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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1907, p. 4

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The Thirty-Fourth Annual Report~ Ontarlo Loan & Savings uCom, FEÏ3RUTARY 2Ouh, 1907, T H Tý 171Yý11,111hAiinna Meeting ofttis Companv ws eld in the Office" of ompanv..1 oln WEDNESDAY FEBRýuARY 2th _19G7. The olwngSae hieswere preseflt:-ME-SRîS W. F. COWAN,, JorrŽ4 COWAN, W . ADWIN F W. COAT. ,11 eLÂ, W. F. ALLEN;, Titos.PATEBZSON,JONCRE notes The Presidentl occupied the chair2 axld Mr T. H. MeMllallfica ted as The Ausia Report, embrac*îng thei trausactionq of tLhe Comparny for the past year. was presenitedby the Cnairan. Yonr Direetors have the pleasure3 of aying before vonu the Thirtý -fourtitAn- nuai t1Report of the Conipany for the y-ear (ending 8lst De-cinber, 11906i. The businesseof the Company bans been progresscive and active. The amount loaned on mortgage,,c etc., bas been $104,386.07 dutring tthe l(ar, and the repav- imete son tous have been of principal3807., and of injtcrest, etc, 4,8.5 The accrued Intereet and Principal on mrggshp.s beezi ppa w-i -th promptitudci. Durîng the year the5 ConiPany dispoi(_d of sýeveral properties which were on their bauds. Âfter the payment of ail ascertain.ed losses, the writing f fa Il replacements repaire, lueurancos and taxes connected with the oroperties ln which thýe Com- pany is imterested, the eanine for the , ear have enabied us to pav two haif. vearly dividends at the rate of six ïrer cent, to the Shareholdiers and to wrîte off a cons-iderab1e sum ondprcato account. The Contingent Account now ainounits o $9.000, and. the Rest Accouut to $'75,ü00 and groEs Assets to 31,08,86,1, enin uexcese of any prevýions rear'es ttement of the CompanïV. For frtheqr detalled iiormatioti I would reffer vou to the statements just p'LaCed lu youlr han.jds, lu xýhich the financial! position of!the Comupany jEielcearly W. F. COWAN, Oha,20th february,7.PrCId,1 t RECEIPTSAND DISBURSEMENTS. 1906j To Balance.............. ,Repaymebts onLoans......... ,,interetit reccivcd on Loans........4 587 9-2 Iluterest received front Batiks-........,2-95 75 ,Revenue Acecount ý......... ....... ...... 8605 28 ,, Dposie reeive.... .............. Debeburs i6u......... .......... DVebteures PnkW id... ....... ........ Wetere nid.......wýR................ 484 Lese Cheques not prescnbed .. ... ..........259 19 Cnet on baud......................... $783 089 541 88,ois 281 48,,188 951 .227 819 0, 249,000 0 ,,S86i,440 77 ,2t4iI 7~ '151,000 00 104 38607 ;8 0f00 6, 2-21 00 8,5837 16 1,978 07 262 74 ,366;,J440771 PROFIT AND LOSS. Dec.81.Ev ntcecarned dujring te y ear................ t40,ý150u2 7 Reveue ccout.........................,60j5 28 Bakinlereel received.....................,295 -751 Ajnount crodeitetiCntnecis..................6,000 00 £906 Dec. 81. To luterceSt paid.................... ....... Dividende os 66 and 67 at 6 per cent........ ,Expeuse AccotI inciudizig Commission ou Loanis and otter charges, Goverumeint Tax and Licese.... Arnount writeu off Contingent Account.......... $22880 80 18,000 00 6,221-00 6 000 00 $53,051 30 ASSETS AND LIA BILITI ES. De 1 vMortgEgaes and oCher Secumities........... .......3$922,023 98 Ofie Premises..................... ........... 12,000 00 (, Office iuruitire................. ........... 