v i v , a Fýenn rtti-',jer 10 u E Là Ba r cS'n a 01 o CARTE 'a ri FO R BILOUSNESL VERFI TâR6FIO LIVERs FOR TI4 COPLEION CUESIOK IME ADAGH Tise Cani.mîanSttsnnspulh eayWednas"daýy ntornîng at the office' 2(3 Sttesmlan il ck i1ng Street, Bowmanvilie, Onit., by M. A. James, EdIitor and Proprietor. Slibscription $15J( per a num, or $1.00 if pald striC'tly in advance. Advertislng rates, tran slent rtdvotlsinig, tan cents'per iana. f'irsi insertion; flve cents per linoe acb se1bsequent insertion. Contract rates un ftPplication. A . E. MeLAUJGIIIN. liarrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office: llleakley Block, King Street. B3owmnanvilie. Money to boan at reason- able rates. 48-lyr. IOEERT YOUNG, V. S. O FICie IN Holw S Hall BLOOncq 'pIte Top'nrîZall OtnCIK where lIa il be found(jfrom 8 arn tg 0 p ni. Night milis atresidence, direct- ly opp osifte Dri Shed. 17-ly. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D., .SMISN l C., CHAS P. liLAlit, ilarrustars, Solicitors, Notaries,- £e., tMorris lBlock ' u-stairs, King Ftreat, liowmanvulle. Soicitors for tîte Otarie Ban.kI'rtvate moneys lban- el ai lowest raies- m W AVi N TED1inevryJoal atr;ei,. o eeeka.eg P show caàs, en i-s-, cIlbrde nSa nsucospisse s- 555s aeatae e-Bonts tOa d.y. Steadi' eetpioy- ,t,, t 3moSreuabue ten.We isy esttrose isrtk f., eo.. 2ecernenedt.Write f-r paticuars 8ALUS MEDiCINAL CO., London, Ont ai'ioOrand yr (G.U IEE, h-4ri, itema T-wi t, eyO Wa sUri thebusnessoflanu",facturer, ngcesadothar or e 1 -alisýe the di isa ily f h-rig ieir 'iint usiesstransacted odrt.Our lvao' die etuo ,moti cl;and Washington).iD PC,SA STEAMSHIPS e rit1anj4 d to Liverpool, Domnior.n...Dec, 22 Cnada. eb. Àil ian) _da ....Jan-i-, Setwak Mar. The S. Caada i on e! he fastesi adm", The 55S. Domrinion is noted !fo, iretedn ti fsea Staes ailit 12p rm buit await arrivai of, Frlay venag rand Tuktrain troro hlontreal, Low W nter Rates. First Cassailb 10 macoording te steamner. Seeondç3labst40te$42.50 ac2ordiin.gtosteaiuer. Passeugers bethed not !more iliau two, ln a foom. Thîrci Class te Lvrol Londoni, Londoa- derry, Belast, Glasýgow $27.50. Low rates ta cailnind ihe Continent. PaFfser gers beithet ii 2ana 4 berthireoms. For ail infoîmnAilon a pply te M. A. JAMES, Agent' Bewmanville fâ0t DOMINION LINE, 17 Siacrament Si, motreai. 1OMX0EE D eG.1ýUL1ATIONE. A cNY even anmred stetien. oDominio itae,ettetnofoeqaeretint 2 eand iticefe te xsrhriowhchth lndi 8iefolowrgpland tniivation e l adt cl erfriie yeaRe (Il f ie taler(or meif th lr is no(eaÀd e iel ii zi ei'dtsttx taml ievont teadetrcd for t seqirerentsas tresiencemayle ssti,,;. isysurt prso reidig wih hetaller ex ý ,vu c.