aitnion ber. Horn ocle, Dr. ýî, E. Armmtrong Biillingè, Mon, l Mr enry MlddILtoD noa oA the be4 nwn arid Most prominont fat- moretouslpa ansd- dený, Lâay'l.u6nd p mtsngd bo18:h. At D T'el d a y mrup nl g Dec 8as Uutbail îat ouce be cooepalnsci of e W o tg ifeelinz, aiid slttlg down, ly expred, fH. leaves fbyeý n.Wni FI'g2, recidlig in tJuhn ou hthe b101omead, 1oAlu n ~ OekMiss Alle id 1so John AwdEi lu S. Dakota. Wîc . 1 ,,U 1,-ld g a W1)0ho e b as 1angbL oho.PL-kerlag township' ew VO- iv, easha. beau en3gagedp to Mr, . Q Mess.asa Pd ij ns>f utSobo, Ms. Hidg 4 Aungton, boy aud a prltiuer by gaervaedis apprentios. ohiv tL h'o uaneai wilh the late W. Il n sd YMrs.7), J (ilbson were plea.qantly snrpnised on Dec. 17, il being theb fiteemth anniversRry, of their mar- I nage, by a number cfr friendsenetering tidr home sud nres enxting them with a h udsoe et of chin1a." OpThe wv elected oficrscfLofe Nwat S 0 Fz.prsi~p H.R P. earlce; Ihes S.j'sEý; VcePres. E. Osborne; Chaplain E1 Thacklray;: Se',W. H. Au0«ersoýn; Treasures, J.J UJglow; z11 nide Guard, J. Pansons; Ont- Side3 Gufard, Chas. HawkinS; Comnmitte- mnen: W. n, W. A. Gibson, A. A Oolu illi J.W Bradley ; Pysiciani, A. Farucomoý; Auditors : A. A. Colvwili, Il R-pearce, J. W. Sradley; Truste:i3- W. 1H, Gibson, W0. Wagstaff, G. Efl- b2ck4 Treas. Cont. Fund. Geg. Wanm- ington; RomCon)I , W, J. Bryans, J.ý J. Tglow, W. Wagstaf, J.W. BradleBy. Fot raddFm Mr and rowpin nl's reO wnPor ills -"1Frthe(ied nersIufeliefoina o" stone in thse bladderor ga1lad th 'pI wh Id 0 d csin en1re- biedtogscibed.thç-T aa unrtabi e t do uny ork a reuet-(dàcarefood.1] Yni~ may beco e nt, rapid wnller. Y~umylearn ?la add, subîna'récî, ullpansd diylde q1 011 0-aY gl sotintoe 0te l maklg oUt onrcePantnershlAps. etc.,tau lyFtu0vriale o îofal' î hrougb legal Yotiay gel a knowledge of Book-lkeepinrJ u tle ' vil put svSlem Ilsba ail youn wýork, Ylv hmos, c Um, da-ye cf anxiety su ad menthe of worry. 4 Yf'a mi beconrue a competerit Stenogrppher sud type or ne,én8 ilqta abtain siich s positi on as wliM enable y ear aroî'dlivelihood for yourseilf and ibus be iUdepeinde Ieyèar spent lu Via St. Cathanine us escollege si lnml ljý fjtheýSe 10 you, on a shorten tlime ils pnoponlioD -"> " an.y oni«which le well Wontrth Pe wbolc year's tîl'-.- T. P. WRIG HT, ta M.A. Ja v fljlt n J. ÂvIrrig; jreas , ,y Virtue; Rec. Sec., D). Roy;ý D. of C, C'aptIlW, Farrelil;Lects, I1. Higglins and T. Me Roberts. Flooda ithe body with vanm, glowing vitgiit-, malkes the norves stronz, qulck ous circu tin restores natural vigor, miakes \ou feel lik(e one born agin.i Hollster's Roecky Mouintain Teat. 5 Çents'Ii by Stott & . ury, dxugglsts. ENN ISKILLEN. /he me 'ýthodist Supnday Seooml bold a ver,/ suc-eýssful Xmuas concert Friday aevning. The ebhlidre-n deserve great praise for tio excellent way they reu- dered the Christmas Cantatas. Master Percv Mulhern, the boy Soprano from Lindsay, has an augQlic volce, and those who were lortunate enough to hear him were more than pleased wlthbhin 'sing lng. The church looked very brigbt andt cheerful with the candle lighted Xraas tree, which held fa eors for the children. A scneen at the back ofthe stace of teve-rgreens, îlghted with cand- lesq, anid the program l large colored paper letters made a splendid back- cround for the bright laces of the Uittie day aflernoon a we-ddilng took Place At, the home of iMv. and Mrs. WlimTe wiro, when thei daughter Miss Aima Grace, was maîR;ried to v;r. ilimG. ,Smzth, son of NI. Atlexatnder Smith of Enfield. MrH. Smith leae he village Ilb av good wishes for a happy fuue h boys dld'nt forget to cheer fo hn t iigbht i(ccompzDie(l with milk pans, cow belle sudl fireorks.... Miss Rose and NMts, Ccphas J Montjo)y are sPending Xîms hùlldaý s tluSta'ý nor ..The Daisy ission Baudpretd the Methodist church with a new puipit .Harold Stain toni is vlsiting bis uncleMn. t uae titn. .Ms n Herring dbohe aereturne-d home after -a plemaiant vilt with rela- tives inOshawa .-. Don'îforvgez tho NewYea'stes at the PlreibYteruan chrhnext Sunday sud -1Tuesdlay. God erMmnsgood ts udgoodpo gramn. Mr.BuseitCoiillhas been vis3itïing Mliss PaiPear-ce l sito Mrs LacseSt.May Mand jr8sV;. Orchard, iudian Head, Sask, arc vis;iting rltvshure. Mr aud 'lMrs M 0Crar 0osejaw, arevsto be'ýr father, M.W. H-unter If ycen once trv Crtr'WLltleLiver Pillei for s'ick beaahbliousness or contiatinyou will neyer be wltbout beDon't forg'e3t bs 1O'rcoats and Wiràtor Suite.- We rýýdelighted with our s&sn' rade -nd we are ,villîing to let the balIancýe go off ut eas'y prices. Now is theý timec for theeuoia ues With piecncsin js o efo-re oýur .Annual Steicktakinîg Fbrar lt, You eaiu buy 50C tanderwear for 3ci eWher fleeced ineufôr aM wool. ALso a cleaning lot of' ladies unaderweear, vest and drawers, regr. pric es, 45c, 50c 60c, 75c, choice for c each while twhey Ir-st, Correspondence redluction oit many otheýr Unes and Baganslos il througch the Store. Now ;is the tîie fi afteý]r Xmaiýs bargains. The Mason Coý- P1iqu~ 74, W.H. Dustani 10 41A 4Àe"m-lý. le ýt Bargains, 411 Lad,±îelz Qoats loft at half Prc Vie have h fad thebet season we- have had f'or year. iii Ladies, ot and willl clear thiem out at haif mprice. Sm good oneýs left,Soxe l'Ur ccats alla PUr-Iiined coats