*b-eautif-u i Wo en Reiy Upon Newbro's Pilar Morin, tho srkulvbos.utifui Parisien aCtrsse, o! whom Ameven'!inas eing theatricai manager sa-, 8,"! coursider hon the groateeBt acCrois lu ber lino lu ail theý world, witos as filo1"we about Newro' e'e trpieido- "'"islite mOst dclight/'d hair diressrngel,.9tja us ,,ver corne b tmy nolibe. I rvet itehir.from faUng out, does awray it dnduindgives lte haira Tlhe ladct haýt adn Paian umnpfrNO- essentiel ta e beaut'iful 'ace aPs is týhefýremearounndta- ueautiufl pcue Nature dues not permit overy %wome.u to haVý agrjat or unusuRI aun aéo i air, but everv wumnan wbo ha-s rofasonebir goti balthMay have boatit ain rii sho will give it some cAran sd att6ontieti. First of ail siho muzt cntatystive lu keopiU fnoe ,rom the invisible vgeabegruwtb (thé deudrufl gonni) îClhat cause3s dulil, bnittle and lustonis bain, withlatoýr, dýauidruff, itcabin cap sud fling bair The only relatiwremeidy for hi prpose is f-N-7,wbro'e lrpedo. the originl nen,3odýy that "kiIîs the daudruf gm"laaddition te its germ descn.oing power, il l thé meýttexquisito hein dmnsiugluthe -wonia for n ewo l TRUE BEAUTY TEST FOR WOMEN, due bgl te ntllget seofHojrpýûildelusecrt sd waB ob hequic-kiy your fricftde w'viii ra tle oimupro veýMent 'luvrba. Ilerpilde cotains 0 greae. It ilI n t stin or dye. Stop& itChing ofscp. nd10.0 ins p t epiiecoý,,Dept.L -, WnsoOnt.for Samplei. Two Sizes: 50e1ý and $1,00 tot &JirysSpeeial Agents, BowmaviUe ViMore Mss Leurs Ho- anth et En- field., .Mr ad Mme Bobi,Rehden, >tteion LvéntoDetietryOffinýce ta mn, ,W. then.Mr-. WIl Mrtiin, Nurth Bay, Cc.Hou 12C.n n us, OMeý,19T ~ !~lIl.Iand Mns J-no, UH and Ellis, Eufield. __________________________ M~. e~. lar iradMis Eb aud Luth, LaTiton. et Mr, A, L.- fl~I.. f~ D~. ce~s,.,MrOUbaka nd miiy- Cotb ourses of Stu4y. toit l n besasid experlenci' !Toeg3achr ;GtinscuÊirÀngposjitions for radiistes. Have11ouread our ctlo 3? x. plains our mcthiods. e tbo r o dde'e whicdh ishoolM uwi ted WinerTrm ow peu vton wiil be vlom.Enter an- time W,H.sUAWI, Prnciý l The Next Is Spr~ng~ eu utiil.not siomy matbe writlen., Tti uwill neod boo a ot, adsand Card Abre Yuare sur u ced ilyma Boo, iblsFan,,ChaOr thrfaney goudc. ane..Mr' GW JmsTr n u t r ng &t Mr, F, A. Cq1e"' 35 9Ulster St C apt W. O, Frank, Maple Grove, 1preacbed &11 -dt d dSunday _ . ,solina Ui)îsion will visit Enrfield Division Thrsaynght. .Mea, -S. Thomp- son has rotnrnod to this villa,6 again from Trno -Hormany triends bero e"xteud hoartft ympathy iii the recenüt ls 1 eheF41 bail 8ntaied la the deatb OUf by rad an Iod or bot6tn yeare in anitonbofregoinigto Toronto Utart diseaseo fLlowed by dropsy was the causeaoA death...., Mrs, A, L. Pas-. eue hmba - rippe.....