% 1ý1 1- LOCAL AND OTHERLWISE { Wood off sred by tU loadiluBowmau- ville la a rarety. It la bard te Bel l sj peepîs use ceai almost excuiv8ly. Otapwa la planning fer a summar Lrnival .n-d Old Boys' Reunien in July. Every former Ottawau is nequsted te ienti Dame suad addrSS te R. Patching, Hokymales boys fmu hs amswoald netottierwise be know i )uÈside their sehnol sections. Sotn 0'ltors ou 11ppers seemte Ico ntrafi usa, cnatpa'oncanbe ceured la lesi lîime wtith 1les mic'iLe, and for !C71 moue3-, ,by us', , Carte'Iî Little Liver Pilla, than by auy othEtr ma B wruilelas !lng been ýknDwn as! at Icry bhealîh- on î1wtbsv are statin a anîaeilm for sckpeopln Srmls e l paes- Our air, wAter anti ïoleyare al111 esme Lf hene eve was aspeqiffIc for snv eu0 cmp10t th.en Carter-'s Littie Liver Pille are a seîfefer siek 1bad- a Ch e, ;sudil 0veCrVv wQmrnuah uýl n 1 ibis. Only eU i1 dose. Tri't he.n Deceaiei1 was a nativa or evuhîe Eug.ils cîeeto Ca adalu18 Î7, and maarried ilu 15 MlU-Mggis Heaard, uow hîls wïdew/, sud by whom bha raisad 10 cM1ihfren, seýven Of wUGrm Survive. Liusar council n-,ests no moesiluth ,e corporMtinn weise.The Post goes int ~ cstâeies over a vacanut stal lu the marktdiuîdtn Utvuoebeen reitiven atti witfr plain hrewupaper eblalnted from a îowu grecory, A dlsused box1 steve has been resu.rrected anti a pins wood- bex emnbellkihed wlth picture Post carda eccupies a con1spionsprmnc in tUe auîe-room curtainied off lu tUe 1sf t baud corner. SoMIUiRESU-LTS ni' ToxirLitERi, feadl- ache. bad taste lu the mouth, indigest. ion, feelings etf fuluss and discomfert, ceonstipation, baekache, k i di n s y derangements sud bedily pains ai e seme resulits of a torpiti, slu--gïsh l'vcr.i Bv their extraertinarnluence on the liver Diz. CHASrE's KIDnNnsr-Livxn PILLa pesIivelY remOeethe cause ef these allmants sud disorders. BOWManyille 'STATESMAN augirests that Houset Refuge be callusd Home fer Ageti, anti we quite ceucur lu the suggestion, 1't la net accordiug te ta cliquette, even among the lowly, te make these whom misfortune bas bareugb,:t lew, feel their position keenly. Let our olti people enj-yv themse1ýes, aud let ne alur ef naine or speech make tîxeir rositien ene te be looket do)wu oni or despised,- Cobourg Sentinel ,Slr n uownptsjmo, ,VULttt.L vo Inuinaus tA~ Ste d duty if il failedt t cati publie attention te negligence or rmistaltes en lUe part et -municipal represeutatives Thes ep- reseutalîves are tioiug business for thei people, who bave a ighlte know hewi tUaI biniess la being doua- Fair rei porta anti tréescomment ana necessary. Tim îiyArEsuAN bas long given allen- tien te town affaira andtte inleents et the peopie have tissu senveti by ils ont- apeienea.Only Ibrougb lUe news- papers eau the public keep lu teuch wiîb wh.0at fa being doue, anti only by beneqel commïent eau tbey be enabledt e undtauti municipal methotis, Hon s t a t best policy but being erp -lItical qualittv adinita etftiagrees, or se il would seenu b the actions of dit- ferent pensons A local prenchen, pro-1 f -sor of boliiess anti owuer ot a tarni tound $10O on tUe reati.11e put il in bis saceket anti sai ilthte losen ativertisa fo tonlbs ho wiIl gel il; if net, il la mine. Two wesks ago Mr. Geo. Santiercock. Danrlington,. a workinz man, feunti 4 ou Mrnvers Roai. iHs brought It te the STrATzsmn office anti talti1 take Ibis mnoney anti ativrtise il, andt ty te re- turu7nit te the owuer. " The daimu waa proven anti the monev was relurnedt t anL Eng-7isb boy wbo hati worked baird teI caa Il. Whether efthte two watt lUe tuyhonest man? Iu Decemnber at teu $ ý5 Standard Bank bis wsre dropDed on a street lu Bois manvilie it s bu h oe 1à veiti tbiuking Ibat if au boneat i pL-rseouni it l Uefluter wouud ativer- tise il. BotU shltifdhave a&vertiseti il. Reaer.wlat weuld 3ou do if .