Grand Trunk fRailwav SvStem1 RMà-LWAY TI1H TABLE,. BowiuAqvLuSTÂ,rRON. GonloUASTGOIZG WEIBT Mail . 9 5a.m. Exprusa_. 4.40 aa $E.prms 10 10 5ILocal-..... ï 77s à 5.,,..... 6 p.xn.1 Passnge...1 6 y..m i~e -6 49 p.m. i Mixed.....7 33 S.i...10 24 p.m. Tickets to certain points s3oId in accordanice eclumn wiil net bc honored on trains Nos. 1 or ST£-"r & JUay. Town ARentu Freel )so]utely free of al use to you -we give lSt The advantage of ni-repeeneo ")Ver 20 years mn Spec- 2 rad The advantage Àf the only complete set of instruments in this eounty for mak- ig a carefufl and ac(- curae exmintion of the sight. 3ýrd The use of oDur Opti'cal rooma which is speciailly fitted up for 'tott n& Jury Graduate cf- New York Scheol of Optici5, Chicago Ophthalmie College. JFOURTME EN l Viietx*s o 10e. N'leatly bonr n uboýok edy, for mailing Thsl Poavenir that has ever been Special this week 8 Book.s for 2.5c. ýi5tott& Juryi The Druggists and Opticians. MeV QUICK RELIEF ' ANS _ POSITIVE OU£. 'e- Tê.,lly r7id ~lteber's Dackacho-Ki ne, 4aoe 5h. aav.,,-..t kkl,,.., hi jNs *<Dr CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A4 simple mid effective remedy for SOR.E TIROATS AND COUGIS, They eomhine tegermicidai value &Cf Oesolen, With the rsoothing propezties of siippery elm arid lja ri(*, Your druggist or from 119, lec il; stamps. LmMism, Mnwzs Co.; Limaied, Agents, Montreal, 4o, fii AR URIJI ANODOISIS THAVE BEEN INSTRIJCTED BY -8-ie DOminýion Goverumeut tua lace Immi- grants fromn th, Uriited Kingdom in psiinas fa9rm labourers on dîomestie servants in ',bis VîCînltY. Any persan requiiring sueh htIp 18hOuld natify me by letier stetin-g lily the k'in of (1hlp rtqijred, wbenl wauted and wages ed, The nUmbers arriving Maynort be suffic(ienjt ta supply ail requessbuit every effoýrt 'w-il be, Canadian GacveriameDt REmpïlayment Agent, 8 sm Bowmanvîlîe, P. O'. Ont, BO0WMANVILLE, F'ER. 26, 1907. be iirMrs. A%. Tait. The best 50c. nunderwear now sellng, at 35c. at Theo Mason C's. Remember the Old Polks' Concert MarCh bith. Oper'a fBOUSe. Waýit for it Great Sale cf Floor Rugs at The Mason Co's, Sofe isp'xuyini west win- dow. Mn, Harry Hooper, hllanid, Mlan, and bride vlsited recenutly am Mn. J&ames McLeana's. Miss Feru Mlatyra attended a Party ieaby is s Mabel Wa-lkor, Welcomne, Fridav evenlng woek Misa yrlMcevods Brook Hill Dairy". la vlSiting ý-Mns, Fred Lyle and othen friends litwn You can sa-;o sio.oo on a Pur Coat or Pur liiaed coat if you bnýY now at The Mason Co's. Sos adyt. Mr. B Fessfant, Qu'Appelle. aad bride (nos MNiss A. Hooper, Tvroue) visitod at Mi'. Jamýes Mc.Lean's last week Ladies' coienred lotb coats and atil chldren's coats-ali now gooda-at hall pricesai Couch, Jobnaton & Cr7derý- tainepd by the MissesNMason at their resideaco Wednesdav oveing Al' had a maost enjowyabîse lime. îctor record dises, Vic1tor and Bon- i liner Gramaphenes, Edison Phono graphS P-ad records and ail talkine machine goods fon sale at F. C. Peth-a ick's Barber Shop.C Dr. J. S. Soeos, Miss Eppisit and Misaý Lanra Bragg, Toronto, and Messrsa William ând Monte Bileie Caniton, S speal the week. end atuMni. W. J. B3raggp's, Providence.a Mr Cocil Oke, son Of Mn. John O1ke, Couruies, wbo bas basa conductlng a funniturs business in Cobourg bas dis-b solvsd partnerabip with Mr. W. T. Oke and irîtena tartlng