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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1907, p. 5

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CRES LENE AI M S PTIC TABL n G8weet Or nge s Le onsn and M alaga TO O U RD A O O LD IN 0 NE D AY rpsat Thos. Toi'@. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qunine, Tale _____________________________________A siple ad effctiv rend~ ~ If yo wan a cipIo!good offee corod coefun m neviu t laie tecure._______signature________on__«eh__box.__2.5c._ SSORE TJtROATS AND COUGtIS aui get it at Pottce ordchs igntue,2 eonts m a o PacF Theyuav lombin the gemcio vau tCuh.Ntcents cf the. 5 cents, ain-' « ngYW 3()!;da ~~,00.wIîb ~~~th behe W e seyl hPerl~ tms. them. ArchlcTlait. sertion. W h n fanerai carda are W4qin 6 5~o Lnuase MI eS . L A e ts eer ai A rchie T ait w a lits a l] our eg gre and piited at th isof fie. in sertion fr oc 4 i h _____________________ butter . Hepy hMihs resi In-T Cleveland, OMiOat 12712 Wood- <~Prosperitv urn 1907 3> W N0W ANILE J.AN. 9, 190)7. casher Hoopyd hehgess.ics A Declde bargins blng gven ~Bide Ave., N.E,. Jan. Srd te Mir. and Mrs. Harry D rn 4_ AN EXPLANATION. Furs of aIl Monde at Couch oston & (Ehicuor May.)FnyEinr>a agtr ~~~ * , U ~~~~~~~~ U ~~Cr3 derman 'o. OssBopol-At Town Line, Clarke, Jan. 6th, te o h et3 ast ede irsoko hn mm1l AF111m àqâ eaefre -mgsrsac Cl tMroh Mr. and ti.r. LleWellyn Osborne, a son. ~..U~f&f 1>M Ar Reluetantly. eaefre y Eg resac a]a udc' Mooiîx-In Tyrene. Dc* 19, te tir. and tirs. and glassware, we will offer the foI1owiDg~- àM~ M dU unavollable circumstances to hold over and get Grît oyster sheil and Pratt's W. H. Moore. a agtr ~ ý * much correspondence, local news and Poultry Food. m's WiLLis-At 621 Breck Ave., Toronto, Dec. «~ 10-97 piece Dînner Sets Reg. price 812.00 fo...$.04 editorial matter, a lot of wbich was in- Twenty-lIve per cent off aillmne 29h, te tir. and Mrs. C.WilIis, (nes Ada Hast4-7pee , » Re.pie1.0fr..80 tended for last week'o Issue. We hope and boys' overcoats at Coucli, Johnston lugs) a daugbter. Thelma Sarah Catharine. 4-b9 pece oieSts Reg. 1price 100 for.i .19 tohave space for ail next week. Send & Crydermani. FBEtUND-.InOhaa,.Dc. 22fld, the, :::: of Ag 10 T ie ts l St Reg. 803e2.0 o uuland Lownev's chocolates lufane.-y boxes DaiAt, oI n ghe (sillhorn>. 1« 4TaSets Reg. price, 10.00 ftr.. * PERSONAL. a~~~~~~~~t rhos. Tod's. MNRBH&L-In Oshawa, Dec. Slsi, the wife of enfc vrtigi u CiaDprmn ilb Spe ta le cati by a bachelo for 10c. ana Chas tiarsha, Jan ogtr ti e1r. and tirs. " sold at sacrifice prices te make room foreur11Wprn * Spectcles an Eye=glsses *an old maid toi 5c. nt Pethick's Tob.%pco Y Joli, Glbsen, College Hill a daughter, (stili liprttos * Miss Lola Downs, London, ls visiting Store and Barber shoji. boe).imotins _________________________________lie br parents. Reid & Pestrn wiII b e pleased if ý ou You who have viaited our China Hall, ko h ______________________________________________Miss Edlth Freeland lias gone to To- will road I-Barefoot Comfort," next te oMID I ronto te, rosîde. Fashlon Hînts on an Inner page. MCDONALD-4IÂ0GITH-Kfl BowmEan Ville, Jan. high class of gooda we carry. Do not miss this potn o 9 Go te Mapie Grove, next Menday. One-thîrd off the prîces of any Ladies' lqt by 11ev. Wni Hipkin, Miss Almyra Hag- ty of purehasiiig the beat Goods at less than cr. e Pie and cream. . it5.h, daughter of Mir. Isaac Haggith. and Mx.u wno dsly Pie and Cronin. e~~loth cou t and some at haîf-price at .onald McDanald, bath of Bowmanville. q uwnd isly Mr Erneet Andrus, Brantford, bas Coueb, Johnoton & Crsderman's. Br.