ýou fonutiS'50 A ditntsurprise te mauv frisn"dw wl bu tUe niews 'eftIhe engagu mntet Mise Iabalt Mc zlg lecerge 1.1 Coobran, w ileannunecetitUe wPe- ding tbt%-e place Apnil 1. r1r. CocUý rau laweli knowu lu Ibis cily as the heati of a lite ilusunauce company anti connecteti wilU a nurnibr et ether large 1cràet Mr'ant i Ms.Thoýma8Mcclung et San Feaintie, antfi is auattractivel girl, tait anti willewy, wilU sot brown eyes anti bair. Stite was a Etuulent aI tUs Marborough Sebootl ib is cdlv, anti bas yisiteti otten bers, where sUe b-as nurnereus frindts. SUs la a sisten of the final Mrs. Cocran who dieti about twe years ago. TUe wsdding is le be a very qil eoe, anti is te lake p1lae at lUe home ofthte bitie's parents lunSan1 Fernando, Calitornici. Immeduat&çe afler tUe ceremeuy, Mn' . ÇCechnu anti Ilts bride iill leave ton Paria, accenu- panieti by tme bids's niece, Miss Irnu Powell, et San Fernando. Ou their ne turn they wllluxake their home in the hansom rEidnceofMr. Cochran 'Ne. 2-219 Harvanti bgnevart.-LTo Ait"- es rL)ity qstar'. Cainad isgreaily lunueti etfmen for aesi enumbrîss psitions et activity. Untortun-alely there il-'aa lam'intab'e Lk 9et capa!ble edes I Caniçie antid ro ntertoiU value tletihip; tlU,_ forme r showed:l 'f2bi heo-sbi, U hierlubi ron Dren, uM "PyIce cinjd Poi-thes sestithoghsOf bs Nalrt-,a, Law lu uai'itUe proeiîn Hman nq. pare, be savao, i3 seacoutituiteti Ihat people .,1 Onybe r, nti 0 1tbr e aYn be to0Unti a.f3 inan wiitîsthepweetnlaiv wbh eaeshlm te stop forth onut cf thi m a ss, a nti r)uroeshbi s ewn puripee. Sues ama eaui gansfoltewers, ho 'eit bv c lleanot simiianty entir-owet t-'h ~ V, toîs-rs, uoshbes -b1; in . onsbreakfJast onruprda. I Otir in's f! OUIyenn daloîr. Prospiect e' ~No trhil),, bettcri o re in v i n g Cream üiSodos Mlooney's isccuits arcean evenly balanced, woesmnourishing food, equally good for young and old. Madc from C.anada's finest wheat ou, ich cream and pure butern Buked by the Mooney baker in thu PMooney way. sa-v , Mloone's 'yUr grocer. ST. PAUL6'S ANN'UA-L REPORT. SI Paul'a Pn3eUsterlan Cuota nual rpr wae t iistr;bated Saada-v w eek ContaiubinL, 12 nages Pantidnover. ,t slows aprosperens flý)unial year. TUe final page givea lte effic6re as tollow8: Sn:ý,ssîo-Rgv. HugU Mures, B.A, Moeao;P. Muadocit, Clerli; Jobe. MoDelanRoneenltie E 1r.Johný MecVnrtry, James Beith> Dr. Aexý BetUh, Jas Smitb sud Thos. Ted wero nec-ntly atitedt eleedr ship. Recoznition la given te tbe sel - vices et Lawer A E. McLatîgblin Fse chair di1reclor sud tue be choir, Mnr W.1 F. Alleni, J. P., preseuteti bis eprtas Secreîar v-Treasurer oi lUe, Missinuary aud other schemes showing $298 110 con- Iibuteti, The oficers are: Prîsidot- Rev. HugU Monroe. Vice R-t adents- P. Mundoch, T. Paterscu; Sarretary- Treasuren-W. P. Alleu, Cemmittet- A McïCIellan, John N. Lawie'- MW. D. G. M. Gaîbrailtt Secretary Treasut-er