7ST ABLiGHED i873 0F1 CANADA HedOfce---a ooi 111e Pretcies'Girl i' Peckham, jui 1,i[. ,jý 1+ Thes 1ry 1rs lme I stjyr as e1i GIîVE Nr1ATURE .-ýACHNE 1npiration direct freio aue.Ntr ,1te1 ratace of mnin.WC !t loIt Nture for ai!0l ouruee , the r'eýenit Ruso-J LI so arthe sur-- dicvrdtat wuds"ul ellmre k'&plly Wawhbotter succe5s If bit te nte.Thoy waslied the o swith e1wter whtcý1li 1had !been bolied ai.d(thuls ~teilied thn bndaedthe woundsa ivith dean linn-opsef~dus a naal osptaifor their woundjs.ith las onlJv rons liack of obsýCrvgNaturS Jawn the at o fus suiferut eucUetrn r» awntherfreio ngsin , rinnur1e bood end agnerlyrndonssen pur remledy lies naur' aertr- eepCrIn -ýthe fragrant woods-where are uy Asorcanpla-nts, thle roots of v',Ilic-,,f h wheuproperly trc-ate-d wiii sup- ela aysican w<vha anl etniepract.ice amolig tIse affllcted inad a stridng departure frein the nsui ine1ûodscf lbis con freres in edcneh weu tM lh to Nature for th cure or thoseounçhdl-,orders which rctbuliec tgo often lnan iiaiinmic cnitoor im- pure bloodl,'luss of 1appetit, pýale or pimpy 5kia11ee!ng 20f lsitd( and vweaknes. *I e fudthat the bark of heblack Che-rry-tr, the root et i il éfandraStoo oo uensrot Bo o d rco t 'anidlGolden ý ea root, mcdi 1intO aý Scientific., nonl-aicoholie ex2tract hy thse use of gly oe, mado thse bed t ier- Mie "nd buse TMerreshiq lume Di bIis exlraoTý is at one aparei n ise >,cvrdStreâgth ocf tIse tetth vital fires of tIse body hum righter and their Increaised ativ osue he tis rbbhihwlch e therwi'ce may un oiso thesystUlmhisaltatve aMd o ie exLri%ýctli e founld to stand 11lonem , afo sl, Livigorting toiep, ai, t doi ne dendon aloh1ol for aàtise abilatonbutis Natdoue's e'n ncthod ciresftsesnu d ceasi hIe sys- ttý. I t!-ýcsup tise somcand th bllood in !,ý4aure's ow wy. h 15 wel 1Énown aIlovertýise world alJ,Ï;. Pierce's Gqiden MIleal Dscovr. lTlhonarný wias given te this segetalwe compouln tucueone o! tle important 11jgedlients 'wsGolden SeAlroot. ý î t uch an uLtort s Di.. Roberta1 Bartheiew, of ,Jfoonedical Coll e, says "vory use- inl~ a toxaçhî toi~.Cures ctarh o! tu.e tomach and lheadachûS accora- panylng thesame." Dr. Gover coq, ir ,;i bok Uco edicines sekigof cxolden &ÉelrooDt, scyS thaÎ ,as 9a livev lnigraxiehs few eue2." urtlhel f-ve "1 sy.inCh1rOnlnflamaio f th Aui b-,i faeat1u, me ccdhec.1 Ne 'cf iSeLdz z rcgtUpvr nue we gus abot alit. d-a ic xLaIc c ors a Bih Spelem, cotris encge thr mlu ILcalo-c lw rin aVKmV, Bt lte ge t fcc ile li. SL ia il poat, Sa la .sp icii. But i 1\ hStOl'ai l i-J, cfw eli' t glion the ait sîdlIl' tf ber heod p wl toiea Ibat boAn- tAlk;lta lir Il Iics as dlyias a weedcn t'-i thebit1. an' gain t L edUplu about si i 1ouis , f c i lwen Il i .l I I liyeu i- 'sesprcd ofmy irl andI sas Ie 11 1ccd1iu'A Auting Ileuld ï(1u cfc la~ hcIid I s id