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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1907, p. 7

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On More Added te the. Long Lst et ), Cures Kffected by Psychine. Tis yeung lady, who lives irn Browns- ville, near Woodsteck, Ont., tells lier own étory tna afew effective vards af loy ehe obanddelhxerance frein the terrible gip etf wealiness and disease. -, -vtethankplsyehinfafrmyprerant Ielth. TxV s~s aei war geag loto adairran. could h ._îreg myself acrestire f 1erIouldnt sw ept4raoarpet. If r1vntfor a dr1ive ' ihautte liasF«-, down w h 0n I camaIcak. IfI went fogr a Mle on two 0anlMy wheal I 1was to thrreligir tire gte. timeIlcm a -, freiinatgrua. sMy r ftirer,.wcîldtgive I procared Pal. chline, known1 i vsexcellent fr - dleclina or weak- neeýs. I must Say tior reeclS areL rouderful, andt people remarkcd mylmprovaarent. luteandof a littie. pale, irrilow olekdlistesimeaa iey 1il.iamn te-uay ml flie, reauây for aglli~ie a skating an atio ef veulcg part>' wiuh anyerre, arndl u ew mi1ýotrs age t cerlilt t triSglo tachureir 4D roart f rein rry home. 1 have ievar ha t tir sigretcause te fear any re ururof the dhrease.1 ELLA MURLIEL WOOD. -Browvivlle, Ont. Theusands et vomen ae using PSY- CH111NE, because they, know frei exper-i lence that la iltlihey have a stfe riead aid deiverer. Psychine is a voadertul taulec, puritying the bheod, driving eut deaegerms, gives a raveneuis appetite, idau digestion and ase-inlijntion et feod, and is a positive an d absoîcte cure fer deaeof threat, cheet, lunýgo, stomiiuo and otlier organe. It qucybuds Up the entare sstem, rîiakia ic ;"li peoplAe veli and eak p eeýphe rng for sale eat ahi druggists ah 50e. and 91.00 por bottie, or t Dr. T. A. Siocuin. Liiaiitcd, Lýabortory, 179 King St. West, Toronto. Dr. Iteot's Kidney Puis are a sure andl pecrmanent cure for TZheumnati8m, Bright'e Disease, Pain ln the Bacli and ail tarins ,ul Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at al Ieaiers. E seil the best graýes of Coal, at the lowes possible price. PronMpt de- livery a n d satisfaction guaranteed. 5 Fash ion U se Too M uh H-+ IintS. BiIYWFIN-SEA.SON SUITS a 'Tre colore leoie seloted or makig nouael. as il LeîrilosibIetotell011defr- ril1y ju-itxi bat dindeswilIlibe xxora laier Il ics always Ote li ,,r c, te cLeece a richi iraiy lue orlckl, these 1tw ecol- r C, nove- Lo nleiirely passa. TIro dci i:erN se ruir avoed luis wxrler will bc xerutoi- oarly spr-ing,irise tIre ,oft, a grayse and brîrri ir. TIre dul-'r irlibei-ry and riolet 5elradocýsikcîvsc pro- imise te lrold ilîcir osn ýSaure eofthîeaairyhNst loues are very leveiy, but. lLay are raterLo-lar-d In lia-die ftelhre'airateur îdnc5snra;l5cr. lichicaie pastel tinte, whicýlr ai-re more ini vogue tîran the arere ceusi;picuece, h nes, are an excellent sehection fer Ilhis limaetof car, as tlrcy cian Uccsed fer nialiicýeand receptuerus rinandlaIter w-ilI have a teesh, speinghika air fer Laster. ThreIhîrce gownle sowx-ato-rly are parUcuicrty deelealo, cHcotir'yce ua li adapir d cithertaIioiu el ithoîreor