J -~ ii honsaIe rcsand - lir immecl xilh i îib on an flw rs,- oac »i'-y of tiom 1 Iirapiags around the Prim. II\XX h, ile eh is aethr reiva an d o utle'Id- mohard ii c rier Ilion b curi Up.l mach een.Thei cie a 'a(fw chip palebuehelis cfiirse rud le elir. Lader tPhe atv e bok isa agemauv e bine hou' molrIng nec a1e~odî nd flic bandeau isc ee \xll mcly'of lthe .amc shad!o. GENEaL FASHIO NOTES. prcec-seoocih xeor.ic i holbe'-i nîoks upbeolifny. ilotrpli îogeîîîs rboco ifos onh nc nioleîci biîîglaffea suI, hricd ic le I l~hcie Ligh bie orpal roe crpe vke PÏA osom Mdefori mpligTbemn Fromî Taxation. 'L'I3 n ss cuî db bbe Ontar-ie Pro- i iicaIlLegîsiatuire 505V the fî'I btctmîç b m-' uwso lb'he xobiC)omcf so idhanci0 iii Cniii ell.Cfiil xemuptionc'if xxood- ioIs frcm loaxatiouýibis uoîr pa-sible ini ouîy part fo her 0oiu1ecfOiubarito, uider cer'tain ceondibic)Ils. In tPe lirst plin a byv-laxx' uîuuîsl Pc passeci by the tw îsiî uncil ho con- fer the exempbomm, liIna)'ho bc i chPrtotal cuortil. uru' hîî lx ut ioes x îdh'aî a iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' miua eexnpci l'î! l o m x adai sr-euoliiI J,4 Sc out is la rxxhî l a400 irr f ci51i5 WiLJ hic, Nc,yU pio îofmiciaiaac, xxtlipie spmuc, N',csxî pric! c-dar aMi, (luits, hiiowevyrhcf gr 'ou), fuhipa,,- Iu beed) ll w dien, oih ai-iPnb Iinl ("icclt, Id 1la-Joi subi umapuo LMVpr0 Tr JU S1D0fucuiy moeiis a dx lueciiohege WAttchciwith kdncy trouble, a1 Mb-leiiî bai came se run down anci emaciaeci tha-N ia xc u u ui lîdug plicateci wibh i ver tryoble.1lad bad Oci'fPC dC. painrGnss tobakandi up the aspnal Ou oxsd! sn-gclnuh cchumui, haci bâcdsei with u-ny hut m 0d ~c sih bi paina ncienthe ight shoiden, hiicu.s Meu vu dp Iiasrgl d icdceaboýut hall ie ie nio-Iao e ccOh mi "I spent about oieshndreci doars à xî~Oo î tftî ,sopî mediine, e Ith m enociva ot esî,nms oe~h l-lu bun u -kingDr.Ghe'KinyLvrIut'uîscfp'coiigumlcî- Mq a, nd ini a short lime FMbc baci sl srsuu t 1 ici ac plu ie n cutinit 0 c b -îshhîîatiîî Iw by thec ame f had usecisin0onix doxes iucrsîirmis-suh i bcb Kee'p mos ei,,-isu Uiiiss ,iUsHg\ tl 'I Lappreciate the great benifsreceiveci theai. lIox c,>(ui iouîîdre-s 5'O h'paexiha good iiisf11 1 i f rom the uso off "Favorit rsrnin cellaîi vlenii liiugIw-hig. ini recfhopeidls naplsrr aotlIdng its use aksthe ý aby's liiese pi, if ad-oplcd, wiil puoidl srckc nhallaapcîfu fcia acvent pracýticaIly paleis-. .Ltbas-ici t)a 1 as lu 0ci' mnoc ofaccpclofmgrcover maciy cases reduceddays cf suffering to t il-a b cus,iaîd bo-, lceiablutit ait1 a few brief lieurs. Lt h as changecl the hou ii ogoo cxca. Srvebo orceliperlod of .nxiety and struggle itaa SîiIEDA\TXDbllS. x b r lîbotceaîaS; oad ugarol imne off case aod comafort. 11 mai B1u-oacIi. wvhicIi isamelinirs colieciMOTHEEIO0F THE FA2MOlily. Egg a (ýi <1. T eSOu hihil, fpi radelu bus ay /u4X The aimious mother of the family oft- cf mc d 00 li ~. ncidpIhoi î ,1. fis-!Lipph)li:ig lintc Pý1 L .fleur, add entimes ea-ries the whole burdeul off te- oa i -]sciwlhppz iaii sl.l c.' ,tioah ffbmwwn sugar, ou-ianIs, sponsibîittLofar asthe borne medication soce brd oilcieg, ii jpland 1 oîî l1sàlsiauJ uub-ltanas, 'nd 2 e-. miiled Common ailmnents cf the girls or boys sý)Ile jýiq-b;ild og eli,, Il l' nd eol clI Nlx w ll; ilelt1 o of is concecrned. The cost cfthie doctor's sclîi bîmîbhcd \orIe has.po, u cill i telo.c visits us very often miuch tea, groat. At Serve ci yIhot. This nickes o gccd sup vas iihal lt ijk-oic t. Iesuch imes the motier is invitoci te write piecr disih. cher iagri'iis, andriLac-i itl a lighîttu Dr. Pierce, off Butrfalo I, N. Y., for med- Ait Ellc~ aîscO Piinciuîg.