ntc1 hL n jou 1t playit lsI ,su hav that brings no temmy slcîy vils -Yagrn lauy amili, Forwcks e ad l bis cl overi bjalerwo ceotunuteeof tbaie Ot rl-' okfi Itiebîlps m uid mieagns od cure As a tonile lantdeixf eovlshnstager o! fov-cro, aemna ascJe tuha hu a ,ysùjeïn1enad ehracute dîsaesesil ihe. ehsee x smt cixfiietehae 4retI3(-olden Sciiroot) le pecliïrly j I oums i iimssin Lis office I îL n i n- apRroprfate.5 I l tl. FeH s-ass-u-I phes i',te ec sse Dr. 01We cotIinues: "wourýàlem ;as-fixe dayIseforeI:[,ahpuhlîs ioms tej o 5add that Our experiene isdsi.lcfn rei fala-ea boul strated the Hyd astis o r Gojdon Seat rot -'e o viuble mneynbronChit,Jw Lozia os eas gaui e la.rynigitis, ap1d otser affections o! thse v ithi Cxiewiuuîugs inls, l ehk ,le Pe urs resiratem ra" euh f ýIsex îicu h ask mc- ta ini0e l0f Service la chroniec arrofettIse -i lfa!inac. >jolYac dh owpal oloss'ing a'buse o!f L" as 'toLlatonie citer marilteveor. i"Isasteasoyu Mius c distnct, anti-malarilinfluence.soîlbmgesIesldqtaouts Good uin ali catarrhal condItieus as 'i-eberuy has' t ous1u I sisa 1]erino catarmh, luorueetc. i 8 s e cire i mxIrels, i? Ar la e ci xlijve ca-1 uihnouE ds pIa ICiMSu i5 oeuiieyossurhii pe- ±rm oan d P l See6c,!- iluihy Mîeon osso, adincre so r, àLthe smil- io. lPmîn lslîei'a L tiele won M. .113yt s ~asfi fQd-siui'xIdeunhiaï ciiidehWtises is euroeand tths lAwd t'a y 6the, , i i haon. s1mu t. Iau iLleca inslcv r ssei. î ,eies u~ is çular ysteh eecuso- hleetfrtguuîecorptte,'ecai rm, feels tiseincreased pexver inimated b Ly îiel. "flio s~etiunpevemeuit ou tIse iiekI w mM u 'îyj< o ca h busl apfie nvervusand glaudular systMs are ai tiu is iu îl i' g1'«s iaturcl resuîts, Inrelation teaitsgeneral efots ou ioempuf'osnbus-pirii tIe ysteun fiuce 1 s nenîîlttîein l'mise -siie 0Cou SCl ilt1ii1,i'b ups Iiat linblotwfc>t here i us s erf'rrru- etiri eLi dreliiusýi':lîLe, oc ho m l( gralas file tonieý useiui in allé(de- irxi. lhttdstates. Aller mauy years et studyand labo--"Uî -aiL."Sohsras"i vrater-.y svrr. R. NV. weepreucî se i'hsc-yne ner.Bw e thse mst Ihappy comhbutiu 0àthpisas!i r1wps- tnil i a;i oi 'CpCi. Goýlden Soal MotW, hOur oerehinos "Gnue îu0ruf, c'me:"Lt tu-epa-erties aive p len1ts trom a ur ler extraeicgdng u pes-iitIse mcdiî - "1Xiy grl' IriiC.- - ail L1iMs Thio iaî sti n medîScinoteso- Xx1 ,1oi'nh d t ie hissx alic ebaneeto uypaesmch taurua psaciîi li ' us.M-gî s lrettigonsds fIl uecr tdsesi,13a3ilsets rOa rîi'so . F ibd btokimsrnd inestnalroubsl, s I îa 'ec rs t. thLe Peameens Comsmon Sene JdeDir ,ca il"'u'auI l it-r,'x~ .~r i e Adle, aes ~sntfo, urcep icpP hhnu ei-,V-holerma foi l your , Joiei Io. ,Aî'sd l[i f Pit rem!