Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1907, p. 6

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Fc Rnuïine 3 CARTE TES. IYJ .ieGr FO ,O$TPTO FOR-ALLW Si V. "d, a~n e. ~ Y8 U l milseq e RT11 SI-rt0î G onracT raS. Q ý,0 Stzates. n i3ok, Rng S ret POW0 nil, rT.,Yby0.UA.JamC, Edîtor an 1 ti %iîor.Subsciptio 01, 1 I'ral u, or $10 if pai 'wtirl iy i Ildanb e Adrtisia8 R.11.tes !PaIent adveîLitlsing, q toncnsprhe ]y pstie ri ll Shocents er Un oa t >arr i-rriSlalîcior an i con y !or. bIwmnvle. o neytoba e ras ;dle ates. 4-lyr là,ET YOJNG4 V. y or, C -N l ail diBOCR üJ o1t Tw al ntac 'wbrc o wll e fundfrota n.ct Cues ee eri pd i& 111te 3 1' slms, Ce Ser,i . rer(se lsei su PrîveLt lsilceas'ýas, seeees luse, Let lll0s,;r 1 lscleito rel, tltse fl by epert. Pelimîîayadvce r.. Charges nioderae. Oti Invcnors ý advjerst dn p on >b~es. DMin Marion, No lewrk u l EvrySa irla- ]rRyatrda i Portland to Liepool. Scanad I', 12 So go ther.iller.2 Pi13lhg brie 1.nd 1 ot e aithil-ses n toes- TuA ' dominion itu ote fo nr tellcs Sorýtemrssli i mbtawatard aio iPasse, gers berîhýeel lit more than two 10 Fo ilifor-mation spply tb M.ý A. JAME 1",S, A 201 oirto DOMINION LINE. 17Scra fiint 13St 3YN PIS 0F C M, h?~ 0 piH - ffs 9 U IS TFA D RE UL ATio~ ...Land:s in atkihwa lbead of a femilyfor11ny mlîa 1euov e r 18,ers o ars or o ls,. Enrymut ha mode personllye 17 i a fai liefor t1le dstict flu whiel c-b ite ani4 conditinos Coul ceti thera"uvith iioruer emscdrl enre oprombe tne folio 'vgpan: etîtvetïi o Itithendin encj l year for tiiîýe~ <lIf iSe ator("I' mothe'r if the faner Pi. oeesd f t'le h1 eolè esdjupn faxin lthï, ýi-e'îitvrt y ..l, r,.ots v ,CÇURRENTTOPICS.-, TPe Mikado askl'ut ceba ne pedeco Te anose11 -,ever\ume111i 15 c, il nlicsotx manufactured lu ccdc [liaiIhe Iatienuna~ a praliallî id- ho tlios xx[te vîll cu 1i Ie ilîsielo is lil or 1 [ tncese[ii. agiulutrl e textle acloicu ant Jaan lcdy is cxpcr[ lig i lg eaus c lhn iotsTPae gox cîîîîîî-oti id» b t' ~iguît1 ya Yomr rhey are al alk a Cl-S, lilit as if So mu e s ahr gden mpuet And cyi, ud fi ) teciugIl haW box is tiing r c'glit u eer Yo gl pertio Perfection Cream foaie;on w i HInt s TAILOIID SIII"T", As f-, mnotîxtvih iot l pau-i 0fceton r [ \ Iou Is-'iO'OI t~ vai t f fimul xxittiuhec iP. iufieiie fIt, iticît r txomiy petela1t 1 id i Potirs 111a's ai, xas af-mtin 1 . î xvt xsaiOiI tptttu a-dlca' i huu ta a ibfil 1 i f it Pîirnn f pblictap mdnatonaldc-îîig [ relva ls ailmeuleffct.Snc feîise, Fi-ajîce is anc a~~~~~f- 1iih utoipc- abes--h-x ttt cloilbhn percimi cf mialicîts. Pari.', gergo~~~i xib trpaio o i stt lieteii' nuisem,1hat eretx'ika bp illd L la1 iett ie Ia-kr0 ai x11 P il-uii ljel tcs xi tinuîtll Enepe TP attieî~ hp meace p tm-ibou cuiam' aiid I, lis of iti t pnty a- saiiut p lta 'ir vmtt filc I 1 Ii'fn sculemce A gn aI cutale, a soîliïiadmas OuI pns,[i'jnlau P[ 1cmtp. ii-d ~ei h te tipei [as i-d ut l i cafsi goe f y,1su natUrII( xrolciioii li litteilgeni nilel' oow brx c'uoat, da i doeif ae s ix eItî aY i ît lslm aui'îugi l ity f I uu1 tng xxet. 