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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1907, p. 1

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anabian t ~temniln *0'*~ e e oo Il ep BANK 0F M0NTREAL" -0- Capital a$14,400,OOO savings Banki Hiead Office, Montreal 447 Port Hope, Onit, Establlshed 18712 Caiaflly paie, up ...... .~0,O esreFund ....... 5,0 recei ved and intLeret at -31 per cent p)aid or _ompounüded haif yegriy, Time Depesit;E of $0.0andnprd receiveA for anyv term of .Yearg. but flot legs than one yearý, a-t hi.ghtr rattes o!il,. by law ýto dePceit mony a their lspo2zl with thia oompany, The funds of thecom pý;any ariýe neaed only b! mjuniJcialdcbentures msud first morcïga ,en imr-provcd real estate, which -olte ileesuxty t. depoqltorA. Mon oned at lIGwe"3t ragtes o! intýeet und un fatvorabletem 1n 1,gvilg your bmIs-ý inen ttiala Yo Inf rmatt.n (,an be ObtaInec b-y May eue Oas t,,>yeur affaira, 28-Gm. ~J. H4HELM,1 ilMauaKer. B3rethren of Florence Nigýhtiugale Lodge, $owmnnville, exeMplified th-e wrkOf the3iiïitiatory degroe, a! ter whlcb the visitors were entertained at a Sumptuous banquet. Among officiais8 of the Order present were: Grad M1aster 1W.8, Johnston, OG rnd, S0,ecýra J.B Klng, Girand Treasurer W. J. Me- ComcS. C. Park, I-) a G. M" Tornto; M. A James, D, D. G. M, of Ontarloc District, Bowmanville; T. H. Plkb , P G. R., Kingston; William Wantz, P. D. D. G. M; W. J. Graham, P. G; John Lumsden, P. G.; B N. Davis, P. G. of T!Gooto. GA. 'Walkem, noble grand 01 To ronco Lodige, s'ýcted as toastmaster. The ilsuail standard and fraternai tojaste werea proposed and dulv honored, and 1 an inte3restlng program o!f addresses, songs wand instrumenatal music wss Vr- dered by yarig-uiý brethr7en oC tâe dr DurýinZ th'ý veninig the ha.ndseome siver trophy presented bjy the P. W. £[lis Company for the district having1 the largest numbe o!« members in uàne in the grand parade of Oddfellowso held in Toronto ln Spteniber last, was pre- se3nted to the rpesna ive !t arlo1 District, they haying beenâ the winneors of the trophy. The presentation wvas miade býy Coi. W'. S. Johnstan, grand master, and -John A Macdonald. P. G. R., gecretary o!f the general committee, on behalf of the P. W. Ellis Companv, and was rýecei,ïed by Brother M. A. James, D D. G. M., o! OntaroistrctBowmanvllle, in an appropriate address. The spaci- ous hall was crowded to the limit with clty Odd Fellows and their visitors, and the a'iffair wvas one of the brizhtest and affaîr that has been held in Tokont(u for a long tiee" The de3gree team pnuacadidate throngu-h the initiatory degree lu a man- tirat eiltdhlgh praise from Grand Master Johuston and oth)erspaes Th-egree team was constituted as foiiows: P. N. G. Fran-k C. Kydd; N. G., J. J.AMaonn; V. G., Pid. cOsborne; Wardeni W J. Jeffer; Conductor, Ogden Smi.itb; L. Guard, Joh-nMenye Guard, John efll ar; R. S N. G., T. 1 Wesley ýCawker; ?. S.N. G., F.Otho V. ;R.S . ,TTs o; 9, ('ot fui îhtbqret. Tepr up Yong itree tO Cetrl aex thCllest- reet was a ong oecend h cAods ontat thorned theornhfr wondrd1oat rmy of Inad ers hadk( captw nredt'ne ctas hebaade bandhe mre ti-o othel matialstisthesead usicians. eaeoCeintrae Hall thor crws onmmit te wh tor chfareo ho overco wat aprubbefrs, e, ad prominen thsCty &membesgred the vsitor diaDe t. m PelC.adte Ifwas aeniee-uon, f00,hargeth former memýbers who now re'side lr, the Qaeen Cify.ý There were John D. Keaëchie, John S. Bondc, Henry Bennett, S. . Uskl, arryBaerieGo When they are weak, tor. pid, or Stagn~ant, thke whole sysemsufesDontL neg- lecL, them at this time, but heed the warning ofithe aching back, Lhe bloated face, the sallow complexion, the uriuary disorder, and beginâ treatMent at once wÎth Kood's Sarsaparila which contains thbIeksLand safest. çurauv. Subst.ances. Fer tUwnfmscd rmarkabie cures 5qthd for Book *Mt NinqaNo a Q L HEd 4 QLew* >INa& A very pleasant' event took, place af, the hom o! Mr an'd Mr8 RICbard BriacobeElgin St., ou Monday evenng Januatry 2Sth, when7about 410 Inondw1ýceinvlted by Mr, ud Me. Bimambefor tea aind f0 spend a 1mw hours tge, it bein g the 50th annive)rsary o!1 their weddling day. Affe,-r ail Vwer elcly sttlB1, ey, VH.Eme-ry blapt'ized 1two grand!