hrravy lin- ns. Th ire dcl tle e lIl sbolir uited le linon thria i,,,ry et Ir o -rl,, rea- son et ils xeuesrîlik.h ere le ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i Pdlli Breu cd l î~ bolde t L' cli. our pastehulr, vcylare and rr vhraudserr re, atre a I irehoo ;)iiitet tir' shrort cuhcxvay I jcke, x 1k-bl5j:reiïy aird bu coirirr WLor more re luilinon, inrii ofetlire etuh groxur i -lsor ii a xr-aeiLlu1e, the strtcLiag ca-r lic doneAlinii ef Vi(nes ritiieeor 1w o shird icr-oi A efedce hun stilcibdlaick xi uldlie~ru lucri etocx1, o raliî rdr k, w x ihli xhieeicr 1ios dselii)cdeed sle ir uriddle cubureru ue petiýiv . elh iruteaded fi I itd alricr xcc Thre *Lulde- 1,id te til -eauti on1ilsturil, grecetul six7'j ;i' osit fullse cyin uisoft tolde tuons tire icck et, thre hirps tleire sex'ol noi i- eb run tliü_reeurd, as do ail et tir- lai- est gox ies. M1ucluas ive rcgi-ol it, >aIl costuire,' ecran lhrosetir >esto eac, au-e decidcuiiy longer, caln oue but lIre distiuelly arorriîrg suit d-ars tl-o greuod in tire tu-cc ald s.centfor-table xxayxre Lai-e alil oexepit ýIe s sot out Nxvinîah gi-rra 1telore., The jacîret r e -ry w~hig xx iiiisý loup reoxerisoetblarck satin, linge satin' binious xiith gunîrretli od'se cud hrig lillr-wci-hcch etofwIrite co"lr etirrboid- ci-oct ii iliver anddbiue. TUh i edcl xvould ho svcri -aidle loo- lauii Prv ex 4ei-xrita lurrur, nuLh tUe4cuii cuat d rie ii in ard critnod bl ackL anrd n-hie xx iiicoltlons.-lie' rex ea ccd bottons eau lie oethlie black satin. mnac se thatt Iley mry lie dehaciMc xîlîerr lire cuitiis lamînde roI. Elabeole braidin u rirk-l5 ihie tiird <PO-mI-~ N CANADA) De careful flot to use too great a proportion of Armnour' s Beef tixtract wherr mak-ing Beef Tea, Soups, or Gravies. Too mucli does flot iniprove your dishes. just add one-quarter the quantity you would of other Iýxtracts and Fluid Beefs, because Arrnour's has four times the strenigth of most of thetn. Write for Pree flookiet l' CULIN- ARY WRINKLIES." 84 ARMOUPR UMITED - Toronto CANADIA14 FACTORY77 #FRONT SATNKET EAUT cbiriMiil, iritecixîaiz or ncy et tUe soit .'pînI skas.Itle sa practicel li- tlu, tue', -r sincc tirere is flot iuuchu -ot iý l1hC uO')'Éisrenet cpIle lic segu-ru. Sema et tiresecrarats liea e uesida; se;orre lav e ta-teîirge xxhidi anc coir- cealoci uader jcxveled ornarricuis, liay arnimai hioads or Lirais o e -ecirelace. BECONIING COI.ORS. Thper e -exxhile' andt xihi les, ac excil as bLacke arl htocks, oanrd liese sliruld leIceitîl el iallen if tecciring- îr-, to leb' r-ced. For insace, c erios u' dar-I cruripiexioeclgirl-h siQuli irigLSelliri i-ry,trurd chie shoirorl Icx idle iachinrky xxlutoxxliia t lue inîge. Pure creiic aid pile ix ocy le lir celui', xxhile ihu' olîîue lades riiy lie xx-rn Ub- lieu- pinL cheekoed cad geid-- eur raiied couin. Pâeacolore I b tilles cf cli descriionr alxxay~ aieattractivxe, ard a tiers idea îs te 1,-ml iera xritli a berlira ef chiffon roleus te nuiech. ]lidin iib-adesitliriru lorspoiscri toids et tulle- or c lourulu rf naroir-e fur. Pate sulhur yr oleviîhr a note o! ruinlait ailnrd ieu)- lace