ftected WNhole Systemn-Could Not S!e-ep Nights-Lost Flesh and NI! Run Down-Advised By a Friend to Try Cuticura and Now CUTIURAREMEDIES TO ALL SUFFERERS n write yen te say 1 amn cured of cz-mia, aisd can e'ay tat I oiwe it to the Cutieura aneie , dIgiadly recomrnend thern to il sfferinr, with any forîst of cczerqi. For four long -months I suffered agony and an itching aund burning feeling w,,hieh affected my wýhoi1e systern, Sa as 1 eould flot seep lirbs, and I1éid not care to go inte pul, le as I xould have no case. I Iiost flesh and was ail run down. I tried ex erytbiag I could thiink of and ,so everyting that was advertised, ',bUt go no relief, untîl I was adx îsed by a friend to try Cuticura, sxhieh I dlid, and eai truthfuily say 1 got imime- d1iate reliief. 1 would gladly recoi-- itiend Cuticra to any one suffering as I did with eczema, and cau verify rny statemient by miembers and aso inti- miate frianýds of rmy iamily. I trust that titis testimonial may be of some benefît te persons sufie-ring viith any s'in discases." Chester A. Bailey, 260A liigiancl Avenue, Oct. 17, 1905. Somierville, Mass. CURED AT SMALL EXPIENE "When an infant I had a ba-d uot ans 5îlsy bond, for w 1iv, Iass ctd wiýth1 Cutiestra Soap an(! itnet nnd now 1I have a good Ltead of hýair sud tise humour is entireiy gene. It only required one 1box of itmcint and oeecake o e S oapt feta cre, 1 send this with 11ypemsint puish" MisIz eNuLln Jo ne 13, 1905. Milo, Me. Conpiri lrnl anS iienaTretrirni for erery 11--l'rirsl'iO pies bO roula QtouJA.ney t "ge al-e in for- f, roooe o Iit in , l ilof i) t.%ey lie li1 ofal .11 gtss.A sigle at 0 ftucure, thre -A tdltss "grae n heail irr th- e, n elve tirlrt lvi il. Pie e lerCr. Soie i'rOP, iloit , l U.aS . f A. ce- ',,fMoud Fr-e, Ail Abloutt he SkînScalpand 1S Eux > rO-DAY simd,"J'/ Yucp desfc ,cerc etatucd lAucisCARNATIONS, CIUl Ai tAMIPIICAN BAUTY ROSES [ti;eto-day enltiosiz 25c -is Q One- Is Young as llesponds t( <r'ley salbol e atratd efthtisI xiicli iglsatndileu'tor shahLlu inthe xvay. Eî'Ce- ie.i., 5. Thtare are lx; e xvav's oet a ix's1 eu-rauiug eal's, assbLî'ess or aIs( poiiuiies, asilS [car or1xx it lexpe liton. Tue cia's aoflise uscuxiuir ci lew i)ui mis a idsetricet ofissa lcaîne la, t' Le irisasillitugiv dene oras sa.0 itany s Saliolîs ta aite aît nid nehiex egpi tliiiils. 'l'lie dîfe'erbLtxx cuisl (lxx ir.t 0il e sia nrk~s te dittere: beisseen eîsdîucug lite simd fiidiîg1 lifeta tiendures; Tu isxvse îsu'clcsof etngeag spaaniq Sipiit tmoneofthilse dialiaictiausaIl cul cIer Ihsî'cîîgiîh lobls et lusn Il ' sais Ilitailte igu cf elc spa rs h a tnanseaf taiciofet lIti wicir is iý coiîutage-sanaum itionhîi av xe pi lci ae andsîsciar'pilîuîl bava iufloi'ed ta)cinttler as ueiler aeminuie 18 ucc 81 lie aloe ais tts ueti, hoakm istasa lîctîrelîiu, xx Ira eaustili caltchlisevis efthlie iccai, oai liti xxhieS is igli. s' cia liti up bus e3'as beind lise iîeî' tif srscicslilissand puacaharîlsu ae use thisigs nual el cetdizer-t. '115c a tluusa xvcmenîmau ust dî'aem dier andi sec visions,, ss'lens tey.msausi teust noble pu'pasas tir dia se tai' as tisa sec spirit andci al tisaI tusîes ceai lis' is cousceruacci. If yau fsindtae ailI beccînîg cli E bIcSS, x'Tis