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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1907, p. 4

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B-at thecy could find nothîng to do theni any real, lasting good i until they tried GIN PILLS stopped1-thIe urinecleared-the backs grew stronigr-tbheir general health picked iip-and before they realized ittey wer wll. 'GINý PILLS curcd them - just as they -wiil cure YVou. ake them onu Our gui-aantee thiat thcy rmust cure or rnoaey refuiinded. 5oe. a box-6 for $,0 0 BOL£ DRUG CO., WINPEýPG, MAN. Have you money to invest in Oood Western Town Property? i LA NGHfk iïA M i 4-nt 1 8s lOW, the best grain station on the Canadian Northern Raiily Cmay' main line between Dauphin and Edmonton.Itiathiigaictratw. 4q Mackenzie, Mann'& Co. are boring for oilhpher and idaiosare of t;he very best. 1 have sorte choalce property te place ouk the market in l a few days. Wrjite for particulars. 10-1. H. eR'. SANDERS, Langham, Sask. Sale of "Left Overs" GV We ae mking a finial round up of Winter erelian ise d our best ini- terests demand that ýyin take a look as soon as possible. e- Our Oversboes, Lumlbermnan's -Rub- bers, Feit G oods o! ail kindsýare ging and going at redueed prices. We0 aiso haýve some odd sizes ilu Boys' and Ladies' Boots at a gret re- duction. Teegosaeail new and cqn bý fnund du,-ÎDg this month at the * X-eiu c& vearn, ...THE... - "WONER"COOKER F<amicy -Cooking 10 lbs of mecat, I gallon of' potatoe, cabbage, carrots, pudding and tea, ail on the smnall amnount of 4 Ibs of 'wood or ?4 lbs. of coal and in less time than on an ordInary cookig stove. The "'Wonder" can be àttached to an)y ordina1,ry ýcooking stove, wlI burn bard or sof t coal, wool, chips, peat straw, or corn cobs, anld reýplace-s gas, gasoline or oh stoves; the conisumption of fuel ceostrnig less tixan halit of that used by these stoves, and witha a much cool er -ki tchen, A denionstration will be nmade in your town at an early date, and tlic article handled by a local dealer. The "iWonider" bas been patented here and in the U.T S. by the inventor, Mr. R. N. Grundy of Guelph, Ont,, one of the foremnost stove iunaýatu.rers in Amaerica. Mlanufactred by TUE QRUNDY STOVE CO., LTD., GUELPHJ, ONT. Barrie Carnages I BOWMANVILLE MAnRKET S, Correûted cd usa BOWMÂNVILtE, MAR. C,, 1907. bretbren for spehe mong those responding were bros. T. H W ilson, ___havefor_____________a__________o Broeklin. Rd. Allen, F. C Kiydd. T., We aveforpubicaIalterrm Wesley Cawker, J. J. IMasen, V. Tod,f a Libeýral eiquiirg b 'y 'what rIght N G owmanvilie,adm'be i divine Or humlan lIon. Rob1ert Beith htt nPctrnlde.Oses presnI-Med te talke any part h iu r ck ofeýec ieesrvdl h P. 0. appointl.rIent," clai mgtht [dnhg hlle!tc.e de thch h nlthe honorable gen-t emnan bas no C nneûtlOL i O nehauofthbeinquant-jýjin Aien- whatever with either Ridiing or LCout' dd ,enhng'senjokment As Iheen- IR eftrm A s c at o . B etter bri ng the ai v rdict Ail e! t w hai evtig e matter before thea înnual meieet-ing onflOvedit.ows ef ritho i odigJoiy ISaturdaj. as we preter not tu pubhish go elw, the letter lu Its present phraseology, ELH AIS Sand trom Torture Many mnen and -woinen ,liought they were doomied toý suffer ail tlieir lives. Thelr kidueys -were badly i the back and lips- terrble Rheu-matisni and $Sdatica every winter. Tliey knew it *.as lddn'ey disease that catised ail the trouble. Siguîconsness. 