400 00 Cash inM Bauk ... ............. ............68,799 49 Cast nad.... ........ ........................ 262 74 $1,008,486 21 'Sos Dec 81. To 'Capibal Stock-.......................800,000 00 De5positors............... ......... ...... 858,486 21 Debenluires ................, . . 251,000 00 CotiageulAcou ............. .. ......... ..... 19 000 00 RusI Accounul ........................5, 000 00 S1,008,486 21 T, IM. llctIiIIan, .Sec-Treas. We )herceby certif y hat th~e above statemaent contains a correct repire bfa tatdon of the affaire o! the Comapany as show n by thte books December Usit,£06 We have examlned vouchers and securitIes and flnd the same correct P. H. PUSHON ý Auditors. Oeshawa, February loth,197 J. P. OWENS, hePresident moved the adoption of the Report, Mr. Ahen seconded the ;,otion. whiceh wae carried, Mr. F. w. Cowan, secýonded bv Mîr, Readwin, moved that theý sum of $150 bI-I raid to the Auditors, NMe8srs. Punshoni and Owens, for their servicea for the past year, and that they be appointed Auditors for the coming year. Carried. Mr. F. W. Cowan, seconded by Mr Readwin, moved that a vote of thanke be and is hereby tendered to the President, Vice-President, Directors and Secre- tar-Tra~uer or he erysatisfactory mianner ln whlch the-y have condice the affairs o! the Company; during th-e past year, and that the sum of $300 be pre- sented ta the President, and $s200 to the Vce-Presldeiit for their services to the GomPaBV. carried. Mr. Platerpon, seconded by I. Fred W. Cowan, moved that thie meeting do tîow proceed to lect, by ballot, seveni Directors to fil the plaeceof those retiring, and that Messrs J ohn Carter and William Readwin be appointed Scrutineers for said ele-etion, and that the poil remaRinr open one hour for the purpose of recelilng the votes of the Shareholdtir8; )ut that should, five minutes elapse at any.ý time without a vote having beeýn taken, the poil shall be closed, and that the 3aid F£criitieerlsbe paid thte eum o! $2 sncb for their Services. Carried. Chair resumed, the So-rutineers reported the following seven gentieinen, who were duly eleted Directors, for thie 3enaiunzgve&r:-W. F. i,10wan Eq R. S,. Hamlin, Eeq., W. F. Allen, Esq , , Brien, Esq., J. A - (bson, Eq , John, Cowa, Es., nd Thos Paterson, Esq, A vte of thanks Nas tendered to the Chairmian, and the 8meeting- adjourned. At a. ubsequent meing of the Directore, W. F. Cowan, Esq, wae Unan- imousl elected Preiden, W. F Allen1, EsqVlersiet DEINTIST, 181 Yonge St. 3 16 Mes. mlewood, MD N V ý M 1;' IF SALE OR TO ET Pan miiand bïicksmnitt sbovp. TPersns eas8y. Appiýyt-c MRs G. C. BAItsas, Bwale XVANTED-A Girlt1 do house-work. BoWMANVULLE, FE4B 26, v;G7 Six mronithe ag;ý-o next Friday our dle. TeptroegeofDurham coun- ty b,7 virtue o! bis being the Liberal candidate bas been hoeId noriilyl since te genera eetlton for te Fed- eral Governiment by lion. A. B. Aylee- wojrtb, K C , Minister of Justice, while ,ite mani who advised) the patronage dis- pen-scr ile &nd bas bee-n Mr. Robt Beith. This bas been nio secret amonrg Libýeràls in Bomavilnd MIV, Beith bas madýeî no secret of it. lience ît was well kuown by the applicaats for tbeo vacant pot-ae4tershiip that to be succeseful it wae uiecessary to get the support of the former memDer for Cie Commons. Asi soon, titerefore, as Mr. Fairbairn-'s dt atit was arnnoiucod applications were