'îm i x; c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ li1îgoi[cptIc P okrgMxvcjie o-[csiixadbîIc- 1.iocoos Cal, tl aal hintnie ittti c itsN tc~l a roc - '~Axvc go cri, jntgo. V-cItaIs [Pc jaî-y foi'?" PAPIS FASIIIONSk 1Thewatn hoNicnd xtik a iai, inîf cafciecfUc-,ur& If TOU Head ThiS cf Ilxi nug e iI h ix 1% wlll be to licarn thitt the leading mcedi- lime hl coms lt xx1 f ie cal writers ,,andieahesif ail the svrlNtigqietLsterpaebl schools of practio rccommcllnd, Ilu theoli, i usîunas anilaadanyiccs strongest terms possile, each and every Sx y uexeig ci'suîmcr gsx n inreiet ntriig Iltotecmoiin A.afcfouektiNideeî-Ic o!f Dr. picrce's Golen M -iedical Discovery 1tc the xveuiarilicltmacai. for the cure of weak stomach dysppil, pHmcm'exci,[îyf11a i caitarrh of soah lvrcmlit"pratpaea ihetaWa torpid ivror blosns hronicIibowe(l wo euGearied ac(1 i W;il v affecýtions, ind i11litari discaseso! whateve ripon, naine eornature. It alti U tr ablec. i ssipiif also a adEcî eedày forail sclh chronie b mo fwiirmtlh h [by v, or long standingocase.s o! catairrhial feiToaaeaai exscf Ia r tions asud thi ir reioul1tauti s, as ,broneh ialwclalpci[ iecpros .1h throat zantilung dsese(ecet on sulni- ti)n) accomupanicdw lithsoerConh.i t]iet feusae[i c is notiso e'ood îfor acute colds uind c'h, cr fchfn. aI cf le but for £ner ing, or chroi cassit is fî v Ih cf ie aeia.xilîûdc psp ecially nclfaos in prodnclgpnor- alu h î aîc. Ttl, - ;,t]P hugî fect cre. tcotîslcCîryak GodeoSal roBooroSomot eî i ~.c[i hfo o ept MALnrkeront nd Qaeenot-ail o n'osi h 1, ru- 014 unsittmmip wýhich ar e highly 'prajý.iestas remetts or hi'Ttustiti:oriSxey:w.uIn exe aul oche ~menlîedafctoshysc x e l ae.ItC'tc'r emnn edclw Itesad ecirsa \il ln ctf symc ilo Prof. Bartolow, ofZJflerson Md. Col! îih fcucu lt qiicxcl ee;Prof. larl, o theUniv. of Pa- Prf. Fi - -l'XIoo, 1M. D., o of Ucc 1hi-l r Cia stý ia l ne e.lege, Chicago; Pro.Joh i aa'.1Ues-r, hu1 e j M. -c de F. ,0 CinncinnatMi Pof, Tecalcn PU hmm slaheMtpa J.douinM , M. D., fcIn{iiahneanP C Jus. jC , Chocago, and sPl- dunc i tifxîsa-ftaiet other e alIy emin i t b eir sevel Ic alymti a oiear md vi le Golen MJj ai Pi unvr 'S cI îI fIs.a iitw ite xile magecace asaan put cii o flac r» oso ~ tcîîbuaciug ci omacf lie Whou lt-i. an am ffid~~L.i~tiîîa. eslT h 1g1ri l 1t iAt-' V.y a coutlainsn iocs , ilnlfuil or ih biit - aLti u flieladens e p r» trc-îefiue lnr'i-W inermat haie rWcc ùdlt'1 unIstýuat Gyenbi 8 is ly inh _1 1 l c Irc I have (cme tefbli lha bpis ulIi e xxil coaize smnoerih d Iî'yitag i,lani [uaiao cf Jicgretei- ing. i gci d fiigTseda gix' Ib tian n 1ho-fa i.!raniuorlIla 1,i inako ise anima IonIncnîatsIf th il~ ~~~fri lh-mn[ci i os .1 sec auytbIglck Paî'îî v iibcumdlachvkugi ar urîti Lt xv lgsxv Un-ce0sitiesani peo di-1 pct 1i1n1 j'ei i c1 i I r lesselilisudieaig bis idalcfsabara.'O 1x toi, nt shhngil lord35 lt~~" Caad, utitxvsl Neotiln mneI v lu t, ; lîng Mo i-tou $75,000"ba ilotefiix1as l o 'etheril xx eto10cefsil ozag t vaspîfelysniay se.I gi Pixveu1boi îay[ ho, ila [tacIl t- useias abc MiteieAJet Cf mte mes"lu-a ti-ingCb eollîî idexvh tI oly other llxîîag 'ag' ite i. hi "oPossbemsea 13r u lxvicb s upeatueI [a idý anti Ifoo 111oxv zer; but iiniti, su APPEARING C Acf s sa n BartPfu . -- - - i ommed ce ~cntly, net ex or [en w ece pure dye, and f'tfty per cent. cf 111e ojlk thread suhmiite.i \VSS cxertcaded with dy e, ondwtxuld 1101 stand a cheruicol tel. This is a fîtuilful cause cf tîuuîdu lu umhrelhts. \V1I n ox erdyrd îilks are woi. sud ihe umbrellas î'cticd and put away, [lie oW ners finI [liai ihelE utubretias are cracking ta the fc1d~, Fine h ile.s ap prar, anti they arc api te riturn the niabreila le the mon they hcught it [rom, and denianti anottier in exchangc. Whllen jack