- a a - g Our January of9» Now is the time to get a bargain in Furs or Rats, We must moff our stock in order to make room for the Spring Goo(ls, so corna along, and be.%uited. We quote the following big reduet-,ons: Ladiesý'Fur Lined Jackets. 1 oniy Lady 's Fur Lbuod Jacket regular $6650 for.. .......................$85750 loiuly Lade's Fur Lined Jacket, re.gular $48 50 for.........................8$10 00 Ladies' Bocharin Jackets. 1 only Lady's Bocharlu Jacket, regular $5o 00 for .. ..... ................. $42.50 2 only Ladies Bochain Jacketi. regui.ar 816.50 for-------------------.. .....839.00 ionly Ladylé Bocharin Jîteket, î-gular 840.00 for.... ..... .... SableSes ion.lvAtlaskR Sable Set, regurat 385 QO for 2 ouly Western Sable Set, regular $2 00 for 833.00 $29,00 319.00 Grley rLamb (laps. 5 oulà Grey Lnrnb Caps fOr ..........$0 Bargains in Hats. Regular 825f)oPeior .. ... ,$1 75 Rýeztilar 2 25 oies for......150 Men's Fur Lined' 1 onl, Man's Fur Lined Coat, reg 873.00 for $63.00 1 onl .y Man's Fur Linel Coat, reg $65 Où for 457.00 1 only Man's Fur Lined Coat, reg $4900 for $30,00 DMyed Wombat Coats. 2 only Died Womblat Coats, reg $28 50 for 822,50 Spotlesa Wombat Coats. 1 only spollsss Wombat Coal, reg $8.50 for $81.50 BulgYarian Lamb, Coat. 1 onl v BuZarian Lamb Coal, rex $82.00 for $25 00 1Caîf 5km Coats. 2 only CaUf Skia Cots, reg $26 OO f)r... $M0 00 Wallaby Coats. 129 only Walabey Coats, reg $40.00 for. S30,00 .Raccoon Coats. i àly Raccoon Ccat, reg $53 00 four. 43,OU Ail <aý;ps, Mufs, Rags, CoU'lirs, Caperines, Robes, etc., to be stid AT COST. Spveral dozen Rats to be sold as low as 50c. Markus -MaerBowmanvîle. $Wel eare That we were wcll rewarded for our efforts in secur- i ng our Moats and Poultry f rom the, lest farmers and their * wives in thia district was shown by the large patronage receeved duing. the Christmas week. On Thursday we had over 300 hcad of Turkcys, Geese, Dueks and Chieken and by Xmas eve ail wcre sold but a !ew chieken. C. M. Cawker and Son have become recognized as liead-quai'ters g for the lest Meats and Poultry. Mr. Cawker's long experi- ence în the business gives hlm the knowiedge where to get 1he. god quality. Thcy return their sineer e thanks for the vcry liberal patrouage given them, not only o! the Xmas scason but during the whole year, asking a eontinuance o! same, and wish you.ail a very, Happy New Year, uOa M. Oawker & Son,, Phone 64. Bowmaiivife. i1 Holiday Gifts. YOU WLLL FIND us headquart, ors for many lines o! presents viz Carvers, Case Carvers, Stoola, Dinner Kuive& and Foxks, Deiisert Raives anci Forks, Dessert Spoons, Bread Kuives and Boards, Pen Kuives, Pockot Kuivea, Razors, Razn)r Strops, Scissure, Childa Sets. Our stock for WMnter Sport wae nover more complote la skates. We have tbe folowing styles : Dunner Tubes, Lightning 'iubes, MIcMXac, Dominion, Perfect, Ro3 ai Ladies', Beavers, Crescent, Hockey Club, and Club. Hockey Sticks, Puok8 Skate Stxaps, Shin Guards, Snow shoeos and Mocassins Aiso prepared for the Lmomnwt xs Cross Cul Saws, Buck M jiES M. M. ARMOUR-Issuer of Marriage Licenseg, Registry Office, Bow- manvilie. Residence:. Beecb Ave 51-tf. WAN 17ED-To rent a furnished cottage at the Lake for the sommer mots. Reply givlng full particulars to DaAwER B, Bowmanville. 