-Mix a ci iglo. Lot it lisc for bîfaha Pour, andclIcal advlce, whieh lis given froc. Corres-j piut cf IIiiL xvlli six ounîcescfflouracdiethn hal5c foir tsahmAiii a iii oderale pThengr-s ed tsof Jo "Favorite Pr- fiur cxii .oade icgei elstoict] b confite al. cix c alg, ler' liax -iicgr rubbcd o lurpsription" is a malter off publiec kuîowl- cunci of sd hle Ilour;I. A 100- 2Adelicale dkstect 15 Aîîile Sow.ecge, being printed on ecdiseparato sîOiîu c otig e ldrin- 'qalsobe Ahpies fer Ibi ,s sltcld incl hopareci ;,bottle -vrapper. added. [Place ii o croc c p!i-dish oîîA lPey ore sa muib dccc xxil Ih b Li-. Perfect safely Is assure with Doctor bal,- ccanîd a quaiIcî't> ,,je u a ar lt: cere(,oid qiiorber 4îrec orleurPierce's weIi known medý'icines because hou le'irlarge, tatrtpplos-s-,xviitilo li:lte voîi' armfl1jed ,;t s cntained in pofely tîîthm N i opim rharmnful narcorie is antainediluthe Fvrt lnd a s suc P sd o' hspu-he ix ;lntsif b xhiy c s rsrit."Nai y "mfrtyyýears ago D pr. poe ucia cd akocwîliî.rc.miyegsa heoae pîo adod11 ine icvneita cenclh.pr l'a5eecl fshroa cod ctoce, ickrpo cxi'e cgi o oh afg eieofpoo teit sabte cut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ai îcsoiac oisIanîî itdze;tdoaî,Impt i leaulssl etoorîaieetlaiiv1uiflt tio n htb'poaIe acifsh fc oîd a l osex. ie n las ih bg ntrtvevau ii uldng- litîlit' Gishi. I riot. y llîams tpaie. Ii Dr. John Iyl, 2ioof the Depart- labo, I',iii! and fi-y ovi; n eîic' -eutb cekd IoIotoss,)eue1010püoolIful of! -mont off Tierapeuiies in TOmE ELECTIm butter.,oa haleulu;I -iflI cf niL e1î, or ahi-r. Eiwsy fpi Hln in l. Puit the pieces cfand-tai t uue - an1 lpphi -o hel(oao Diahca loue of0bbcLcef ingredients offDr. o ~owhig:or drciu oith four coorand mnîat sepalciyI, soasooing ecdi I ieresl vrt rsrpin svtl icie r tokalcisbxvxry îcv-Mxien ctîccýL.", lbc-ocpoaho s "A rcmcdy vich ilnva-riabyIý acts as a antdrino mci gortor aiidterinysfavorsa j,- Icr,,,,rhiocro.Placethie tait ciia toerhier. Poullîo nilîk hla on fr1-,iaigpanî condition id mhe r n mormal ac- lulicil di. inain, thicîscna nci clo [bile .%i 1hball'cf bchutr.ohot l oît tfy cf theenuýïiÀro ,,s ire, annot flau to grax i ciI g a. talilespccnîcih cf trile bashi., spucadl i le ab-at e rubusflesaî f lms 1~O1 hili.SIi' ie gax xxîiî itboiplîace Ilue ces' eff 'ihcbutie'. cuici ,piec-,importanice te thegnealpractitiocier cf la ui s lu'aIcxminmutes and pourcx-ccthe onhep.?cerIl:- pan and lplace l , ndci l IlîcrIn vî (-more1t wh ea mewrsth ii~ol umi-iih he dishi owil ilicm-i- I ,hairhv.iii cooL slcxxly 1or Iitif'Z' bo a ruoses thli on eauctlersugwth cribeu5oai lîppchpo's-b. lur. Tlien ihore si- îi Pc o ulbiý, ' -Iiiek wifcl 1 I uroacquîifjothe. Lu bbc th Buîcil ltcm.Pce- rioalhl mn, , iust 01ciitielaui. D1» et![lu' tPe meuýit o sao s pocular4te omen Itls1 audlit i c- cghlpnii, lob il sùaîý 1r Posiî. Pl)i Iesiea n oce cc ecoita ase is seen which cesnot hxxl itb2-1luu' lîcrs, 111l put l, lb mb a paiplace u c x-î hilcL. Thl is skuxvprosont-iioiieindication for Ibis renidl W ihi'(cixvbti' aîd i Iiila e-d htro ss cf lhrabig 11 îsbgvs taagent."' -1i iIdvh tahlolox ce l Ocfa oIPu i - ~ ante mportanî t ilîtProf. ccee ag nîhc uct Peu-bs. 