AcocI)ig te bce rontppared byUSnient et bbcnaval (sbicalpes fcr1P7, 11c îîîîealprdts ef" OuInfaie forleal Thitcdcs ut onxi fatrehOuSe meaiehoIds; there ta acmo-es i!l'a ml l fi i)ae h îccsrciî f bcîte etie If the etlu(rlon or She moýnï o r ~ee- 90 rpiesucedo tta vlu i sîîs îîIng fic omig Ilcr, weld emnshouw a tcneucyte ha o[ theiîr n~,2,0, as eonip i apx 1h c78om 6cicisefcasr uo Ii dfnerbdý,"If iShoy bgateuoefistheir lc 195.TIs 1 sb uaedoJ Ie a w ncelc aIe et cec ,cucern-cstm cli oId hatoed up itl itha Ilirnu- cffueicieai cil1'Ini n sicclhy l aI T ; Ic huTI, uex onî e- ls's toei vil vi nraethe secre- icx Lioa.7î ie aie0 IeIn.ebiibjcf$)500oanf [l iens oe fiShed etract. A toniemod mudalccuptxa 131912an fhs er fheAdiriy a sxi igrt h temalcl li S reotrqctjv- flc nicmeaic 9.4204. icucos hcldelx c c ul ;sin uîd cl îc tyan uceaethe isec et-alln(ef th jicolcca igiuîsi uii 1w f ic a l [ lic 1 "'xaciiIlý!ie Icasa poxx-rsisrecli poshas from She fd - remad(1y mcýIeblic gîeu1p a1e1 lieseCf ucr scii tT1e,2 vîfnîce 1c'elrg hihwli do, this i laoo w hL as - . îniione ve~el cf licDreoueulîtoed Thne lest Of pulie pprvafor [xx s $.170,2, iîcke, $81,45; CppCr typ Oic fat uîaricoreacruier iuuly forty years, and conitauns ne aico ~30,55 ; igmci, $'i,72. I ble cî-~'u cb ct dsir~ mctxxcl" lro o:laior narc.oties. WLoert r.Pir& nou0nclltce ees f auspr-hcl cittvcv umnii- is'a- oldlen adcab; cveyIt eu l dcstrc~ci--, cveucteceterped xvonlc 13699 lss traiin'105.Thelxx I0c sucîaiil. Tcecli tsrcfreni the bed o'iplt cfIfliine5 aI Cohof or ieii eu ciafbl meduc lio c ee A MiAINONNT,'5M yeau ofas osSilver, 5,35783ofcIlces, xs rflii 1;nikl, 150bou, a2dParreia ,s -c s il 196-7 Lod fv-educcuhliment et the bleci and nervous force i Luh Ie cc f 9i0teiobl cIcpcoiîieiti p entc sliiug îîce of hu iu aea iterotive elxtrac ca etii.Iegn.c- f h ci oiIof native ro l, ade xitiout Ithe use af icspîecue 800.6 cnese sscu aîe t aI cr aceo, ikD.Pie-ree's Gole eia 245 tuis c icieel, acd 1,19 tos et isceeryPrli. , eesale edicne ausucc.Vonbb liroe ia,t ucacoed icu- 'I'Of MSYATAL ACIENS. caxýes tho(dige(stive buncttens and lilpis stîlucucîsuccluce-eîncîs î-eeixeilitte or ie-intissmaiofodrrather takeis rctcncbu bce ae i fm tcd 1 ha Alcaivîýlof etIlle VProN ui Aumlhriiefrernfile food Jus, the nutrinent the xxsuli 15079, 13,67,oîc 23,96,ne-Calld l Caes.bieod reires ami li dl. jAlong 'witli its ulse iee sh(anld tako Veloîiigis lcea f, r abl tnctlm nr- -Adeta h ur flsoso- ITe -xrcýise lu the outdioIor air, get aIl one dîi.Il rssvie s$312,28 rquue c ooeienso'Ciudincnof Gd' uldight and air; practice fiou xhilîb23,00 fic vauinec 'l o alxasdinîiîg llie pi- sot xàctr eln oeep breathuiug exorcise every day. tou etOuaîîo i-oa diite io1 'ènanscd l 5loitapasl i ue o-This "alclDiscovery" gtves 110 biseý $t3,179,162. ledIc DomuîcuiaiwyCouîssoî îcoî olr a lilpadigesti Gold oncce..........3,19 5974lcctncl ite sliit tw casshtefixe cidthe assimilati(llonfetsncbelemients in ue, uncs....37, 1,5309 fuccy Genu-atelft Ontcio andlu IseI h food as are reuired fer She Il (cf itbîcis..........12 3.81 siîciac ase tetic ttancyGenraiof nlîe a ced hvrof!, aganst