muade to I'. Beitit fo r te office, but as he waGs on the evýe of going to Eng-land, he could not be seen person ill so lite aspirants sent letters which he nover answered, or ncknowlecdged i auy way. The firet names annrounced were tirtre -Mesiirs. T. Blngbamr, !R. D, Dav!dson, principal Plublic Sehool and the editor 0f titis journal. But noue of tema could get any, answer frGin Mr Beith. Later it wasanoce that Dr. Alex. Belth had boern induced by friende to become au applicant, Then il was that Mr' Rocbt. Beithit t es aid, delined tb make a recommendation to the Minister of Justice and requested the' patronage Commttee otherwise teo exectitive coMmmttee t0 eet and make the cholce of amanifor postmaster. Tte members > f the witole countv executive were called and on the strengtb o! a promise %lie by ' v R. Beiti tet rncplDay- idffon, when he was reviuig the voters' liste, ho was miade the citoicej. So dis- Pleas8ed were some leading Liberals lu tBowmanlville over tbis choice-the tory wo uuld bou inteuselly ilititresting were we"- to LeIliail we know about it-that cer- ti il members of the executive utccd- edÔ in gettlng te eatern or East Dur- ham mLembers to sigu a renunciation o!f titeir action and the documýujent was for- wvarded te Ottawa. ft had te desired 1effect Soon another cali went forth frein Presideut Baker for a second mee8ting o! the Executive Con-mmttee.l A mieet- in 19wvas held and thîs timaete choice fell on Dr. Beibh. Then tte cry went forth that the Beitha were geýtting ail tite Offices AIt wae freely stated that Robert bad received a verv ilarge sum f r-ont lte Br itiet Goveru meut fo- u- inlg horses for lte Sout African war- as higýita--1700 oo was lmcntionIed it was said, too, that he had been offer. ed the L1ve Stock Commni4ssonersbip of Canada at *2 500L 00 a year and ail ex- )Enses. Besides al ttis, il wae rumor- ed that becwa a waiting man for a iSenalorshiip, ail for making way to allow 1Mr. Aylesworth to mn f or te Commons n titis count,. S1Before an-y appinîment o! p. M. was m rade-Hon. NMr. Aylesworbt continuing to em.porize owing tbslrong objections 1made agaiust Dr. Beih be. ng-appoinbed 1-Se'nator V% illiam Kerr, K.C.,Cobouirg, 1passed unexpectedlY away and Mr. Robt. Btith's friends eeired the Senapt- orsbiPforhbr Ti NealtýedTttvDr's chance or ppinme t ndafber somue weeks word camae rom Ottawa that he had withdrawn. Thle obter applicants 1nraturaliY expeleCd taI anothermetn '(f te6 Exeubive Committee wouid be convene"d 10 consider the new situation caused bY Dr. Bilh's witbdrawal, W h'le they were 'w aiting for -a meeting to be announiced, friende of '. John McMurtrý quietly siipped rouInd to the members o!f te euiewt a pti- Lion and by pieadiigernsly-b tcorne.obtained the signaturesto!sx o!f 1te eight utembers and somef othere alid bof ore the applicauts were aware o! the stealthy action bing taken, a requ isi- t ion was sent to Ottawa asking for Mr, MceMurtry's appointmenG. fle eys he 1neyer applied for the office but so desir 1ous were hie friendes that he-now lu bis Ttit yea1r-sboul d give up tite stren- n tous life o! bond o a large( deprrtmne-taàl store and the grain and provision busai- ness also connected wilh ilttat they procured the potmasterehip for itim aund aâked hlm to step ou, of b)usiness mbt ite Post Office 0f course, be must in accordance wit he vr-4nrg3 atoawithdraw