- Mrs. R. C, Scott! NId Mrs.B Seesat Toronto,,, Mr. W' 1ZPasoîue bas had neuralg-ia, Newt We ,are- specialielst You)I arecsre"fpet- Attend Ezn a Hnna' sleetEni killen Tbursd-ay Matrcb A numaber of Salo Leaur visitod bore Weduesday ovening alld gave a bi hiy ictive andi velI rendced preof 0an vbli c vas vermo apo nuls, Fniday oveniuig andi report at good tino,,... Severai fron bore attendeti a party gavMl5WFM,53t0f10onTceWermy, Bthosda, Thursday evoniug. M ýbies Graco Trewin, Bwmu iiie lejét etMJ. , Slemcq'e. ulp wasté" force, makeýs ptnong nerves andi mauscle. Ynylreýalize! fteo takling UQlliste's Roc!ky Mouintain Tee wbat a wondenful baune9t It wili ho t yeu. -35 cents, Tee or TabLt, stott sud Jury. L. O. L, No. 91, re making arrange- ments for a big ime about t hi eto March, Boy, 'Mr. Nallis, PrtHpeF and Rey. S, F, Dixon, Tyronej, wilIde'- livor addlresses.. - .Rov, NMrPotte I now est ablisbod on the Preshytýerin Walle, uur toher, gave an. exce6llent Tomporauce rnading at League... r. and Mrs, Chas. Blhch,CreveSs, Qautrill. A party of youing ,peuple PatorousBt ue,. r.Wes Fne Peterboro. visiteàbs fath3er, Mr.Johnî ofinieyev of Kldroy1;leoaso t r DrneIBron, ngli Rier, nt. w rit:- ortre eadi sured fomî urinary troub--iýles, artakini f henaur of stne i thebiad er, , gavl, md be desribd a nal od fo rk gan ýBLAÙÉST0OK. A slniseeotcnlcueon "Ton Nghbte lu a e Barroon" was girokn lu Clth etodetcburcb Wodnes- day eveuilgby 11ev. W. HE. Cine, o! Port Perry,..... Abuni' baby bey cane te hi me o! W. E. Bnadbumnfl. poun popular tailon, Tbursay rnlght.,, - .ev Mn. Klddba assuned charge of St. Jebn's cbu1rcb.....A qieit weddingI îek laceou Teeday Feb 12,l te Methodiet parsouago,thcorcig ls Idn Co viii, &Meipose.ï, Che vituoe- es,; Mn' Gw CuwiandYMIsS Liliy Treoe(r, of the same place, he ceremony 1wae 3p)Ore by ?.R. . A.- Daloie, cousin Qi0,the grom.OuWod- nlesday tbhapp pair pueddto Danih-aýýkon, Osha-wa, and othen points w e peud thé euermymuuu. "Their many fiende vii loin lIwsn ngthon oeveny -jov sud b lpnes lthoir nov relation- Pthip thâruugàilWe Attoýnti Emra Hanna's ferm stock sale Thauneday Manrh 7. Mn. W. A.MrÉin, North Bey, spont Suuda et M. A.Tmnouth's. . - Mn, fE Hatî3ge visitad fnionde lu Toronto. "M Mn John usegeti 91 years, whioso death occired Fridey, came tu Canada lu 1850. Iu 1840 ho mannlod ?b.illipa B3 lAndrcw wbu prodeceasel i »m il yi3ars agu. Hjie ire:t -wo yeers lu Canada vereý sPent i owuuyll. M ve te Sýoliïïa and afterwards lu Hampton abot t3' yearsagO. fHo--leaves te oru bis lue seveus--J ose3ph et Calgary,1 Wiat BleilFrank aI Hensail, C. N., et-Hampton, Saïmuel at Greena Castie, Pa , Chas. &andLewýis, Torouto; and five daughtes-Mrs. G Kerslake, Mirs. M. B3, Cryderman, Hamnpton; Mrs. W. L Mason, Oshawa, Mns. T. f. Clarke, Darliingford, Mari.; Agues aI Cebourg Mr. R-7use vas up Wu the last year a grecat raelýè and for a -man o! bis age, weil posted iu current events H1s ie nrel l the, H amp. it o m C emeter y Sund(ay aflerneon u SAVED EBAB'S PLIFE. J -Canad vhe do Dotus ltetilwafli lug that I béeve that Bby0-;nu Tablelosciaa2ed iuy 11111e giri111We, Fn ou thé me My I11111e girl as hre