whlIc Ni-ieb bus.......1,92 83,19Qufîe chhngofcctcntete iaur lie araysniiesealv ill declara fliper.mas--------540 98.48 f Ie acidmîl. sbmitin evdene rIl îothis o ias aILiyu t.a.........................93,SCO [1wiiluloyiohadsisetr I0f Oddi- oilupen the sensive stomali ad frou Oetos......18,99 30,02 eul, ndasin lceAteuues-euerl ivH the b1le od the food celments theo Zii r..ns-------.0.600 cInxci oviw etafa cinin tient by ecabllig liiiiite eat, retain, digestA 5'ILie nîpt c lie icuxmefaliegrop pecedigs gaisiIllelice pailes nenalw n asaimiatetritieus foed. t over- Arecnbus......,9......soiiiefrfi o is t ia hi selit, msngatr1irritability andsypeu Brik, einnou, N. 30,00 00 2,c7,00 cses Tu AborîeyGcnm-a cfQueecof indcigesýtion, 4ard, lu this way, lever, 'lmeduahi, uiN..1,c,00 250 akscorundeiclinomctinuead-ngh-swùatsheahs, etc., arecdioue Bric, posscl.Ne.39,OfiOO 3775 iif'eui etthi raes ubuiitedandnsi- way wtu Dopoiî, a.3,0,00 4,00tfd ruiua rccdng nbb ie1 r Pec'(AGoden Moica)iscoývery-; iluIibd(illg anî rcu ae tl sed neecioti tuas ycf putrifies the biodand entirlyedcas cd scuc................00,00 l",c î\ 1hybbcatfermey -(;"lneî-l cf, 1the pimos tAt breed and fecd disee CuIolitî cu-ide, [cii- 200 0,0ofus-oucrdinp ng" ose sbu ,edLt hs cues acrbul eczmayipelas, Canuil IPu-f ilihîs I e-5Si 2ýls1 ilt/ î f-r is cn drai . 'lic cuuuî'd Ilu, bous, pinmples, aud iother eut~sthat lx iii.,aual rds elit inspecter t IC îu icInto lice i4-- mar and scar the, akin. Puro blood la lihs............8,53 ,00 cect ala acidetsin île I:ieinty af oiessentiai te good hielh.The lveal,*, run- Corucduuc fois .. 2,9114 262.441Gulpi, îîdauc nf isi crslecx,- dowI, debuliSa ted Conditionxvlic se Manly Feicna, us.....133 4389OIiiucjlicbrlceîî ril ;aîîd tbc endfinupeopie expeýrlauce is commrtonly the effeet Gi-ohcif, c.....1,72 îsuoocf YHie &Mer rais nin thf îcaîif. etImpure bluood. Dr.Picrlc's Golde Gypsu.'nu, fus......,6 665- -1- -- Medicaýl Discoveýlry 1net oily cleanisesthe trou yis o us ., 11.095 40,5s3 iîO5ýTO GCET l FREE FAR-' 1-0S bl00o f imipurities, buit iIincrea'ses Sheý' b.iee, bshes......,835000 490,85 ctivity et the lo-mkn glandsi,, anid Mctu..............355 6 0i1 t ercsthe body witi au abondant Nuiuigs............ 3346 oo PrjttrAlrmig eed suipply of pure. ricli blood. Peffullfus......30 00îolwyLaoerjA coulsideratten oft lirs lImportance lu PtecmUn, lap1141Adeputeifrem Otfaxxv as ulIedecidffing yhat imedicine ote aliefor the gaiocu........9,98,32161,54iDlcaîu:[ola (Ilthe Inforior lhas iiuusu- care Of Wood or satamach disorders la as to Polc-y6,00 eli mirale igený,ts lu ri.ope le,,iifs 1 Tllm ssmue'sa. Quuo-~ztcuc 3.80 3,86 uîokes1ueiai effors o iunu" icîcig )r. Piercei.s frank and open wlhthe altn. ...........5,f43778 iî li ere Ilalsuibahiefor mil pauie ole tIss mat Whotcscntabid co-sen pu0500 x ycosf-chnihr.Cn rcuI;rslui111Dr. Piere's GlenMed(ical Disceycry . ...oi ..25..3 net d'rtig a Irefne so leQ-e' root, Stonre root, Bilack Cherry- - - - ra2Jý,Is:o[ rul'atucdciln alnio -c brlBodro, anrkeadpure triple- Ie groatIlilIeîd off emcd inlux andafe- ni- rln glycerine.CeerigGdn Orlim- MWloque Coacu-nce Ucmm