is an attractive corirbnalien arl clraruirg for tire car raiîed girl. Thre noxx leighi r-osecolor aise xx dre oui Weili in the trulle and ilecquaiy gcred cîr tire bruetaIte. Maux r is grrrld ou i erea gohdenr or Tu tari blonde. FIIONt \VAIDIIOBE V1EPAIBIIS. Thee-e valillre he cOCli i ts lr nu Jr-e ike) is ltre t Inrie litr;irîr xvhr il i l iuactre d, If enlrreid xiliii tuiokoci chiffon rnir uekcçd oi'gandi- liriy i el ronnade seo s te surepass ils aor ut rc re a, a îevdposswss i. Thir ba fui lxi ed le te cul a coarila turing ni 1ii lchrittea, naoinug 1h tlirefuli siz- xv àulouîcisseliuic de selie as pcet1ly rjrur i -ýr r- l landie fou lacec or deti- HEALI COUNTRY IIYGIENE. In comnparing th bcalh etof ountry, peuple and city'dwellers. oeeis 'feti impressed bî ltre very siigîri diftereuce betwccn tIre- tw o. 1 One w ould riaturally suppose tbat the ichlabitants of! large cilles, subjeet, te exeoredng, diri and dustl and sînolce, and tbeel eity oet tireStruggla teeorex- itneinseparable trem, lite lu suchi ciramtiinities, would tait rcady victiins! leý diseuse; and tUait troir cpruntry be-J lUron, cnj îying tLe isoltlion, the pureI air and bright sua, and theie ruee siniple lite, rvYcld escape' the gorni-disoirses ail toast, c or\ uld lic better able te resist tIreni ifatakd Conscuipbc , peilly, te rwich hure air is snob a f oe, ouglit te ho a iseýase ,Athîe cily only-as puroly a tenýu dis- case ais oicw tarer is a di )aseetthe tiopios. The, tarmer spends ruc ii 'of1is lire ii heoen air, and hi buse stands 1)y ilset t , eps' e Ie oi n a]' sidcs aind usuaily baîhln sunlight, 1îLe greatcr part eftIh- a;e urcî i sis crex ails aanrîrîingly lu aJýcY 1url dîs!rict ,,andiiiurs Le tamilî'etireý teecior-a een iass t i dos ieý dwel'r.s un nity tre ns The evident necaýorî tor tlîi- h tUiý lUrLs n acny a temhuso w LieU, a!- lrgi il las pure air ail ahbout il, is a seaodbox.'ThIe mnaoettire tar iare A -'iP MYSTERY SOLVED. women Bllnded by Science. The Doctor writes lits prescription in Latin and the patient 'shuts lier eyes ta what sheis swallowlng. 'She takeq that mucli on f aith. If It slrould cure lier sire doesn't know what cured lier If the Prescription injures lier sIre deesu t know whatdid he njulry. Thre physician fa experlmenting iritIr different prescrip tions ail the turne. Sometirnes his medi- 1Ciao je successf utlu the case but atten net. Thin mystery et a concealed _pro- scription is intended ta mystity and te bllcd tIrepatient. One physician ef wide experieace and national roputrtlon dces not believe in uvttigth% publie, nor doos lio grasp 1~tr sas ut behoeves tirat; Nature provides that Which le neces- sary for our healil and happinees. Whou tihe wemarily systei 1le deranged boyond the stage where it will re.speurd te stanshîno, good air, clreerfulness and 1propurr rest; whea the balance of henNir, is seriously disturbed this decter Mbees tIrat Nature lias placed at your hand tihe balance et power for god(. 'Iidden ln our Amer ican terestsara oi--plants which correct and cure ,r ;o.