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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1907, p. 2

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cenuine Little Li'ver ,ils. EWkst Beur 8!gnature, ci Seoc Pac-Slmiîe Wraprter Below, C~ ~~U A FIftABCHE, P ru CO GINSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKINI -. - FOR TUE COMP~LEIUN CURE SI0K 1-EADACH-E. ADVERTISI1MG RATES. Tise Canaitdien Statesnnan le pubisihed every Wednasacy norning at the citsce 26 Stateslesan liock, King Street, Ji oýwliai]îville, Ont., by M. A. Jame,aa Liditer and Proprietor, Subsciption ,S. tocper ,ntui, .oc $1.00 if î'&id Iltrictly in adrvanre. Advertising rates, transieatt ndveitising, tati cents par ina. tirrt insertion- five cents par line sacis subsequent Iiieert'lon. Contract rates on applicatior. A. E. XcLATJGH-LIN. BansaSolicitor andi Couveyancer. Ofice:-IlleakeY Block. King Street, Ilowssanvilîe. 11ouay to loau at reason- able rates. 48-lyr. ROBERT YOUJNG, V. S. 0 rlICE IN MeItSEY'S BLOC.r, W)opplosite Town li-altrnoo. wlcre bic wililibe found frotu 8 atun. ta Opîti. Night celle ai rasidence, direct. ]Y oppoatte BrilShed. l7-ly. SI-MPSON & BLAIR D. B. SIMP'SON, K. C.. CHAS P. BLAIIt, liariatas, Solicitors, Notanias, etc.,* Morris Block, up-stairs, King Street, liownian-sîlle. Solicitors fon tisa Ontario Banik. Privat io eeuys baun- ed at lowetit rates. WA.TED n avaey t aeely tii tact hat tnrai5 land Canada te diert" ù coo.tctcn P showcat one tee, fa-e, bidgee. a.ns,à tto ii oeOarsds 8M5 , mania and exp.n.e. $350t-n a. slad} satoy- mottae dreitabta c..ern . ely o.t 3yancork toe Y'on, tee ae ne aed-d. 55 it. for patceots,. &4LULS MEDIOINAL CO., Lardne. Ontar1o, Ce,îes'a tn.zlcld, V-1-4.e ii oio, tirt- AsiS','.,vt., L-, D' iae. 42 y,!rs .,eul &75e Do0 you w-isli to lvîSît Califortixa, tlexico, Floricla, or the "ISunny South?" Are You auxieus te escape the colii weather and snow and spend the winter in thse "LAND 0PFIFRUIT AND FLOWERS?' Wlnter touriste tickets are on sale dally,aud if yen. are contesnplating a trip Pee that vour tickets are routed via thse Grand Trunk. For fulli-information as to rates, routes, and train service ciii on STOTT & JURY, Town Agents. JI. D. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent. TOO iMINY GENEIUc" Franee Could Dispense Wiflh Sevenly- Five arnd'ýYet Ilave Enoîcqi 'fhere are toc many generals in lie IqFechiarniîy Acccrding tle flc uf- wary of Ilie Coînm>,sscn on Arîny Esti. mtese, w hieli lias been presented to p.î-aimert, seventv-fivt- generals miglît lie strunlk cff the 1st, atnd there wculd irenaifl more Ilian enough tole mamcm ali tihe arinies that Fîuncc cculd pu[ Ia thie field. Merpeox et, the gencrais are leu years tfoc odO. Itis rccotnnîsneded Iliat the *go for retiement Wo brigadier gen- el:als ad generals cf divi:sonïs aliuld lic reduced, as alt pressent, fiesi, 6) 10 G, years, respcctix eîy, ta 60 cears for Isolli ranhs. IL. ss aise proposed te reduce lie1 rituit o f infantry efijers frein 1/1,000 to 12,000. f cf ten have diffleulty! aiding a place Lit e seaette o "aillbeor and ekîtles" te ebo3 sere, as oeoexpressed 1v ln irreverent paredy: '-Oh tise ieer and tise gin and tise good ohd "okee" Tisoy ail are aItisheir beet in tise forts coueîree , The bars, however, seeni 10 observe Preibited heurs weii and thoe e very lithoe Sunday selilig. Tisa isolv day howox-cr, le net as weiî oisserved in some etier direc'ions. Strctling clown -eain Street aflen chancis on Suuday erening I was surgnibed te tee cigar stores, ceufecîî<merv stores, restaurants etc., dig 'n rusising business witis blinda up as if Lt were Saturday