of appetite l asdb o)vcrcating, tae eehm' 1Pi te relIeýve Ihe ýfeelinig of haies Whcuns tntaclitakes aaý,ý-y aicdsire for food, use, iBeeoh&ami PiIIs. Theyiiby jtoue the ,di- gsinand SoId Everylî erc. 1Ii boxa c cets Tise Vu'eetx ai-e a hîL xvho baie ici- itabiteti lia' Mark ci Bt'sutiemsbarg, lu Geu'îîuany. for 1,500 yoaue. [h lb"ir ntanuam' cf di OSa [bey sîtîl I-dam tPe tashions et ancieuît limes. expocîalîy iu [ho unanuer 0f tîoss[ug [ho wcnman5 hall', xvhicb dif[c~ts xxith cadi tihiaga, bai yet kceps 10 O peacruil silnilochîy. Thuse Iu'a i dius's uc'e ea1lPer expeut site, au-i te put oliOso tise nia Ioi'ioi~ lic Ilcomu [[te t hope ituonîtes an' alteni f~irced te r~ suit 10 [ha expodieîsi i-if sat- lisp [hait' lOdtct-, prcferriag tPe ~plfiiciai le lite nahai ai buaaty. A Pair uiiai'Lcl" ns hîci I cx i-cy ,~ cuir in Sentie ef Iho ciii cf lb -xve3 luataleh cf B anelanibnrp. TP i-I 'h t tva wlîc bave a mot-i poty et Ibis kP t itf trot , ge llî'sî le lite iutukae:'crs cI lime a u liapa -ont lu ai n h-ca-i ilu.~ ho t [lic fiu~xm-icioi condition f j $1, $6, 18,j2 ut -: ELîbier price ets yo F Old juit, one That sou wHIifee! et home in, It wchu m eut to uit perbectly. That vou wHIi look dreet in; ItwAdi A tashionele, That whl ho s trosigl emade. It iîLi hobialue. em Let u hw~u u od OVEROAT-YO~, andesîgerment very <eoon now. Ail- the matrlimaiuruali8 sd nistock rendy for Our selihg eud your bulyrg J wTi ý11p! e ! s b haýto v C, you CoeIl Youî can'tu afford tb pay limstban ýwe c-'re bocausqe goo wokca' e dune tir less Viu n't lirud b,-tter worl;5 because botrwork tcan't bhodonc enywhOrebW;nîbonly. JEFFERY S& SON, 1 liuse DON'T READ THIS, Every Day isBagn At th Peole'Fuelan %VWe are stîlIli andling Pest rn Cements, tiritiah Celumbia llrands Ced or anet Plîi~ Lumber, Dreased anci Uit aud Moutdings Fresh Mineel Serarito i -ihuilti iii il ai tiuemîph ra-itees O I Pois. E~ay epc s Cauua Ced-ar andotr 01s P'lue andTin et or, Sash. Fi Bowmanvilie 1111-11-1 ---l -, suc p u ;lig ('a1more flioip du n [ho maîke t, n lear],,gI xiiuct thestatemeni t hatw ol dul h ounal al cfcri fi'îpccucAMb -. thepulm pretcedhscmenl pass car n Maiîa htesA dcmoe tcpasil fulhî'ilcra ug[o velt-petucn valueof fims haîtihe IIp iiri!xvlti O 1lu11e lher ni( one cý1I)ff [ho Il eleIIdIhcutis o hifam Urig Cf oIr, Teî'e a ne osa 0 mea -- DAIBY BARN.Tfax orc muo "fm siird1101ca e frm ptrn 00pudî0 vight on a Ihl ler xvhel hOu L ii ba t itcfishtn i practui, Igh et [iug [hu how'el lmha ilamiIilu Fehcuarny !at fcre what gced Macc hs been frein75ucntsfei$1net cociio vt pr all uArlu d May. cfd a ooifhrn Te eti h ofalag icrigo Iglevlo g-anti pack'ing houo li pceilig arp uch i cm ~ ~ ~ ~ i II[da-rc pcvd otîok er[h Sbea0,p Insu",ss i;l,(,) dIll li nOh I_ fa Inci 'obld mc ita h ho1 [ ta xow~~~ o pauîg br l nin lh îs uI[o cti otn yen imtad f itines udiiýIii oiy euIcei i Iha Oup.wiuîe anti U[lie aih atie ageh, iprmf, , la car bi bari atisuîquntuueyer (lu aPah1 bt uI up-t-dte [u eruy once te nuatte al goo rofit,1 xvît a an-o Tclapiti, amrîgagIl cf $5,200 fr-,i i s von la,1 nti i îgs te tPe11ent1f$ j,0 t Ile11eauI bay. That xvaIIItmg moult artiiydo 1-l lid fira laing b1 alcxv e-Irs [IL -gt[oe g hr va smc ve aree ho ' IeNJ tr u1lmlo s hîol ovl b bl 'nl e orî auc elxe eîei ni Naaa xiroumo. g tbe' h rc fixxcl Pa atxacet lut ,1 ie Ibo ý t of xv] t pflis-

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