-sdag alments wliicIr cause wemea ti, suffer OutchoorS la summer from Sua rise te url, btt roc s suuset te sunrise irrauti: frilies sirop iha a heuse trour wtihair le exeiuded as ecetllyas LI it were pisrua, udc , reright air is beiieved by mcny teL be. Tbe w-amen are Uoused r, m "oft thîe fure, anrd inîcuofet ieineiug "good ûid tashlîrued housekeepers,'(hev are at pains ho ]kecp the w indew e closod Iti exclude deland îLe sUa des 4dîiw n te keep oeu tre uiligYt, w hieli taestheir Mauy a tc'ýriro]u e is indeed a ge-rures paradis. iOncea case et ceusunîptiU dons, ii aurraleifan,.ureurbor ThIiiugs 3arc imjpr-oî iug ilu lUe ceuntcy, f,-ok inodore farinons iii go id readers. arl 1ar e10r uiugeoft lire wondofil pro- peýrties utfti-esh air; but tlrnre is .4111 oefethrygienic nrissioaies to proach cpeu xviiucoxis day acd iniglit. Tire w ator-supply le andetir source et diecase tee ethu igu rred lu tire couu- try. Typh îid taxer is as rîru-i a dis- ecse oethe counltry. lu ris iuiceptiei, uas consurîptiou is c discaseetoflire riiy. If peoper carpexvec exereised Ibv counitey dwoeers le ectire a pure wato sppr cud te prer eut thre pollution i ut sou ccd streamri, tile, niortaliy tc INiof ePtIe crues w î)uid sh.ow a remaIr!caide lui- prevemerd, as City plcopi aimusi get DIVISION 0F RAILWVAY T AX. It XVII Be Eighit Cents Per Ilcad of the Population. A despaich frein Toroute says : Il le cfficiaiiy aaaouuiecd tirai lire disînibu- huit aucorg the. uuuicipaiies cf lthe P'rovilace etftiroir shrareetftire tex on steaur irailxx-cxe xxilI airouritoe iglt -taul,,e pr lîcud, basad ou tIre cansîre of 191)1. Foiithîls napeogaleduothe ri- speetive uulcipaltiies ou theirreais tirera x1 iii liedodedltn cens par day tor pai ntelaasyluîns wx Ire -opa irig i-r such iasi1itîrlieis tees thran $1.501)par w caL TI reek et making throse deduc- Li is teoiri lUe cir uuris tle le oi îarded th îLenieipatrhole spi-cecdiurg. and as; rapidiy as possiblcýecsacl5s the bal- a ,c v îill lie terarcted. TU-e rîcîs ci ru-ccicalty doutnied the iix on siurrailîn cs, candtire total ne- ecilsfi,,onu ns sour-ce ote Ienod et Dr)arrbert.w are $a75,689. 0f tune lira Gevnuiorrbhis Iteir$30it00 leopay aic aarocalexprîrses oethtie tiailîx y O rad f th ireriiiltirder-, oiiO hait, 0 ,~i7~?.Su, -ees e ie iuuiicipalitics in lre e-t ,nai îd lire curer Irai!ho thre A IIEROIC ENGINEEI. Drisen Frein Cab ly Scaldinq Stoar- Saved thue Fast Mail.- A dcspdich frerrihBone, loira, says's Allecr runniag w ihd fur sex eaiallsa bIgIr spced w-lui au coine e ut et cou- tr, by lire bloxvi:ng oui t ofa "u'in ils bolier, thre Ciricago & North\%n es, cru tact mail train Ne. 10 xx cebaroly sax cri ir cm destrucionrnoehier-e on TuCsdtay nhgirl by lire LeroisinroetEnglacer Lourie hiuli. Shlruh was driven frein bis cali b)- thea caidiag vapoce arl beiliog xvaVecs. Ilealizrîîg tIret, ho couldd net rocchr tr Lottlo, ie eiirbed ovrorIle leader te th-, oxprose ceearad Lehirnivrcr- ou on îLe d-oor. TIr opie ressoîr- gar, toar-iag robbor-s. leldInn-cd- mru-sien aL irlie, but xxlo he finaiy opcured tLe door lie aiîued Ivýrro r-cesr a' Shuils Leacl. TUae gucer hrioodirrg aâ a'chaus!a 1, dr-gge- iriîrsitoi