even- ing lut tead of Suadav while tise penny tiseatres wiîis docte- open wido sud music going wene crowded witis plea sure seezens 'here are ethen matters 1 wculd tiko te write about butconte te think of lt, I have aineady wribîen more lisan you want te pnint. Witis hast witkes. WALTER C. GOODE. Prdsnce Albert, Sask Dec, lit, 1906 STÂTE oQIeOI, CITY or TOLaE, LucÂs CaUTYs'ry. FRANK J. CIIENEY matai ostis tisat ha istisa gauler partmer of tac 11cm of F.J. Ctsa5sra'& Co, doing busices ln tisa City ci Toledo, CQutt and Claie aforsaic. atnd tisai said i 1m wlll psy tiesa m ofî tONE i-IUNDILED DOLLARS foc esc-b antd cx'ry nase-aiCatarrm tiat cannai Sa cuncd bylise Use Ot, HALL'S OATA5RRH CURE. V'RANK J. 01-IENEY Swccn ta baerae msuad sebscribeci ln my praeence, thîs Stis day o! Decambar, A. D. s5e.- { EAL} A. W.0LEASO 1 Noiary Public. Hail'a Catarris Curais taken itlrnally sud acte dlreotly on tise blooci and mucus surfaces cf tis a atens. Send for testimenlals, frac, r'.J. CIlEN E Y& CO)Tlate, 0. Sald hy ail Drugglsle. 75c. Talte Hali's FamitY Pilis for aausthilan. HAMPTON. Our cisurcis choir whicis has recently been enlarged sud otherwlse fmproved was ententained attise reeldeuce efthtie leathder Mn. I. L. Brown during tise lest usoon . . .. Rey. aed Mrs. J.P. Berrj agent Chistsîag at Brecisan..,...Mn. Tises. 01-e sud famlly. Michigan, visit ed is mol her Mrs. C Oke afltor nuah- sence of 18 years,.. . .Mr. and Mne N. Colo, Wiseat!x-, spent tise holida.y bore. hIrs C. Olce Sas gone te epend tise winter wilS tsem ... . -Mrnud ire. W. W. Hoen, Mr. N. Brown, Miss Eya Clatwonrtiv, Miss Queule Han -uworel home for Xtna..,, Mr. C. IL. nunrows vas brougist home icis from Oshawa * _Mn. F T. Affin was elected echoot trastee te succeed Mn. J. G. Burns. . ... Iiev. sud Mrs M. P. Ta'liug were guestte aIMr. M. B. Crydenman's dur- tugtisein stay iee.... Tisank-offerng services Sunday Dec. 27ths were quite S. A. Terntovas reeted vwitisgond1 couregtios vseheard bim WII sat- isfaction I-lis sermcos ero instnuc Ive, Inîresting sud impressire. 01- fenlng amouuntod te $1100.Tise choir Y I 1 Wise selectien 0f vrieties 5resulta je bi2ger, btter pa-ýing crops Tise ex perîine gaimod inf Éty years o! sac-- cesfut seed growiug je is us at ycurI comm-and Forfer itsscs, purity and reliability Fer ry'ms Seede are Le a clastt by theinseIves, Tbe7 are keowu al oyer tise land, and fatre evendthing hava confidenee tise namne of Ferry, and know fer a certainly tisaI thior scede eau ho reîied upon. Tbey know Ihat every pAckage bas bohind t tise reputetice cf a bouse wisose business standards are lise ligiest in tise Irtîdo. Juet drop a pestal to D M. Ferry & Ce Windsor-, Ont , and îisoy wii eend you a copv o! thicr 1907 Soed Annual. It'e absoiutely fnea Pcsz-esçes wcnderfuh medicinnl power- ever tise human bcd , removing ail- dis- endors front your sy-steraislewbst Hlle tister't- Rocky Mlouatain Tot. wiil do. Makes youWeili, keepe you w^e i. 8 cents, Toi or Ta blets. Soid by Sitt & Jury, drugRiste. ENNISKILLEN Report of Ennirkillen schocsl for Dec- embe-r 19J6. V cas-Rerbert Me-. lýane-hlil, lazel Pasoce, Marv Bell Sr IV- cary, Cra!,-. Jr. IV-Ruseel Wottee, Howand Pçve, Wtilliam Preston Magze Olie, Douglis Barlon. Sr. 111 -Estiser Stevens, Ettie Brunt, Elgia Bell. Jr. Ilf-Teule 8h&rp, Merwln Meu*wij w, Lottie Calver, Milton Sander- son. Ltslie Rebins, Maud Calven, Wil fred Sauderson. Sr. Il-Elsie Oke, Lillie Fiee, Adam Sharp, Cella Brunt,1 Warren Preston, Robert Preston. Min3 Brunt. Cocil Brunrt. Sr Pt. Il-Fier- once Brunt. Marlon Virtue, Hlelena Werr,-, Stella Smith. Roert Barton. Jr. Pi. Il -Ross Wetten, Pearl Sharp. Sr Pt J-Lezm Smith, Gertie Saner son. Jr Pt. 1-Eula Paecoe, Aithur Brunt, Fadia Cnaig, Gordon Werry E. L. Rosa. teucher Es/ablished r1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchltis Cotigh, Grip, Asthïna, Diphtherla Cre'"olcne le a boon te Astlunatlcs Docs it not t enimomre effective ta breathe int a tha't ta take the remedy into the stomach? Icures bec--s the air rendered strongly ani- septî c i carrid oe the diseased surface vejth every brerh. gsig prolonged and constant treat. men t. Iti i.