2-1W* F OR SALE-25 acres for sale being eempoBed of part of lot 19 in the 7 Con, of'Darlington about three quarters of a mie South of -Enniskilen. Apply 80 JNo, I. Mc- Laughlin, Oshawa. Ont. Box 480 50 8f S DONALD 0. ai. QALBRAITa,î Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Publ., etc. Privatà and Company mone78 t80 an st lowest ourrent rat«a. Agent for eaMdiand Loar and gavings Comarny. ffopposvie . 2Bt Martyn'a store. K nur . ofieanpoie 5J-tB B.J.Hazlewood, M.D., ,.M. DOWMANVILLIE. , ONT. n OLD MEDALIST of!î rinity Un %-) versity, Toronto, Four yoars Attendlag Physicien and Surgeon at MtL Carmel Hospitai Pittsburg, Ks. Office aud Reidence WeIU"-gton Rt Tel&. phoneO No. 10?. Voterinary Surgeon and Dent;st F. H. S.Lowrey, il ONORARY GRADUATE of Ontarit Veterinary Colege, Toronto. Special attention given 80 Dentitry Office in M r, W. Caldwel's Livery Stable; night calis at his reideue. Lorne Villa, Centr treet. Day o r nlgtcals promtiy responded W. Flouse phone fn126. Office 127 Bowmanville, i1 Caroful S#yoiol Corne in and ,look over our Varions LUnes, ail splen- did for guit giving. Even at Ibis last moment, when every section o! our store is crowded ta ils limil. We wili do our best 10 help you make a care- lusiction. ~J. Since Cirlhood Mrs. E. J. Vanderburgh, of EasÉcru Welland avenue, St. Catharines, Ont., writes: "For twenty-one years I was badly afflicted with heart trouble, nerv- ousness and cramps in the limbs, aiso twitchîng of theý muscles and nervous headaches. 1 becarne wealk-, debili- tated and emaciated. My condition was distressing-, and r was made worse through worry and loss of sieep. " I tried a hundred remedjes in vain, and, reading about Dr. Chase's Nerva Food, I decided to try it, After having used baif a dozen boxes of this prepara- tion my old trouble had entirely van- ished and 1 was enjoying better health than I bad since girlhood. 1 arn now past middle life and arn in perfect hcalth. I would nlot take worlds to-day 'and go back to my former state." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is especialiy popular with the women because of its gentie action and remarkabie restora- tive influence; 50 cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at ail dealers, or Edmansmn, Bates & Co., Toronto. The Ontario BUSINESS COLLEGE Belleville, 89th year. 89Lh year. Is the Mnost prosperous and suc- cessful business Coliege ln Canada, and the mnost wideiy attended ln lu Amnerica. Send for Catalogue. Address J. W. JOUINSON. F. C. A dl-BmPrincipal. sale I I The next meeting o! Woman's Inst- NI - tuto wilil e be'd Frlday January llth * I ~ ,~ o.m~~ Iat 2 30 p m. sharp. Mrs. W. H. West- i i IF1a lN U 11111199d IN flHIUS lalie. delegate o- t he Convention la * I I IGuelph, wlll give ber report, Alladies uitTo the Front I cordiallvinvited. Asthe.LoyalCrusad- F-4urs! Attend the famous e rs meet at 4 o'clock it is important that the meeting open promptly on Lime. IRecent visitors. Misses Loule and rn-sMisLn roiOhwasoan ldfom skce&ut j' IEthel VaBNest. Toronto, at home. Ms. fins isLxaSrge saa tsnadeidhmBsacea tM. and Mis4 Elsie, Webber, Lindsaiy,uit Mr, Mr. Waliter Vice3's; Mr. Geo. Nortbcott W. H. Gorriil's; Mn,. W. Laie'- and JnoRenoli;Mrs Vn ?in, Curice19 taiing a speciai course at Guelph Mliss Wilma, Tauwato, a t NMrs Il G. at rr.J. T. Rundo't;Mr. Gen. BrayArcitua lg, ...r a ti-Pso'..Ms yr nl , ~~. ~ xg- M inn L;home