no qcuuiele-î-g et pusess, Lui oîmiy apalis3 or saseer ltse igi purpaso e r tisa gî'eslpr'aomise s but a sigiet tise (appuescir ef seuil ai lise FAILUU7E 0F- 111EPOWEFIS. W'iceultme anuiien eau be salisi silf li l es, stslise grrealor is bel il, witecc thisige bo sd base are1 faîedotac Chistgig, s, nIer attnsd d caltît laniss Ieieîiitigalt'ea t ý lîo'iss a ilemparî(iethlta lise sspi I i luive ariil cI 1,aisud Le tchi1 -ci xhais (hiaredees ual l i is alyziutg chili tha i lrasuer et lise pi hum-e oret' caatie maer5' of euîi- i uny tailuies deaimgise xvîîcu gresi r sittililies ofete ihamaselvhoteus? Il 1îcssly enter in tuhli eci coasidc'ali, "' 0 U No> G I FOLKS FATIiIEi'S GIRlL. i er bair lis straight and stubborn; 1, as freckies Iby the scor'e SIte is apt ta bave a r.-lt iin chaîcest pînalare. ,She is uittVridcd and sallow, by sisiers fair anîd lîi, Butic Iee r lires of doirg Idldny for ene and ail. my Lirngs tlite waler in, ind burits ffa"lîd . lt Mairy swceps thie kilien flair and P. up Tormy s bal, Gds ua ,rrs îif fbeauly i lier hautely 1111e face, 11Liber livîng illie asjler-liïear illed xitls double grace. TuIE LITTLiE DEEFI AT TilE FOUN lAIN. Gr t5pc coLtend stete desr.- wa-ntedI x isrigl SSllise macs xvas rce ci "eblcco cte neexormade. Wven sd siîiug bîiglîly ils the sky , i eonlu'ce'CY neusetha't tihe tHOM lc Naiga5Ir.ansdhbat tucihet xs uld s' 't ith lep'aete2t raîs5aziqe Puilitledcas [lic laios îliî'k rîelhe hure s ~ eer4eioca 'ir'lt ourS evty De- 'i etrcknr. i-tcentoll tintn', Wl! ini ici Lutte giigtl 'ep. iiari-ii I a z e tezs hmpxxan rculîlNew txx, allkut) i td cloxwnîou 25 ceggntr nec ye&r's sub"crîptleý o t ansid aeruiid itsl lIse tocîitti. ne journal and thse ceortrepiree. A lilîle ssîe c hai lIse fb ClTlCUI,ÂVîlON DIiPAII'rMlVN'f, iciaîn., Maîýgarci i v s 'cy fond cf ~ TORONTO ibile decr i se xsisvedxrv >iltctlitsh xx rus aWCaliaedcl, bl(U lite di0i ýMM sIeur, dcci' 7 A lix e idcc coiid drinkl j xx -ahi' at te fîunlaîr., sud I tlîiîî, xx'ctld ho îîsucia ieflilai Ilîntii a pl wx ile Silsa ccce." Bardie Li itîitî eglilt xxas niri, i1ceoU',c il could ilts ruts ab andîiri lliîîîîî thm l i 'a ir-s. CarniagesOe gt l lth foyllt _________________________flccacingtgelIse iandtîîcmrahIiii g the xx dliii ciiilita asst iie e, le Icirglae Dîd tou see lthre Cr- Ulille ci' Ct. "I xx li s'estss'eealix e dcci'," I riage Ce's exhît ut tise recent gatet xxas sayil", as stasîac L Toronutoexhibition No dcubt " lîtlîletterc. "yn ut x îclc l 1u aid x tir eulc i tand play xc Iltlinie about Il a leade-', ight ut tise ~ aexî scats lasi top, a contre oi attraction con- huik 1clui tu mi aici play, sa Id t Ile cldci', and. ohli1ilie bliarltol tiruaily. îcis'ît' hci >hixi A s w o arae uaking iiîc urd cc Ot a i, d c5inie ras ù lî ei' Cr arrangements te carry a nize rijiiuîîîimîlci liiiia i,-, h crdcaix line e! Cutters an5d Sleigbs f0kr aiasiltluîiiltiIie as as s a tnir- r îy I As pi thse coxnluign xstIrade, se xve rice0 î'cias wish ta cean ont our Iugg'iam IAnd i llîlLc ducrr inaundNhl i'ci as fns-!lun Ille It e r. te make îeem. Now 1is yçu, 1"IctihI it1 W CMIart chance fer a snap l inte ha bst i"I ~l îtc~ r liii lrUn-it fasta buggy made in Cassadi'. I cr-t ls1. ai.it 111 I cn ep, l I'saî rte itel st S 'UMi h O.1 r Ltti e.i1 i1i dl ti ii Carriag-e Woi'k Na x 'ec c r,"shdlIle% ' ""r" leda ;l LL lu i'Si L' hc fcîci l idt est., W.11'-DGAnItî, Manageru. ' li sired.