-jua,!ahiet others ni.h arnal Chil'dte'i. 'fho5cfa consctnptVe tendency findmm 11îusd condîsione of tise SotS icy druggisre. - Sacsd pastai for hooicîet. Les.'srsc;. Mitas Ca., Lmited, A0eats, Matit- Canada. BGWDIANVILLE TO WýINNIPEG. Ccî,.nued from fast sveek.) My fial impressions of Winnipeg were not entirely favorable. Main street tise' broad te as crooked as a 'el patis" and meuyof tise buildings, c c:upjîiig Ibis valuable frontago are away out ef date. It seems unreason- able and unnecessars- alec tisat a new ciiv siould have Bucis irreguler streets and angles as prevail le mome parts oi thse city, Rowever, il muet ho admit. ted tisat many fine buildings are gaing up, among them several banke of con- sidecrable arcisitco.uraI beauti; and the new Post office, le my opinion le the most beautiful building of tise kind, 1 have ever seen anywiere-ornamenîed, as it le, wvus noble columue and sculp- titre like a Greciân temple. Speaking of building t le most astonishlng te an eaternoer te tee bthe wav tisa' rush on buildings heroe, with tise thernimoter about zero juett he saine as If it woe etili ..The good old aummen lime" Itsdeed, t les sLd tisat bhey nover stop for winber iscre and thi employment agencies have ads. out for matons and carpenters, etc., at excellent wage On Portage Avenue, for oxample, two blocks of stores are still la tise rsI storoy stage-tise foundation for anetiser was started 'vetenday and Up near tise river a wareisousee overing nearly a block afferds a, busy scene. Fally a isundred nmen are emp1o.ýed here and tise walls are rising rapidly. So il gees ail ever lise Cty, A new-comen Cannet see tise sîneets 01 Winnipeg at first wiseout being strucis wlth tise great prepeuderance of men. At tmes I belleve truly tisaI Main treetreill show 10 men teoe wcmau and eue almost longs fer a few mûre of tise rosy cheeke and flaîterlng r ibios o0f Ontario te ligisten up tise, scene. 0f course at the present tîme thtane are several thoupand1 lumber jeoka" iere preparLng to go cut to tise woods, but tise prependerance la nor- mal As for thse Winipeg> people ln general tisev are ail optimiste, enthus- ,faste, speculaters. Et'erSbody Io buy- Lug lots and se fan al seenite, have madle money, Howeyer discretien Le nt(ceessa ry bef ore luvestinx. These wbo are buïing- lots beyond tise city limite at $75 te $150 will be veny llkoly te flnd tisat îisey will be difficuit te realiz8 on. There are aI present about 15),000 va- Canit lots witisin tise City limite. Quite eneugis for a population ni at toast hait a million. Yet thusv are laýiug ont lots away outside tise City limite. However I do net believe tisaItise btilk of Winni- peg properties are held tee higis and well loeated propenties are a gecd and safo invesîment, be indeed ar-e vacant lots If net beyond thse limite. Winni- peg le a City of promise and tise pro- mise is being rapidly trauslated leto fulifilment. Wiheu etoctnie power in al- most nulimited quantitv le readY for delivrry iere, and tisat le sald te ho a tbing cf tise nean future, another great impetus te pregrese will ihâve boeonta tained and witisout doubî il wil e taken fulhi advantage of. 