from ai!l ther busI11ess. interests and give hie umdivided attention 1tte duties uf bbc office i WG coula easily write a- hundred 1Pages On te incidentsecounrecbed with thoe ix monthe' conteet for titis office, but1 the fOregoing le a brie! summaary of thle course of events bobweena the death o! 1Màr. Fairbairu and ts eap-pointlnent of Mr. Mcl(Murtry Who le one o! oui' mucit respecled fiiles iemany friends will hope that te may long ýive t0enjoy1 bithe emolments o!tlite postrnaetership o! Bowmanvllle althiougit somne o! them wôtlld prefer ta have seeu hlmn obtain the office rinder differeu1t conditions. 1 TitLis journal i utlre than thc average local niewsvppcr but if oui' ndvertisers coninus ta crowd aur coliumne as tbby are d ingilMay be necessary 10 spend $8000O0 or $1000.00 on n- larger printing press, Neyer lu ils tistory bas Tïiz, STAT'ESMAN proýduced so large revenue as mttyear and nover in labe ysars bas Its circulation incre3as- cd so muet. Vcry mauy new names have been addtd ta oui' fnmily circle. We w2lcome tem ail, Adverising matesl were icraedlstSyciar and istii con- trace are coming tu Pt advanced rate-,-. -e-tavi -ihad te- 4elinec soine-4argec curcefor waut o! positions. 'l ibc pressure on wiat we eCali oui' four local Pages necessitates placing local malter on murer pages. Quie very inberesing CAU1ln no! local news and eomments will ho !oud ausecond page. St Paui's anat itlurch report lsreviewed. A succs sful Bowmanville boy ile aiea revicwed. Disîrbet Division at Saline te brief v reporbed on game page. Womens Institutes are very valuahîs institutions, but womnen. wbo ead Tins, SAaMNHome, ffoalth and About te ffouse nagea weekIy wil Sud about I t 1 "ConservatisEn bas rno greater enemy" en v Toronto Teleg-ram. "titan te 3Mail and Empire withit is insane rage against Hon. A B.I Ayleswoi'th, because a fewr gentlemen who ,iccait themeel ves Con- servatives corne to grief lu an enquiry o! Mr'. Aylesworth'e mnaking imb lueur- auce matters. "Au Opposillon wittoub apoc' enys Broobvilie Recorder, "le merel', waitinc for ite counbry 10 gzet tired o! the party lu power, That s-rmetimes happens. Tite counltry ,dld grow tired o! bbc Conservative party lu power at Ottawa, bul il btook tem 18 ears to do il, Ontario grew Iired finallv o( ite Liberal party in power, but ltaI pro- cees o abou'tliree decades. Titeýse are nol no algfi gures for anuOp- position, which proposes to wail for lte empby sitocf ils oppouients. Oui' experience ns a toucher was Ibat puipils wihave cces 10newspnpoe at tomte, compared withi those who did not, were botter reýaders, botterespellers, botter grammarians, better puncluat- ers, and rend mor-e undei'standingly and ebtain a practical knowledge o! geogmaphY I l nmos al haiftitime lb e. qu1iries others. Tho newsvnperI' ledecid y a Important factor in modern life We also lfound lu oui' bsn years as each- or' býitanluhomes where the moîher le lubeligeut and able 10 help the child- ren wibh their lessone they made grenI- et adanucement titan ot3re tees favor- cd Feale educatlion le 1far more Val- table titan mauy tink fr Ib is reason The Ontario Alliance belnn branci of lte Dominion Allian1ce met iu Toron. to lat week Rand lb WaS ciaimed, and jusblv 80Powe thiik, 10be ttce beel and Most eïAueiaa1meeting ever held unacer its auspices. Fnlly a tIiûous- and people were lu atendance