efthtie Sabbatb Scisool pre- seuls aveny encuurpgingrneport Total Fcholars 83, av-rage atteýutiano 47, averageoeffering per ndv$1 10 Revenue $101; expentilturs $1,)01.911., Womeuku Foreigu Misîionarv Society, report $1119 48 recetpts anti expendture, the sameý(. Offiuerpat Horry Presi deut-Mnrs.Baky; rsiu-Ma Meoreratui; VcePnsitients---Mrs. Mn nos, 3r. . MeCela, s. A. Bjh Mrs. Adýain, Misa Mundoch; Treas-,i s - er;Secretary-Mlss Bassett;Tidïugs Secretsry-Mlss M. Meoocraft,asstn Miss Mcetiurtry. L'sdies' Aid show neceipta of $133 ;Offiere are: Presideult. Miss Gaîbraitit, 1st Vice, Mro. Ted, 2nxl Vice, Mrs. Meath, rieasunor, Miss Moocratt, Sccrtary, Miss Henry. Glits' Auxitiary show excellent work done lu seutiing clolhing' te mission feldis. Misi Be le G. Allen is Ircasuner anti Misa C. PR Adair, eecelary, Boy s' PoresGuiýt bas 23 membu'ra anti show gooti weni untiortaken Cifi cars: Pros dent-Dougias MeDoualti, Sec-tay-RHarold Sharpe, Treasuer-i inatiatt TetiOrgait-Wm Galbraith. Qujeeu's University recies'ed $25-5. Mn J A. Meielan shows total neceicta 18195875, Ten deahs are repertetidur. iîng the vear BOARD OP MANAGEIS-W.11. Woods, Chairmani; J A. McCellan,. Treas; j,N Lqwie, Sec"t; Dr. Belth-. W. Hl WiI Hlaros, Thoq. Tod, Geo. Pearsoni, Jamesi Smith; E. F. Carr. P. YouW. Jouies, R, Mtbît,, J Ted alnd E. hrp;Aro-Mis Bi. Aln TEýwO-Mr. W. T. Allen; BAsis-M-Gzrs. G. 3eth J MaceD nad, . 1H.Sharpe mîd A E.McbaughZIliU;ORÂs-Ms F. E PB. We beard a n nsay tUho other mefun lug thiat the abbrcxviation for Pebruary -Feb.-means Freeze everýy body, and' that man looketi froz7tu La is ulster 1 t wa 'a pparent tUaIUs 1needeti the kinti ef warih that saythe warmth that reaclies frenu head-te fot, ail ever the -bo)d. We co3ld have told hlm from peso akowledge thiat Heod's Siraepailla gives permanent warmth, it invigenates the blooti aud speeds it aloug througli artery and velu, andi really fit% men andi wemen, bei s- aud gi1rls, to eDjey colti weatber aud resst the attacks cf disease. Lt gives t'le iglit kinti ef warmth, Etirnltes anti strengîhlens at. tUe same time, and aIl ils bienefits are lasting. The3r( may be asuggsàtleon lib.ntis fer voti. And poe tilthca.lerbaie Barrie Carnages Did yen ste the Barri@ Car- riage Co'sexbi at the receilt Toronto exhibiýtion No dcub)t about it a leader, rigbt'at the top, a cenitre of at traction coni- As ae maklng arrangerments to, carry a ni le Unfe o( Cutter-, and Ssgsfoýr the comiu.- winter tradle, go we wvish te c'emn eut our bUzgies to mnake. room. Now is yourv chance. for a, snap in the best buggy made in Canada. Wai EDGAR, Maniager., Iparîg romptly done A large numr of erepreseutatives -mdvbior prt citFrldav at i)tîrici Diiinaîtluk Plans laid for ftr wor k. Rsiluiuswrepsot o- dîemiuiug ithe 8ý,5clause tn tthe Local Option by low; suid regreting te 3pecs Px-vSuc, of Doým. line forate. oders eetdfer th-svei N.A is ulv Mt' Carqswell; -D)S. '0issLeaSnwd Map e Orvo )D Tr . Joha 3 eruno, Mt. asll D Lhaýp., Tho. Pasosileptn -D ConitnGry ano;.Sn. Paco, aunton. Mn. J. M Wlteu, Grad.Srib, isals'ïe e ffc anti gave some gooti practical eirs The