buisinesýs in OshP awa, The jolatter la gei ng to Peterbaoe. f Do î ou see that photo? That was 2 so-wmanyille TATiSMAN sug st8 that Biouse of Refuge be cailed Hîome for Aged, arid we quiýte concur in the suggestion. it is flot acconding to te etiquetto, ovem am)_ong the owyto maka tose whom .misfortune bas breuaght low, feel theli' position keenjl7 Lot our old peoploenejoy thýemselves, and lot ne slur of! name, or speech marFke their position oeste bo looked dewn nu or dspisd,.Coborg entinelf Star ;Cs a goed old worlM alter aill If ýLou have ne frieinds or mny In the rive3v you can fal; mafge aequite commron andý, Morce people thers wold h, Pro nlded yen take Roeky Mountaiin Stott anid Jury. CiýtizenS aIl jo'1i i hartiest feliiat- ions' with Our repce voung t0owns- mûan, and successlu busns man, NIr F. C. Vanstone, on takiiïg as a llie part- ner to ahane bis joys and ,orrows (may the- latter ho few) MsiAlce 'M te ei1der and m1uch beiovadc danghter o! Mn and MIrs !.UM.Cawkýer th1ua u it- lnig two o! Weat. Durham's oileat and hîghly reqpeced famîllies. MaY botbh live ila heafltb and happinls ate enjoy. lite3 together la their beantifulboneo Cedar Cliff. lt's the hiLyhoet bstandard of qually, se n-atural tOiei, cleanUsesy3our systE5m, reddens the cheeks, brilghteno.s thio sys gives flavor te al, vou et. Hollistmn's. llocky Mlouutaîn Tea will do this for; you. 35 cents, TeaorTbts Stott and Jury. The 'regqular imeetinlg of the Womrne's Inatlîtute wats held Saturday -lu the Coune-l Cha mber, MIrs G. C. Faiies, vice Presid eut, Presid1ed ndgaes- eua, secpes o nut uu ssauo =ci.pVSnu. macaroons;, treatin-g tho e mbers te sorne of! the latter whleb wens pronoun- cee excellent. Mrs. J. W. Spanllng. gave a papen on "Sninshine as a disin- leestant" aind M E, U Bounsalila paper on -Fuiisbîug the guènsi cbam- bern." Bothi contained splendid praclie. ai suggestiens. AboLut 2Dlades.-ena, presenit. Nexi eeinglarc1,30oai "Roi bsinssday1 hvehad siace Cflta,,hx"s&id'T' RL. nîiL-ht net Lhe the _1!4ULUo5Uîp oy mr. Josipn iTlClar.' As gtated by one o! Our exleanges, the naw manalgement bas made geod, and SATURDAY NIGHT S laluacs y itsîfl a Canada Anv of our ees cant gsi a I.res sample copý, by sending al postal card ta; the publishlera, 26 Ada. lfiade Street West, Torentc. Ton ia a mental and ph% sical stitrnu- lart. It is an appetizeanad a refreshen of the spirits Ih l, recOaized by"' thýîe1 mostpromnentphysiclana te have iun- tnitive valus thri ug lis gluteon pad nit- rogen. Accrdine te Dr. Johni Coaly Letcsem, a noted mrecldal wnlter, ils1 staýiag pow,.ers and apelc fr repair- ing the bd' wastes are vern*y great, but aIl itbis is dpedet pon the tep. beionggrown a, a higb levtinand therefere of fins qualîit- , ard ibIs yen eau alwavs rel., upon orauig îe yout7r tea Li g itn l theIll n Sealed lead packets of the "Sala&da" Tea A good aqudience assý2-Iùemb ine4 luhe. Opera HouseGFia evenaug te bear: Prof.'W. A. Parka, ,f o!Frofto Uniavrl asy, on "The papt, pi eseli nd4tx0 of Cobalt," Miss Lena ilorun Aý ïas- ter Ellmer Elîjott eaeh gave aý welt ran.. deired piano solo pts au nto the prognam. Mr JsaElliot t B. A.. Principal of the 11gb Bchoo]. introduced tbe speaker in a few suitable words Prof. Parka intertsied bis audienlce for, an heur witbt a description of tha0 coutnye. its minerais, thein