-hid ,and RcadGrll nmcme n R., D. Snowden then. read the following addreqss M'r. and 3Mrs. R. rmaob DEAa FAviEr ,AND MN-ommnu ýWe have tepeasuro o! maeeting lu your home to, day to spend a !ew holrs wifh you ta remind you o! a penlIod ïa ll!o's hlstory Fwhlh veny f ew -are spsred to enjoy, the thougitvon have had manj ups ndu downs during thaf time jet you have stolod by each other Iiu slckneRsaud health alike, You., father, have badý imuchtf0bear by jour infimmities, il o! haing, etc,., but you have n ot had1 the loss o! ebLîdren- or friands While wo meet today welhave great reason f0 be thaniuifor a failv circleunb-i'roken. You have stood the trials3 you have hiad to bear withaut a1 murmur aud ý lwass wlf b a smnlie and were ready to gîve cheerjy words o! corn!ort to those who advlce has been second f0ý noue flu ap- 1preciation nd y ýour words ý) o! cm fort agleed ourhes.Adow purse o! goid and pie SeVer, not fo ther itrisievaine but" as a reminder o! yor kiutness and the finindjhiç hil exista befween -Tou and the friends bore sssmbld.Wa pnay tbat j'On may vet beý spared to, us and ea&chf other teouojoy Istepped luahecrceand read thle 31r,anMr.Bmcob paUtwe have met here- by your ku invitation and spcen mamy u4eas4rut hors l~terloutwvhave conI>quiatonight On our ownin vitation fw rerin-d yo0f a day uhichI was a jo!lle to you- theda o! 50 years ago, when you týWC, were made one lu the holy bonds aI- you- haveha many trials in the(ý path o life b-ut you have eachi been spared t ages and tojday jour facej are radiant witb sufiies and jour hr tiss as loy.,ïý ing as F50 yasago. Matiuis e hae heard if sald of! jon you are Ijke) two youDg loviers courfin)g Sa, da friends, we could niot let this dapy pas-t a day o! daysq whlch !ew are spared a reach-wif bout iu some -wayshwg o)ur appreciation o! your kindnesud love to us, As a remind(er of this youjr Golden Wedding we ask yýou to accept titis pursie of gold nof l or ifs value only but that von may fcee Yom, sf111 hoid a, warm place in, our hearts. We aýIl join iu wlshing you Mnay jet be spared t'-o ceebat our Dia1mond mwedding and May the samekindly fee1ings existing befween us c-ont!unue so that when oiur mDeetings are oer here b0low mnay w be counted worthy to meef, on the othez side whero mee6tinga and parfings wiLl be no more bat whlere we can no each other's ecompan-y forever, signed on behal! o! the Inoinde ,here, theam witfi a pu ,ef gld aasl sagar 'bi'l arî1d,,i4t,, ihe5r, goid dll*!n ied Mr, Brimacombe very suitabi 'v replieid when ail jalneqd bauds and sang Bls and 'He's aDdy and thon went 'in for a jojiy Lgood time uDtIlrfeb nf weore served sud ail le!ft lu the wee sms' ýannot meef ma ch other here may we be rny happy years yet o! wedded iio rexinded o! the eein beyond where Lettoe 3ot congratu.latiou.n ere re- we hope ai" to be coÜanted wonfhý1y f0 ceiveýd from Messns, JohnL and JUaes meet at fhe Great Wedding o! Wediings Rlch, De(von, Englaud;, Mr. A C.Wil a,;t the mariage !eýast o! the Lamb liamns, portage la prairie, mýr., Jon whlere we msy sit at the right baud o! Matthews, Brandon, Man: Mr. Msul1y God Who ssld:- "Comle unto Me al je Cryderman, Edmonton, Alfa; Mn. S. iM. that labor and are heavy laden aud 1 Scott, Elampdeu, Dakotf Mn. and Mis, will give you rest." Chas. Bractex, Baffe, Montana: Me, Signled on behai! o! the !niends here and Mrs,. 8 Tnew, Oshawa, sud otL.er3, fslembled. ________________ F. BBIIAOOMBEl, R. D. SODN A îMrs. Frauk .M. Brimacombe preseufted Wy R e e theni vitt, a puise wve fll Oed wlth gl Rand aso a silver pie server wif h 1857- 19'7 e-,igraved with gOld f0 which Mr. copy o! the addregs, made a ver.y feeling to D o c to(.1rs reply, one worfhy of publication Me thauýked the friends more for their presence f han ütheir gold, bMr. Fred B cus * Ma medicîies Brimacombe, Toronfo, the ouiy son, spoke on bebaîf o! father and mother. for thçm. ' Wa teil them al Sýpeeches -were also mnade bY Dr. Jl Qbo)utAye-r's cherry Pectoral, M. Brimnicombo, VF. MBrimacombe, Etrby,sand Rev V_IEmry, speakIng aend thcy prescribe ft for lu higitest terns o! brifode ati room. 1c hcls Lrnltî,cn Tea ivas annoUnced and al did amp le *.s od>bozhicn jusic t th ncethngsroldd.Thel sumption. They trust h. Then tes room was ývery attractive with dec- luCUafr otuti oraf ions o! pink sund whito sud a bugeOfl for to rut . bell over ftho electrie lighf sud fostGoon A your own doctor, ing o! Bemlax fromi bell tu the four 0 9tknofaooL*%t corniers o! the table, the beillbe;îng 'P'Ii ï e s leoitil- decorsted with whlte snd pluk sweot poas andi carnations. Before tes wae 'a qulte ovor suothoer crowd o! about 45 assembled as a kurprisie fa Mr. stud Mrs.;~SPm~A BnIpàacombe and engaged lu varn1lous U ' amusements uantil about 10 e'ClOC-k Whou îp UÀRRviesIM ail weree alled zo the sittinag rooni sud joined iand8 sud Our-,-"Auld LangDea i qva .8yne , witit the bride and groom ilut'na Ciïcloand thon 5Mr. J, Hlky ~'r .Jr>0: r--ý 1ti 1 1 qt

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