evsnin- meetingwas çwUllatnc a s was rendered. Mr,.J. M. Wallon, G. S , Aurons, gave a capilai amdiu'ss. ir. A. L. Pa-cue, D. Wý P., occ-,upieti t'chiNext session aI dai Grove wiheu the usual goidti rme s afuicî,peti DAVON D DYE Arpe Home Helpers anti lVoncy Savers an d are USED by MILLIONS of Womnl D1AMOND DYES are adwitted te be theslru1xsrfastest sud mopt br;lulat t dyýisa for home celoriug- matie lu the D MODDYEt ara tIhesasiesi ,id su Lnem.3t . usesd lual cm'se ieoi wemnnsad girls the best reslits. DIAMqOND ) DY FES are the home heip- crs anti moev saveýrs wherever usedi Ton or tweuty cents spent for DIAVI I ON D DYES willlgive the ecenomical' bousswlfe a profit of manydollars Sendte Wells&Ricehardsou Ce , Linu- Iteti, Montreal, P. Q , for Dia'meti Dy e Roc)kt4 anti Ssmples et Ds~eti ClotU. FEE te auy atitress. lTe Alrcis Everybody's PIesers as ils ,ntiomary fair balance between lu (urina- lion ausid enter Lanneni. Vanice, Tiho p- son uaiîderclook te interview Cau dîýnai Meîry1 olVal, PplScietar-,.eofSýiae, ant the ,chuîch fquesîlon in Fraýnc, .ouîd succeeded f.or beondbiexpectaho)ns. "'Var- Again.si Chili ' is the ti11e of bis u-înarkable iesultaiut article. "'lhe Need- lois Slauglîter hy i Slueel Cars,' by Johni P Fox x-ti nP-ux? ridesxxsxlcl--ir Leo.d Paokectzs OnIî 5à 00 0e 5 Zn , J Pr b A Al0.oir il!~ILS A B1,ST. LOUI,94 as Fashioni' ii, wl1 Iadkecbiss b ibtsl ahi 1tssin-I ,eovsn -1ti-uug 1 , ' bore duoroden, sxbosx. tti ues r cary aytlig moe 'elaecus ibousus hesîlulbd mnoý gu nt i !,d-us allis- -s u te Ih u p- eoeC-xhigSvclt lr niims ehave ois e htlr-is e elts1ing. alct-or'Ld , inct hsuxdkurbieis eýýlo ut l ot-xuii t Onie eta«sed.ss t-kis oe on sntie eu xIUte hiha eisigrdc liaten uly iei-su sstr1h erk btte pola oin. buelascuder , ou red. ibe nes' f , l" 1 de tmlcing hie goîvu. l>O1r iQiu moepliantllAcIus. lby ireet( l b ndluderniealt ocn ec tisd- f lit akaitîshe sides and Lint. HIGII COLLAISý. ' hli eri uual pr riy aho lIi der*d <bat s colrnodel eglAd in couforl, te, srnea lb-t nysoins. It ts, hosvevor'i, ;siy cxpeind.Çince those Uti\zvl oiOC i J.imîporî, asei f1ori soml, l.,im1e ueac d airl upte1<o cust 1aey 1 icli hecoue n lu ('er;but he cangei i et ~ ~ oý sotlc'witueyo ucminli 11lu lit(b cIýeno' flu ies elian, Jite iia lheingroudcdeutsa dil foier. ws hal muntho alitho looSer , e sil beconîtgnos.s. Be car'eful îuntte o il l A 17"a de- be, u- lion -ils absolutly uuP, ds ferj slnuping 11=011. and atmti n n but l [t sfo th i in -1eit mti-, -e ;fit -il lbiugs, a tbtcl, necl%. NEW SPIWIG MATEBIALS. w huie sots0 sheer îuality Lare'Icite w =nln1, , nOnecu, conclusionss are ci e-opoi. "' lie SL-a- tcrltsii e- issuîla birîu s t easeousaoiltuî ilb e 1-ti.,î__ilteit ha ii dosv iniHig in luaunce," by Davidi orui o-os ko o f vi l moîsedloetflise fin aj s liils the soït.i loxîsIgnata IN 'rHbJ M4TTE R 0T'tlte E.s1ttof! sois. Olis ta Homsxesd Duribar writesof jt ino -,, itc tttsiutImcc-igiu et it rn. aIls hauts Aiza Burt ai-cLaw ft lote e ounofto sesa' rgtsmsenesî ttIesU o x)nt.x eio usiîL uhe -uclotiih 01ar i ouo1 l Bownînvitl in fue C uoînotyhu-xerld iii a.