fronWnnpr. . rt.beeu kee»ing howaiu r SieWI. --s'--- - ___ -~ a -~ - K-fl&~~~- ~ 1Tha Pract!ccal Furrier ommmum mmmmý a% % onnum 9v'n1% mm imm - 5ýFý - - ýý cý eý -- 72 ýlh TEE XaATE DU. L&PPONI. DEÂTH BAS Rzsço ED A DisrxNquisitEu PnY81aa&t< A]IîD A MANI op RARE Ia the death of Dr. Lappoal, phyal-1 clan 10 the pope, a pemonage bas beeu r moved frow lilf'eacsonewbo was scsîcely lE. known îhroaghout the worid tban the ouuf whoi ho mln-, iatered uni,,E. e wan a wondei-fui man an well ops&a iistingulshed physician.-- Ottawa Fre-d Press. It may be added that Dr. Lapponi w. a raoso rare courage. Eho had nu fear of Ibat boglear knowu as prm - feselonal eiquette. When ha fuund 1 Bometbiug good In a medicire ho did net heaitate 80 eey su to the, wold. Ho proved îbh whoen he wrote ,be Dr. Wlliama' Med.olne Co. atron&ý1y en- doreing thoir colobmted Pink PAlis for Pâle People as a cure for aLaamia, (bioodlesoneoB) and certain nervous dip- orders. lu the intereste of the thon sands who sufer from araemis, neru'ous di2orderq aud klndred troubles, il in, worth whJerepznbllehing Dr. Lipponi's letter, ai foiiows 'lI certlfy that 1 have trIed Dr. Wi. liams' Pink Pille ln four cases o! the simple aveinla o! devc 'lopmenl. Atter a fcwweeks of trenlment, the resuit came f ully up 10 My expectatlons. For that resson 1 sah llnult ai! in the foc- ture wu ex eud the use o! this laudable preparation, not ouly ln the treatment o! other naorbid forme of the category rf aruemls or chioroÊits, but aieo la caeae o! ucurasthenia aud the like. (Slgned), Dr. Gluseppe Lpponi, Via dci Gracclil 332, Rame. The 'simepe ansemia of developmcut' referred te by Dr- Lapponi la o! course that tîred, ianguid condition o! young elIs whoue developmcnt tu wuman bood la tardy, and whuse haalth,al ýhe perlod o! tbhtdevelopmentla nosa oten imperiIled. Hia opinion of the value o! Dr Williams' Pink Pille a'. tï Lime In of the hlgbet ecientifio author- ity, and Il confirma the mauy pubi eh- ed cases iu wbich ansemisasnd other dieeae o! the blood as well as nEr sous' dtseaues-have been cured by theae pille, wbiliv, t necd hardiy be mentioned, owe their efficacy La their pow'er o! making now blood, snd thus acting, dl. rccatly a.n the digestive sud nervous, arstem. lu ail cases of ansemia, de- cHu.i, Indieestion sud troubles due lu bad hiood, aud ail affections o! the nerves, as st. Vftus' dance, paralysis snd locornotor &taxis, tiuey are cern- meudefid to tbe public with ûIl the i.rea'er confidence because îiusyhbîd the sFrovg etdorsement o! the great phyican who han so a tuent1> pasgeJ awîey- DARLIN~GTON. Mr. Willoughby, Mt Forest. le teacli. ing ai No B echool and Misa E MeoGili, town. bas I au enzaged for Na 2 ... Miss Stella Blackburn, Ottawa, Normal Sehoal, speut the vacation at home ... Mr Ga Metcal! rAturued Lu bis home min Mr Noe ý!.Mecaf.... Mr Levi Bart let, ( so ,re-a. , leted is sister MrstMoi Wdaempne ybscu Wood ....Màiss 1Nancy VanQCamp vi,1îted friands in Oshawa. Mr. Frank and Miss Florence Werry, Betheada, bave been visiting relatives at Currie'à Crosslng.... Mr. Manley R. Coie visited at Mr. S. Bagshaw'o, Cam- bray. recentiy.... Mr R Dumas and family, Mr. D. Luttreli and famiiy, Bowmanvilie. and Dr. NI S. George, Balimore, Mt'd., wore Sunday guests of M4essrs. Jus and Rd. Hawkey .. .. Miss Ethet SamelIs, Cartwright, le visiting