1Tnis ena oies aIr. rMA. Jamues, ex-Mayor o4 Bowmanviflae, te say iin a letter that "B3owmaiileo com- pares tavorably with auy tewn in Can- ada for churchas, sebeels, res4idencees, moraqis of! ihe people, sebriety (we have .y two botefs) and geeod be'havior". This vetemniho with bis wite, bas beau a visiter te our Cýontere3nces, now, resides lu the house s hinh was the resi- dence et Rev. Cephas Barker, whcra it was a. pleasure te spend a brie( period lu conversation about matters et mutu ailnae! Truiy it may be sald o! the Jold B. C. tathers that their lina b-as gene eut into ail the eartb. ODD, FELLOWS AT OSHAWA. the meim- Lodge No. dc Fellowo [ndep6 Dvitati eu ovor tho OvOlL. .The juuges engag- ed were CoL J. E. Farewell, K. C , Past Grand NMaster, Mr M. A. James, D. D G M-, NMr. J,- J. Mason,. ex D. D, G. M , 'owmnauvi-ile; Dr. T E Kaiser, Mayor of Oshawva, and Mr. R. Sprenle, P. G. et Phoenix Lodge, Oshawa The two fiast namd-ere absent throughilns sud the three otbers effinîated, The competinz teamsa fiued up as tollews : PAST GRANDS 111 DEGREE A lm Jacobi p G J A Thompsou S j Babe N G James Boddy J WEllis R SN G E HLiek, W JWebster LS NG A Paul Hl A Sau,--ders Cou Chae, Peaýck. W Merrltt Wardeu Hl H-1Cawker R MJamues vYG AbHGo0-,ue WV J foiiand R 8 V G A Thrasher LGeýrMond L8v G wB Tucker S G' Poliard B3 S S Aï! Fursey W Barrowclouzih L S S FP latten W. Ashitou I G W F Dixen To make roomn for sprlng- stock. FLoua, (P 100 Ili.....2 Ote 82 cemiug, wa will seil ail cuittors and WHAT Frî u.........n oo oý buggies lu stock at sacrifice prices. V, Red Zte ....... 0 90 0 Wef bave %the followiug: el Goose 0 00 leo o ( 2 Barrie Tnp Buzgies. naw. ,piano box. BARLIST, r bush, No. i j. o ooil o RubrTira Cevered Buzgy, uearfy et VI l 0.. 0 ilw j e Two row84 0 00'O 2SslTire Cevered Buggies, second OÂrBS, white .......... o0o()0 É'ald inýýod rdrRYIC, e..........000eu O OnýeU BtwgLY vel y strong forM810 00 i UCKW R1n il ....h__ () ()(),iln Raf erring te the dlismissai et the p est- master o! Cann-ingtont the London Free Pre- sa aa S. ,"Mr. Talbot was appointed by the Consýervatjiva Government. That was his crime. There was ne other. For ibis he was put into the Street without notie aud bis place giveni te a Liberal workêr " The Advertiser explains: ;'This pestmasier was di mhssed. net because he was a Couservative, but because aillhough in recelpt et a good Ealary ha inslsted up- on carniug on anothel' business-coua- trary to the regulations. Not a siugle poýstmpater o! the thoiusands appointed by the former goveruxuent has beau dis. missedi on purelv party grotiuds." AN ENGLISH V'iSITOR'S OPINION. Mr Geo. P. Dymond, M. AI, Princi- pal and Pr-oprietor of the Hoe Grammar Sehool, Plymouth, Deývonshire,En glanld, wbo came te Canada and the United States fast December as eue o! a depui- tatien ef Engiisb. educathenista te vistt leading scbools ln the-s(3 icountrias and observe their conditions, methods, icourses et study and ether tealures ithat give such hhgh standing ediucat!oflaHl te tha achools o! these countries. and iwho honered Bowmanvlhle by a briet cali, writes itrestng y in the Bible Christian Magazine fer February ot somne experiences, observations and re fietions ou bis jourue-zings Mr. Dy- moud writes of bis visit te Bowmnauvilie and trïeuds here thusly:. ' A somnewhat similar stery might ha to)ld et the tamily o! a represeutative ot the Suteomnbe Aflins, wbom itý was a great pleasure te meet at Bowmianvif le, lui the Canadian Preyine of Ontarlo. JMr. Samuel Ainh mauitestlv poçseses the fine quafities which have character- ize-d the ofd ÎDevo)n amilv te whtch he belougs. It wasiut(3estinri2to bear hlm relate how the smart American busitIer, as he called tbam, had beau ferced te givefl-a before the steady industry ali'd firm resolution o1 thesa men o! Devon sud Cornwatt, who now torm, the chie! part et the population ethne townships