WES)T END HOU Wi lashes To Ail And announees that their annual January Sale isin full swing. Our stock must be reduoed $ 1.00000O, so here goes for a busy month, In fa.ct, we will make this month the biggest January we have ever had. this lîst carefully and remember everything is just as we advertiBe:- Ladies' Dress Goods. Any 50c Dress Gvoods, January Sale Prie............ .3a5e9,y d 20 per cent diseount on cery piee of Dress Goods in the hoase.ý That means $1.25 Dress Goods $L.OO, $t 00 O 0c, 75c, Goods 60C, 40r, Goods 32c, ý30e Goods 24c, 2,c Qoods 20e. Ladiîes 'VUnder-wear. LADIEiýS' UDR ER8doz ladies' fine ndrwer, ht aid n atu. îr alý, fr>g ç35en-d 14 C cin d, sale ri-;îcc 25ceaeh, Linens Buy y-fOur Linen supplieswhl these CPrices last, 1 piece, fine bleached Plareý Linen, 72 inces wd2, reg ýI 50 yd, JariuarySale Priee ...-..........................$i.08 1 piece fine bleaehed pure Lim.en, 72 juches wide, reg 20yd, price now... ...,-ý....«......... ...............87e 2 pieces heavy unbleached Linen, 72 in wide, reg 7'ScYd price no.- 60c 1 4 - i -A n ýi a r c ýn-v vi-4n w -ý, E Read