Àxa-Bà«Tm-ln BowmanvIlle, Jan. 2. by * *wn o h-msRs ewr bie been vliting at home. What about furs? If von have net 11ev. Huh ,,unraeerB. A.. Mise Winnifred Cs~pi o i ampoue O Owng o th Xtas ush e wre oligd jIsabel, et est duhter of Dr. Alexander Beith, â to neglect our Optiual Departmnent te some ex- Mr. lerbert H. Todgham, Toronto, bongbt furs drop in te see the newest ar d tir. Charles Paxton Blair, hoth of Bow- W tent during December. lapent Sunday at home, styles of furs at M. Mayer's old reliable mauvitie. Jn s., __ Mr. James Brlggs, Manitou, Man. fur store. Everytbing in fur goods for ARQuE-TflOMA5-At b ev a. JanClote y lb ladies, ~ ~ ~~ J P.nt anrrd Bue A., Jr PMLClarence E. ahmas, r flT at B u t ~ ~~~~vltin bis cousin Mrs. A.Bla"rett laTsgn:uyuh.7'aunto.nda ell, daugbter of Mr. The Popular Grocer. Bo,% niie m larBetbwddn uor Wedrsa nde at M. Mayer's gents' funishlng bride's parents, "The Ma e, Enniskiiten. M Mr. F. G. Inwood, representlng the an u tr;as u as îs etJanuary lot, 507, by Rev. qhe. Snowdon. Mir deot seia atetonteOToronto Engra vlng Ce., gave us a cali fur-lined ceats, shirts, collars, tics, daughter cf Mir. John Bantou. We have decided to oe Opca ttnin Menday. collar buttons, etc. 47 PorLLÂSD-Scoi'r-In Feley, J1an. lot, by Rev. this work and give a spe"il discount of 20 per * Rev. V. H. Emory attended the ratBgis nilidsoPrsJ. H Borland. Edward 9. P. Pollard, Oshawa cent during the balance of January. il'funeral of the late Emily A. Richardson before stocktaking at Ceuch, Johnston STlsudwFYl Misawa Jan.d lo. sctt e atWib.& Crydermau's. ]Rev W. B. Tucker. Carison L. Stevens and Q ~Don't miss thisepportunity. Messrs John F. Borne and Lawy Don't faîl te secure some of the bar. MisCr3..1ne~,bt 0 saa Crdra pn udywith friends gan o en tCuhontn& FORD>-GnAyDom-ln Picton, Jan 2, hy 11ev. lin d% gaidrma spen SundayCoc Jhnto Dr Sholey, A. P Ford, Lindsay, aud MisesE in Oshawa.OrSdermanoetocktakin ijl'ed Helen Grsydon, both ot Picton. U rat "e f m iu i __Mm. and Mre. Caleb Southon, Lake- Apple pie and creare la verv àlIce. WHIrE-JÂMEB-ID. Oshawa, Dec. 8il h ~ plt, îsitd M, R f. owns ScgegAtted te leetue atMape Grve extBrig. Southall of the Salvation Army, Te port vsite ecentî .MDwsSu o.,Atndy th l tu agtsmSe Maple oen Hy. White sud Miss Fauny C. James. O~~~S. _____________________________and_______________________ CHAs'MÂN-Gma11SON-At Kinsale. Dec. 27tn, by SMiss E. J Hooper, Rochester, N. Y.Grove correspendence. 11ev. F. 0. Harper, assisted bv 11ev. tir. Robe. is viiigber nloe. Mrs. F. W. Coueh R:ua etnro oeCrl on, ti .W hapman, B A., agriculturat Our stock comprises ail àie~o ReisitinglT f om editeor of the Toronto Warld, aud Miss Lena B. and other relatives hore, Monaay evening at 8 o 'dock la Ro% ai eibson. sfladjeo ti Urtu ,i e _-À~ Mr. Jes. Jefferv and bIs niece Mrs. Templars' Hail. Installation ef eficers GIBSON.