IH Ishaing a BIinIT WE RS L 1 connecion with its January Stock-takin Sale. Our stores are crowded every day by buyers who appreciate money-saving oppor. tu-nities. This Wednesday morig the finest stock of ýýWhite-Wear ever shown lue Bow- 1 manville goes 0on sale at January Prices. Hlere are the facts and figures, Its up to you to profit by theme Ladies' Underskirts. Fine White Cotton, wide flounee and tucked, reg 6.5e, ale price 48e Fine White Cotton, wide flounice, lace trimmed, reg 815e sale price 68e -Made oif fine white Cottos, tueked, muslin frills, Valciennies lace trimmed, regular b,1.00, sale price .... ..............78e Fine White Cotton, deep flounce of hemstitehed tucks, torchon lace and insertion, regular $1,25, sale prie.............. 98r Fine, English Cambrie, deep flounee, eluster fine tueks, Valen- cienanes lace and insertion, regular $1.75, sale price...... $1.38 Fine English Long Cloth, deep flounce,, Valenciennes and em- broidery insertion, fine emnbroidery, frili flounce, finished with embroidery beading and ribbon. dust fr11, regular 82.25, sale price. . . . . . . ..16 Fine Engli6h Lonsdale, three, rows, emabroidery insertion with beading and tuPeks between, deep embroidery fiounce, regualar $3.50, sale price.. ...... ...................$268 Night G%.Towns, (ex,ýtra fuil.) Made of fine White Cotton, square yoke of tueke, trimmed w9,ith torchon insertion and beadirg, regular 85c, saleprie.... 68c Fine White Cotton, V shaped yoke of tueks;, insertion and bead- ing, r-ibbo-n trimimirgs, fluished with Lace Fr111 around nieek and sleeves, regular 125................... 98e Fine White English Cambrie, embroidery fTrimmed, regular prie. $2.00, sale price............................. ..... $1.48 Fine White English Cambrie, embroidery trimmed, regular price $2-50, sale price................................... $198 A Few Specialsa Now le a goodl time to buy Dress Linenisat-January Sale Prime. 1 pieee good Irish Linen, open weave, will launder well, regutlar 3FO yd, sale prices........................ ......... 2 3 2pieces fine Drese Liner, Irish and Frenteh makes, regular 45e and à0e yd. sale prie....................... '2 pieces fin e Dress Lineni, Irish and Yrenehl makes, regtilar 60eiý per yd, sale price.......... .................... 1 pies very fine Blouse and Uandkere3hief Linen, Irish make regular 75e yd, sale priee ........................... A SFew Speci*als. 400 ydis fine Englhsh Lonisdale Cambrie, reg 121-e, sale price. 650 yds fine Enrglish Faetory Cotton, nice round even thread, fre. from speeks, 36 inehes and 40 inehes wide, regular ï2ïe, sale pries ........................... 100 yds Sheeting, unbleaehed, twilled, good strong heavy Cotion, 72 in, reg 30e yd, sale prie ........... 200 yds fine Slieeting, bleached, plain and twill weave, good English Cotton, 72 in and 80 in wide, reg 35e sale prie. 84e 45oe 68e 24eI 27e 21 Drawers. Fine 'Whîte Cotton, hmtthdt-ucks and hem, regular 85e, sale preper pair ............................ C3e Fille White Cotton-ý, fine tueked, flounce, val, lace, and insertion triminkef, regular 50e, sale price. ................ 38u Fine White Cotton, unmbrella style, deep flounce, tuceks and eu'-- broidery, reg t'oe, sale price ................. Fine White Cotton, fine tucked, flounce, embroidery aud insert.- ion trimmil2gs, reg 85c, sale pri e.................... 68e Fine White Cotton, fine tucked, filounce of Val. lace and insert- ion, reg $1.00, sale price. ..ý....... ................ 78e Fine White Cotton, fine tueked, flounce cf embroidery and in- s ertion, reg 81.00, sale prie ....................... 78e Corset Covers, Fine W;h-te Cotton, fiail front. lace trimmed, reg 35e, sale price D3e embroidery trimimed, reg 35e,sale price 23c lace, or emb "e reg 5C,sale price 38C. Fine 'White Cotton, full front, lace yoke witli ribbon trimmings, regular 65c, sale prices... ......48e fine einb, Val. insertion, rihbbon irimmings, reg 75c, sale price ., 58e fine erabroidery ribbon trimmings, reg$1.00,7sale priee, .............78e Embroi'deries and L-aces, Here le a savln g for YOU0 1 Cartoon Corset Cover Embroideries, wide width, reg 30e and 85e, sala priee per yd.. ......................... 230 A Cartoon Embroidery ends, 4 to 7 yds lengths, ail widths, mlarked at sale priees. -1 Cartoon all-over-embroidiery, fine, swiss, 18 inehes wide, reg-- ular 65c, 75e and 85c, sale price per yd.... ...... e 500 yards Laces and Insertion, fine Vals and Torchon, reg 5e and 7c, sale price per yd........................ se 400 yards Laces and Insertions, reg 8 e and 10c,sale pries per yd 5e