tir' car' cîd i ihi ri reîrriaiig stiengfli puiled tiere Ce coancinig tLe airr -a ESTABLISHED 1873 0f CAINADA Head Office - '-Toronto M .00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Dep-artment. Deposits of$r and upwards3 are cevd on which thec highest current, rate of interest is allowed. No De!ays in making Withdra'wals SaVigs Bank Department ini Connection with ail Branches' BOWIANVILLE BRANCLI W. J. Jonos, manaàer Anyone urdlg setch fand descriptlen iuay rrîlckly reet u, c pinion free wlu'-tLrr n 'weîtia e rroatiparîrg~1eCommuolea-ý tire.tat.,,u~sk~ 4~euGl<on Patentz Patelnts taâen tlrougci Molno e eev Riuertal notict,, wtiroUt charge, îthie ctirîtienet any eientlie journaýl. eeSa yea-, four menths, $1. Baud by ail newsdealere. MUON & CO.aoîsroadwayNzw Yoîk Xranch Office. 625 F' St., Wasingt ou.D C. WRITEF F07-, TOÀ-A TIre great Ulerine Tonie, and olraeeffectuai Menthly Iegnlater onwhIicir omeDn Cent depeuid, Seld in tirrea degrere of strenglir No. 1, 81;No. 2' 10 degrees stroager 83; No. 3. r s Peclal caca, 5pez bx .1u1gtetsor so repai onreant of priýe. Coeu :: DN Cio oisa CONTOT. ONT. <errriicsr Persans lnterested in boUers, engilues tOol rnnakireg, machine Ehop work, 1h comotlive, electrloal, machaniCeal, etf-amP marinej- civil engineering, architeeturefý, uice-hanîcai drawing, eurveying, StraCt- iirs draftinjg, etc., WEI lind 8omothtnýg ta their acivantage by Een(]Dýngt£his notice, stating the subjuctinteïested ruin, ta tle AmericritnSchool of CrresPond- once, Div 13, Chicago, IEL. 5 1L-2 Ca. depresed-wàih headache, indigtition, conStipa- tion. bois tumours. icotula or ohe! resdrs of imnpure blod-Can find rpeedy relief in âlira lood Toric. It draws out the poison frein the blood and rener uptÛcilr, kidneys anrd barrais. Pu= rie alle-cratama tÉic eidcinai jvirtues of curat*ve hriwihc na a,natural mancer on thr Se ,iPce. $1 a-boul1e-6 for ,3. At drug-.ores-or f reinThre Chc-mi:szCo, of Canada. Limitad, F.a1yiton-Torerto, Be Ure to gel the gni.eckfi w a or m~ rivers and slr,- -is ted by ie~ oIrluonings tfrural cîiumuniiies. - FO0OTBATIi FOIS iNN\ .kLID. A tcb is i~otten a source et great r ui l ad cwift u ea sieK i- i - il. 10 gxoit, crorfr e o eu Àlie lied a 1,h a lrgo iceu oci,,, thon place a teetbatir 'w iii ia laiiuuit et; w QiOr eta rn'dii ei coruue li it on the bed. Let the ci'n lie eu bis Lack, ai-i bendiîrg the Laces, place bisýý feot lu the tub. The linLes cm Lec sup- prttcditif uoce.rsary hy an attendant: covr ctire tub anid lacies xvlh an eld Liankot, ltirx iug plaeed a hboard orthie Mubte lkocp thre blankot eut et Ithe w aler. Tli patient (ainew lic ,v li iorn' and tUeor -u!lilv enju lijs Ibath. The water can be licalod Iroot irn tnit imýe by cddiug i1pore lbot water. At tUie Close -f tleb-hal cie)l lIhe w alec te oea Iun- ch d 3gre5,liftthle t et out iute texv- els, ai-d dry Iieri quickly. ET ITE 0F Omoe, (Ory or' ToLrDO, l S LcsCOU,-tTY. b IFeAsRý" J. Cilrrv yMaires oath tblat liea 13thre eeuder parluer of the tirm of F.J Oua-car' & Co, Coiug ius!eSin ' ithre T ledo. Courty

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