around Bowmauville. (,ne et bis sons, Dr. Edgar Al lun,whe bas recently retuirned te, Canada attýer cern pieting b!' is tahnlug iuthe Enfiab os- 8 pitals, was a constnt cnampuhon as we drove in- a sleiZh te vit varions mam 1 i6E Oftthe fiamhi-v alidHtsee-th-schools-- Soe 50 frienda of Mr. and Mrs, R. bl. Hiamley assb at their home> rhbursasy eenng en, , te cela- brate Mrs. Hamrley'cïbirtuday. A pleasaut:evening was spn u games and social interceourse aand rai. eshmAntS served During the evantng M àr. Geo. E M2aynard read tha olwn address te MSs. IHamley sud MSs. F. Oke pre-1 sauted ber with a jardinie3r sud jardi- nier stand. To IMrs. P. if.ame DEAR 2IEND:-Tb imprille tant that Sc mnauy friends and aqanacshave on this par.ticular eveunug wit ,,ut anv fermai Iïnvitationis trom yn crowded themselves jute yoýur home Must mi cata te you that there is somet-pug1luin the wind, amd as a matter of tact, we uuderstaud that it was sûea3q9 years ago the populati'of edite werldýwasSin- nreasa3d by the a dvent ý-o! a ý'Im-ain mil but very important personage who was Bihli, w Mrss Harr.y HmeWa are bere te congratufate sou on the meas'%ura of suiccess which bas Crowneti .our itfe and te wisb hyen mnanv~ happyv returna of the day. May yoxr iDte co'n. thnuo " teh illed wiIh dmsi tnhn and ycinr -triendshil as y Our Smiliug tac among ns A S Pa sincaxitv of tbe putt ed we ask yen te aud stand and trus paars be able to put uise. And wheu ti near and earthly t,! ed or witbdrawun. " thle coutinued pyet- Friand whe neyverc Sigued on hehal Wm 13.AIÂRS, MA YNARD. je suneto! tae 1f et the cor F.OXS, (G: o.E. ci Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must b. in avery bad condition. Yeu certainly know what to take, then take it - Ayer's Sarsa- il fta4V A TF u l'u. t *l.n Ollr New Spriiig Dross Goods. Are arriving daily. Theyvcoi-,,)..ýstall5ý-!the most up)-to-date Tweed effect,- ,aud- ail the latest plaia shades Suitings and are now,7, opened up NewSpring Pints. We have the largest selection this year that we ever had in this line and under the cicustncsthat Prints have advanced in price wee have decided to seli the best Crum'-is English Prints at the old price 12ýc, econsisting of ail the shades that are to be haci in this Iine. beafthav babies are geod babies-ht is oniy the ,nickchifd that cries alh the lime MVothers. if Iout want te; see your 1littie eue's smniling and happy give them Baby'-s Own Tablets-there is a Samt int ever-y dose. The Tarblets cure alil the fite aliments o! childbood arisingl eut Of diserdered condition of the s'tomnach or bowef s. They are zood for ail babies r dt are sold under the guar- anUtea of a gQv,7rnmnent anal t t te con- taLin no0opiates orhamurgs Mr F. D. Kirk, Dumnfries, N S.,sys-I atways use Baby's Own Tablets for the ,ailmeuts of my7 littie ones and find tbem a splendid medicine. A few doses al- ways restoes tibem te perfect health. 1 would not be witheut the Tablets in the bouse," The Tablets are soi d b drugglsts or by mail at 25 cents a box~ fromn The Dr Williams Miedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ENGLISH GOVERNMENT VIHANOES. EngliLh politief ans should get ac- customed te political adversltles, for1 feqenly h avtheeministresbea d- reated lu th'e Wast three d ee d"an adianis wili be surpised to learn what changes of Geverninent ln Euglanid have taken place silune 1874. Here are the dates and Prime Mcinisters.: Feb- ruary '21, 1874, B. Dîsraet i (Cons,), April 28, !880, Hon. W. E. Gladstone(Lb) Junie 24, 1885, Lord 'Salisburv (Cons) February 6. 1886, Hoea. W. E Gladstone (Lib.): AugustS 1886, Lord Salisbury, (Cous.); Augsast 18, 1892 fon. W E. G 1adstoue (Lib);ý March 8. 