iLIII 4 e ài hlcessary as otadbahn.To kcelepenotflceris gset su- bdies free and regulr 1 is teven geaerimorau tante keep Ibsloldcx savu upionn the skipnres frein becoming clogged. The nct et ofeýr in- vitesdiseaise'. veryone neds a ntrel a Lxajtive ccsinal, t Ie aeetaIui a r [ni free flie bowels et accumuaed ùispuitis For- this purpose taike x lefiresnecicevetcae 1er il. Il edditice te lira ul ie-! rmp psl i: ritnss it Ibrealli, tenoe-ý mia assboweby ple î,,-ýipas etrm and indigeoi. Tiiernumay li ueis- the grcatst boin ever eifered te those whosuifer frein te Pl nls, le li t1ecojgle st tlîat follow vconstiatio. 1?or over i-ifty years Iccha'sPlîshave liackig eagi'1d oefmsil11 becufamolus cas! Stonai cermu-ectiv-e, a-ivýer reguilator and Bewel :spifing etAild; LUt lilsis more cern laxatie. Tley novr grpe nrcause pai n. Powertul purgatives Jmcîîly aisge xbclepeinlic'u are dangeous. Aveid thein. Use Beelim's PO. They givere- lfe sams lief îtliout doin violence te any organ. Thir action ié in bar- Thie bu, mainsîys cfic Prr)wn in, i phscl av. aethsem egularly and th1e recessity itliaten.ed iliorctayaueig fer thciriuse Ibeceunes less freqluent.Thoy are a natural laxaive liee.n "asum lu h n ectrasaen and a positivecurefor Constiaion, Biiuness, Indigestion, Sc gnrMî ît.ornaieoesiel l Hesdabe and Dyspeps.Àiuctente,"bro piic te fOlic ogs Prcp;lmted oî1y by UcPopitr Toa eecam, Sn. Heen, LanQasbre, Eng. lisetliulylced Sud everyweemiCana d n0 . .A nerc. Junboxes 25 c=nus fpsil lccnupi- lel sviîscli 1uit if ib 1o l 1dnc li T fc'Fiop"n af ng71140nv olicle bul W ý or ( 1)c 1 fl l'ieu lut J1 ,i d 1s1jat lic Fat n (o H lsa fa oAihî~ ~S pl~res n wa leeliarc aicctenalydtacd Y Lo ho ne 1 'eu SNUfuln lm;Tise dayl, ie sheu l iaae l fi lu lh pi lo , ill -i ý; ng il jl i)cr o-i l r î l pte nt, ifisvcak c nor a lI kceli lc xa li atII;ake;ilioueurprodcis e t or slatlcrd elfye kei snifri xating ho gols. Jo xxii.,10. ecsxx bt se do iof,île grsvingsiisevon l ýise unn fd tflcliue Job was te sxelllcarncdn hescle ti e aleadicess cý ýf ne rvefl i judgmcnfJ, eI sp-b1,1l rciefî,de ieli f pai n dp nd ore si uý;Jlales ic ]e],elisltgovngi lc i o i a inue tafni rqet p]it"[ li e Poitn c.e wýuIhîe cs wolc;li îov ii uanfos ns y a aoon asd arr 1cm ui1isarm so x itlma nolepicsni thloul ic tser ndiy, ifiî a es t sudne ovn sfo l incompefoîî i dsld or,' ussusIf-ýlb,ý ii litci ne naue in orf- î'l1ho vcid raîIsig ovr sol iessofin mei Iý ill dmonr !,,p' gad igestion; ,-batvofpatient lie- iusd in mfif Iecs net lave -te li o uld l>, i d st d. But isc no anu have coisotcdalntoe eû Iaî e Ilcg ndle oorde te1secre tue reafeslfIsc cofidence tIsaI icvi o itelitî at fflcda ill ee ai a- stars in floir1 courses plausîsodI at i frtn erI rates ýtherv,,aslir, eni i:cpltu poe cdci..XoulcsCern. 