%,U'11 be ready for sp 4i ls er, on'tyoW faigued a.-d will re-quire somnething to tc ult n Acap ai' "HictBovr!l" wil rereh ad nviorte ouat once. For "orl otisinth m012on centatedformail fthe vitalnursrnn je~~~!:1 1.'ratUein ot, and iiriii.~i ,,.depmd.i Adl the dereea 1~ ï 10deresîtoner 23 Ž 1.3 fiofia i u~l, or sen idr j!îoreel looprce anSLIli.Fe pmbe. drs:Ti SA lt ' W IN,OOT, N. < F .t Wn TPe oast are two ottetios cf -______ glandlikeatruc~ire aI he brck prt ~ f isone filhemoa cuablecf il hre tPe .cul, on on adi idebctwen [ie ne, ifecteus îseaes, d ti oi Pdlas o tP Paate Ilis lot new~ b mens f juiclus se f Gd'sfreshir q~P uips bysr . Soela aear suntinepluly X gcd mr'l co'ecoccic~c1~cf~cfcrcooo-4 i YOUNG [o FOLKS Ooo~ooz2c~O~ClI~O. EABLX ANO LATE. Go te bcd ccî-ly x'oal5c uap ixili jcy Go te Led late--cu-osa giîl or bcy - Go b bcd emmlx-u-cely fer play; Go te Led hala maopiuug cli day. Go te bel eau-Q--île PI ris or III-' Go te bel haie do '1cr. cul piPs Go to bcd rai 15-pi'exi' x tcy lalI Go ta bel haies-amy uer-y alildil. es of the throat, cheaFt, iuïngsn and otomuac"b. TRîTY1 QUATE1 Wei docto'rshiav', roounadcaes incurble roasconsu. tio aadothe Ici. \caft t P-Ilît thonh Trelyvery ee (o f tc0rae.CougeColIs staril Pîl a il.Ho bil aier mil ncb atari, Bronchitis, Chil,1Nihtwets papraani tueyilil ce hat lix. NixCOwïumûpr, ield 9uicýkly tu thie cura- [ace was qui-elcia a i-iia, Piîaiîgtie powýersaiQ" chnc hapa l w s a igP f joyPc dil iot mkes the fohowing taem: t 1cra ailus -Il ot sieer, wali slect f0 -ight swevats, l lwI r i ;pý;I Pli eie to me, whunlit uasi mviuglu Oxtal standswClai it Il', o Otl oi t hAfter iiiLngey inelpýorasotîm Iecan Hotacrf 'il'-y bookil igsadxuici ai fhpteitengreetso7.g~ , ithsSU [ Lopp do MC-g ksycPj1aiT sasg gls I kmae u.LBuluiÉ spîte 0f i P5YC1NE -asno sub'stitute. Taiia îuhe h c scil, s. "I usoilmctPcîî'î1 o1 rp l i ,7,. T.A. SLOCIJUM, Li0At, 19Kn t . OOT hie~~an posl1x.eopi l aa ax axol-aîcîiP-s-irr "W uz ' cl F0 ly,"I ues e' abox, at ail dezkiers._ Ly'lcl criaIxxioîg l bu a il i guas Ius 11 V mîI Pe se'xreixxaslaout-o Peia. s Pui iatltu.1rPi ciic ia cul vîJlrnagcv îol ci 1 h peci- cisc for ' 1i-i'0113'. y ibcPl s Il 9,0loi ise nt iri qutei r ofuil cal'ic qa-tiuu ixel beiLrapîPx ta u lr'le le uxtatîîen l Irinýis, ma FpntiaNhl'leucat orli opî ti'5x ay Iaqule-ps u-e auaàbis MIals uul- x smx asc iTeu le ppelfril. lauî Q, âun Mni, àc s i, -e ,-4ý n- ' PASTiOR AND PEOPLEI Fo iante and ckildren. The KIod YUnHae Always Bought tlar he 'Signaturie af 1 rymotl a lci e il iidiciPas and l ilî iltRencw als P1 Im, l hua I ce c hile îi roîe iiî-eseîu-' w' '~ i lii i il h rOui itiiiihh c ont. 1~hi1 ' c yc.sc ccc~u ,s-,~s - 'flic di case la ahuaiesl clix e3'a s~uieU5 