- cci: ici liiille st Re5puritig t'tomptty dusd.c n'î î . " octti llx ruav i r it i 'r Iii i ll e r0i-'i . , ( ~ '(i~ l'e' i" Ct"i Nl i'o c l ___________________________________ '- c ic-hrî li l Ucu i iii t ir'rrir'l rrîî c~ re'cet us 1.lle i 'i sia iii la aa ii ii xil li. lIe x 5.iic. I xiits5? i ile cy 'O fi î! i l , i"r" I"rai'hW lh h ra'J How Nature Provides. 0cr Beauty, Healîli and lappiness. la lI .net possible, and altogether prob- Hotbl that elemeuts uecesliary for the T1"~. TTt~'~4-body-health are conte îned in t.he mcd- Long as jHis .L~' icinal recto found lnteu rhdgse in the plant laboratory ef Nature and ~~~md a N ble G alfor mn mor animal ? _____________nishies us xith the uacessary elementse for blood mnaking sud te keep that deli- i 13 that deaden Our aspirations; hox subi cte alanc eo bahtapith bumarn the lempiatian la Leceonent W us aimlas l i 5 at e lisur b wo cond pition laitOîianXolves letls'v toi n"' fia"Ild mowtisat thepai., luwliad t reliz 1_101hehs n or0r1 d-r-oueCereïal op-aninitalien ta düalb. foodo, sud Iraon roincranveeals et- l'O ail mets COIles lise litrili ofthlie pas- euch assphsacb sud greene. lilY sien la do sasseý great thitti, la 1 gis e aur If C)es'e is ill-heaith thoor beet' Lsks w arld sema xx ai 1j.-1-1 1vc'. Te ie'Idlao nethod fer recovering aur standlard f In- Lis is le koep lisebeai youing, is ta blance o e raitb le to go ta Naturef'sJ est \\yl e ucasur iecas slie- Laoratory-tbe plant lire ih wil es ltrtee aîsiug day j ei budlie u frisit the rcmedy.i ncIl willîi heir Lurdens a r sai .1ud1ureddeep un orforests is the plant ' the su eîsghlhett1lit1f edous net diuiat rsw s Golden Sul(Hydrastisj tier whelher lltey liaS a ceres eor îays l int.root oai w;hir-h 1Edwýin M. Haie, M. D., I ight but aun ha li11ev find 1uS tespOI-lsiS eProfesser et Materia _Medica at Hahue- i Itat liatise rail et saIsie"tliîgs. marin Medtcsl Cu ieg, CbcRgo, States s. N sr 1 tis aHI; Ilte spirit ef grcietnesc tî rinio t lsgeerl ffci nVs c bat liitd ampe lPlay lu diailv diies. li-The rystem, there is no meresu n s ph. Iules fle vear (lac"s ul d(epei -an11shout xhich there is such genarai un- suce ý ofilîrxcict e liîslia ialanimiliy ai opinion. It is, universally vdel erVundo hnsthisýI regard cd ns the tonie usefili ljral de- mi la itay or ntue y Cl iSCltbilitated states." Dr. Halcotîinues: kmîxxn foi ever. bult UPJI ai1 vlCiur it{"Prof. JohnuM. Scudder sy,;i tm lire il Ile Illiings ySi (10S, 'IL Stitu-'nl yol îl, iW'ylîuîîît'lm.nites the digestive processe8, sud in- niat pac as lbe(y îtsay se ,ii l0 bc, crosses the assimilation cf focd. Ey tia lise y dcl sl iaiof11e1or ial a01,tisese meanuetise blood s enriehed, sud izof ~ Ilile rare ofthie baby, erth Ie ru!