and titere wne not a discordant or peesirnisîle no te struck drngte wo da3ý s'isessions Titesplendid victory for Local Option, meit January gave bhc bey note 10 te discussions and te mnedpbbo ta,% waited oni Hon. Mi'. Whitnev and hie Goveýrneit on Friday nioon filling the Legielative Chamber and bbce s'i ring speeches macle'bv Mr Jos. Gibson, Rev. R. J. McAlpiue, Rev, S. D. Chowni and oters, applanded repeatcdly hi' bbe dele)gation. assured Mi'.Winc arnd hie Cabinet taIite temperane peop'e5 o! titis Province arc, lu camneet and tat Bribs ar play niis Ine».e cordedtem ra lbehY -ould know ttc rran uwtyv. What theydemaL1ded was îlt a simple ma-jomitv in a LocaPl Otion -couteet should previiias -u iî-n L-eetio1- orother contest. Ttetbree-fifbtclauseý was dfecIared moast iufair, Mr. Whibncy gavelte deegabion 10 uuderetnndtia in spibe o! te record o!fte lJnnury countseno cha-nge will bc made et tii session. ManylfI bit teLeglsaaive Citambcr thait day vowiing titat ibitmat clause was lnot abolislied tat 'o far ns -%as lu teir powerte Witinv Gov- cmuiment would be aholisited As ani indication o!ftcoeanetue-ssaf te conu- vention $2800 00 wvas subsncribed lu about haîf an tour for expenses o! lte Alliance office, office itcip, and Thse Pioneer, tbc officiai organ of Ibis brancit. i'. Wititncy acknowledgced tat te believed that witin six yeare ail te urai nucpnii will be uinder Local Option. so te muet be scîz- cd o! ite popularfeeling lu favr ofte mensure. SALI RHLUMCURED.1 BY DR WýLLIAMS' PINK PILLS. AFTER DOCTORS TREATHENT HAD FAILED. I Skin trouble indlicabestat te blood i-3 lu a polisoned sita, if is bite poison« lu te blood tat cautses bloîches, pîimp- les, eczema, bofls, sait rbeum or bad comaplexion. Di'), Wlim'Plnik Pis make netc, red blood taI %tbanisites 11hese troubles, Mus Oshomne, wlfc o! Audrew Osborne, ctcrk of thbc Tow.. sip o! Keneb-ec, Front'enae Counby, O)nt. writes:"I canaI ts!ý)pk 100 lgbly o! Dr. Willnams' Puk lPille, for tbey did whab doctors ifalpldta do, Some years ago 1 was attacked hi' sait mieum lu te iande, caued by a ran down condition o!f my blood. 1[eudured lte tortures o!ftitis terrible disease for soute lIme, and only those Wvho have been similarlv afflicbed cati realize my suffer ing. At limïes.nmv taude were so bad titat I confld 11(t comb m v bair 1 was heipees I cusîeda idoctor but bts temetf ailed la benefibme-i'case seezned inramb!e Nbile la Ibis con- li4-l'ï 1-read-of Dr. Williiams' Pinuk Pilla and decided la give tb'ýni a trial. Soon 1 beganu taimprove and by bbc lime I had taken about a dozen boxes I1 a completelv cured and 1 bave not since had bbc sHgbtesb returu o!fte trouble. I can beartilyrecomimend Dr. William,' Pink Pille to ail sîiuai' sufferers." Yen can't cure c£zenia, sait rheum &An skia erupilons with salves and ouI- ward applicaitions These roubles are rooled l inte blood and eau onlv be cured tbougb the rnet. red blo-od Dr. Villams' Pink Piill actualiy make, Titis simple teia act sitoid beý kuo1wn loesvei'youe. Dr. MWIla ' Pink Pille net only cure skia iess bul a!! tter Iroileq cAnse1h' as Iblood suet s ane ia, viit is tend 0 After Inventory Sale of Furs, WEST DJRHAt KLIBERALS. Liberal Association wïîil be heid lu the counc'il Room, Bowmanville, on Satujr. day Maroh 9, ut 2 p. rm., f or e 1ection o!f oficers and for genieral bujsiness. Mr'. F G Imwood, General