u mbuubdiiSouduaia e-wthÉ.JhnIn. Scudder who so;)ýya, Ou' 1~CC luin, Demarkaccdofhuu Euccî aux I stuates tue dligcsixaprecesses, NetForld cnun-csHIfi, xcde lua he ecilaud tcra hseIaasim ofin tfood. A c 1 ;.tbIlu'Ic]ilc adensac sA soe 'heefrs ovhcguid iii ilI'fo By these mens ic bfeood il-,ncl ed, 7ýandL ______________________________j u-cfl eluiuloe mmirauo u Iass thîsIblout bef d tha uusulr ystclà7. I sugenîn- ecdd inCau'la ou he cexfI ctien tbeiuiscualar sysenuhcuse i fcsx yeucrc. believe t usSfe uLlillthe incaseIos umparted by 1Ahonsucqimulfo 0 ucae ~I ~ r n j nilisIlon tho nar-vens !lýanýd gadlrsseaare, - Tes'iuicumy leai pc-ehu b'nra eiunihefnatura resnutts oo' Irlto-otseea fe.ouh si- ad su-b1 eatth derc Poor Tnp iil sbruu111d('ii sbai xx lcinibcl~ el otc hitci TREE SEEDL fur YougFlksGAME. AND F Johny efia abi etbrnging hm niPo rtant NewT [ stay ad olornIdlgs. The moreý-ýth G c !)i- usd.ugyad usa d"v I mm Ie xcicpm 1theco bettr. Te ol wodhoue wa the11o I~ stftbdo hike a r Deguicar hos-rgHm therîli ýfrotfo îsi Port cf tus lau was go,1 cn 'd oh ny u ceL i h O lro elfauc o ccd Ihat lueIIadbe(I uali oriix x cc- Wdiso feron b Hn i d~nil, or lies hw a l;f -Iii; L ei gh -aui1lta1S îe lc f h n Il un g night oxr him. ilr.iJohiiy bi ai rtcin otaf b n il c a supise:d.JcIli l)r.y cnd a Il l ho fam il y ad oeýer ar ut terdt h . One fthe ws tel;1ie down andI" li Amena klc ololtimportal chandl cet xvitîon pa W bedi p e(i oe. rlite nalmn o1[10,):vngcls snuff; c l cud vtura. a iomer\u('t11 Nv.2fte ct 1, bf dy icIluIsie fi I;a tt l ace xxiIiý tîere a ii l , ifofirels, bttc e. 15 an Set 15 fritacd elnsgrxvinabodnc. ne o Wldtukysblv Tc e.i p Oran~da had alien everal"patiets' 'lfandNo. ; xvnsorgeso btxc Ce duny nt cth s " t ùhndogs , u îy1an et ;du -c I inds only n" led ben c enyservce. o r n oler1)acfxlbbwetDc Ai despoL ci fi-ie Sbrat l scy l Ns , jI, ws bc rl~n iuttoux cx- penienrd hyPaisly Buo hoers 0f L- con onThnsdy a ico. Xl,ie flic w-cuael a i ii, he ls sdiin xsere bcing shIpje le inanac a sp i feglf elhd fpesuie then N.5 Js ie iclanlo Fe lhe purgose iof iadig firmmsiti 11- 1 Uiuijjjgau uc ud-ii chanes md hixs-scf te'hifninmou licc e o ot yii Olno ecn :1,11pt. 'fi ami lpuiaýcau-iyte plnt-1,1x o,1ccndIr iod lu o illl xssc ildor, utin l i vad<ef limean whh iesi(f-y1, suce fu l iGhil A, îy rcy o-gavîyipt, il i mrnggie.iýi sxs Iaplan ,pu-hn c a I nt(1,If, FIlucahI-,If mlxsil' À aparmî t1), c b u - l i i 11Ure ge' lu -othIerc1rd,1u . l t b bossMvu vefchn. l hand b(iot11)iiiGlic ordoxnlgesîmhîah eieloic ugcygou.ta wliii, tu-cu l(1. Its ( locscffmi"ityo-ils-bcud eai moecn La lca iuî iii neplit te exi fueIý-h in d houin}css [iixlt o u-k Iou-es sm . )f1L am1Ic q I uicfpîtly hcin fle sele G. v A.CoIege 11ii sane tueeyaas oa. 1 m-loîy g:1 ir'ed, I tlîî hghub Ide cd a are tuucîhai l slIhi pne , lck ain hy !ijIle 1 i, c- 1ncst li,1adi l tir var1efues t trees ouc iseci, u-ces enengý i li e pat 1xxeocrs cf c d.Neeu u Ja'gficoeAlsacifoiiduou syc u tîcrsIbs cuahr u uc yam, hougi 1 bD Imili cai hitoyJtî tlchs suna -acuher cflt-ces uccay I l gvenI IAs f Coiuca n Xcnsa j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7xtu