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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1907, p. 1

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aaia eri',n -E ?,ç - ý'-.&J .i.uu-P- rerr Annum. -Ilý _ In Advano~, '.JW TOLWN Ia BOWMANVILLFI, U0UNT YIR n ; TE WOLu FEWRS ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Ët 1907o. .A.JAMES &SOProprieoe ITRheU- CorehoeS tor -LEADERS-'P Low Pfices* Ilts Apples TO. Dough nuts Ifr yS, need a pair of goo)d.Boots for any mrlem b6er of your famllIy, YOIJU C AN G ET TEMA Chap er B sI el8w Cor1neSr e, Leaders in- Low Prices. Main Four cores Brace Up. who e eYery growing thiug wlli aend new Ilfe threugh Ils vqine. Brlng ýOard81f lu barmony wlth nature and eend seme 111egalloplng through your own gysteni. Ma"ko your8éfel g201 Otir.fRrdoek and Sarsap-. arilla 18leh est blood Puri- fier WC know. Ttl contains Jodide of Pçtasjsiuun in comt- binatioýn wit themost po. ebrb e and ï@ a Lsyseem cleanqer end bracOr, ibo4Lttie jfor 7c F. R esae DrUggists and Optiaus. Phono 49. Bwmauvil.0, Our-January Sale a Big Success. forth-eweïhal.1givebggraranstl imtextfew -wýeeks before w3 take stocjk,ý Ail1 ladies' colored Cloth Coats and ail chidre'sCoats a afpie "Pwenty-fivo ercent Off alMfa Ruijfs,, and Caperines and big leutosin a'l Fur and Fuir.hîned Coatsg i Twenty-five per cent Doff ail our oa -0-- 1-ablhe-ï1 -o-- capital $1,0OO Total Assets $16 8,001,173 H Iead Oiffi;ce, MoïýtreRaI -o- The Royal Bank of Canada, 1CapitaI paid Up .. 5,0,0 transaüted. Don't borrow fo crreedeý. Theý Bank leprpard iaake ad- ableterm, Sae noes cshed or Cue onapplicatin Depasitsop 31and i ,pwarýds reeydupon which intareet wlll be FORTIM Es A YE î froni date of deposite., -No--ea-nmkn-wt-rwi . J i el Port HýIesoe, Ot, Etalle17 Eeeeve F td ....t..d..b.10,000c reeie CIýYI~eOâsat CI parcen pa o iia ouaDyer,a e r i rts f a with thic tmpany Th enso! h opn aeivs tal i muncipa deeursudlt 28-6m, J, H ELM, m Avor'Y Pretty butit weddlýng was celebrated aI reeldonce of!'M,.C. M.,t Cawker, "Norway Cotageý" Wednes-J 119Y afro'Fery201h , whou hie eldest daughter Mis Alice M.Cake and 'Xr.Fraderlck C. Vanstone Twere Unted iin rarriAge. The cereMony wias perforned byBey. W-m J01lliffe lu front o!f a bank of choice plants. flowers and ferne. Whlle the mendele;sohn weddlng march wae boing rendered by Miss May Vanetone, sister of the groom, the bride entered the drawîng roome leaalng on the arm of her father and wiai a.'tended by ber sister Mis M.Ade- liade Cawker, Mr. Byron S. Vanstona ably asssed hie brothe3r as groomemaan, The bride wae beaubifully gowned lu cranelk asublime over ceam silk tttawearing a vert caugUt with orange blossoms and carrie-d ashrower of bouquet of cream roses and lily o! the vR1llay ber only onmn en a diain- ond subrthe gintDiftho gzrooM. The brldeemnaid wo re a very dwanty gown o!t white Persian lawn and carrled a beautliul showerl bouquet of pink roses. Af 1er parbaklng o! a daiuty dejeUner the bride and groom let on the 7 33 p m., trai n md showers of riîceý and confetti for Toronito, Niga Fails And Buffalo. The brlde's tr aling suit 1was tallor-made bitte broadcboth wlthl ba l mtcThemuy beautif(ul gi fle 1proeonted tsstify 1ta the esteem lu which the bride and groomû are beld, sonne coming front Winona, Mie,,PnEyl-, vanla, Medîcîne Hat, Alberta, Mani- .teba; Naw YoDrk and Toronto. MZany telegrams o! congratulations were re- celved Mr. and re.g Vanstone will ho at home at "Ciýedar Cliff?" 