'Macir cities are rising lu tise-west but Winnipeg te tise star of tiserà ail and wtli hohd tise lead. Moraliste and particularly tem- perance.*pooplo, however, wili fled mucis te regrret haro lu tise,-prevalence cf.this~lquor isabit. 'I have been iu- formed tisat net lesa than $15000 to 120 1010 a day passes ovor tise' bars. llowaver tlsN may hc, itlste* certainly eurprisi'sg hisw overy drinktng place is crowded wiýh customers I have seeu hotiig le Islees te equ,,al il, excepî ThSe building fi now coinpleted- sud nerny allishe furiture p'ssed lu .oBli ton and ccxl ireek ail] wîl be lu readi tees or lse rCepl th ls umatels - t mac '.jt.m LloM,'V ut LSVJUi>0 55 OuTq tise fiae( biling lafis e provlnce-and reecood te nons ta eqnlpmneu' Mr Je-hn 'F Meila, tK-ep-ah viilba thei apêLsten-es-ansd lra MeMîllau tlie 'metron. Tie Oopnite, Ce(junitw-fi 4 ce-- 4# s~Ja9i ai 730p m rcnthe Ovens tb You À We bridge distance wvith our moisture-proof dust-proctf packages. Hali- fax and Vancouver are * brought to the avenIs' doors. Farms and small itowns are put on the same plane with the big cieis. Hooney's Perfectîo. Cream Sodes are packed in 1 L& 3 lb. air-ticli parkaper, fresh, crisp, delicious-- ind reach yau ini the same con- " diion. cno matter xetere >ouî:i x ATALL '.RGCC-ng PUBLLISER'S NOTES. The Breeders' Gazette of Chi-9g'o 4 1$200 a xear. we ffive fThe Gazette and TItE STATESMAN for only $2-15 \Ve res'pectfually request every present subscriber to obtain oue new Fubscriber and min thse W LEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA FÂnsuta free We recomm8nd Our readers to eub- scribe tn thse Jarmer-'s Aclcoca/e and Home -Magazine. the beEt bgrieuI'tural journal in Atmerioca. We are talin;e qtibhecrIptions to the Toron to Daily World L r December only ar $2 Oo Belzur pricý- $3 CO a cear. llie, Wrld is a inurrîny Papr)e We Rre givirtgThte Weeklyt Globe and Canada l'armer absoiute*îy frpe far 1907 te present smbcerjeers to TnE, [STATESWAN who obtain one new sub seriber to our paper at $1.00 and renew their own tubseription for 1937. P-re.%ent eubsoribers te TVelly Globe excepted A GREAT SlEED B03K Fcrry's 1907 Seüd Annuel INOr ReadY For Frec Dis-tr-ibu !on. Ferry's great Sccd PEok is now read-, for distribution. This is the book thut every farmer wants aLd waits for. It makes ne difference what other cata- logues are reccived, farmieroa are net satisfied until they gel Ferr.y s becfiIS8 it contains botter and fulier information. Ferry's Seed Annueâl, in fact,-is really mrore tifan a cetalotu2 I diff ers from thse usual seed catalokue Inasmuch as it really helps oach farmer or gardeüer te chocse intelligentlv thse varieties ho. t suited te bis parti-clqr 'ne do. T he Town Ual'ilmp; ou, Dec. 15,h. 06 sitnttony îestg iccoeali prtâ- cutRsere Pasoie pre2adiog. Mnutes Af last ma-ètýU,4 reafi and cunfictced, A - xcesn!cat1on vs, nec6ived frotu N. fLyera eshking bonusi te bnild a rien tance, sgccisd te pay fur 65 roda te be ,'uilt on thse proper I ns Tise f1n&neis 4sat.enctwas snbmltçd and th ise îri nctnucbed te have lb prLutad S. Bing. ain's accoot vas la'd rveî; Coslcort Wiliama %sted tl'at 8 21 643 80 tbxua tiad bsec eeileced and p.cld in'o tise Bi -nk cf M ;ntreal. Cemusittee app lint- -id b .to tewMc. Pastin,'n reseto- toc darnsgea, rcportcd isarng rmîdo seýtLement aI $45. Oîdere v'erea srant- ed entise treauury as foflîrvi: COz- Com.e atbendat ce on amalipecx patients $10; E I-astiisgecerncîty plisaorhur. l of Iocen, an i ýdigeut, atrd R ley, kilicd aunlise railsray met, Z84. Bow- manvihie grave, ete, laboelNré MecOui- stogi, De. Potter attendance on indsg 