11eprdcicseIîlehst ii le nîxinIlo -bfxve.eitlieLord et all Pa Il flIeFt Lsnom- Adicea mnd She Hs U 1 d hO-snds oUel ,-Hoýw LydnE lka' ee tale Çompamond Cural uiFe site wit t .1.. another tiglier detils 13aien e that lber letter MIi M3anly tonans t 0ass ffeinale. diseaýses cone befdrýie Mrs. >nka every year, somne personally, others by mil M'rs. Pnibiq iste daugbiter-in-la-W of Lydia Il. Piham ansi for tweuty-flv years undelr rdirecon and spnce ber deceae èsh as been advisingsick omenfree et chare. _Mrsý. pinkhausnoerviolates [the confi- denicee of en asd very testimionlial lettonpuuiheiis doue se w v'ith li le v, ifttenconsent1 orreustothwner lu order thtohr ,c vomen mayv be r.FrdSeydel, oet-112 No--tli;--'th1 Street, Wesýt Piaiýdeiphia, Pa., îts aing dylceu1as1I tuaifnalr1hasd yeni haýve dGm-,ýone 50uch fe,ýrnme," Just as srl as Mrs. Se-ydel waa cnred, will Lydia- E. Pinkharn's Ve- tale( Conspound cure every woman snfteýrsug frein auy forrn ef fernale lts. If yen are sick, write Mrs. Pinkharn, Lynn, MNass., for spocial advice. it h froc and alwax'slise1pful. uVei 1 te iac piiuc onick ce simsleS ies1fwo sieg1l 1cr cc1 foratlrlîi i ln da lagref 1pin lus svr, an west( svc'ao cg "'lia w lîc u xx'il aeagrae pijerto I svicres u i c italn art. fIll h111 ahrsanIng,1 w"itnclsytl )(1,, k lp tic ido. aed b ld es Ai il"Il it tic 1 te-x l1osv carl, d iain 1it e.s n s ep Pc cd. vbuc flc taher w liii trembling o t ithadlove ws ai \\'1( Ge eia 1 aVeetflltteby PschiloNyer Fails Psyclhine asi-oSutit9 :cuAT AU.. DF3AfLERS3, Oc and $1,Q0A O1L es Tc SLCUL;imieil, 179 King Si. W., Toroutoe -:Eat rprice s o'etcyu F',Sofd U,7eu Trhat sou willcel ai cihome" , I i eut te flàperec9y. . Thit, you w iii oiteoe e, I il e""honbe '~TîAt wîllbie trong' mde. Mt wdYl btgvalm. -~ OVERrOATS.wYotr bandiesti Larnent Trysoon ne-w. Aul CI ' a ALL , ol, phe1 s r ad.anta"ge b-i sènding U irin.xxiebla Si monfscuir s cuuîrrp1yîu1îc r xls he s !;II "il] j11%, ti 1 -, 1notice, statiig the -IILJiriti esw l I- -' -1ste .,. lii , wn,,+ ~ ~ ~ ,~ u5dk SOi lO t i na seulm cie r us- ~~r uuoli ue o mero lîlinc foi- -o-telA1erc t SeuoooetlCtienp 1idefscy1c1 ýus.1edoble tisee11, "Ileqlu'-Ilusue1f0c-li;lfo tfi pr to flc prnituo 0fene, Div 13, Chicago, Il1. 51 2u 1, ai fer 1 fliic ofrnne ic lic iv-' tctlswsr e ,aiterupf et alil n a ayugGrua aixses sels'ws"c eiii'et"& lW-nstbt cor~~-'J uitenrs i gP-zu te eg opcuI of Ml theu lua a &nedai ic autxiclulexxe osru honî , u Ii l ai. "I eesinuuuus iiiis . sFl7eu ,ý, j' 11P box. h s o s, d ai irag ists, ir teof fia xv r d c s f rer n o ilaî, i uîsclouîfcdtylfIe lie I l ' g cf Mrs vai e xxl 4 fIs i e ous1 iýltcî 1iws, a e t ryech i s se.n Aos tliey l is i i f l c un- ils o y xsas afhiiii xG 'ards , fili ao asoctu g Iht~I u s o.t R N 0 s. feiul / iis folo ieau. t s aî etli lotsg Tmc."Fredemue icC. Hosx', the autfîerity ducaIs eosvitolitv arc tîs e ir" o-x-î-I tic xcxirî ,,,su ho -----------------------l,-- -fl-siiheCourc e<. x'D ",; rc Th hy at hcx zinedPilesecar utu.îlyî'aiul ctscece atuUtydfer thirfscrvi-s a surc cf tii te-iik;lie taos ciphuisiPie liea !anssec fIkciumtutzcîi etsoue di :qf5 The phy-IGSiian0wh. AD atnediiis-1celurluîeuturiîe lt for thirt rescribed f lu l rou. Tie î-tc 4A1 ONcan elbuy dvetisn pcbtI a u qurtr en~' iicesfl ecr e pndru, n and tmiacius ue fte ms ifcl dnmrMcytMWcase tt ot ugadm 7tomwcMrule.~c