-ALLEN- At the residence of the bride's ueu n eoaiefur tr.l h *Hawkin spent the Christmas holidaypa and other business A full attondance parents. Port Perry Jan. lot b>' 1ev. T, Hag dferntTee i O t tt*witb frlends at Brantford. of menibers requested. e etr. AOliver Alen bath ort d mde tht graes annot iu l D, wt y ~ ~~~Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kennedy and fam- Mr. A. Train, the agent fer the Do- Perry. md htw antspl o Sliv, Carstairs, Alta,, are vlsitlng lier minion Organ and Piano Company of RCîaÂjMÂN-,BitowN-bAt Toronto. Dec 19, hyadorprcsre slw as he o- G The safe satisfactory Druggists 9 se r .Hgibta. Bwmanville, sold two bandsome piano- cfitgman, Omono sud Edith Jslduhe Mrs Murdoff and Mr. Charles Heal casi d organs on Saturdav last and one cftelte Atfmeâ Brown, Clarke est. New designs constantly ariv g and Opticians. Oattended the funeral of 41heir nephew, the previeus week.-Lindsay Post. CowÂs-MoReÂN-At the resideuce -of the 'Ar lla Bel, t Toont, Mnda, Mr HlIopentrtaied . nmbo o!brIdes parents, Dec. 25th, hy 11ev., J Scott Mr Alau ell at orono, onda. àds Eolopentetaied anuard.e Florence tiahel. youngest daiighter O ~~~~~~~~~Mrs H. P. Eckardt, Mrs C R, Cutb- friends yery pleasantly 14 ridav evening of Mr, Fmargan a0OwlCwuht eeo rS o eW id~ bertson, Mrs. Albert Eckardt, Mis~s in l'honor of ber sisters Mrs. Geo. Porter, of Clarke. e ou Str vv,î d N. GaeadMssB.isnTrno Madison, South Dakota and Mm. and S&NCiITF.-BRocK-At Port Perry, Dec. 27tn. Please ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gg reebrtatwnieadotcrfl xil-0 Ms (Drl)kAso. Treon rsJhntoooa,Atawh y itev B. Greatrîx, m r. Sclwyn Egerton Sang- aton e free me ofai ha e i os t cvei e orîno-~ are guests ofMs D, .S ily rsJh or ooa dawnte of the Indien Depamimeut Ottawa, second ato rco l hreadI ti o ovnetfr3o Youldon Villa h ave been enjeying a vîsit with rei, scen of0 thc late Dr. J. H1. sangster, and Emily ----______________________---____________ ocome drgbuiesousw llb ldt keaPesiOnro.Malion, third darghter of Win. Bmoek, EEq. appointment for any eveniug. Our Opticai rýoem is fittsi Do__dsaif____ orFek t fDLYBt-nRee.Dc 2t yRv With electrie liglit se that examinations eau be macle L adache wh9n vou eau se easily ob- -ztCOAL eYrut' Frac. Darec. Bradley, East ori arter Whith3 *ior sul.Tvad Ada Janle Butt, Reach. fIY " T equailly weil day ornlght. wflec Ca rompiti L ndver mnt PBis. Tthe Ibo Kind Yod Have Âlways Bougit ste ew-PÂRRrffl By 11ev. John Harris ai hli~ê..~J~JL~ & LJN cure Their ac ion isminld and naturai. Signature Miss dace Me9.Part. hillia af Port Pery ____________________________Mr W.. H. Yeo, Oshawa, attended cf Z w Miss____M.____________ofPort ____y The Home Furnishers the fur er.3l of Mrs E. Pront and 'gave I. TRE STATESMAN a fniendly cali. Mm W 4c m :AIILD.ilean roo heen benered with election as Noble Bflr the A (bur P. Aunis. aged 50 yeams 1 month ô days. Gran of hoeix Ldgoe! OdfelewsSig5tu~ALEANDEAt ontralWednesday, Jan. IFurniture Dealers. Phone 10. Funea ietr Grnd Phoeni -og fOdel 2ud, Maria Bleakley, heLved wife cf William inta roeperous town. of 4e ý, Fr. Alexander. lutemred ai Bowmanville, Fri- A well knewn public man and ex. 90Ê 93day.MC -S teuiv fame cfScrbre rles;Beosfhe li Kid îuHav Asay Bîgt eGURANBE IboORFILS ____________Have___________________________ Le m efe pumycogrtua ion tr -"e Itching, Blind, Bleediiig, Protrudiug Piles. HE R Y rHANKSon your long and successful career as sintx ~ts ae anîh.,rized te refund in ney if H EARTY HANKS [ A. H ADDY manager and editor of sucb an interest- * A àointeintl4a5 O FOR iug jaurnaI s H CANADIAN -STtAfTstaSur MAN. May 'n bie spareif for many____________________________ e e '- * IVishes years te keep your nowspaper the lead- SAUMD17 0 9 06 Wîhsail hi@ frîends iug local