'inn, $7. A. J. Miller Geràerki HoEpîtd osto atnd tetIenof J.ChsLlce, $28, M- B. Cryderman, balance bonus build irg vire fenco $2: H1. Etiott bonus building wire fonce $2 48: SirA. P; Tyfer, do $,6: CeeFHarvey, do $7 25: Fi'ed C. Hbar, do $9 75. Mc, Otidens, lc$813 75. A, flozarîs cadar 3.5c: tatis bur Coc. Inumber 53) L. M. C nUrtice, gravol a&M rosdway $9 20: F. buowden grarel $95 J. Gaul, CLoder and grael ,37; R. Wennaicott lûsding bile $9 45: J. Pattînson d&mageo ta horbe $45;:NIA. James & Son prinîti$L14.72 El, ELliatt pikee and suppios $4 063 H. Esliott postoge eîatonery etc $18 28 W Creeper servicea as ath Itispector $12, R. - Paece aerns'cti Boprd of iesits $9: a Effloldc $9 C Oaborne, dIo $6 J Blngham do R6: 8 Peabfcnd do , .De Tebiieoock do $9' W Creeper services au Jation $26. R. Paseoe Councl services $50; A Wigdht,do $50, E Miltace do $50; W E Constioe do $,50: J W MeLanghlin do $50: £1 EUi. otrt services' as CIerk and Tres'surer, $80: McC.olI&n & Ce lumber $37 21: B Trenontis & Son manufae'uring tiie $611,87, R ÏS Ialauin sciseel dt5boeinre $185,71l, N P Macoseistan Conu'I.s' rates $6.222 50- Trusteos of schob1s, rtabnrory and local rates 10,387 37 Jenucil &jouned te 'Saturday Dec 29 H Bilitt Townsihlp Clark CADMUS. (Toei) lte fer iset week's isiue) On Tuesday eventing, Dac. 18 b, a large Party (if Calwnlgiste-Fs,'nu aser- tn« abjnt 130, met attse home of Mr. Cao. Pallis, te gîvo thotu a good "suar- prise p&cty," bafare leivîog Cadreui for Lic diy. 1> proved te ha a g -nat- lac Burprfie lndeed, for Mn Falis did not kaow anytiig about tise aIl' tir, r-n- til thse final rîg drove Up. Af er ail thefolks baI atrived, Mr. eud Mna. Felai and bise b>.e s eau- ed te tise c,?ntreofet tis parler, and tîte fllowing aikd-ogs was rond by tise Rer. R. A. Dalve, cf BiLaekstbck, wht!e tise mnembers of tise conspariy atgned b9lby, made tish nantto: Mni, and Mca, Cao. Pli, PEAU aRac- avn erdo!ou intended retauval feoni cur m;ie t'Ota t tissuncfAL'ndiay.we, yoîsr friei and d eiss. boa bave pathered lha youc hu;me 1151 are. ning ta crj -yy our campauy, and rnew aur oid asesciattan.. Whi!o thie givea us p saint o andt ppinasDur foelii',acae naturalîT saddo5ned by tIsa b)iugistq of y,>c aariy departurcs. TJhis r'ircnata:sâca wea sil thaaply negret,fo.- during yonr iua)g residooce in tkiis Townehip aud consmisojir, you have endecered yourseivat,) ail hesat, ud wa do not ballera you have an enamy anynhare. Fan h4ve inteirttted your8elvee in every good cpuse ini aur maidst, sud have slways I-nb a ise'plr 7baud lu svory lorward weck arcued yeu. Yen have proven youceelvez triad and brue Irlands to a greâtt uany lu nDc o heo slp snd sympa. h7 sud Tour In. flaene bas ever beau on tise aide. f bruth sud îi..h'. AieWIa, yen have haro truc'- cd sud faitistul vorkers fon tise Cbhuto Chisenle u emmtsnity,and have caautrtb- uted net s lit lc ta itg good îefI sauce sud succeas. ea bisrefee ee!Z)iout loge lu ycnr naseaval snd el tbe-it suai s rfecrd tej woatisy aofcis recognition. We daire te express len a tangible way aur appîccistlon t.! your tires sud uset u'neus.suanc rastai for, yen pergonaly - We auk yau toa tsnap- this Mohair Rug sud Parler Suite sud àMor- ris Chair sud R.-nkec. s el i ht tokati cf love sud coedwili, sud haro you oax' long lire ta crji'y ti11-e a n'h coxufùnt. NVe sica deaire ta presaut Wiifrc'd ssci Lloyd encis witis s capy of bhc Holy Bible, trusting tisa" tnay aven lie uijed by is pi-acepte, Ini conclualon,.