ýs self îL I s 11 hh L i a d1- us l e i lise 1i-e. Y u sial iss1m1iie i f'or m. lnciIýOk Isee"sl s i ii lsraîer tJaiur gi, ? Il c"il V y orlteifîcudo pries pid Âiihst girl-lis1Pc khac. t h e x x 1 1 5 a l a g h a e î - , 1 " X i l i i Iii ]àa y lhis i i e g '11sg s d a e auh lIai-i-y te shau'e et AisI so ais, aisd s-a cmx. I espiaiised io lier uhat a gcah ttîsng il w culfi h c lac tîxe drcsaîxiakiîîg Lusiîsrss ut Neihie 55 on a pu-ize, mxii ai lasI sbe ciimnhseh do~xn asxd lot us hies e oui' Ossis svay. 'I he great îîigiîl caisse, aîxd i-cii bei I ss-as lIses-o lu lise le Il, - xx 11h o dczcn pais ahi ssltb big, tai riper-a aîsd dol-g turcs- sels os in siyIe. Gi-eci Ous1îaixde. il ss-as a nîgbt h Tho bouse xx as penh0oh fîoîis 110cr 10 reiiimsp. lie beeîîly cciuspehilieii w-es about tise nilîjihle oLlheIxsiWamsise~ euh nobad1 paih Iniseis elîcîsiion ta hhe turus tisaI ceaie beicre it. Thxei'e xx as enîhy Oua llsing wal ths sceiug et the shexs-, emxd lîxai ss-es the "Pretiiesi Girl iii Peck- boni' tianciicap, At la~t ll xx as ais- ucuiscefi, amîh es-cm'shsohs' becan stîoutîisim r e CLÎ y fe r n Atc f e -Nutsd Everyightfor hee "It s unmis- opnion 0y!nîyia il g dios. MIn uny ~ruddaugber ! bou r. ssies, 7 he a ,IIuniau, itcbiu lio ai e-orLa 7 bett, OsF.ciLi. Nc Retugro ii 2D Vears. "Mv soui, shen a lad oai sixteen, nas troi ('1iLhueronLý'is faceand frocs-I from osv'r y huer uh as on cura Sapbsbenudluryfmy forseerl y and I havo faitUIlu thse Cuticura Remiefis. A. IH. Sih Marin, e,,Dec. 1, 10. Et-erg umr i i'dhiiren, and Aduita rea-- 11,-aSiîxi)t sy riytieBiond. SaiC tlsre'gh- omt 'ee'or. re rW) & 1Cm Cor., Soie Praps -Boston, ss IpE'ïMalieC s-es. Heoit n ail Skie lurore. anidcheuiup lik ciec' eak amd- :,Il lis fethilils end ha iîLefuîtlia' tieGe, w l hibe is cî'axsdhronL efae îe res filie audience. Andl1ld U'Plxci fids uaiî.euYiea sahes aout;,,lis [us(lci t -bcok.j:til ripl lxîeuidec cI wa îny seaxdiaLit aeeuhne rus ir. 'tfLe as tukîî lI-mî'L sec Le couispeliteinsfpetia reîxd cf, euh lîci ahhsx-akeh 'eun iiiInhiîs aplaîse, uh uuosicf es u d pîoa ltii e h n nu rs is exciîsba ueu lcîxuiie'sa the palieri- piped eut. Gaoh Loy, tisaI Expetaai n Ase iich smd'crlwagcis'ik grh uf ctake '-'hfîlJut duplacesy u-o-i , uIang, i tue )(ieusen peu- tmh trWCnbot ne he tapc\iil' sue n is dliat ogasoltn htLowna, nîl u auhe etsîL ger o the ilhirl, bt plas ise imîrPsi!.,I I wa a' g lp o d ouisîil -ýigruI,-if iis U cAH a adark-hi adilîe ho, igCrs- n ace, in the Mohie a salut, îîh îL sauiest b mu nmm lu isc Blaîder (ytts-csas ainsild Il wm-oe, GinaLaymrta ad toicon011aliltise feriniý'e wgergas. x aihuc tîug[hc î'e.' nalu eui Le A 'Bu-ju" pilîl at hedîlme taksAîdli otsupîsdlsa s x îio aw-ay tie sharp pain ia thse Lacis Ig»i. ardc M l f ciiumrinssi pefl -mreves the dragging, heariug I-5 )lChe-Lias 1 ýleeniancciexheîlc dttu dow n pains throistise ipa,- cil. u if 1I1,l rî'I screedd mu pro-enita estptin- i, t1is'es îp xy- dy I lhuiki o xxiuas hest protectien agîainat idnýjeyisu i iui uîtîua hseuyLs meuledningpeguanucy. i"f eJe-h ocaphTs trip'i zec o he xdsmrpohd w'atcl àl l ewahd ho ail druggisls,, or direct ou rtceiptN. 