8fter Marcýh In the canton NMethodiet chuirch, ulay ebruary 12, MiPs Ada marie Bieki wae nitedi arriag-eto0Mr. FrancesW. Ga *y, Winnipeg, by the Rey, A MNIJrwin, paýaor o! the churcb, W hil theweddig macb w e bng Nlvdb i s e hea zel woo'd o!Oh awtebride, leanJý-IIIDupon ber fati-: rose, aproc'aed ,eb-etr,werte groo awaîedhel underabauiu aroh o! overg3eens and palmes, Thon Mies Lottý'i l, o! Cabourg, in a olear1 ~wet oiesan'g "Lye' Crcontion." hebride Waeuntnddanid 11at, asrd miink trimingexP Afler th ceremony 110reeption a eda parente, Thon ithe guests, about lifty ii nUber , paixrtoco9k o!f a dai nty wd -1 dig ineServed by the biride 's'zgi rl friands, An Impromptu musical Pro- gramme rn onurenlywith the l- 'i chon. The array of preeente,large and good, ln;dlcoted claariy the aesteomin whichà the younigocouple are hold. The groOM's g ift was a handeome -afrlinedl ja0cýket, with rnink rmig and mufti to match Amidet ebowers of rice thiE happy Pair t10"0 h yeigtrain îfor 'bride e iel xson steache-ran1d1 rait.Dnring the last yeaur sho bas ýaî charo! fthe pipe orýgan -and choir U Bgrsoli Methodist cburch, The w Laom,'ho le aDarli ngton boy, gon of r.H ay, Cou'rtieC, leàowa sce fui1 iosrco unnlpe,vwerie M. Dr. J. M. Lang o! Chicago, attended the fuaneral îof hie father , Richard Lasg: Rev, GQ R&clare, YMillbirook, pr.CeMd one ýo! tù,3ebet temperan3ce ermonDs in! theA Nitoi cuc oeSnndav11 t'O for many ada. idscourse Ead well applied lllustr-atiops on the evils o!f thoý dinka habit ereaited a deep impress- lion -- r W.(G Morrow7, Peterboro, vislted hie brother Audy..l. ýMiss Bessie Walsh bias. been under the doctor's care, Mr, C. J. Thornton, although stili moving about on cratchos, bas so0 4r recovered froin hie rscertt accident a>a 10 reoume charge o! hie mon at -Carpb1lcof,~. Mis Ethel- K-ivell, IDetroit. re vlellrng oki friende herar. iMr. James L_ Powors le slowly recover- ing f'roin in-juries r2ceived by a falt Mieos McBurnoy, Gardenhilivlsltd Inodehar..,. r.Geo, Chapman seot a week aI omavlassisting his uncle, Me. Jasý, Morrow, lu the blacsmit so.MnMlloin Birch bias retLrned homo 10 Carievîlle, Sask, Mies M. MAcBrido. Watscaüa, N. W, T., and BUr. CThompsfon vEeît at r.. A. Cambelcrotand Miss Forwlýr 0o! Kedîl isited at Mn F.'>M. , Brin iacorâbe s. SpringMed n emJ.NtES AND CHURCHE"S 'Tie sweet to knowv that day bv day Somense n Forces guide o'ur way- Wo need 1noù noead Just Ihelen :10 11e osilence bul , 1-hat-everl,'hfn-g that ie-s, !etJ 'Tilgive us grace 10 stand, SJocial at Maaple Grove Thursea eveuin1g Fob, 28 Good ltime for al Rev, I. B. Kenny, pas'tor o!01Meth. odiet cburcb, Fenelon Falls, bas b!3ee lnvited to romain anothor y0ar at aut Increase of salary froin e400 to 81,000, A very pleaSant social tIntle Tas epent Mondlay ovening by îth Mehoie Leanguers whenk the social comm!ftteel provided tir enotertalnnent whlch wag noivol ami aniueflng. Rfehe weeServed aI the coe Rey. W. LH. Adams lainbo eNor-wod MIethIodiSt hrc recently dwalt oa uses ~ ýe an bsso! thletie. HO advo- catd sortforsake o!ph. elcal,mnrtal ticularlytoeeggdI sedentary Toronto Class LeadersI' Ass9citin meels at .