Secretary of the Reform Association of Ontario, l e.xpected to address the mieeting:. Large rz:attendance of.iberals i'equestedi H. C. HOAR, J, , MCLAUGHLIbZI, SecrearyPresidlent, We have taken stock aud find that we not to carry a garment over. Wý we Lots of Fur tir yet, Ti Ladies' and Mený's IFur Coats, etc. 1 Lady's Fur.linedl Coul, fine Englieli 1beaver ebeli, Jiampater lined, long length Coon Sable collai' and revers, Reg Price 8.55.00, Sale Price...................50 u 1 Lady's flue Bokaran Jacket wAih gir- de fine Sable collar' and fronts, a beazti- fui Jacket, Re- Price 67î5.00, Sale Price 49.00 I Lady's fine Elecîýrie Sealý Jacket, M-ik collai' and fronts, girdie, Regular Price $70.00, Sale Price. .ý. .......... .....413.50 1 Lady's fine Bokaran, Jackct, fine Sable collai' and rever, a splendid Jacket, Regalar Price $60,00, Sale Price._4.5 2 Ladies' Fine Bokharan Jackets, Coon Sable collai' and revers, a finewern Jacket, lteg Pr-e$50M0 Sale Price...3.50 1 Lady's fine Bokharan Jacket, Coon Sable collai' and reveres, a fine wearing Jacket, Reg Prich 4.0 Sale Pri, . 29.50 1 Lady's flue Bokbaran Jacket, blouse front, girdle, Reg Pricýe $45.00 Sale PrIce 29.50 2! Ladies' AstrachanJackets, good reli- able. coats, Reg Price 830,00, Sale Price 19.50 .2 Me's 'Womnbat Coats, good clear skins Reg Price $25.00, Sale Price_. ....... 15 50 2 Kep's black Blgarian Lamb, natural ekins, yeg Price $30,00 Salef Price .... 19 00 1 a' dark Rassi& Lamb coul. Bo,- kharan collar, Reg $30.00 Sale Price 19.00 1 Man's Russîan Lamib Goal, lighter in color, Reg Prie $,20.C0, Sale Pic.... 14.00 1 Man's Culb Bear Goal, Black collai', Reg Pî lce $18.00, Sale Price. . . ý... ....13.0 1 Man's fine Coon Goal, heavry natural fui', Reg Price 600,Sale Price.......3Il9.0 0 iMan's flue Goon Coaât, hieavy natural fur, Peg Price $5 5.00, Sale Pc. ..3450 1 Man's fine Cocu Goal, natural fui', Reg Price so17.00, Sale Prie.....,310 i ne large Sable Muf!l, cusiinshape E-_eg Price 8 17.00, S;Uc Price.......$I1,.0 11fine Grey SquirreT ucsitf ýýion shape, Eeg Price 1.0,Sale Frics.......85 1 fine Jeabeila FOX Muiff, Empire shape, Eegz Price $ 12 50, Sale Price,. . . ......8,50 1 finet Coon Sa,ébleMuf rouiid shape, Reg Price $8.00, Sale Price........... 5.50 1 fine Coon Sable M-ûff, round shape., Eeg -Price $7.ý0, Sale Price ............ 4,90 1 finie Coon Sable Mn!!, Cnshiort shape, Eeg Price 67.50, Sale Price............ 4.99I 2zfine Mfink Marmont Mufs, cushion shape, eg Pice $7 50, Sale Price..... 4.90 West End House. DONALD 0. la. (*ALBRAITB. B&rrister, Solicitor, Notery public, etc. Private and Companly moneys to ILlar, riowest current rates. Agent for The Midlanid Loaný eanrd Caving opa;ny. Ooecre opposite j. B. Martyn's store. Kinz. St. Bowmnaiflle 2'2-tf' IBUSINESS COLLEGE Bellevi lle, 89tyear. 89t 3ear.i - 1s the mogt prosperous' and suc- cessful buiness ionee uCaniada, and 'heornost widely attended in lu America. Send for Catalogue. J. W. JOHNSON, F. C. A., 41-8m. Principal. Grigg Sefiing Out. tanville. iron!ai 1 flueBac Thibel Ma!!, ecashion shape RegPrie 37 0, al 1 fine Coon Sable Muid, round shape, Eeg P.rice $6,50, Sale ie .... .4,00 1 fine G(rey Lamb M!,csinsae Eeg Mrice $.0 Sale Pric........4.25 1 fine i'yLamb Muif, ro-und shape, Eleg Price $4.50, Sale Price .....,.... 