17, Mi-aNhu iîoî of' price, 50e. a large box. TH~ CLAFLIN CI-IEMICAL CD. UMITUO WINOSOS, OSIT. i arN tài~rx~n>îi~t. l'Il r ar~ Il-rani peop1e (n -lie eat ithe are lnîee~î i ir. irarning- haw 1115-r frien~ie eh: haa e oved îo Weetern Canada ar gettuag ana ~vl:o are tnxlon~ ta Mii 1,> w> I 5Viîoirt ced W'c-îern Cao-Ca are ii'Te. ¶hcre are aNs large Iso-ebere or I.eî oiaa in ibis prîîa ,n~- are aSas-tous la o5i~)~ ro jable foroaa,îan ttncer-ling 111e v est anS are ai a Thes ta CneS haw la procure jr rn i Ce mao'er Il. -Te aT. Tracy le ix- ruaI v hi tuas e fr1 mie le 111e Sm at Sa ho wcuid x"-'cemne nove rrom tanT o~d SoinS Crr-aemat thr-ae Cr coN w1'h a raasy ni Lia- 5îde'înan S lac (2anadia s Sraic'nxxm hai a, rangcd I 'atiory Ii'-s~ t-ana I.y enîeriag a arrangeme-al w'ith il r Sianieba Fiee Pîcos el s-, rîanv-ec. lise nideot ans itading ie'o Spot, t or Weetcra Cacada. 'risc Manildisa r. ce Crias," Cal euh 'c, viii ted an a aise',it tise Wnrd'tismi ~ 1h or 111e ciiy or W'i ~nipcs, 111e rendiS o ~o exIoIiTî.g i'i that ciry tise cli- niais, t'a ris ~-o-c,, rot a-np1o~ ment. th~ ceai ol lit-mg. i~a~s~ TOO~, et-., th~ 0p5a1IUniUOe of ismîsi,,ee-, epeonge and wii' a se furniais yau wiiii ~ui1 hifOTmeîiOfl 'n th saine s'abilc-ts 10 i'gard ta other Tir ce anC rie'ng levas or the S, i 51. 'rî~ Manitola il rie Pic-e pi-inîs ci es-e ilet fr an ilirea ru four Cali colunîna aI stoatono '-rani, ex r a ramassa or 'Pueinoas OruT- h nOies" a si usuel e' I~a ta a-axes ef isard a-ais RascO' cdx errîseni-nîs. Eî 0KV Tesîdent OS ILsierma Cm-mua v'Se la îontermr'Oaîlng o-mev- bs 10 lise veet -aoiîiO Ond N or tise gT-oreit adxaoîa~-e ta eulaara-:ha for the s-Tee s-Tees rer a shomi timer f -r îhc is-irease of fami.iai-- leing himnuef as-ils te as-tuai ToCd11inîî~ befare leavina. 'risc Cîubbing Offer of 111e Ganoiina Star - osais adaers-it-ed on annUler page. affoîde ~ou et-i OiltpTtimaiiC or a camîng lise Siatreassia anC ~a Ires Prias et a speciai iignra. t hie. Perhîaps ah ibis was essouTaL, to lus n hue guis lueed. isse. I xxaa as fond et Neihie as es-es', and I hisaxs- îLot lis hec hi art she xs-rs as Ioisd cf mc. Il w as siîuiply a rase 0f s miii, And te sorre ixient il sx as my feuil, lu tryli g ta mu ae hîr I iseel oniy been cullinp issy Uo'e ail ta spilo mi tare. g x t sx ci'-ae aux I sxorîc, and et gaus rieUse tisaI if xx aso t s i y rai dut elle f theisi siiiy dudo is igisi cdu-y cii Nellie-, aî~d I shîouih ho sinspiy cria et Ihe "ai e ian.' Se oîse dxi I xx eut î'ounh foi' a iait~ xx ilîs cld Jo -k, who Lad o puctly gocd idea ci xx Lot ssOs pi csp ou. "I i h~i O.' -Os I "mi 151cm' thiiiig ~ oo'x-e h sse for me sxîtis ycur pi cli cal girl lu