S OLID GOLD !-IFH1 15 - jlewelIêd Ryrde CURRENT TOPICS. The boy-w ho Caveas schoal just US lie uhois odd cnaugh ta do se ceior ohligd le go ta iiark hoecausa af axtyor ese, lias a distasle 1cr ,school A~ h". nm', parents Nw -a reulize the im- Cràn o la OfaIsecuîing a better cdu- 10ii 1 ie h go(os ta w urk there is na tue tla bc WsuIldIf o bo e s bcb- lie docs nol lilke t il, anieiher ho INThRESTING LETTE WRITTEN BY A NOTABLE WOMAN Mrs. Sarah KeIIog of Denver, Color Bearer of the Woman's Relief Corps, Sends thanks ta Airs. Pinkham. The followîne letter was ivritten by Mis. Kellogg, of 1628 Lincoln bake in P, sharp oven. Wlien dorne, t.urn on Io a sieve. saread anecaclço lightly andi stew till tender. Take eut mnenti to a hot platter and add to gravy ai half cup or nore of thick saurcra^. Scald, but duoînut let it buill;pouar ver the chicken and serve ut once. Ilash-Chop raid beef vcry fn.Al bot mashed p.oatoes. ane tablespeoonful ot antan juicoý, a tublespoonful of but- ter, ane snainl cupful of hlot \vater, pep- par and saIt to tuste. Melt butter in a frving pan; str in the bush and bring slo)wly ta Loil. Add hot w aler if neces- su ry. Escullopod Fish-For escalloped fish_ Vwhat We Claim for Fro FERROL il an Emnulsion of Cod Liver 011, and if iwere nothing more it would take front rank'because of the quality and quantity of the ail used and the scientific method, of preparation. But FERRPjL bas special dlaims which take it out of the ordinary class of Emulsion aitogether. For instance: FERROL combines Iron and Phospharus with the