2.75 2 blsek Rlare Mu-n ee round, onie cushion shape, Eeg Pice $200, Sale,- Price 1.25 1 brwHare Mu!!, cushion shape, Reg Price $2.0,0, sale Pries............... 1.25 I3owmanvi1eý CJOURTICE Mliss Lydia Trull, NeOw Likeard, le ten .. ie Rnby Couirtie gave3ai party to &nlinumber friends recently. Mm and Mme. R. F. Richards, Oshaýwn, Spont Sllnav with Mme. Ira Tu Mr. an-d NMm. F. W. Gay oui routei to Winnipeg via Chicag.îo wpre ou ýbe trilte engins o! wvhich -was cernl- plcelvWme fcked at London ]Net week. lia Short visibed her grand mother Mrs Harris, Tyrans, Naea the &îhieKiMdYcu imPAlwaysBought Signature o * ~ ,.....-CLLJ DARLMNGTON W-,e 1have t: record ttswcek theà o! anc of biteo'dest residenîs of' viciniîy, Mr Walter cÈze, whO was ï] 92nd year a,d had been lu faiiing h,, bar sornme 'but had kep t abo usual and itad ml ecenbl y relurued fre visit witi bis dug teraICourbice passed quiet- "iy ,awav wihile sltbing in chaîr Lite SeraI whicb took plac Saturda v was argeily attended te vice being cc) nducbed by bis pastor, J. R. B-Uter.'IThe famlly bave -,.,,i ior-,LXIL vers We are making a final roundl up o! W"inter merchsandise nd Nour 'beet ln- teretsdenan tat outake -a, bob zasý *Our Oversboes, Lumrbe3rmau's Rii.ul * bers, !Feit qG'oods of Pailkinde a-re going and going at reduced prîces. We also have smeodd c'7es lin By'anil(!!adies' Boots ut n greatre can bp * found iluiniD-tiÀs MOLt!hat the CORUNER >SIH10L'S PORL Reid & Pear a ~Lades~'Muifs, JOHIN MC.MLJRTRV, Ihave too many f urs. We have decided Te sholdn't either at these ~rcssol his is a list (f what we have and prices. Ladies' Ruff.6, Stoles, Throw Overs anld Caperines. I fine sable Stole, ln lengîli Reg Price $-35.00, Sale Prc.............."S* 22.50 I fine Grey Squirrel Stole, long lengtb. iReg Priýc $25,00L, Sale Prie ..... 16f-,) 1 fine Stone Marten Eniff, Reg price s1O~, Sale Price............110 1 fine Grey Squirrel Throw-oýVer, Reg Price $16 00, Sale Price. ........11.00 1filue Grey SqUIrrel Tbrow-over, Salin Lined, Reg Price $12 O0, Sale#rie-.,7.90 1 fine Coon Sable Sto-le, Reg Price 160,Sale Price............9.50 1 Coon sable stole, Reg Price 1,0 Sale Price. .. ý.............. . 6.0 2 CG'rev Lamb St-Loles, splendid cru, Reg Price $10.00, Sale Prc.......6.90 i Isabella Fox iRuff, bead and claws. -eg Price(110,sale Price ............7.50 1 Coon Sable Egf, ln lengîli,, Eeg Pruce $9,50, sale Price........6,00 2 Sabile iRuifs, very flueý, Eeg Pri1c,$10 sale Prîce ..................6,75 i Coon Sable Stbole, RgPricee$4 5 0, Sale Price......................2.90 2 Grey Lamb Caperin-es, Reg Price $5 00, Sale Prc ............3.2 1 Grey Lam b Caperine,, Eeg Price $5.50 Sale Price . ............ -....... .... 9û 2 Marmot, Mink IRuifs, Reg Price 8.00 Sale PrIceý..ý. ..-...... ..........5.00e 1 Caperine, Persian Lamb and. Cýon Sable, Reg Price 15.0, Sl Price,......9,75 1 Ctperine, Electrie Seýal aud Bokharanl, longý, front, Reg Pricee1,0 Sale Price 9.7~ 1 Goon Sable Fhuff, EI7eg Price 4.50, Sale i Blue OpposuTM Rif Sable talle, Eeg Price 4.00, SaIle Price..........2,90 1 Coo)n Sable Raf!, loglength, Reg Price 12.00, sale Pricee .........8.5 0 i B1a(k GpposumZStole, Sable tale, Eeg Reg Price 7.50, Sale Price. ............ 5.00 1 Black Thibet Boa, loneg lengtb, Reg Price 7.50, Sale Price ..........5.25 2 Pairs Grey- Lambt Mille, REeg Prire 50,Sale Frice ...............3.50 -- W.AW

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