-tated intervale in dîfifront citY chuirches whon the publie are avt ed anW afdrerses, papere,diusie ami sýocialinrcre make up a pro. gramme. Thursday evenlng SIICb a meetinig wae hold lu QUeen et, Mweth-. odiet. church and tha 3ditor o! Tnus STATESMAN was an interested auffitior. Attndace did not exceed 50 but the chartor o! the mee5tinz nmerited a fuliý house. "lSpiritual Activities o!fu ChuncW" was the ltopic assigned toson -jycruce and savon brethren ma- swered the Cali, WoL cannot even Sim- mariýza the-Addressee bul ai11 were go,ýà Reporte given o! Dun-- Avenue Ra), E ucîidl Avenuec hurches inlesieeted usý Most.'W,'3very u i ihb ete menU who spoke foýr thes urches woul lion lu The Gaden bywere vfery mnc ulîke in their "prual ctiît.. les,"ý but excellent ;resu1.its are clmetîI for7both nehodeo! dcing and gettlng good., Mr. Leei thte editor o! The Clase.- M1eetIng coluùmn in The Guardian, read at ve-ry excellent paper con wayPs b on- duC, a casme Ingfr beet resulte. As te paer e son bappear lu Tireý t. Wat i for r i" andread Il. 1Thre aunual eein o ho Otal Loan à Savings ej, ashold aI the 1mp3T)ail h gfic , hwaWdnsd a or V, sirowinz increaseo!i bus -inejss, ep iti1!v ianlte general inicome o! the on.m- panyý .bTheanount loaned on mP-ozt,- gages" etc., wae 3101,586.07; and tho Pne- pal'meuts on lbans were. of princilpal, $&8S 013 28, aud o! intereet 343,481,951 or in, ail $136,502 23. Ont of the profîtse, aftor prOvldlng for 411 axpouses, divid- eýndeS,etc., Ibe eUM o 000was wrltter off t;he otign account, whieh now anouinte te 190,The usual two l aI! ve.arly dividende o! six per cent. woerî paid '-h3eshareholdara. Tlierpr Showýs total assoIs c 1,0,862, on lu excoese o! .aay prevloue year's estate- aient&o! te conpany, bMoneys weDreý welomployed dnîgthe y8ar, pay- mnts o! intrestandi princripal comlng duo belng pnonpliy melt, evinCiug care- fut so lo!seur.itieýs T-he eteady7 (Aotho!the couipany ile 41so evîdence2 oiaU une uaun til ulez aviD U this q(e esabllehüdenfinaclal îlnstitu tlion. and In mMr. T. H. eilnle capablo.eceryTaue. Naturo's Iaw le atheat likebegote like.3 Of the anImal 1bingdom this truithle" gsvnerally accepted buit as applying l saed there le not (ha sanie concensuna of ele.Il does applynertles Experiment Oftt r8peated bas demon- strated the dîfference behtween theý zrowth o!perfect and imper!oct seed. Thi being e2tabliehed beyond question the discroot fariner Wlllprocuretovr beot Seed lposseible, perfect and uifriteU as Wal as dean. Sced !aire are f ar more valuable thein Iany euppose tnd should hoencurge p armingr W-orl-d--ay.e Iw0-belleve, truthfxullyj Pure se-ed, perfecft Seed, fullr ma&tured. Secd wîili ad millions to our wealt.h. It pa.ys 10 )buy il but it paye betteýr tc grow iL l. ow le th,118praper lime tC procure eed. Gtil the beeýt naviUAbÎe Ayer'S cherry P.ctoýral is not a simrple cough syrup. It is a strong medlcice, a doctor's medicine.,Itciureshard cases, evcre anod dese-rate cases, Ichronloi caýss f asthima, pieu- risy, bociî,cnupin Ask your o 0ctri abttis. TIng n b oft klend cfeat