ï'~.mcylFi a rcqxaarc tisa phscjurma'seeomre, fmi Ihe hi-catuarciat oeils for liaiemnal me- i-r ici as xx e'hi as local appIicathlhius. W helex ur il c s lene. tPe bewels .xlieirld lue PipI opeix iroun Ihue begimnig cI if' cita k. Xonth's Coîaapuiaiiaa. A W 0111) 0F CilLER. Du . ix' o~ 1, IP~ cuailiarul aullueilTia ouf [î~ 1cr e draP cîiiiOîuuiu La il Ii f Ccciii, Xn-it TEN l tSRI stnl itli les -st ltc î, thlier bude I riedeor lpailnai il ua D)r. Lihad'sHmuioid. bega!'te nticeu aiproeinenlt, iecde te k ie o and n1ow1%,aliýleruip&ire oe I o anu gla1te say amopieel er eMy gecîi uali liasa Lio .catiyiup-î d tube. 0f he lli'co uuucthîo l etiiaicuii, Rani Bolte al ssîfeîers avitLh Pilae,andl i îi'ullin jo'taa c l dona e oicovnelthat a iiflai l oue for lii flic~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 îuîî uaaîhuîeIua b uae-A$, Uarntee goîýs suith e-r-y bfo tuI rýý er1uuix Iollîuex îîî oin -li. Vrice $ 1,00, aitlc-1rsxggCts, ueî Tic Wison yo C., Limihel, Niagara mAire) be' u ~ ti'-ca ins d-y. i'.iiV3P AND TOP B. lIn~ 'piconil s b peubr' cton ha i-lui pî'r shui'dtay ePccPo A~ iuiut ro~u riucs" [og lualr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ly ,'aeaau irtls I dii' emt u lxilain d'cha È'nniPu P bcutuct r Fbue lmiox l asj c tri y il irei nuniug, Pb ipsoi-ul lnTEMB11111 MA u~ îîa is i' ve ýi-',Ckes'J'Cuti cr oap and Two Boxes oJ Cuticura init- m~t a:d is'.nt ireycrd-e Luke NEWMon, yeand lluave trîecilail sorts oi remedieri My casa te one of mry Ir-enîs and lbc recommeuxieil lie CuticuraeRonadcs. 1 bont lt tiens-,xiii lih(,tiougiIliaItiey, 'wouldbe ursceîui as xi.i t c her Bat mter V, lrm o er xek mnd eulig cfle ski gaua decrsse, am flaIimter uigfisc Cutienra lnîent t dis ap pea me I entiijel Ifel now; like a newman îl, and I uxouiî giaIldy reconsond ae mel- Station, N.ï.,No.,10.' Liti on 0;aul:czema ceeu nilsIîý jand lmb uIuf- compflote rea ,Jt atrial nla i 14, 10. ings adIrttos w o- Oite È han to c!ail otheýr rm edilescobeçeN otess vr. sc weet. aoSc edl s~iî caie dex i culla!dPishîrd cîu -TCtt' Rnsxbtav rvNysrmr Fi otte tîa'e la'iil urut hu jcaiI1~ lm eon mn snit nxa, rai tP ebc'pry sîiîu" "Ta Aneie Si oc Lsiufs f cae PcI SaInal'mal xxcop. "W euh, l 'oîcn îahe toll o -Xi)ýer4o n-for 1ý!r. Pire Ladie' Hom .Jou-na l in t1ic Maly ci 4nîîbr ftieLad(ies' ernsmuI iblmîs atcle. tia r. P1r& ctacn lclul nder luoadmieul ingý!rdi aganîtticpnbislhrsci ic adci'ý Dr.PiMce 1%cge tui Mr.lieR, ti c 'le,011c1 us:11b1s11thatil are o c i rc i j i i Lbf l"Fa- vente as uto o'; tit saI meielu Plal f Purtivý e m lc lrdsat coul' - le larmni irgrîicits uio? cir s1I thatfi .BRsmhcossae nie ore vuîoiy ati aseletel aI3: An s wlmade emnulsion ofgood Cr Liver Oul is goo asfaras lgoes, but ;if ilplcks Iran il is ual a perec eulian bcasI- o ij ve ore ticsar ai!d or vluable thian île oiL. Ferr--ai is ltanly made of tebest Cor! Liver Ou, but il comrbes wSthbcaidlwIrn and Phemphorus7 and la the oniy emu1-ionthat cotubns Irnat ail. 1Mloreovcr FaSIo110n l e c U l l' lý l ga u î c utP i i i - :il bîI eR a4 \ ipIl il li!aIuiîII are i 'cA pAinlelicet. 