- this blood feeds the muscular systeu.' aud ninp etf a lvpewtîhei', licit sha! entier 1I mention tihe muecular systemnbecause ý s ts , îms 'HIE GLiEýAT AND 1Hîl NMOIVnE. I bolicre it first lacis tbe iucreased ai 1 dll power impnrted by tise Stimulation ai 1 o Titis is xl,,L aito, le hiîgîhi ncreased nutrition. The cenesequent lu iiutlIte (;7ýj lesi îîngs, te siglit ai imProvensent an0 te nervons and s '11g19 ii tacfilettailte Icast piee etx - s i icdular systeme are naturel results.'"l exettlielpal toutthe wC i t ltex.ia". Stillingia or Qrsecn'e root- is anotherf Unix erse, tisai a tuaffi' svrves lise Div ine root whicb bas long beau ins repute as frnet lix xeiring a iiIIjcX cool lut by ais u altorative (blood purifier) and Prof, fo ig, asin God'snomsc, williiilig] Jolin King, M. D., asoit"A "[Y,! il is net pliaîceoracithetily cor vagc other af the known alteratives; mcins tht llî nakes lte x'.rk lpuh i' 10or il is uccessini in ekin and cerofuione afice- j lte pirt t Ie 0rxce tic he îartiltiens. Beneficial in branchial affectionsi i tlays iunte warld's grcat busuness ci-emsetofesrnhts"-eee PIIed: e4cigiuat'. irritation-an important cough rernedy for pefelin lllll',llýv.of ol ag, Lcrsh-.ceagie af years' standing baing cnured. pr- ould voit waîd atadae biibAida lu blood-making and nutrition, ifri- Il 1 u i exlel ardî~ and may bho taken withaut burin for :sek l5lie uineýs t iîtt 5l'e auiie, tihe lite e prod" id.thstt seves soea waî'iiy end. One i lerearly forty years age, Dr. ILn.. yLi as longas hLs hcrtLcps re- Pierce of Buffalo, 1-. Y., combined n par~- lix ces te pleassire. a iote salisteclion cif with ti.at ai Stone root. Black Cherry- Élis- wtliself,xx ha bas sutllits ce a le seiigh barit, Eloodroot, M'sndrah5e and Giy0c- ligstai rail for self-diluail, for tOll riue-into a Prescription w'licb lue put5 p is anud 105, is dcad aiready. up ln a ready-to-nse forin, and called COPE. Dr. Piere.cs Golden Medical Discovery. IosIIENIlY F.CO . It war, meost sccessisi in carrccting ___________________________- and uci ring sncb ailmneulci, as xi ere due lie~ to rtomach and lîver deraugeiets, CX II11111uisers chasecius, said 1101 fIc Ioived by impure bleoci. s dttec d _et'. lncases aifsteak tonacb, indiges- "Oh, litile dcer,' said Mlargarel, dicd tion, dyspepsia, ulieelration ai storach Ile litutrs ei'S Ch lase a-u 7" or bawels, torpid liver, or biliausuess, "0f cisurse tley Ichsed ise,' srid te the 'Golden Medical Discoxrery Il bas dcccr. "i'hmîl is te way licy Cauglîl tua nùever been exceiled as a tonie sud in- I1i li tics bie u lu osleud ai yucir'fotiis- 'rigratotr wbie"î putsthue affected or- ta lin." gane "Iln tois e" and cîabies them tot "l'il itie ah.oul il," saici litle Niai'- pertorm their proper fendtions. garet.iltug go îtud roliiiug (iownItahie'[Thies llerative sud taule is indicated sOI gî'ass. i ien iyen lhave sycptame aof beadache, site "VWeil, yeu n 15oîwi x1:.b siuglis iup îîs backaesse, lu lad t lache ait aver.," Illc toiesl," hegsatIlise deer. Whers ý'our appetite ise ,gene, tangue lier "llit NIa'gîre t5i arc x'oîî il f'red, oaci tacte in mauih foui bre-tit .Iies auep heý.