Miss Vera Coiwii.School re-gpenod Ihursday with MU's ceweii and Miss Wright, tenchers.. .. Mrs J. H. Hicks and Maeter Arthur, Toronto Junction. are vii ititing ber mother, Mrs. Harris, who l i ii.... Miss Campbell bas return- ed to Toronto alter a pleasant holiday here. .... A pleasarit family gatherlng ivas lield at Mesq R Vir>ug&s (hristimas riay wtien hex eigbt sons and tour tiaughters met ail together lor the first time ln 23 yearp. Besicles tbe five grandchldron tkhoze present were: W. HL. Clare, Micb:,iJohn 1 , Toronto; Retbert of Grid Field, Nevada, Archie, formerIv of 0O'rexon: Charles, Toronto-, FreId of Baker C2ity, Orezxon; Mrs. W. F Rundie, Port Perr%; Lyla of Toronto, Edward Arthur, Maud and Lizzie at homne; During the day Mr S. Hays,, photograpber., Bowrnanviiie, took a fne group, picture .. .. Speclal meetings continue at the church .. ..Circuit Raiiy of Epworth Leaguers will be ueld boe Monday next beginning with a rccep- ion-at 1.B0 p m lu addition to aid dresses, essay s and discuss ions by merm bers of the varions Lesgues there wili be addresses by Revs J. R 1lutier, J P. Berrr-, t. &.. and D Norman, B A., returned. missinnary from Japan. Quartets and League chairs will rende; mnusic in the aflernoon and at 7 80 a song service wiIi be given bv a united m le choir frues the circuit. Refreeli monts will b. served in the vestry. Al are welcome. ZION. Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Langmaid were realiy surprlsed on Friday eveuing Jan 4. when their relatives on luth iides assembied at fheix comfortabie farmn home to celebrate, their China Wedding, When ail bad a.rrived Mr. J. W, Brooks was appointed Chairman sud alter a short lntroductory speech Mrs. J. G. Langmaid read this addreds: Mr. and Mes, U. A. Langmaid,, DFAn BROTESAND SxSrzs:-Havjng learn-, ed that this is the season or the tweuielh an- nlversary of yuur weddiug. we could not let it pas5 wlthcuit spendingla social eveuirg together Aithough corng unbidden, we trust our wei- core ie noue the leas sincere on Fluai account As we look back over tbe twenty years, we ihiuk of the rnany happy hours spent tcgether under yuur roof. Yuurs le a home where we cen go and feel quite at home. and we trust the goofi times wili Se extended loto the homes of eact of your sons. Iu the churchuyon hrtb have beern fsuthful and willing workers'for tlit Master. Always ready 80 beip where ever your belp le nepded, and also in turne or eick tess your cheery faces have often brought suusln.te 80 clueer the saddest faces of those who were Ili. As s email token of appreciation wili you klndly accept this hand-painted Japsuese fruit dies, dozen of bread and1 butter piates aud servers, ihbsrsw fruit dish and ,Jardiner, also this mautel dlock, nul for their intrinsie value but, as a token of love sud esteem. May He- yen'e rîceet blesslng go wlth you the renusîn ing years of your lire whlch we hope will be strewn wih the very best gif ta that 11f. eau afford. Signed lu bebaîf of moîher, sisters and brothers, J. W. BRooKs, Messrs S S. Brooks and J (I. Lang- maid made tbe preseautation Mr G. A. Langmaici made a feeling and suitable response An uvster supper wss en- jloyed ani the wadding cake left over 20 years ago was served by 'the bride of that happy day. BIJWMANVILLE HIGH SOBHOOL There le au increased attendance for 1907 lu the