0 iaxx ,oigadilmi pitielhauslrso jalp dteIs ouiilt w 111 Pc popuarl' n1,11ot pi il 1îoi c l itou attusl u l t1,igi re sIos.Pc ageTiacSM Mbat culI i wuct peas. cili'il ubisa ý -Li"otîl, Ifyou hlave redluWstn Canada, if you are seeking informia- tion concernig the West, this of- efer v'Iap clte you. -0 Winnpeg 3 Monthis Postage prepaidtA any address A tPe Dominon. OFFP7-ýR NO. 2 'Winnr-ipeg Wlâeekly rue reus2 and Praiirie Farm-er CanadianSaesaBwanil _0'1 CL IIR - - the awenth(qPotldîtiopq ,the eh-aioee for a situ'lation, the cos-t ofbord busines opportuniies, take offer No. 1. If y:uar oentetd quest ofinoatolurerdo fariln ad frmlandis, tkeofer NS. 2.YTuin nayp i F you wish, with- ont extraepuhveteFrue TO THE ANDIN TAESA Ow- FAIWlL LE' toba Ume Presaar.d Canadian Statssansas per MM r-No .. w T,.lllJ> ---rchhlylutir reila 0 xxii mi~ c ADITIN NT N RS LNE )ulic>bLiU \cl ie win xili e inalbt Nw cny fyu'mîe e~i No ediinebasever efctoýIed aï8large u etos cures a ayhne i bcba n 'I is fer ore Ypala1,table and easier to> digest than anly other preparation of Cod Livýer Oïl. Anyone cart take Fer.'ici few can takec Cod Liver 0',l1 i any othe-r vay. Efvery intelliigent personi knows thiat three of the grecatest remedial ats konto science are Cod Liver O11, Iron and Phosphorus. To geýt them- in corribînation and! in proper proportionnyo u rîust have Perrol. There is no othier way. Sufferers froin Anïeria, Bronichitis, Chronic Coughs and Co)lds, Lung Troubles of any kindi, Nervous Potain hoi Rheumatisin, Neuralgï1a, General Debility, Loss c i h WooigCough, Crocup, La (G-rippe o (r aniy of e ailments knownas wtigdiseases, cari takec Ferrol vwith the confident assuranrce thrat it %V;11 ?cureý themi f acreis possible. Each doe of Ferrol containis a fuflI niedicinal dose of Iron and in rio other way cari Iron be- pro,,perlyý a dm inist cr cdi' Ferrol holds the record for icreaslig the weight. Ferrol contains neither alcohol," dope »" no r dan- gerous drugs of a-ny kind. Ferrol' is lthide11ual Infant Food. If your baby is notthiig give it Ferl and at c t row'. FrROL FN ï i o a paýtenýlt.yter. The formulaiýs fr(eiy pniAished. It is prescribed by t1) cý3 et hiican. ,t endrîcd by Use mOst eminenit Medicat Jouîtials. Lt is sdi tchei&o -rHl ts ow~ NviIe 'DL-4 1 1 . 1 A 1 1 1 -1-=, 17,T-»,q-r' -PP ïr rrl -- =,, - -1- Ir 1 vL A 1- 4-ýý -L -1 1 Al-L PA "ýUi r e