-e au Ile c'aîîsp glu < 7ýwhen yen feel weak, tired, bine andi lier stlilditer lIjiser, sleeping se hlflt, litile icourageci, then l is e lime 10 take t'targar'i. "Gine ni, ansîl e ptllîcc i.titis naturni restorative ai Dr. Pierce. actc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, iixttîbîîacp"sacMagcrt"Golden 'Medical Discarerytele s rot a a is "Iitsg 'tbe ~e"xen aci aie ,tngSecret, or patent medicine, because ail j ili ýglierutIe dis "d've'bîei alîci ils ingredients are priuted on the hotUsa lietai' playc xxil ts[edcIiod e Oslu ru 'iand rapper. Il coutains snc sicoisol, or l îîîsd ih xnse,îand le len i oatîl ther h'rmtni, lîait-forringagns and5 lixxe wItu ix ucoit ise o h ciîernicaily pure, triple -refined glyc- 1iCýstilleNven e ivd i tefore-;1.7 cerine beiug used as a soîrent and pre- "'ci, celi, lie coi lt 01 3 >55 ict il Vla sers-ative. ~cd mîrt'ox ," lateîd Ntarg,1ii-U's olir A good medical book, wrktten in "Il b1,dti- ide 11w " plain Engilis, sud frc freut tech0ieal i t Tise [le deet 'liexer 10la iiie.terme le a valuable vork for frequent Nover again dic ha cuit sud plUYan îd consultation. Snob a werk is Dr.i taîR xilh is 11e Marglacel, liserighlyi Otenî Pierce'e Common Seuse Medical Ad- 1 site cail5 eut in lise iailgll t viser. It's a book ai 1008 pages, pro- eue xed lîlît. ihul Maigaieltics ' fr î'cl. fusely illustriteci. It is giron awiay sniOfllîtsfoiantlli îîst delipisîful siî'cy .hlîc îîow, aitiscugis formeriy solci un clotb iti c sUld liii liei' cyes. atîci drcstiiî spai rof jiuding fer $1.50. Senci 31 cents, in v lîcli riay' i is the uiiil ei'tlue utIle eu.e-cent clamps, te pay for cest oai weat slane dccc liat caille la lite and rais customs and mailing S nly for paper- iritd tares aîtd lalked xx liiter ut te fbut covereci copy, addressiîîg Dr. R. V. Ille laits, Pierre, Butfala, N. Y.; or 50 cents for an elegantiy cloth-bound capy, Dr. Pierce's Picasaut IPellets regu- sut BOAtII)ING-IIOUSIi E-ýNGLISII. late aud invigorate stomiach, lirer sud lit \'vairess --"îleis beelîsîsîitlîainumLu,- boweis. One a laxative, twa or tbreu all n niuhýeoIuoteta)esfidc( - huver - stea'a' cathartie. Easy Wa take as canady. 1 trie if at litie ik il xx iriS «ise li pr-1,- Ille pju fied, [ruts as lae ail Ilie lit il itaiîe 'k if mîil Onons. BOatder-"ýAri'e sy 1iniosh terai, s___________________ yeu anrncle hltis, or _selsarate'," LITERII.1Y NOTES. Th'ie lite sler,,'at E. Il. ilarriîiin, ime imia xx 'to e-o u'rtiii'<itisa t turiiiî i"OOliic k RIailr I'atn ad eca I ise"IIatrim-an St'lîot" cf VW'csïr'cit ai , isct lal laId aI loiîglit ii in, lîiniclriy îevîset o icri'tlîoetfuan tteîln ature lias bute- lalciu'a iscîs pril ail rmserrîcîig tHis1 lai cf ,lis'aIl ,Stvlt',eiJ1 v'îi rdy apliy f tICe Nil'. Irî"îsaî.'iie ;liclle by Ni. xinpi'ig. lu is b'osa-)n a i hnCiugil hnicJy f 'il, iii lIath Wt \'v'elrîsuiilî srIil' iotn, andc ('y. \ 'f iri. liiiun'ltis tll515ltecalî. Nu isAmescran Il ex ic-xx'oailihe uxs, - ' 131 Ast' Place, Nexx "sOuI. A eal Com fort te know yeu always have Hirst's Pain Eýxtermina tor ini the house. Trried and tested for aver thirty years and adsitted te be thIe sovereigu remedy fer al anid Lamie Bilek. '25c. at al denlers. lrry Rirs's Utlle lAver Fis. They remove pimples e from the face. Trhey cure sallow skin. Ask your deaier or send us 25c. direct. A handsomec souvenir water celer sketch free. TH-L . F. OALLEY CO, Umnited tas' xxîis'î cIces tiuîi. SccresuMugazine [cci jtsîîuaî'y contaui .ls utîader Ile ilale rrîîîhJ. i1\1o t btss in as f 11ilriOarî'iltlsi y Ieîîy Beachi Need il, oaitlue ielisds snd sehiexe- isluits