Peci hem busimico "i dont sec xx bat ion xn pet ta grumbie iii,' -as s Le ssiths a haupui. "I do xx huit lau ask isue te do, aîsd this la oui' gîa- Liuîd-- "Gratitude or net,' cols 1, "îaîis-e Liaupht aboul a loi cf ti-eubic.Neiiic's tî-ealing use as if I w ci-cnt goed eîsoîmpb le lis r lis îLe sîiisjr chenal xs-itL bei' ici aicîxe us lise saisie bouse, as is iixy lu- telsîlois soîne da-~. X oux c daîso ibis mis- cidef hi gis-îng Mc usaI hoat prise, aixet youhh hase la ixehp axe ussîlo il.' "uts 1 tisai Le biosxud for c laie," sas- lic. "f roui île aux lhs5ng. '1111 hec h ns - celor-bhiisîl, euh tisaI sîse uiîisn'l isione 10e rnuchs faliL lu mi s ci-fluet. i Lit cught te briîsg iser h îss-ms a pc'r ci- lxx o.' I psissric te îsîî feel aîsh shajîs Liisx on the shouidri'. "Jerk, îssy Loi-," I Louis, "s eus c gel il!" '1101 what?" "W iii', color bhiisdiscîo, cf course. Dciii ou sec tise luira ? Bciisg bel' dcxx is a peg ai' i»o? XXelh Lring hier migisi hexs'îs 10 îLe dcci- hilile sensible gim'h she uccd te Le. 'lau issuet do the hisiiso' iii îemîî usuel tisoîcugîs s'11e. Get a dcc- lois cerlidrale so~ iîîg tîset icu arc suf- feu imxg freux eeler-Lliishîxess. and îLot flic ee-uils of îLe Lceuty show are thxcî'efaî-e usai heusisi-- rJix~-. Pubhîsis luis ail reuîxd 'o~a'mmîîn:'e amimo0510' rîîo Il ' i) I' sies' x us jdges xs'Iit. 15151 l fItn1(, ssith rob hiinduos. - -co lciea b" fi h0i',uglxs euh bas1 a x , aiLup aud unxxn îLe i'>oîuA ;rtexsly. "'u djisi xant yor irll ciî a, prz iîIueit ni xs-eýist heil c Il t cea iant cl- l'ig hl. L ii i 'ont s'c hOss- Ius ! g Ioi. and nl fh don ass. Pi ('l rn wa ih. îLe Ihcas net1\ saîf bah vcd vsien , o hie dicîcies', aîxd 000 ~1 1 ~ i' \tu s I l]wti e el 1 io e a n h I l Ij-ts l'l I d n J Ihy ,ris( iI le sIe ý ou th pa;1l-te iesioes0 L eih1, n peil d is. 'la u Ji[ elyor- h Iat luise fisc s cy fiut . app iuits 0f ltlng \ehie kîseliv\il bua l . l Ilr h utru user - Jai ixafi ci'osx chic ail I as 1, sn~if. tIraI fer - f e ui i suie MIy pub, Naseo1cu-sscie He xxeu-s Pi izi eut cf ]lus uocuiL thîcuI xx as euxirn seaui s Il i i is ueumh i lslsae aexluu iuugfeu Nebie.Ais puseuxiy ut ie ceaie>, ssiiing alosi'lrfaead hiaioiî asifclorlal iAss-uuî hua eL l1Lol aLi saCe a 1tilasurpris , onue tue hecî llsnhoimg hiatI ssamîsd Nhi Orý ÏS. K'. C&,V-. E STCA BJI MIFD 02 y EAýRSa. for hm FREE. I Pricems Low Noure - A NERVOUiS RECK ROBUST MAANHOOID Nevus DbIIy, DoodPoisons, Vital Weaknesses kidný,veyadBlde is aeand Ail DiesessPol go Mon and ti Won, nout ,aSte yolir tlme and nuoney oncep agrous, expfjeiriental treatmýeit, eiwchthey dIaim te aejsods ee.They givtobut tiporary relief. Bot ndrestore you l ealu ii Uiclurieet ipossible urne vth ic leact imedi cine, dis- comnfort and, expensepracicable. Eact case le treaied as tIlecy-nuptons Indirate. 