%vu arave for pou tise nichait islcs8ings eofbisa Divine Fatisa', as you au- tan upon your new relatiaushîpe of lire, and prsy tbat wADYypesa < f ugtfu!neîsEr nd prcseatty zssy crowu yonr lives hare, and tisat wt may saI'imeet,annbroken onmpany. in our Fat bat',Hcme-"'Iutise Laud Ata ta Fainer tIsse Dav." Sligned on beaaitb ie compsis$,-R. C. Jackeson. J. HaSElip, J. tSanr'arson, 8 A. Devita. R, Edgerton, 24.Davt. R. A. Delsve, Petot Metisoditit Chureis, Cadms.Dec, 18, 1906 bock ,attd CCIcl . t," L UuIecisteIlle l'uck, r 7;- t PLUMAGE FOR IIATS. Yeuî Masy h-les y'xur tiat xx us rcytlsing s isder tlie sua in lie shape f4 fears raîd stsiliie its fashioîî. Leut if Yosî xveîtIsolie disliaelly u-ecac yen xxi i eisst Icnsg, cxxeepidgeg fecis. TilCcomay Ixe alfasted xx dis eslî lei plumes, xwîtli csprey plunmes, xxi(his lsds ,cf lsoîadise, xiis cque tealliers, xxitls cigreties ansd aveuxVl l vhisgs. Nex et' have eiîicli fealIiers bc~î eu-bsr more Mliaiusoxv. 'Tie isedîaggled, uts eut-led pliumse tibat ilsieatenesd us a lit- fie eariier isIlie seasosx is xvening ini ,Pr iulontity. If yeu buy an osli-isIsusise tscxv ycu xxulu Luy il curicd, aîsd yen wilu aIse ocse it us a plaii ercîas lise sssaded eflects neueucsuîsg Ie piease. A ilong esîs sel pleime cf gcod qualily ins Muek or' xxhile is e gced mx estiiiessl fuis any axemun. 1-1er tint. ashcrned xxilli it tixis xiuuer is suie to lie inls ,ond sityle, aisd lhese plums5 xil i idîluof cuiecatesiche s us d eiuxg anîd cur-linxg lSeauti ' ru pleines cornte ils ail [lie silanss- ci'd cheors- lieu i, saxy Ituse, gt-eeîîi'aid grtay. Tîscie is a fsseissatiig sade lstixvs by lte ntilinieus tas "taupe, xx hidi ix ssiexiherp e iseenetacaxsr arîd tagray, nixd hat-esnizes ls"au!ifuiiy xitis île Lonsdon n soke eawns. Txvo ncolers in bat puseetlat are findinsg gîx'at fax or in fetnisineos are theso rBîdeaux, xviidl is a piietty salade cf gaî'aet, anxd an.exquisito pale b1tue, whlis li ahed "ci1.1." An ensiiie liai is somelinies buihi. ef ene cf Ilese cisiors, btintiths tie uwomnani ahose liste-. ct-o coox enhjussîcial ablacklsd vt is e locouu f etci' ssotsaillis gmaler lav- Iridesenit brests, x-ings anxd tird heads dar'v asue ikiii or tl'tsany tLats. Itîdecd, tiîis secniss lssbc, a so;en- .snxvlcn tishessbî'e isniillinery fisds bille plce. Fhoxvcîs. especialix- roses, aire eeîssiaedch cn.staaty xxiil feaiixers. Onse x-ely stiiiing lacklek hisa vsi es-oxancd xxitts isaek ostricis plumes and lit ed -l eivot roses unler thse lirhi tt re'st us e îe x creg's iaiî'. Coque pliînses iceeese ixnppîîlr!ly as lie seasosis dvences. Ttsoy arc pu-tty, chsic, Ouacle and fot exeî1y expensixe. 'bciey coise lis ex ry pessihlee cior - sietiiisîes it c c<eisuîîation ef caices.j \\a liai.lknoxx' as tle brnzse eor natus'- a' tiai, is sscxv liis yeet' ad erymuuel Quiiiis s iiili old tîscir cuva for tise smuipfie ists. csd neoxxWonder'! Tice, sei c we~ll-deserx'ed pcisuiaiity. Tise lui-i55 y C"t1iliîte ni a eqîuil l o e 'silini- -r's stor-e, and bis constr-ibutionxs ane dyed ahesosl iiaîy ciet'. Breasîs havxe an imnportalint place sn'- piOeseiii-d'iy esihlilery. Etire toqe-se asc mnade -cf te, ci' [hetequse hses a xcix t crowvnsirn a hlssrrnîetxziiig ecler -aisd tle liricesîs are liuii cii rounsd tlîis bPlitisatit5 reasts as-e cîxarrnîcg xvien îi'ed titis xxcy, acd aviat wavomen dues j net kîscxv the jisy cf possessisxg a chic Mille fealisor lotqse? Tzae Vassal IrasCIED THE14 Tuse DOllapr ad'ernIrboide The claim that a shoe is as cor1fortahie as a ao foot is a pretty stronig caim, but we dlaim it for ther Dofly Varden Shoe and oui- adent ina your City ie readaY, to proveo rr aim. BY tryin1tg on a few pairs You carl soon find out. why are they comiortable? Because they are copies of perfeci feminine foot which allow thse feot to lie ina their natural position. Decause