of !]lius Giax rîsii-tia1ticiv, xslo liaLe iî'ailtîcias "tlisebippaesI;îsailinlî Ilute NN'eq." i"tanhc I"ayatils "Fiais andc lîoîs ai fiîîauciah sisaî'ps lu Wall Street, i 1euls et'lita faii5c îuîiîin id ail calmn- Iao !srumic 1i\t .,ax '1acl pat eut nis u"eimt e flic bal nciludes "Jisuîlies IFirssiCse"by Nenlague Glass; " \'s'uileî' af Boai," Ly NarMnN. Fass; "lite CenmtralV alley Allair," by Chsarles F" Marti ; "'l'cii'ssTo'urniquet," Ly ilenry' Harr'isonU Lex s, sudthue conciu- sien af "Tise Secondc Gei-i'cahioui," Ly D)axid Grahamn PiHips. A lar'ge, double- page "Slocy et 1906 un Catooums," Ly Clerc V. DwIggins, î'epresenling lime chieif exectîtýs of th,,, 'eac, anci a page et "The Itsd iWa.eliuglcuf," bî'iet cammess Oit lie paltisa Ibo calpital1, frà, "on lu- sidr,"arene felursAcidress Suc- cee M gazne,3'2 NVua-1erly Place, New Onue test fordsinussigdamni I'IIEN'ENTION 0F CNUl'IN Allicîph lieuxanselicci af h ealitmg 'smîtirn h3' open air auci [ull feec- îug, xviîr'îbas iscreissa etlaIe &s eni- 'ual, Ilns arc smuiphIie, I x 0iei itae sa of e curuiîîi. et' ileasi af art'esluîsg Ilcjo'sgî'ess ut lle" di- ssIli5 i' xt sited ao lie pcodtticbx e cfi, il gt'aar ý goomcl l lîe tre il preîeîslag lis terr'ible railge. Tisehelef itatLub'i'rulosis etc - lieitiue'i.l Ill, ilcu etaiiy ihldcîc.ti,] 1 el ls f- tîu ielitIhe nislc ;r uecîim imereimîs is inidana- Hi.îeîî- a aur hue diserise uy lirI Iaî'iIhclîsh ie dIeu ln as a legitry if~ ~ ~ ~~~P xx ri5ndir1'ugpsxer xviscia pre- bsuenx htui elise liuoxfetauul'inter- tacts ~ P1 ciessdas lic is pirUbiaîIy ex- maec ,l ihcI'as iisý,in usle tuoute xxiec lue îsislsudy hstexails, il, is nie xx etmci tili lur Cl(jiatef et'laid î acqilires Au. 'l fiAlimay ]i-'e ýexcd lu'ostu hi a tl liaumds tlae ce duipi:alieinil lxf epet'- yens laiisoanesd tispu",, r xihis is a- 'eacit a sit'fIrer. 'i'l., o'lupie is scs s c 1h o gveuilu sIt aý I' o le i,î'avlie cx- peodrnled tsiam [1r, andîa!I e le oprex'ct ctiriuiuiîaitg ltaeair by a ra ls 'Z' 'te,]]spuit, xxii us uc adaups. Theic pît- cut xl rLeah' c u itn asspc ciai ce- -i aIaper ýitual ent s ucI ia be i ls'u dru ie'l ' cui n , c 5rdbhI 'iItlo iîirJ ,lu i ' e î'r- lharu us c' rr t of liîaes aitlIîr li'x" 1 s l [ia lise. Vu lais cdi 51 up lu, s ttildis tiia snshkrriîcf I ecelIe face, rush iu s- ea')i ' 1,,lac iueld usnu' P iouihseî'y clos, ' lisliepe"'i1a1tc0 Tr h iîe set- hiî'eî sîhid ncur ci' x~ îss tiý-ntadais n i :dcii'n 1s 5 isshmliici of Ilraeîclemco hIe tcfitru Ncsplxris î i atsniidccli's 55d iy sucii ,leu iý jdnt gpi!it< lie auiiitl xx 5, atuci or' aniiel sîl i'eI3 I lic 3Itad i ,, lii oi f fiaprlan,[ci le LuIr-h 5aller tisa' T l'ie peî'seî xx'1rC n' 1sl lie dis- Ž-asa, Lut xx ha is ptî'ciisi oaI iiltl, sfldcifeîkxa' uicsaille îiIw5s huoc at ci- Liusg Ilii( ct t'liii' thertîral ci c-,as -, alh t cgi t 'îipe isî'i govti' c.sIl Il e i rîulci sîreîî inthedopenîtait', et' ah lestaI b>y auî epetssviiass , attd shlt c, a exi- iie's Is suéhas postible durii lIe vit. 