-aribetl e "T ofoldth ie, cusiqanp, sgulteelgtgrm.Cudkdais-sd ju s.WdBrdcasd7al utz-i.MhîdOhnuo1noe, osehn o oebrtd iîluies-iinsx d gIllets oge ot i the etatecf tueceAnnHi tnLw eese. al ,ýrn or rureoeu dbyemipaid, o jOliggÇn, nm-s, "il, ln Woodrosx,,1 ary amisK. 1Ana Ceonaof, ieextr ix cla f e XosMrae .Fovet h lo r n sîi rh e ieal tw iuto om1 lmebee sald teeeaedon or before tlie ill5h day of!Tisemais W . ULasvsn, Jo,,e- RIlloos or, b ur anS;,(It adrsCS. witb full panuiiclars, in writîng, îscttiv'agaie 1Eatît St., fuNe' so as codi.ai 1 il.Om pita mena îucem1 ui&- aîd t ntre0 teseurtes(f t.v el Y ork. --q1 1eb lsdii ie itiatcl-os or -jdnsls-uldbdetienaye.tc t tliem, dtdy verified bhsi suoydeclaration. b- ouside An tkeneic ha aie tasaiS 151h dayl "siia1110by ub ie c issle. s triimui-e A i tsits cru- hoo iî. sse o r 1 isct'ier <otusvieil of Mard'iL A, D, 1907, the saiS executrix irili 1"Pape,"si ilby ,ou tecîs-lcetuimmesdi silb ujuiaýtcbisg ,l broat (ilo,, rroeeud lte olstirbute tseassets et tte said, nsero 0liog me tomrxxhat I titi fsot Plate çde l]iin cm-cgi-dat tes rltes jusL pi-omise le bo wamshed nuiýioilýion e, u de(ceasedam ong the prties exuitied thereto I, ? "Ccrheiuly uset, îuy boy," replieti iuss foî t Iise,,,oiitaiuisw',, ha iesnuple nui <isreahuueîit cf ttussilslth biviuig regard ony te thce<lainis o afier i-lui ai cit litlhe1lo shal tn have aocice, and the salS ixecutrix <hoeaIie."eb,1ei letIe esî'hitino teive 10 bIler ensbrides 'fi c The d 'l'au peusgee sviUl ho'ixornmers will sitculiable for îiald umseis ou aity part "ho ti t teday w-ion b tiiduIt do my nt, Inu ol xtbu bts~s ousry iheree f me sny per son or persons of! wtoo e laimil of îieîus c a auud buuctîeuu iseu I-tugel nettie, ai lnoi have beetu received by ber or,' sn'ni. îrbeai -ndlnheni q ag ber said1 , eticitersai tthe lime oft aceh distribu. ontouucae ttt10b.selepr mtsn: "vbdasnstoa Dated the l2th dayof February 197."Dii 'yontiuk, air. 1ot h0lie otrlst fsais base t[ou taruyettof ss A et case ofI isîdnaqppng iu ou bouse adÉyt MÂa AtiCo~îu~u0e7. nmi b-ms fîattou od use inthuis pîcînre?"i "Oh, don-e.in et-lurs xiiî enoues tle Wisseu: "leally1 iHosv titiit hapo i SIMPSON & BLAIR. Idoar madem. whtta,tist muenldtuaL bl îxatch îsight 1ho soý ýle sd-uuiiuo. Te baby sîdpt tisexvol tielie1tors for saiS exeuirix. 'iÏ4w. bounti te flatter ycn i Pretly girtilos.wlehrsaate xingi" SUCCL, SSFUL BOWMANVILLE BOY. ,wiictihroea Wes fDurhamu b', Mn. Etîser J. Bilangon oetVMc. Et- wvartiBoimo f t'bisli n, whO lacn- tiucting ueecflbuies uthel asbovenmaulineti Iolwa. The Bulletin Mr. Belipan was hem ltu Bowmïan ville, andti tonatutigthe public ant i7Ui'Usehoots thons, wexslte Toron- te ant i fit- e pans ber graduateti frein tUs 'Pehnicat SeofetScience as a pralical a a ayiclcUn iet e tissu learued lte business ofebmt anti dmggist wlb oesoetToroubto's leiiig ,stores.l 'rte ogratiuatet from t.'ue Otne olofe Pharmancy with frtcaahouonsrp, as welt as L[rom lUe Thr-onte llniversity,, roeeiviug final thetene of Phum. B. anti taler Ibe de- gros A. C., Ananytical Cho3mist. -RH aiso ecceivedth te tegen l Oplcal Science, M. O , Master