0ur New ÏMeth.od lseoriginai lcn bas steod i he test for twýenty-rive yeacs. ,1,483 î8he 1by St reet, - DETROITr' MUGH, d issh ex-î ,Imîh et hast she u i eu puetiiesj euo-a om,ýu' tourLe i tex nxî I dxiitothe uhetmof Bt ' t he pd u re- smil ph"y-nu u' île 'e i(&,i2 Luih!x it- tfier' empee ! tsa r and Tm n l ()l lier 1.)IUUU-rtileves ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th iricm 1asai e ' bln llenini N nul uniPIEa o:lniyi la unA ane- ii ie rW mpcuçri ,iu ir vim Winer thse firel awiehrnai aC OLiDon in Toron ofi lr the econraciore a.boul 1M55 an] suý i 1n th ,;u sm p uny' 4e pl oy 1 ls aga o! 73. Speahïlng :CfIse icnew WarlIen 0o! Ihese Unil.ed cuhi e ti(bourq Setmml @cYff: T16 Warulen eheeýla luau oidbaobab:, and we hLae ste snovb a fine oein Maien oeaiiiceed)ti may. Bn, mIsaI la net'aur business, Ha il 58 yiar Adt &nà 24 7vears ago0 Wa' eleolad t 10 s To-we-eip Cýuteii He saîve(l lwelvg VeereS bd 02e yeaýr aM2 ueyreeve beloteý h 01hange. Ho wasOui,'cf ')Lse ioleip 0011pcil tix yearm. E wtt rlîo' reevs, tone yû e gosuds.. W S h Iid fuinh Jeas. Hile f'ither waga pi s;dt the townRhirp -f Cas.ping Ibee 8i, lu tIayear 182,0. TIs eL6 nwsbr eâ% bu lisfaata28h now lises o:u, sud lIse ouly îudig2 Ibal wri have aF.aini Um i Ish i thnti i d bash elr hielis fin, enFergwn 'lui z USt,' P STFOBSTS coo'scotonRoW ot opound& The Gr t Utrine Toie, andi -\ny isafO effectuai 'Monthly' Rnalter on wbich womtea cao ,, depend. oîd iii three degree. . e f 1rnghN . 1 !$; o, 2, fo ciacses, $1)par box. ~reptd n rcelp tor priieC Fre pmpMt.Addres: THE li",x c tu ies hysy LurkeîLe a Ice1h bui iaiimimy, ooîueaetismg oi miu-ai iy C.OOO almosh ail hase srhiuaî'e stcms. No Britisîs subjent usay weer fise lu- sigusia tuf a forelgis om-hem' ssltlseut per- axissiaus trous thîr Ktug. î OTHR W u E hFU 1 b',SE. Hiere is Something that eiiluec WrAcome News to Miany a D;sc-ouraged Onje. Shav beentronbied wttlï gîtea,".nnd mly hortalortiuess o! walked niy iusuail gait - uy reath i weid 'get se'.sho'rt Iwldb e ceompelied te makeo SVIL:AMH. RSO.My waik1. Of ïLte my '7food di. nelt digest priry. It turnled inur luny stol1sseb ,s inm gret dstrse;ofteil, tee, 1 lieddl - abeatCEao eihi~ andamIlearton 1I was bothlered iwil voeplmJ»11o8 s!ýj enua liv n ae n isel(dis or tllLrning ý'woald caise me te aiostery eut "il 'as iudnel'ed "ùte îyDr rnlad Anti-ili nd frm t-e vey firet founid "For tIe iast thlree mentheI have hd ne Curroce f m formeýir omlai lt, -saI a" ~n 0sY AntiPill i hs indeeti eured Thii's tble olontry statmenït of Wl-m. H. ed oehe P1-5 Qîren S. igtn n APi l rggists ccliAi 1' lii. TueXVii,1 Fyle (o, Lmtd igr alOt TLre rcdy that cbe"d such a:,,exýtrens&" ca.se is suriy vwerth tryiug. 0 G r Two Da caks 7--tvýr iiu 4 Ol -ýý1j il w'b lus iýji- eNfuf y 1 (U) fil, 13elel-, 7-T -ý-i -r 1- Lt ýt i i ý 1 1 ý i 1 1 ! ti a 9 a fi