'lie hIl scîtfs t udy'ah îldh c>l rlit ix 'r al, niglul,asci lir te limse [,,,i L ituss i'îhurut downu as flai' l pis- 'J'lie teoscishseuld Le 'aaet>l ii'c.:' xxihiîl dstIi' ii Iuli, s(! a cifaillk clttcî c t allîe iSUrin ti 5 Pid'ie f iuhe5 iioiciiug otscdof 1e lcî's anouiIlr' 1,î tîctîuus cilîs je. fT'c"s ,uuu'c'e af île iiuilkslirOUîiiLcha hnsasxis.fart' hOcilfîîî'îsa discas,' c ccv miy bli lthe oftîiura iucihi'aheis gerîsis. F'atigute lu til'Id e aistrdiecii ttic ~hji's iiof Slcd'l~ong. If su cIsldh las cccu irJ(,n,' ut ilu' slioulci lie reilse c, and ci' rip b-i Aiilg iciuli iil ilI beccîr-s a la ;! BErili- ing or spaîugiîsg xx tlt c >' ', r cr-l xxater -i un l'e a dii 'y i tus h Inl -,it., eeryhiisg ,'rcicdId ha cie tuah S:;,d ieteh' a 'unti'l poirea ulo f ireisS ltea, tîic iff ttotbir-i cu a aci c il5)stilU- li',î. ocilîsCeoliîsîlieuî. DlIPIITl lEPlI '. D)iplîishecis is aîir tbha dclie(a5" i't'er î' jti'i li ve cîtea -uresariiliistix insarutuulîl failowîx oh i [licehlîtiilli usiof lteo cii'a a e liste li aI rasaet'orcae's. s lu'us iilrduia ru s aa '3 t'Y'i liei puiltuar eici es antd i rkis r e con tit' c' 'lutlity, suirebS iîi s l Io îua I{ep axay tram tlis ecr- et lis cotiiau Do t goulpusxxlure [lta diseeas isý if yoctcuI l el)il; andîur-i cil x' ail, de tno[ laItI dcl' clilciiets go xx leu'cil is. Peirii t dîme lscouse ta Cuit' lieuse as iso brus liicisluneil is. l"i'auss lIme dlx lhiîîpaucils ahc'iîsuty lînîtiliahlir-s a ihiis aIoIs ct1e gf'eini, oaiIe satuer. au'ofai sItaait'. ThSu cpruisuta nîîdcî' andci tilîii tiie hisiisc', it îulisuir'113 dry , si ,luachdle aIhu ît'eecululy uandi dceply dî'ieiîd, Diltheriedises no!ci c ' rer uri throuiglu hue air, l (Io'-fe' le t iI sit Up 3nat oisdr(ýu"e [IcghtIl>'. liinîtg IlIai ))y Lhi t alaiout lise diseuse,. Bil>' 50 d!uît y'ai slits i is te p'is0sIi etfrehrc-'sisedI sur, sxhicitpas-es thee xx as andttukr' i ca'sier lair the hpoison oet iitiset'ina I MaIuti xcii' ciuld'emt. iLciltsesit:msieiin Ly iay, audthue plird' uirc hS Lixdy innc siili. \,lîncisuhuta ulreasu len.t ex i ilnl Cdx ig.lai"iigs;las- peen hiy klncu's iidt 'lufl'Crssuris Ilaces. \Vbiàisluappuietly' eîly a e imncnci shouid take "linu-lu" duri!ig this trying lime, The exftra s'train, wight and undue Pres- sore on the delîcate orgaus oftten irritate sud hîfianse tihe kiducys. This not anly increases flic dan- ger ef ehildbirth, but places the health of th1e baby un j eopardy. - « GIENLE KDN PILI keeps the kidneys strong and vigrous-acts as a inild ton je ou ail the fernale organs, and prevents constipation. A " Dn-Ju " pilI at bedtime is the best protection against Kid- niey Trouble during preguncy. At ail druggists, or direct on receipt cf prîce, 50e per box. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WINOZOR, ON<T. The Kind Y n Have Always Bouglit, and which has been ln use for over 00O years, lias borne the signature of and, lias been mrado under bis per- sonal supervision since its infancy. ýý1 e'jaz, iow no one te deceive you lu this. Ail Counterfeits, Imnitations and 1"1Jtst-as-good> are but Exprimntsthat tri-le with and endanger the heaitli of Inf-ats and Chidren-Experience an~iust Experiment. Castoia is a hariniess substitute for Castor 011, Faro- genie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Lt is Picasaut. It contains nelther Opim, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age 13 its guarailtee. It destroys Worms and ailays rieverishness. ]Et cures Diarrlioa and WiVnd Colle. It relieves Tcething Troubles, ci-res Constipation and Platuleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates the' .Itomaciýt and Bowels, giving heaithy and natural sieep. 