of their Free Flat Tread. Because of their newly devised, restful stoel arcis support which reliovos thse fatligue muscles of the arcis and prevents crowdinig of thse toos înto the nar- row front of thse shoe, by holdinà thee lied close to thse bacRt. Because of their Dead ]Level Bal, and HZeel Balance, which placcs thse feot on thse roun4< as nature intended. ' Because of their Harmlesa Higis Heels which are as comfortable as mnoccasins. Because they hold thse foot firmly at every point in a corset-lhue grip. And because cf tiseir new "velvette Ilid I leatisor, which is as soft as clotis. $3.50 and $4,00 ina Canada or thse States. Every pair Goodyear Welted. <To ho continued.) THE SHOF. 0F FOURTEE.iNXNW FEATiURES COPYRtIGHT, 1905, Dy THE DOLLTY VARDEN 5110E CO. L'ý'c 'GlIu~ Ag ents for DGnnî~e ,0 I J le a-IKasdyBisa Fr~nsulacs te the Gangs Wi-i" a simple isalt,-tu;n. Seaper LUnïvs combisned aiL, is nicat,-s. Bars ieep Plate-- finca of ailsode anrmuas, Ba lBac vey igist. Flexibte. Wil 011 urrow-sor fit uneven grcasnd. Plat-,;tie crrec igha e , turun-sJ 1'1T'v"Esiaa,AL.OtSoer DI'ecesud cultivatoîti ted againet tisa "BDISSELL" get fa surprise. SCd biy cur Age nts, Maniufactssred by T. E. EISSELL, ELORA, ONTm. COURTICE. U2 oFýCoto GRot 'compound., Thec great Uterine Tonic, and Miss Sa~lle Kenspt. KGe)ne, has beanu -- oply safe 'effectuai Monthly ,visiting lier aunt Mrs. JaIin Walter... eglaoronwhielh womien cati Mis Mael altr h wih fiene i - ...depend. Sod in three dçgrees. Miss Mabe Waltr iswith rtene inof strength-No, 1, $1;-o Toronto.... Mr and Mrs. Ernet Wor- ' Oere tegr$;N.3 den and famlly, Crystal City, Man., are for !acal -ass5 per box Sod y aildrgsts, or sent vis tlg hii fainer M r. John W rden.. pep 0e on re cel t or prc Ssrs. A M. Fewler and daugistor Olive re aphlet- A dl as: TsF Moorefield, have bcen visiting relatives GcU::,E IoG 0 Tûe. rTQsmtOUT. V 1lylo i j' Wnor) bore ...Mr. and Nfrq. T. Saudenson,___ East Toronsto. were Xmas visitors here *-..Mr. Frank Ilundle and Mrs Wil- A 1RIBUTE TO TLMPF1iX%2NCI. mille ...Rev and i4rs. T., Saowatri ' Seotbý,nd .was îducuzd Io give up hji.zzha- Eniskillon, speni XtnasD-ty wltbRoy. u ~laddiiigcdsg h hdc Tistate ieouse tise Dacter huit, Tise higzgt house Iou t3ee; Thatuk goolnes- Ise dou't -el cen meney For we latte loliislen's Bocky Moun- tain Tea. SoId by Stott & Jury, druggists. DAItLIUGTON. Mne J. H Power and citdren bave baien vtsltin g ber motiser ln Oshsawa... Mn. and Mrs, F. Gale, Wbltby, spent Christma tetronfstiser's, Mn. 'Liss. VanCamp's... M. George Mettait, vise bai; beau visltisig relatives here. bas neturned toe hom ere Lu Moorflold ... Miss Ojive Oke, Witby, bas beeu!ng ber aunt Mi8s Magele Oke... MesBrs, Elmer and Roy VanCamp are .% lling thse formoer' sieten, M rs. F. Ii. Frost, Perths..-.. Mise Violet Guy, Col. umbîte, bas iseqn vieitlng hon unele, Mr. F. T Gev,,.. Miss Sybil Trul bas gene te Bey Citv, Miels,,...Congratula. tious te Mulsa Carrle May Jenlugs on her marniage Tihe m-t cf piapeî'-rikiag lies rexelcd thse polîit xxlies-e it is po.ssible te eut dssxx-sassgriîxx'ueg t-eoanco eoîsx i i ie te faiei- suiI chie fot' piinig pur- poses xx tîxis lieshiotbspsse cf121k h etirs. Medicine Ca., Toronto and Bisifals. At a puesse ssmeeing ho gave his "cix- perience." "ineyer Ilioclit tteltIve," lie ssid, "lisat for a,\vhlemonfili i liavena' touelied a drap of anythung. F've sex-ed enough le liuy me a liraw cak coffin xvi' brass liandles and liras& nails-and if 1'm a teetotaller for an- other imenti 1 shah liecxvaatin' ltl"> Builds up was e3 tissue. promotes zip- petite, improve ' digetion, induces ne- freqhiîsg sleep. zîves neuewed stren.eth and health That's whatRole' Rocky Mountain Teàa doe., 85 cent Tea or Tab1eo. Sold by Stott & Jury,. druggles. FAM E. 