'jlm11 John ki11, M. D. says: 'As a poirtua 01 1011d g cf Il pcppc.sî cir eglit 1 CicoLa.peoeparaiiir, -BuIie 'ahnsh bas enjocyrd a sp' aI îih ii'ec uic.Lb oc îau ce Dyhl pouinci welh-melriird ept'tinfor iu'bcuî uised hie îronidIem hobon ii hi uiuci a acotI c La5iug pxvdm',lxxi vas, t l. ivos tomîcaIlîd vigor teul the gouashiivili arsci' to foriblle ib iîL scei psiblacit-a!i ,ýan 7'mde oocirocnieiBlc Ches scîm ououîxipashb pu i aiona midanuei da'ncul.N. u lyo brhixefîuhttlncffleil1mo p,11 ohl l 'Adiîîseu oih ibegay ccttt hoaoeitedclxh uîb ecus oecetoncgs1n set dihi f caci 01r ii î~no ulof eidraiIots os 1i i le must omî(e-î 1 ulitt hr bxogue neIigoi b h5cp biebri d faniîuurc uig x hle cls titnimg luto r. ionc's aîdi-h -IL';ï i ici p ui 9 Lmîous x 11 sen îeh f atcio n Fa ite ?1 sip t-iisbb ciy iîn'oxcîculjute I coli mln' 'hog hvmaiue o xoei tcmkesof hc Irbor, wu'tPuie hail chnglcah. Tlicvxvse rixes say,,i atlsn druci coîis lioe h. u thîn lamu iî'ouîodciîsin t[cey cotnpure-cairacdinumacr oiuIba the olhce-s. Uuîîuatîy the bcd vxxhieli cicos mot.' aue ciils bull leimghiin he suniatiit an ouho ur a dol . luxe the sliocîS bu, andciu ve-r the uîîottccss thoroughiy xvibb lime lexv r suieet, or xxhan chc5seclotb kepî. for- he puî'posc, amîc place y-Our Ler i hum uIl sunlighit ils ecuiro icngbb. lna a s .stroo open thelied inire aftcuumocn. Meuinline, folci tbc ishîcets xxt utb 11e usido insideaci met oulside, is ha th01e part xvhch comnes cext yon ai nmgbt -ul7il rual ho oxposoci ta dnst. 'l'bre i1-occustono iin coinecltcný wiibedu-cenis 1h01 is fast passbngS axi\ ay. amnd 1ha1 is the fashi-on cof usiîîg1 1-eduooms dnriug i', -pti-ons, iaruIicxv Lhnp a'likimics off xx caps 11mat hiax c e IinI- jculumc in i uoc ar's, aci have tar- î-diulhy xcumlakd 1shouis, ho Pc p eac oiIc i r ed.If il bas Iho ho donc andi ail, oai hc'thn n hoeub i c bet'e oh 'is hovnccr utIecit 9o revceunt hc bed aeioscmf is mîad anti]-rady1r is nighbhy ýusc h Ibi caise lus ef lirg pe i bne hihu oniar xihe ýcIo e- s ccca;rnc poCeIothe8 u Ibo-J'hueseis ThovnOfan wîc dos her csxn,'ce lis soniceIle li digrutl' i.lg ia ic arcattue f sbuinkmOn ircungusts Vol-b' ciii toktidiy hIlia ven tP Jri r f Ie hins 0eofonba e i refinieIopiiceccrb ushat nîutual apîes i siipay Don't ile g. If a sratbsio i eapacîty for u'orkloIt lber gl ancîher!wi Xou u'îll fiîîd constantfol-iin Cx.- on xxor.s l ' or cUrscif UIlon foi Ile lcn' - aboyaexpliaagsevats do ;s cy thcroughL-lyblicmad shuig them Ie ye n u11k o' varcJU-tiîîgs dont,. Dcc1ft frget it 1 er nihteyu ictcrest 10 îaake yoursr nI esn ally atIclîcd Iho ycu an!d 1rememi' 1Ibi- lis only donc by consistent symý ipall)y :oA considevation. SMOKEI)lIMS l' O ET. The Meiça !Mn C Ie l iop Co supion.,,jjj(ý Bon Olabi, at ues, latPeyer 17 icrsssposdt h Cy Oealthle pid, ouNeondsixcJC1 tdro H ltiis onyil i secllt fer4ý1j'l 00,001guidon ilcd ffsecm hi~~~~~c bail bg1, cage1îe bsatc hiaisîf he homefor lng peiods veî' day.