'The Childreu's Pan-acea-The Mlother's F riend. ~3ea~ th -,inature of~ TleKInd YolHaye lwayS'Bolit !n Use F Lor Over 30 Years. 1 -~NAR OPNY, 77 mURRAV OTREET. NrUJ vonCITYfl. 4111- -l-é*1 000 000 -Eliheor prîci3 'ets you a Solid sui-, one SThat sou wi]1 feel at home ln, 11 will bc eut to F't Perfectly* . ~That ycu wil look dressed in, ht will b3 fasihiolaa»Ie, Thtwil bce trongl v made, It wiîi hc big value, fKa- Let us îhow son our goods 6; OVERCOATS-Yoiir huneiest garment very soon now. Ail the mteikl uiiv used in stock ready for our seiling and le el. Yoiteiit aff ord te pay less thin we charge because gool work cant bc doue f r loss You eau't find better work, beeause better work ean't bc done artywhere by cnyboile. JI-FFERV "& 5ON, Be vmanviIle WO e5 DON'T REA~DTHIS. Every Day is BargaiDav At the People's Fuel and' Lumbýer, Depot.* We are stili hiandling Best Brands Canadian Cements, British Columbia Red Cedar anl ether good Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, iie and -HelIo'k Lumber, Dressed andt Undressod, Doors, Sash. Ellnds and b1ouldings. Fresh Minedi Scranton Ceai, Casnel Coal, Steai S Ceai, Charcoal, .liard and Sef t Wood, Long, Sawed and 4 ~Spit, Siabs, Edcingrs, Land Pla,-ter, Fine and Cearse Sult in barrels and ýsaeks. We always airntg give tihe O best valire ut reasonable prices, Iligliost Cast! Price S paid for Grain ai-id Seeds. 0 bingy St East, Bowma>nville sûea hr'eatis adulits xxîi sn' liuma iv' to an e utcubreals ot diphlheII' inu chIl ducu' Ili crcfîore, lu alt cn1eS 0et8s0î1u' lircoal, prudeusce waxearic datte railItaij ini Usuum'7discdmîis xx luc'i arcise ' snile r. A mýiss la a chld idet' ihîsa circîlîtu sanucesnmay Le tae nCe' scuissigna11- icîî'ofethlimeIe aies dcali xx laiti. Vs ,'irîs diplha ta is rite, lneep fî'oîstise cisicu Jas a arps,itou imoîtis, nii r olitar lisgs sxwhichmgo fr'eusi muth tlu 1;e suraelimaI tise dirskîýng xsolct snd lte msilî are puce. ENIhTY IIOUSES IN EDINBUP<GH .Sacae uallsr raimoi'l.ahle figucres iuax'e becs pubLiisI1eccercîsithue number ',[ ermptlybuses iu Eduuburgs. 'lite icr-uigi sss--ýSat"s aalsiseho' huatinl Nmey losLius,, w'arc4,179 lensalless isaus-, s, a t eceîd foi'thae cilî'. Neariy tocîî-fifths ar'e iauses under 20 pouncis retal.andcirIeretara foc use mest paît xviii îuig clous hissS. 'The totl a 'ua- lion et uuccpiid lieuses is 121,251 pecttsds, agojîsel a total vashialen folacls cix il 311-01 i3 pîtîsis. On alItancis; ii sgt cjýcd Usai Use cîsief causes oetlIme large aisi uaI t ofpt'apari'standinig emtuluieovat'buildt'mg ausci xant fet a- playrmenl. CAI5OL' NVWELLS IN INF NNCY. Mahel 1oselsuug etImrlrs-Nn- mse, xxili tise leax'es ever cause (,ut Nisurni '<esdear; mmxi spl'irîg th y'iI Le :,Il out s is e 'rc hefareY, NIai ah "Aîid hbox e lhme Irees put -axs\ay licir suinmuter cilimhes in lhiaitruimicu, usamumu'?" "'Do 'a uuoiiw eylm about liitert ot liusban lry'? '"Weli, Iacîgimi te if I doult. l'xe isacrieci etf fixe dtgi tors.", Take LDxative ra s