paper of your district" iand patrons a happy Mr Robert Beltihbas bcon te New 1ThC '~ r A 2 r and prosperous York City on a busiaess trip He bh&)eý\N )/\... seld te Mrs. B. F. CI.i de- THEsl~la STAN ARD ANKIA W ar rtfateour New Ya.his famions 1.ackne;é* staillon "OnIL many friendu for suchâ liberal of lier clasa la Amemica, " WIitCu's Weaegaeult er ur"ad'acm"teba akI0 A A AtO u rL a patronage that lias made the ________ lPrîde", "Lendsb)oro Lady" aud '"Wav- edOfC oot yea b fr hobet etindeed. He bias sold a ealy fiLiy te Head ffic Prfi IO Bi e oti' Dougail Ross, Streettsvlle. -w o. . We sohlit your eftnud w liake gÂ'eat reduotions Inlur Is n62'11 Ifetter frbreakfast BAKNS1 L T R N H S j \Vhte'wO viits in the comlng year, at ouf Crockery and Glassware -ie ou energ y foi the whole day Tr'e &C(ïýtS of Conuucrcial, Manufacturiflg and Business firns soiicxtedne£ an Offic and sha endeaol te cn ion giç's POR theD collectio S a lee a d o our store opposite the Post Department provieus tk stock -eady in a minute 5 and 9 n. attetionW given l pacoretso of tes dether Ofcan hl nevu o taking. These reductions are WuaKmLy GWoBE free Seo alpat ffe od comm 5tock-akiii 5-a merit atll1 your favors for 1for cash only. au inner page. igien Connection with ail Brandies. KIiL II Mm Walter C. Goode's letter Is Con- wigBakD atnel ciuded on another page -aig ak e: . 1907 * *Mr, and Mms. Geo Faille' surprike. -Toilet S taparty is on an mnuer page. BOFLAVF,. BRa A NCr stoy-rolditin hîspapr.W. J. Jozr,s0 RON Hai e Ya. 1 piece Toîlet Sets regular $3,00 Henry F. Cope writes a good article 13RANCU .A.llle A' 01 PSets for ...... ...........$2 5o every week. Do yen mead it? ,r 10 piece Toîlet Sets regniar $4 00 Mrs. Thos. Jewell feli recentiy aud Sets for ...... ...... ....8 25 fractnred the emaîl boue o! one arm. Frd oqCourtice, Darlington, Euuisklllen aud a Frd.R F le, 10 plece Toilet Sets regular 1$450O Hampton news are on an lnside page -.Let M e Seli 1o '~ Ph, ne 12. Bwavle Stfo. ......85 Th les omooerfr West u E 10 plce Tollet Sets regular $5.00 Duehin have been re-appointed-Jo u juUu~4 . Sets for ...... ...... .....4 00 Pattinson, Chas. Stonhousa and Jamnels IdL 1 II 1 I UU Lb I 10 pieco Toilet Sets regular $6 00 BurgesQ. Iht imm L C t ; _________________________ Sets for------,---.----. 4 7.5_ Noneuekinwsbettmr tharithno whnvAs u ra Yen arc sure te need Hyxnn Remember these prices are for reoi ae mei eti ud H s Y'~Manson Carnpbeli BoBibles, FaP China or cash eul-. v.erv grafeful te aIl who contributed for .,'Prealdent rohfancy goods. Tu tc !GoeisI opet.tmrgîer;sknue.he Mausen Campbell Co., Ltd. ;ý Orsoko rcre scmlt. WITHOUT CoLDS No LuNcO TROUBLE: Dei. ,Che.thain, Ont. Pehp alPpr i-A person ma', be predîsposed te coni- NOTE- , i ry lare to.ckesu î-avîîc - -P ' -a turcs, or WindoW Shades, etc. w'- t ~ ~ cumption b, heredity, lie miy be ln un-. agr,.t.Mnrei u. rn. ~ T - 01reIl orIflhIUIUeset. s'itary sumnoundings and breathe tin- don. Stn.; Hahuifax, N. S , Victoria, .r.te Nexitdoor te Standard bïn r- u mn *iy cure air, but the -bogîuuing o! trouble B. C.,t su aciory atC Catharu. r su~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ads e! Canadian homes 'Dr. Cbase's.T e ic c u r II/J ; i ].'sangetdci.l his Bowmauvillo Chna Hall Groer, BoWmauville. .rpoLiseadTuptnes ketat baud as a, cure fo-Couli amt ______________________________ ef the Iuinge. -

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