1894, Lord Rosebury (Lib); July 2. 189i5, Lord Sqallsbulry (Unionl st); July 12,1902,.11on. A. J. Baifour(Uins; Deceruber 5, 1965. Sir Camnpbell-Bannermani (Llb- eraf )1 LIFE GUARDS The Litle Guards are t wo regimrents Of cavalry torming part of the British hnnsehold lreops. They are gallant soldiers and everv loyal BMts er is prend o! tbemi. Net euh' the King's househofld, buitvyers, ours, everybodl%'s sbouid have its-lita guards Thle need of them ha cespechally wben therats fees o! lite, diseases, find aflilu h verv elemen3ts as colds, infiuerizï, ca- tarrh, the grip, and puieumionia deoi the stermy month ot Mrnhý. The hast that we know et te gutard against these diseases ha te strengthen the sv stem wth bood1'Ï arsa par la-thle greatest et ailtfifa guards,. It rmvsthe con- ditions in wbich these diseases make th4eirmrnost sUnesFtu aaek,-gi%,e- vinr aud toueni te the vital orgaus and fanc- tiens and imr:artsa.a gent ai warmth te the blood, Rmme th, weaker the sy2tam thei greater the exposur t da ease. lboed's asprll ae h system stroug. BIRTM DAY CiýLEBRATA0N, We stili have a few of ouirLadies' aiýid IMen's Fur are thinkîng of buying a Fur Coat th,-is winter, now i maoney and have a look at o)urs before you buy. Coaýts i your time BRADLEY 'ý i If you to save Wle have just opened out our spring Shiýts, Coillars and Neckwear. We have in Shirts ail the latest shades obtainable with cuiffs attached or detachied rangcniLt n price from 50e o $2.50. Collai-s we-have h -this line~ are complete in every style and shbape. Neckwear for. Easter NL\ow i s the time to pick out a nice Tie foi EBaster wheua you ha-ve agod choice iPlaidýs Strîipes,Fac Plain Shadles, Spots and Plaijn Co'lors, Give us a cail for a real uip-to dlate tie. Marmalade Oranges, An extra flne lot of Marmalade Oranrges bave just arrived, Our sue. Highest pr-ce paid for alil k;id fpoue AlSO try JOIHN McMURTRV, }3owmanville LREPORT. SHAW'8 SCJ{OOL )ort of S. S No 1, Darliigton, for ary. Names lu iiiorder et mentr. IV -EdDa RiuLkard, George Aluni, BannaItt, Matry Galbraith. Sr.> -Vera Jewel, Rov Alun, Penny lng. Jr, 111 -Bert Jawel, Carl ,uce, Ruby Jewel, Florence Tre .,eta Bragg, Frnk Trewin, Rnb r, Ida Waltess,RegeLvk. -Laura% Waiton. Ernie Hlart Trewhn. Mar7'Wittaker. Jr. Il Col. Sauel Huhes, M. P. ýrin ;s, bas b eu tad presýiei oiioni Rifle Associaton, te il. J M. Gibson Vie- I f the Letlme sell you a HATHAM 1e i euon w thceis ïhig rny in raisin3g put bat or willpay you a big- gcs profit than any other thinig you eai4 have on yens place? Welli these things are true. Thousands of people al over Canaida bave p-ov'ed it evnrylyear forthla,st five years.; 1 want fio nuof,, vn,1a n i nibo t )0.3 ALB&~f The Ontario BIUSINIESS COLLEC Belljeville, 1the moat prespeirous sud cest"ulbusiness Collae lu nCan an he mos'ýt wid1eiy ttenude( lu America.> Send for Cataljogu<, J.ý W. JOII1NSON, F. C. ý stoc~k The; Famous Rock Fast Drilfi Shirting We have such a large range of these tha wud eiposbl1~ anyone flot to be suited. The Rock tý'ast Drill Shirting hasý got its niame by the satisfaction àtlhas given-i by standing its color in washing and for its extra weaiing qualities. We have this shirting in Plain Black and al the Black and ;Spots and Stripes that these are to be had and also the same range in indigo Blues. If you try this famous shirting- once you -Till be sure to try it again. HUGUENOT CLOTH. tlon. It pos- Sesses al the durablllty 1Mq and close tex~- ture of the old 4 t'me serge J rkh draplng imquaMiies of a French Cash- W AL COORa For Hard and Dressy Weujr. West End House. 4rnr9p ý n

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