celer and value. thoinr rcont diseoveny, rapid' growtb of population, workzing of the mines and their value. His remanka, were made mucb mers îintenesting by the iillustrations thrown on the canvasa. -c4srý!diai--vo-4 te4ba-ks F3w-s feord-cd-1 PI 0 . ,Parasaîîh.ciosea ot ýbe lecture moqved îbv Mnr .,Cuhseýoadod by Rev. Willîfe ad harti13 tsndensed tbý th,inli c Prof Park'si-,a form- or- Bowmn. ijilo4Y, graiduaise!fthe' Higu ch ,aind itizons wero env pleaRsird t weloe hhlm tO bisnativre p la ce. L BOWAN IL5~MARKETS. ansFLoUa, e 100 ba....82 ()0 to $2 hlm WxuiEA T Fali, .bu.h.O 0 M 0 e, 30i Ç Spn 0 ()() 0 peas " RedIFi(c.....090 Gtr 0 Gos , O.0,0... rsral V BALI,~bus'-, No. i1..0Q 00t 0 1an2 2.0 0()'o 1ng" Il , ..000 o ad- , , Twerowd O00 0O ches ý1 ' 1 toe ......,,O 0 0 O TES. y F'u, 00' %Ne-et U RHA T"............OMO"0 bavePEAa Biakey, ~ uah.O 0Ote must îCndinBatisO0 'i u oplete Mnnmy t O0 00'Il10 Pricee ,, Sna O60 ee o builît 't Il e t 0O0O0n 0 5101 LOVER SEaU......7 00" tons c"H ?no'n 5a...... 0 M hlm IMXTTrE, beaitabla, , ~.-O0 0" juCe, ew4s, e d07 ..... ...-...0 00" O next ?eavou(S, e busýh new .. O 40" O Mr. J, Howard Perey, Toronto, spont 'Sunday at home. _Mist; Carrne Cherry, Toronto lvisivýfýt- ing hor mother, Mr, C. N'ýoise, Guelph, speýnt Sunday at Mr, J. J. Mason's. Mir. Thos. Ylolscle n old frlendH bore Monday. Sweet Oranges, Lernons and Malaga Grapes ut Thos. Tod's. A ni ce lot of weddlng cake broxýe4 at TixuSTTSMNoffice, Mr Johnà Cox,'Stettlier, At., vislted friendq osoe udy SSome blg clothing Snatps ust noiw, Ses The Matson Co'ýs advt. If you want a clip of good coffes y-ou ca'n get it ut Peter Murdoch's. Mr. John Spry' Bostojn.iMass., isI viiin is sisters, thie Misses Spry. Mïrs Ferguson. Neiw York, Is guest of tho Misses Moororaft, "Maple Gore". Sonie of the New Shirts and ties for S'pring are just recived by The Mason Co . Mrs. W. J. Clemens ls visitlng f[riends at ROa;smoulnt. Port Hope an othr places. See The Mason Co's advit for snaps. ibsy are selling winter gooýds awgy dow M r. Irwin Bragg Providencshas re- turned from a thres weks' visit lu Türi-Lnto, Egg-s are scarco. Caîl at murdOchs and get Grit oyster sheli .and Pratt's y Pouttry Food. y Twenty-five per cent off ail men's a and boys'Eovercoatsi at Couch, joh.fston &z CrydOrman'3. Z Ses the large i àsplaiyo! Ganong'ýs and Lowney's ebocolates in fanecy boxes Kt rhios. Tod's. Mlessrs fHubert igginubotham D Pattiueon and GeoW. James, Tloronto, Spent Sundav at home Von'tGfaU to seutrssomne of the bar- gais now pglnwD at Couch. Johnston& Crydernian's stocktaking sales. .mias Aunie Walkey, Lindsay, aind Miss Lizzle Allen, Newcastle, havýe beon -visiting at Mr. Arthurllardy's, Quenc st. F 2r per cent off ail Nmffs. Ru"ffr;aa Caiponnes and big reducti5w ns ail kinds of furs a ocJbso ýrvder-gan's. bas heen -visitlng his cousin MIr, W. J. Fragg, Pr-ovidence, and other relatives, n this vicinity. TI Mrs. Arnott, Dar'ingford, Nlanïtoba, WhO 14 on a visît toe nal after anl abssnce (oi 24 years-, is -uest of Mrs. T. IXLagnad Concession St. 1- Bownianville hais long been knowa as a very healthy town. Now thsv are tarting a sanitariurn for sick people, from, less healtby places Our' air, wvater and soclety, are al] wholesome. i4ave you badt your photo taken at Jia3 s' studio? Ho is stili very busy but