senior classes. Reports o! standing for the Christ mas term have been given ou toLuthe students for the information ut parents or guardians Similar reporte will bc issued at Easter and at the end of June. Miss E L, McLennan, B. A., o! the Normal Collega, HamilLon, an honor gradunte lu modern languages lias beau secured to take charge of the classes ln modemns and Engish during the Lemnporaxy absence of Miss E A Aluin, M A., un accoun - of iltss. The prizes offered by Lhe science master, Mr. W. G. Carpenter, B. A., for-the bet-t collection of insects bas bean won by Miss Bessie Sparling and that for the lest collection o! native flowers bv Miss Florence Morris These prizes are for work done during the summer of 1906 and were open to stu- dents of the firet and second forms. The prize donated by Professor tSquair cf Toronto University for the highest standing obtained at the 19,D6 departmental examination for junior Leachers and inatriculatio'n b v a studeut o! Bowmanvilie High School goce to Rupert I{emiyn. 'i ho priza given lv Dr. John Hoskin, K. C., Toronto. is awarded this year Lu the student of the àchool standing highest at the senior teachers' examination of 1906 and bas beeri won by Miss OAve Rickturd. VAnîcosu0 Ur.oas CURED -Miss Eli- Every Nurse wîlI tell you Invalida require nourishment that's easily digest- ed, for in cases of sickness the gastric juices are so weakened they cannot act properly on ordinary food.-." Some stimulation is 'also required, but it must be stimulation without reaction. Tea, coffee, spiritous drinks and similar preparations, are stimulants stimulants that react. Beef tea and meat extracts are also stimulants, but with this difference, they don't react. Yet- while they have stimulat- igproperties, they, are practically devoid of not-ii7;ii-nent. 4$Bovril" c only stimuilates but nourishes as wellý, for in it the nourishing qualities of beef; f-ibrine -and albumen îareS fUy, preserved. 'sRI A TRUE FOOD Not merely a stimulant 14 The Mason Co. * Large Clothing Saleso Yes, we are having exceptionally large sales just 110w, this la our ciearing-up tirne, Prices are away down and the cold est part of the Gwinter 18 yet, to cone and people are cornlng fromn far anld near to buy our elothing. E For Real Bargains in E Wfinter Goods. * This is the best time of the year no doubt about that fact. Its a good time to get good goods cheap. We won't sacrifice quality for price. Our clothing la made byreliable makers and will return its sbape and wear like iron. * The narneless, brandless clothing so Often offeredO E on bargain 18 dear at any priee. Big «Underwear Sale. We are unloading our underwear. W. have sold a rait of it, the past few days., 50c. Gfieeceelined for 35c, 50e. wool goode for 35c.,'O 60e. lunes for 40e. 75c.. linos for 50c. $1.00 z goo 's for 75c. Qlher prices in proportion. Ladies' underwear at'even stili rae redue- tions. Sec thcrn.grte E ILadies' Whitewear G Sale. 2Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, away below regular prîe. 2Fancy' Linen Goods, M 2 Table Covers, -Tray Cloths, Doylios. Bide Board Searfs. Pillow Sbams, Centerpices, etc., Gail at after Xmas price. GBlankets. : ESevera l pairs lef t of ouir best qjiai,*ty, * Prices stili further reduced to ecear thern out, The Mason Con G DtJVVJYIUIJNVL Eh îi&1aiiUl lulAd lia im di1ÀM1 ý