bOnime- BANK 0F MONTREAL k, Couch 1ohnston & Cryderman Grc~s'Due Bib taken ,aýs Cash, Mg. OHNM 1 U.RY. DUEHAN BOYSi AND GIRL4. Wre Ou'r i0 fooSteps ra Menoy ilîlgoe ,back t ties- Deakr old Durbam, happyhoe Wirer,6 oui l vs eîe'preand fies. Nature inuaur chl1lh irere Thhiled a1 ur asouiiiwith jyadresms, As5;wembled willoîcre3 Thiauih tire woods aend by tire stroamp, We cas navor have eain DrFeawm S weet a. ours wer4 fiâsa, Dawn in dear old Duilatu, Ever dCeai oICDuirai, Field ud i hland Suna monF4. ü,, AnCdlire silver stars Wsre urs Ours tire boboinDk's swveetlue Our,, tire beauly of lreflh- rs Ours lire home lufonýGd sud ue Ours tà D tir rad en,'rbgt Rlgn uour baub0m s el Wscnnevsî be- again E19er lear oiCDu1sý-,ram.& ,_ i Happy scý0irooïdps f ont' youhhl Days ! rowth Id nviio. wan Honor Vtu, Faitir, andi Treati, W7e retau&irt b-y noble cec Aloui acîed, eryjoysý And we br aire payeir to-alai Foaf1 i Drhaým girls midbys Van thertieve ire5aain Down a aIseaiOH iDuriram? Eçver Ceai oadDus- ar Farmere arealed tlgsoc Mbons abou't bired men. Denmand la bikandi eupply yeîecednl lmt ed. Thousnde s are coming next month and Ontanlo wligel a ebare, Farmiers will do wefll 10 write their .-3P. frwihpntesting aaiettzire bil üow beore tie buse o! Gommon)Is asi- b, az .ff ,gl hnsoulav âyon iL ùvera. po;inteoumi, if tire eborter day obtains in Bonssd cies il wil lune more monl from. farme el l carce enoîugh, now and if tire ciles adopl theshne day farinons wll have greater d1Lfilcnby manning their farinepnoperly. Pari- lamcnl shoui have regard 10 uPgri. cultural conditions wir onsdeln tbis meesure Tire hi-Lsian Czsntl Cou iero Taybrvibe,1WsaleThePrarieState Papeýr Coinmalo!tirat ety -whicir bere)tofore had -ils selllng offices lu Soutir E ond, m bashue dcidedto 10 elargo tire mille andi novetire offices bTý-'.aylor- villet. n. ý '. M.Dickineon Who iras had charge o!flire selling deparîment - t-Sotirh Bond,- wiilLremove to Taïlar~ vihl aniti ub ielu Èhe Same position. Tire mille employ t140 bande and bus5-1 iness is elili increasing. We congrat- ulate r.Diekî1,ineon. whirles %Bowman'- ville boy, son o! Mn r. ic1 nsn Tooton holding sucir av inpontanl position. Canadian. boyv8 are weJl bboughl o! lu inlghbonlng Repuiblic. SOME EGLIS Tu,"0,S People lu the langepr îowna a re in terrble trais, speciaîl1y tire mldale classes and laborlng people Sihç s bsbeen en p -vlnt ail $.ver England, laý grippe3, more poulrl clltiinluenz7a ,beo, bas Pilîful are tiro articles la t'ire unuws papers about trAC1e depreselo"n n1uln fron Ibho intensaecoiti and so nucir Sick. Coli watbr ias cýaused a sudden, atvnein price o!l coal fnom £1,18 per3, ton tao£150su furlirer ise il likeiy. Iwitbr ,, mauy breadwlnuers eckand ouI, oý! iwork tsadvance in fuel coldfi hardfly have coma aI woîsetime., Vii must have p flu !wa 'live On lwol mneala a day. Depte re tesely ,ctd prwae' lmyroonf as 1 write are-viots, priin- rosqes, crocqse gnown lu the, open air ail~ ~~s arîmlig5 reir andi sweet'. Tody(Feb, 12) tire weatber iras chantgedi,-King Frost having given, plaee 10 olti driyzlilng r ; 50tIw expee mldr we'hn rnow oui- -Frif- e,4h!,ý Fi iL. t . 1 ý-ri Per Annam. î-4,Vý *lie

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