'ITlicres three ways," uliset'vedlte' philosophier on tlie cracer hsirrel, "fur ,i man to hand his namne dcxxn te pes- terity. lle'e got Io bc a great wiarrior, oe a greatsatsa, or a great raseal; ad. by joeks. once in a wIie Iliere's. a man-ttset's ai] Iliree!" is sent direct ta the d!seaeed parts by thse lmprovr-d blowcr, isais lthe sOes, tiars the air- Passag-es, StoPs droppings in the throat and pennasiiy cures. Caîarrh and !-ay Fever. liower free. AUldealers. or Dr. A. VW. Chase I I~~~ ~~~ iovlx:sr h li scnk o!Jcon- verin per slvcOliste gDtmi cciin.1 61,ONE OF I's aman-Isle seaeasslwisga. Llis scft eedie-li5e veins eatliag leineaelose ealiser tip, is ft-qusiehiy seen in blacks and eaulie spangled xx [h erysici drops. All-hock liais drimed in k cali-leiic plumes aire imis lilid. Ail xvhite hl[s xxiii nex or lse thissu'poptularity xx 1h ees' woemen for speehal oeees:ees, ced I lie eoeîib7uation cf a blaeck liat xxil l white xvings, laring higl's a[ ene side. i:ýi es( et xxilh Ile appî'ex ciof lier' xvl ilikc-stisaI I ici of bicktsansdxxhite. 'xolisiig semas sLeo eeceirie fcr lthe bat, cf tise Parisienne . Sse will cein- binie a bueci cf leailîsei-s-ene hi'oxxi, cie purpde and coegree -ie xxii liaxve tlie tiiie -li-iîssinia.-esahle xciili a linge velveteix con ex eriiasging il; site xvii xxrap ce eslî'ieit tee lthrt'ound lier liai ash theis aboutli er areek, or' ei..e ilt e supes-listers end bang dcxxislfier bacl, and -isc xillii sake tflims sIirltIiin1g consasts lus eelor bleixen lier ist, and lit hs'iiilig. JEW EItX'Y AND ACCESSOPIES. Ailube hat is nateoespIeiexx -ilseut, tise eopietie tî-iîîîiincîg tisai.ceni lic added in aRppair- cf hltpins. Naiuî'si flexx pt tinss ein[ttiialisng lise Ilsxx e ina cior are ageiîs fechionahble, masde se b tIsle copies cf tih',hox ely czar- xviolet .A pir!ieuiseiy large hics- ,rint tlhlsle observ o-er t, tnee Iia [ iss is eue of ftcue czar hlossoîsis.' Oiieî' axv liads hock hike Dresdeni china, andsit n tisetage fet' big kuolis net enhly lotoisý'sliehliileticîn but, deli-ý cale clored glass is popuier atnd ct bc. used xxilli eltti'tng faste in their slxedinos wiili- dili-erext, eolors cof mîil- lînei'y. Bvisîge bagsandiic fans and ia glove pui'se se tiay liaît il iserdhy seeouts big etiiigit for n élimel. ssllsuugliit iwsili etcx d ns sex oral andI cîrs hoess Io l h-d sa sîleelP-, ire iuiS file tte hings aiîZde ili',liinelle is liclid8y isexellies. 'l'iî hiidgo cssa ite iii lxx esizes. one qsîtil astîsoi saî'k irstened o nly Io sold il candiflicth île-a onsig bssg ie xx hiiehl tle fanti c li pîped. Sijnae- xx ued Ifaits areu-o agel fashiectîhle and ctsoi,]xvii, gonze nouais paintesi 10 luiul. nilher isex fsetin of fini is one tinait is cx id xi Ixsa cýf tuait sequis Ilial flashIs tsillhbiatiix Th'y ut-e cf "set-I t 'nt' siides cf gretent, xx'te, gray anti ros~e col-si. Atit- thissarecî'x mogrsîîe andsiimîre nr faxci' atîid ti eilht'iiVS ucldaill edged in i slx ci(uo a5eîdet' aux or chairs, c, lise sisethyst pendat edged ils peo ris t.- hIe Pearl sli'ing. is lise isCxxst xx i5 t- weer tlis oie. Serpexnts ac- lie popsier cdesign anîd- lise serpenti bracelet l is alle ils lari-g size cf ilexiils' goi. Te'l'O it, have blil sdded soi-petit rings, tsid fer seîff rh tssleî'e is atýiiîg saItstni'tis ts tklchl1e gîsidxvii sl iselietihuÀ teser- SiB4 fà Book -Trutl*' elp.r. L% Pliolle DOII(LRY auci llew-c()Mers 1 151 -LI 1 ý -1 Lý r, ---t -1 m- -r 'l 1 a 1 Il u BOSTON

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