moîeold iee nled alil tlE3 witb Indigetion.8h. vas rfiailnd puuy; ber food i did bei negood, sud 1I vas lltorally wvoru ent takIng cane ohbr, Thcé doctor treNted ber ton aume lim, sud final7 btld um hé oold do 0ne) amr foýr ber, and ve did not expect shle oldgel bélIer. If. vagzs hn Ileanu- ed o! Baby'e COvu Tablele sud decided tu try' then, Belon. Ihad given hem a tiox ol thé Taýbiete tho n as a gréa îrmrovemeut. Hem digestion waa muob lh Mproved, sud 1b»erbovels, vbioh bad been tennlIblyoositduvd re3gulaniy. Froni Cha t lme ehe began tu tbnive splendiýdly, sud ib now s beBltby a chlld m85 700 coiild vib l %,30. We are nov neyr vîtôntRabox o!, thé Tablete lu tehé buse. Ba44% Owu Tablets wll peomplly cire al thé minon alimente,,o! babieýs sud yuuuDg cildnIen, sud thé muCher bas the guarý- ýaIo!Goenm n8 nayaî IthetIi mediclue ctains ýnDoopîaCe on hanmfnIl dnîUg. Sold by mli médicine dealeI6ronD by mail et '25 cents ae'box fmon Thé Dr .WWlliam3e'Mdcu . Bvkvi Ont. ENMSKILLEN. tend Ezna Hauna'es uaiI n 3, Tbunsdlay March 7, ~wrhLeague social StI, lstn in g was a decidd ucceýse the pro- ni being p;very muchappriat--R87 i Emery's addness, Ihe Glee CluL oysters, Proceeds a... eT. wdro -attoudect the -Antýi-Bar R-0o FRIENOS TELL FRIENDS- 1"NOTHINO LIKE PE-RDU Mro, A Laigh w"ae lu ;té cty lest Mr. Charles MIL1.er, Toronto, wa home Sunday week. Misa Ellma Dobson le vieitli2g lu Osh- awa. MissaCaerfe Gould, Toronto, le guaat at mr, 'J a Honeyea, A IoRad o Young peuple huom Provi- dence výited thé ink Wedooaday eve- ding. Mýr. Biako Edwarde, Coî1borne, le via ffing hilcnocle, MNI. Léi Edwerde. M.fGeo'crge Mor(tgan bas gope to Mlilwauikee, WWe.,uroeaide )with ber 51r. C J Hoýgheuon lEîbelking o! build-. Iug 3 Iront Pond on hie proemisse next Mr. James 6 CmbPo coe vieited bis îbrother, bMr, Thomée Ma- Comb, Mr. Dav-lidStevenes ad son J ohn, o4 Maipo3a towneahip, vlited frIende hern. Mr, and Mn. ýNeil RnikTrno wene gueste etMr. Herbent Renwl4ck's. Mnr. Brand' o! st. cathànines' visited hIe Collin. iss iîBrnd. Miss Nava M Smkith attended the Convnsazque t WhtbyLadisa' Coiý- toge, Mn. aýnd MZ3. Richard Hlookin have retzirned froni a five waek's vieit with fniende Iu Mariposa, Toronto end Oeh- awa. Mn.. Thomas snowdeu, o! MonýricQk- vitei.waiting qon ber ïmothe, , f Rohbert Oabswboe needRiouy M1. Mr. and Mn,. G H Lintoanaed daughler, AMies Evt, Bvnnile, vis- lIed ab, Mr, J 1C Hioney'e. MNfre. AHenry vieýite-d fr1qýIonde l Oeh M.W.Beaconi hue runeî ho Haliet cottage, Mise Cors Tuce olfi Sauday for the bospitai, KingatDîto e hve hur foot operatod on, M . Flerb Ridge ran hiei foot egant a forl£, one o! tho pointe o1taeniugi fout le l i i~?thst 1Lh ha'c'O q crutche roz Daew daye Mrns, Brghtwoli, who val enly s focated vith gas at ileh. aMe bliMe as ber aliter, Mr. Ri1Çveil, vith ;âw hab vai Ilving bore, bai wvas thoughrto have rooverod !nom tho fet4vn to honr hu3me lu Newtonvilie, Stna aud died ÎTUeeday