an îoufm sxea ecsl uiitaipe aboii a ttc suuceasheuî. i-le iuucstpigy " lîc xics dsdalsuuei ud d'nosiefe I cergs oc lce u-cs fcî Guipl ehcl- ,aisud lîur aFgau n uceares raiîwa or expess staioîî; \ uules. Tue ni cc55met c c I thts s tc ely comg moe, -le s ase x'cal t o u-Iuit mn iu-,1oud Ibi IJ I ru ia, l ý et cns. to p-pue u -serîc 14 nlti e Eny r e *~1 -~~1 Thiere arecih emulsions of Coýd Liver 011, al mnore' or less goo-d, neo doubft, andl ail very mulch aike, the principal dlif-ferenýce beîing ini the quantity and qiuah]ity of tlhe oil that enters xinto~ their comnpos.ionl, and perhaps sonthing lin the nýrethiod of im.anufa.ctu-re. 3M11 ntrodu--ced By leavrs otîr and cc'l 1ratis i.nting Tte s"cfauoîil guns is tor2hid- i1i1i dc. 1 Pesic cap ye on bc o- chu hou 0f r lil(j ci ofeî-ph A CHAR-T 0F CONDU CT. A Aorrc-c neccufe NoxYn I i, uI:ta ts afet "ed tes K mulsAO lecomme arse. N vrlie icîdl ' ý ). Moka tI ' prcmn i,,, cynu pa 11c nc Ve!pgccd ccmpaucy(roL noue, Lii eup teyeuu agmgi ents Be jut befre yu ai- genc-ous Euur mcuey bleueyoucspeud if Dnints ne kinu~ltinbxetnglqe ci dI Cneveu- play a hucy k i'îd cfigouc AI fflppy unic tteface Sav slceî enareyoin, ,',spend iilitî yen i id.Io Nos cm muîuîiii deict nu Le I u e- Sucuxîl onu 1 1t 1 iygalIs, IvI cmpt A 1 Hcw ony-îud guodIitcved'1aien ai- the si1s', c vit\ , Iii iý .J -. Thc ra Uterline- Tonic, and onl sa eeffctai Mmnthlly peea cse, 5 e ox dbv ail dmglss o e prepaid oiteeît fprice. Free paMupL-let. Addess 10-DAY - Sx ,aid Shie Sa I.u TIed 1l-Icli CARNATIONS, fCoonial Art ,ltelee POPPIES, IOLILY. VIOLE7 S or phmErICAN BCAUTV ROSFS sutonps or Cr;" and state deslEanwantedj '~~u a te irgatoffr e eerMade. W. ro ftt tecoovlocqe very wmathat thc, I-IOMf lOUWNA'L bsth,, Lreatoa1 magazina c lho sIoteligHelIimd ecir' De- 7 ,areu Ce;-'lluahod lts'. Wlt and lumenrý I'hio,, Nctas. Iqratrorelga New* 3erOi d rShiort StorlEs aznd Lateat Patteras. Sem'l 2-9 eats fou qure year's @subacýription to bte flomo journal and thocenrpee lAItdreEs CHiC, AlO IIATRTm on t'he other hiand, wh-.ile- it is an emrulsion of' Cod .ive-r 0il, occupies a place entirely above and beyonid the orinaîiry preparations above referred to. Thec reason is, that FERROL combines wîth the oil Ironý and PlIhOphru9, which ail other eusoslack, and withiout whîch no emnulsion is axîywherce near perfect. lu FERROL the wl-nw virtuies of Cod L'iver 011 as a flesh and wveighbt producer, the unparalleledI qualities of Iron as a blood builder a--nd purifier, as wvelI as the undoubted advantagoes of Phosphorus as a Nerve. and Brain tonic, are all ot only combined and retLained, but wondcerfully enhanced by the process of aImalgamation. No argzument is neccessary to prove thec inestimabIc value of such a preparation as FERýROL in the t.-eatment of Coughis, Colds, B3ronchitis, Croup and al! Bronchiial or Lung Troubles. rFRROL is net a pater ny,-stery7. The formuka is freely puhlishedà. It is prescrib.ed by the best Phiysicians. It ha endorsed by the inost eminent Mýedical joeurnal,. It is used in pro;iiinent lifspitals, Saitarlumia, etc. R. .9 Mitchell & oa t