et Opthalmnol- ogy, sud, later the higbesýt degreseoh- aiaeD. OQ, Deeton et Opttca, fronu ltse ighest necegubizetiAmonican col- loes09fprofes8louat eptica, takijg ai- moat fuit mprks, Mn, Belîman starZe in business lu Collngw (od lu 88,pr chasing the olti estabîtahetibuinssc D. OlI1phant aI tUs City Hlait, anti for tUe lasI fins yeans bas 1workýeti gnpa immense busines lu wbolessle anti re- lail drugs anti patentmdileo- tor'H supplies, etc Mn eianbsan exc:1elet stand fton is bsnsthe store belg stu.tet i athe unontbwoat cerner etlis Mnkt uilding, nil veny tastefu:lv ilc up, ils inlenier ar- rang-emrfent eiug vsery attracti've. Ho keepa a numrber ot courbeons sud ob ig,, îng assistants. Mîrs qChaýs 8SilU ef Jima, OIe, wnîte(s: I1aveust-,tetieans' reedi'or sick bedace Icout r et for tUe pas, tltteen yeans, but CarteLr's Litte Lit-en P il ttime moesgoadthan aill Report f V a5,N 11,DainHglon fer i. . o1I- tes DweiHac DewcIIIccii Bus. Jr_,, I-UIe Ame Almost eveny case of Bight's Diseaseconild have been prevenled by ýtaking i" Bu -;u " in lte eanliesl stages. Trhe Kidneys became weau,.kened-there WRiiReumatisin--pains in the back and chest, stîff neok, neunalgia, swolleu hands and feel-yfet ne attention wvas paid bo these danger signais until it was too late. Kidney Dýisease is so insiduous and gaduin uils pnogress that one is too apt to dIisregard thece signs of dIefeetivé idnys an('- atiiibulil {t o " feeling a 1:1111e on)t ofbot" Are YOU sure taVOUR Kdcsaewell and stnoig ? Mkets ipetst TiF f1LUrpJC l iý-l irntLCi ntsa l cJÂsf TZiÂn--,y a. a's t-, tnai-t n t,, LiM.. v flntai. v ill ,tlLt 5 yon- u32 treadyÀ rentwithThsc pili w"iilg(istenew stvrnth and vitali-tÂai0 Kidnes-netralzecuie cidadso toue up thl Kdueýys ltaI they vwill do) tilein filsar " s uaaneecticr rmny ene.At Dnnggîss or sn -~c n'Rip'oprint.d TH~ LAFIN HEMCAL COPAN, Ued, INS.w OîtevMt, lu of on EstabZîr/zed f879 Whnoping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Dhptitheria Cresolene lu a boon te Asthmutica Dos- ut tom xsotn nacre effective te breatite la a reaxedy te cou-c Sosie of tha breathitx~ organs sesir txtal s-mh-x-.5smsdj'-i-n±n45-~-nteustenh - - Ix t-ar -s iccixuse île air re,îdcrsd sirexigis- ccii- septic h canmird over tOc dis'ased sxxrSxce w'itt evee5 tractS. gx i~~g prolongrd axtO nxeter.m test 1 ittoatoabie te nm'mlicns mu-lh 'mail I f toto et e CO'xS'itnOt.50 - ~ tu-ndcxsu-y fieS itxxxîednte f r'xef tram ceogits or xc- - j ~ nendixioxîs e! ttc . ;iO tOm oit, Seud ty dru~gbts. C iîex.d po ni fou- beekicu-, ~ n t Lasitîio, titres Ce., t Litalted, Agents, Mont- ,'cal, Catie-Sa. 307 CeLlect t1ue mo-rnin1g 1urine l1-1a avessel or >-glas- and avl,~ te stand lfoýr 12 hou1rs.ý WbnyorKinys are , atyoyur urine 1ýu( rli ai peýrfectly clear ; but if tie Xidneys re a ffected -i anyiv ulrinie on Ltaniding lnay thro-w downi a brick dust deýposît of a reddish color, or it ,unay become inilky or cloudy. o tie there will b'e shircds or particles floating aronind in it. If --iy of thiese condition s c r resent, DO NOT DELAY, but cm c taking IlBu-Ju" ai once. lý Il 1 L--A 1 A A-4- m k ý lm u 1 1 mmodu-