there is no b6tter time than the present. Yoit will want somo photos for Easter gitus and its only about six Ti Veeks distanjt, so corne and brnngt he 2bi!drexx and1 voixwill 1>0 pleased_ with his -work, Now, is the time, Dont negl ct havirig it done. Ladýy Cornelia CtrewiIauin e ,e-l f eboog ç'ith lier house party.c ppf yebm l After a gcssippe wihuerrelativýe Lady Tecizie ye comi-panie -will irepare yourselves for, ye nextie thî-yng(:e ye mlaya seec or hear what so ever it may be Lady Crabtree will noùw give- greetiigs to výe village maidlens who, 3inge songes, speakpics and playe on ye hai-psicorde. Lady Teazle, LFady Cranford, Sir Benjamin Baekbite, Sir Peter- reazIe, Sir Oliver Galahaýd, Litdy IearweIl. Jersusha Scoopwell, Miranida flightones,A)leviator A do, Spright- [y Run-well, Skyscraper Smallweed, Cryterion r beid eid Iigh'fiyer, Alton a Lowtones, Dingly Dongbell, Hfon. Ms Candeur, Klizabeth) Squealer, Ketura ïtSpniggins, Harpsicorder Pounderella Schneider. Ye village choir wvil synge again froin Cantata Ruthe. Old Folk'sConcert Tuesday, Maroh 5th, Whenà the laie'of the Methodist Churcli get Up ar entertain. metit is wýorthly of patronage For some lime they have been pïan- nig an unique featu-re for the public and 110w anuc it to take place ini the Opera House, BowriaDville, on Tuesday Mareh h VE WISE PART. L. Ye, Vîillage Chtoirll îig From Caantata Ruthle by 'J.A. Butterfield il ' A Spoke piece The Minuet -By littie Caraminta1 Rosebudde III.i Pat Pice y ye tiviner Col., Ichabod Trywell IV. I'io ic By ye iertne Syngers V. Hl part Worldli11-e Songe Perseveprance iPrimfrose Erastus Whissletree VI. A Teil over Tale The Buildin)g of St Sophia Bly J or mayhlapl of ye womennle, -VII A Higli Ionyd Songe By Dame Prudence Good-womnan (She that was a Nighitingale) VIjII'. Mehitabj'éusleb kwill now appear, if she be sorninded VIX. Ye Womenne syn-gers w'ill now wor-k in ye kitchen-ý to the soýunde Ye syngers will no w rest, inasmuich as they surelie need to re-obtain ys breathas & those of ye youngue men-ne fhoieire to goe home wi ye yOunge wymnenne can have thYs chancee to mae e eefu îragerric-ts YE FOOLISH PART. Arvxn YE MENNE AND WVYMENNR ARE RESTED. L, MORRIS & SON, Y eenue and ye womelnne in ye companie who) have good lungs - , Vill 0WjuinSgrgI Ppa o!Hal opns i Miehil' drug store, Tlhnnsday Feb. 28, at 10 azm Ir TTflI'ý _________TH VÂANSTONF,-CAwKE-At ibe resl&'eu.e of ithe j mL1's ij1I6 o Lcxommence at i1 brido's parentsi, on enédaFebriary 11h,% 'clc0 . Ses62large buis J AM by Rev. W7. Jollitfe, Mr. Freeik.vutn, Bsrp uc"iieeen, ees, son aof the laie J. C Vaustone, and Mi AlIve May Cawýker, eldesý i dangbter of Mr. Ô' URSDY, Fb. '28.-Mn Daniel Hay es, M. Cawker, both c' ofBawmautville, lot, 29, con. !, 'Mill Street spnth, NoPw- COL-POWER-Ifl Flasi Witb by Eev 'C. cash,,will So111by public aMi"ion bis Adamtis. eb iNh r, iFraiik A Cole, Taranite, farm stock,. cfampïlsiag lherses, Dr and Miss I. A. POwers, Duubus BRÂBROK-E1wausIn shaaFeb il, hmy and grade caille, hoga,; etc , im by Bey. ID. Mibel, M. A., AibrB aybraok cnlatni, tbresbling OUlfit, furnitun(3e anid Rase EdIwarts, bath Of Oshawa. ec. Sale at 1 p m. Sspoute3ns Soncnm,-Ira Ty,ýrnel,e. 21,MryDlnTHURSDAY, M1areh 7-Mni. Ezra 1Banna- relici or the ulaieJames Suiaged 1;3 years. wii selon lot, 19, con. 7, Darlinglon, FuealTurly at 1.