mninig. Oui of thé .best te0par ance discour- ses beard here foi 2munie Clme vas de iivered Sundey evenlng lu the Metho- diet. church by Ré0 . R, Ciare,MI- '0 oo0ik short tmeac dnae folwdby Msne .Knoo,GiINM Lon sd R Moew fe hlcb eâ vote, byeshow o na, weas taken en- doreing the actioaneo! theý executiVe In petiion'nig éaie 1tfthe ythe*if' claue o th Lo a ption Ad. VaieuOftue M dayE,uheat bntayG long lielu ,11Che commuity. Mn, suda" Mrg. Chapjan vere -echpïeniFs of o by ani rhlv sd inondà e oLïth iocaily. An faddrees vwas rad to Mn andÈrE Mn, Qbpmsn by M1i Lily ap mauaughen o rMn.Jusepfh Chapwan. IKInby. An appropniate reýp-y vas nidsà b)Y Mn, Isaseo hpman, Sr, ubhi o! bianseif sud viLe, aftery -bicb iromn thé phonograpb',&o, vfýeýIe ndl. ed lu.Refrehmieuts % cvdt Telle Eveary One boutPe-ru-na. Mrs. R. T. 'eanessey, Boýend Bok &..T J. itesý: "I ha~o tken 'erua ad find it a very good nmedicine. After I1took ouae botie f Frnu, Iwais cu-red of?.oly cold.Icauthptelneeron kuo-w about Peruna andes.ui the[t try it. I1 udlieee n okuow th 9 ooc Ib o Per ci dousY une who jLu n e!o t.I ae en I akyou flor wihat you lbayedoé. Mm.John H1aynes, 107 E. MMunSt., Ou1lumbua, Obloý-, writes: "Puor over two year-ks -I suffered wltb headahes ntI oeeins ) inimy lhead, ani il thesýe toyears my friendej 'lntali y ona0fmy ncighos stnu iliste.d ron my tkngi. f riedit nad u3ne "Qae eun, SLASHING Nash, clownror three I pnemone atihail gotteri er whio' I dCI, at t son f ound it 9b Ior dinuMy 1Uf0e11 spreadï-ing the od ey Po.J. Ivison, deolerlu m merhedi~,box C13, Orub Mdl, 'wites ý Ilis uowfye m3ýn-enthe incs notw*oably, 8h. e je now lu go>êý W.e neyer Cire cf makong tâ known ux =ca.y fnienda." cng dromna généam mdoruw3wéoI Ot heeflyto 1:trednu lyz« 2Ï:Wcfmlane me INTEBP e e e Fi,fty -Cent Undqrw@er, leed iod Vor Wol, a 5,0 C urlCap, blacr or grey. Also pe,"akcae your -choicg for 15,ý Pe. cas, Boy's or M9>t.'s', 2,5 per cent. ff ~o~,a Cod.uioy V~taex val at $1,25 for $1, Bo-,ys and SBmailleusodd Vests, 3,2ta 36i", worth $I for 50îe, Furoatz and Fur Iined Coat"3, we e a >snap. NoDt rmny Wef, but the pnices ar8 away down. Men s ad Bo's ver5-cOats a"bout n pic to ciear, Beninants of (Oarpetsan lnoe sat lesa than cost.- DoAnake any mistake, a great chance to savemoneoy. IRemnants ,of Prinfts; Shaker Unens,, Emroieis Laces, etc, You eau get them at aot h aif their valuie, to clear thEmýn, Ladie Coats At hW rice; altooa few fgillý's coats B cyp'aum î X ey adut!.v W sold more on Sauraylatthan we sneie elon a Satrdy n pni o MyThe 5reasonis lthei ~rice, Whepople look ail through the toýwn-, they almost always bhuy her,,e, I ok ed that way ion Satuirday. Id' Coati in MJsai-d Boy's, ut hall' regular Price Goo trimed oatsforBosUpt 28&fr 7.3c,,; up to 23, for $1,25, M~us Cats$1,0;thes,ýe are snaps. IX INTfO 3SMVALL MEABSUi!,E DUE _TO 5THWEF GSIVNROUrý ORIlJ IK-y ÏNRIl B e, *. eG-O-O-D-S. -'i igr's - . --rlanlouucu- ZUU---M»-lb4 1