>30 p. m. ta Bawlmn-. bis fanm stock, iplemenîs.iet. sala Aaana-.n awmuvli, cb251, ar a ip.rnm Se1 bIs L A. W, TOLE Flinan,, 1 0,, late William Armour f ctenr Cv ai , (Îed 4 vyInrS. Aimý2rlo.N, lu 0,-ana . 24tb, arry, son 0f C.cG. Amtrn, g 6years.« bis 77tb year, taweagd78years8. v- n2 Br s-îtRsi Wbiiby, Febr1uariy P, Jamles B ri s5- cks, ii bis S82nd ycear. F,4,tm-1u osbawf, I"eb. 12, Thas. Ja mes Fair, hiihis î4tb yea4-. To-0 kereorn for sing sj-ý-tocký ifSr -i Es I ltby, Ftb. 2, WilliamlR. coriag,ý we will seti ail etesand R~s~~ eatridyFb 2,Jbnbg ieslastock ai sacrifice prices. Rne,~gd ~ eae.We have the follo0wing: MilLreeOnTuesday, 1"2b, l!), Williai MoCuî., iawanvile inbi TZul ear m2 Barrie Top BuggiesneW, Lpiano bx BOTaEL-InBawa !îi'&F). 2n, jamrisaRubben Tfins Covered Buggýy, neanIy sotitreli, aged St4years. i ew. Oke, ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 agd ,7er. tee1l'Tire CoveredBugges ecn NEW ASTE.han.d, la good order. Open Bug,,gy vrcly stroing for S$10 QO Miss Drnrnrnilonid 1:ahome,. Mi8ssChaniite .Rose bhm b6ea i, Msn.Joli & Son put in ovan 1000 P.eading Club meets aM Miss Annie Gnose's tibis week. Mrs Frank Evans i la tffeing from musenian rhe6umatîsým. Mn, Jame's Moffatt, Port Hope, was ln the vfiage recenitly. Mra. Wiiam Lockbart and NMisaOlive Thorne ans vlsiting iu Toronto. The danicing lasa met at Mis" Ehý- beekis"The Wiliows" Saturdav. Mn.Barnea and lîtIe da.ughter and Mr. aud mrs. ByVans hLave h4d l grippa 2 Cuitera, new u-o4t Citer, second band, ila god onder. Light Wagon, sriebeng Will salli ans' etthose ati a big ne- duciion anid wiii gi-ve eredit t ctogh. Iresponsibie parties. Wm. iEdgar, Manager ~ys1i -1vdi-Lm ums,~-ssuti1 ---o V - W W '1 Oolonist Rates Sau Franeise.......... leos Ane............... 'MexieD ctv .............. Ogden and Sait Lake. 1b..... Denver_................... Fhe Home Furnishers Bowmnaavisle and Orono.c Phone 10. F,,unen!a Our Pebruary and Ref1mnant Sale A Great .1Success OurWhte-ea l the finsi we hiave ever shown, conipris- Ing-Corset Covers, Daes krts, NIght Gowns, an-d Waists. ..F4ur BEargeains... 1 ouliýy Fur Colret cr--ian Lamb and Soal re%' 012.00G for 68.75 1 only " " " ' "BakOC)11 m rex. $1. 00 for 68'25. 1 enlV Pur (Capenine Biack Opssu rg.610,001for $7 25 Cholce of Fur Scarfs an md Rffa nulan1200fOr......$0 " " " 610 0for........7.50) SALS A FI, ýMUF1ES1 AT ACUT tIJAL COST -ee Ladies'gý Taîlor-mnade Skirts. " 2 75.$ -! " 350. ' .. -2. 75 5.400, " ,,$9 3 doz. Ladies' R&é Satýeon 'kirta apecial reg. 612,5 spie 9 ..Ladie' Coat Bargains. Our grea l eaniï. Salýe oof hing for Meu ndBoys w1ll Remnants o! overy defenîption at slauýgbler prices., N-,ext door 10SadrdLak Owaaiiville. Haddy's Ideal Tea; Our ewn blend oe!Indi-an and Ceylon Te-al, a 9 delicjouýs tea at a lwpis * Black, Green anid Mxed * lu J b. and i lb, packages. Marmalade Oranges. o ~~Bitter and sweet oraniges formrmld * ~~ Use of Orange Slicer if Desired f * CHINA r A ll HN * HALL r.I1.ul-I RHALL O*R, au.9OOoO@,, î Our stock comprises ali l hes of useful and decorative furuiture, 'in the different grades, There is nothing made that we cannot su-pply you with, and our prices are as Iow as the low- est. Niew designs constantly arriving5, S-ee our Store Wîndawma A',DRAWIN'G ROOM SCENE: -r ýfinp WH ýýp.,Pûnd flaqqi