* aud Girl'su t ccîxn lut aman at Lin- qi f îLe Turo o Dur1:î Oli BoG s SAssuueation a tue Gad send couir- r ry la an Ou'uocutV, ond1 -ii x-o e ircetsi iha i iiuandsatne dian al t fîeL lu he ruityxrasof omigi doo d uu ittI ~ ~ ap les W 'd vfh Unin ucisandbuldnt- U~lut Bar î~~tur QI i.e rIan ens. [i ltn omuen b proaxenin ent plar e iiga u hue lr i-o'a -3hhad mofethersodîh t riunu. j, ii2 îA î nc_,Irnbe W7-p ý aor î tce ua s equhol te 'l ocson, ~ FO~~EL~C~E, luetof fItsAsiat1,ione, n -t I~~~~~~Y&rsi, FO I~~ i nt c.g eirdii . mttre1atnio.Ov --I5,Lad mor le îsasf srx, o, -l ,S. ractt&Cexx' usr exreedic 111inhy fotunale fui find- C) aice:-B icîv ]l3iock' Mi i,î; -,treet. hloWi1anvilje. ldoeýy to 3ban aý t rean- ItBITYO-Urc4, v.S. 0 oppjoite To,,, 1-lW! F.tan,. wbee h wIl ra 'Iud io San tu> ly opPoite DÏiShd 7-ly. SIXPSON & BLAIR. pB. SIMP'SON, K. C.,. CHAS P. hU iBarrfstere, Solicitors, Notarles, etc., blrs hilock, up-stairs. King stret, Powinamvflle. soicitors for t1Ire Parn ak.Private imonays oan- EN A NTE D Ei5L a, 0Q tei ueO.2 i1-:-, -0rr ilt toat agndrilii mon, wOia oi en»uc'lf ALUS MEqiDÂ , LrdrOtoa end il v ary lathei6 PatialFitDartEtr4p ÂaLet. aOd r ciftpi s Iv4sirSt lt L.., A. a! ;Fl an.oe,,d ron.4 rtpprrfaa ~ a Beilpoi5-Ia<rr.ry oulO, l ",the" rI; epos guaraneteed.ar Jidrt.onrilet'9Aylierset po Ileqes0 tion &i MaÎ Drlo, Ew6 YoLA T if j id) oN Î7elv ald Woshingtoo. D.CfD,, U.S.A. Luiçi eil t he i b eotl grk a nd livery a n de s,ýa Wofacio (ifar 01tead. Joh Gibor &eo, s adsli ariO a. ie t -ea-ar an Ay iI . hta c-xoeptR Voudh.iiiie O'Vrrl may behnrr-torfdiut- n7peson whle t, o jd e baad of !a fmIy,0 they ai Oer8'Ort o ncaeres , more or h as.d 1" ý)tvhnhof nistadi requplyfred toprf orm tIt (211f tiseea hoI(or 'Oth r. fth aIer Jo "Bot hark! tLe rhîning r arks-ta dia- l'er ri. ae 111 pray yen, cmsr it doua ai-iad cda youir best!."-Xiter Taie. aAge digcin te on ait:;aa icuur Nexw Yock CeuIs ax Lesn "He xvus a baid mon Luat firtIaten abter."-Smrif t. Mark Turtie a la FrancaISeI Celery Queen Olixes Sired 'lomutoes "t-lence, entiring ahadexv, tureai 'That i~Sur ian heugr Pimce Bt ipille, mYoenng 'ony EngihPýmlihJllUngg Sed Appeore Celr ta a Ceaxy eC-rerr eux' Port inCaeSur Ladee nio Mashc,ýd Pouts Fu-enh Peu CaIl Lunia istorMattesi SinreExe i appi; iesch ens on Engish tumPuding SiE.d Aie s, 1 Straheu28Ir Crointd An geMase aao aieMs FMuges 4ax2iS Ii r-. Chir EIhLranJt CaPi-i:nudinCose Mcaro Ce -"iuuiîici t )o:dAy,--Sn il: u.ýlio Di-. J E, Brx,\ 51Mrhuu od Dulioîe- ; J. J. Errons, 28 He on-u ruîd aXndF Moupis, 428 Spacrlilu;MaXas 428é' Sp1ia c.Jne .marain 76~~~~~~~~ Oxo d . E iiou. 28 Q eo E.;Joepi Byan, 34Orae;Mis Ehy X,ý onC"t,41 ucnXV; e. V. uouuus, 7 Suilxan;cfS. XacdMcnald. .XX'iopeltan ank;Dr. . T.Ollioni- CcAtra uio;X.t.tiusn 1 J. S Smerýs, i11YneS. 1 quarjr Lý, 61iMajor; M 1-qua , 1 Ma jor;~~~~~~ Mi.1ir, 8NCUee;Ms Mor.181 C'Il' ge; Dr. l. H. Carvelli, i3 ,Clleg ;Ms .IL. a t,239 (oic;Mi-S Fthrnhon,48Hzie- toni Ave.; 1ev X le nî, uoe Oufi.; Mis. W. DuR,îg Bîixn l J. l idg 392Duot;Ms M. E. H id- , 36Dpn;MssE lto'h 1;1]Carton; Mrs. W.'. Bodyil XXet- 1 -'1 0-eln, 1 1 O f:-d St., M i l 1 l Cote 39Ulser:M-. Ute,39 îster.;A XXafrIngles, 5541Î10- X. V aou PcfeAve.; Ms o n aifl A\xe.; GerIshonu XW. UN ii.on,28sToronto; 'rs. Mao,28 Ter-intoi; Alnua iM., ahig ,tn 707 Queen E.; Arlhur 3. Paye, 77 ueoE.; Ettip'l B. Vîs'nn07 QenE.; GOsa.A. Cupel,28Sinu-1 c; Miss KathleeniiPatterson,:si Cluurch; D. D. 1Maedonaldtornt Jt Miss Carolyn M. ier et, 7 ome w.ood; J. J. Ioead 60SaiaB.; Mca. C peland, 160 podna d.;N.S MNcDoiald, 29 Borden; PcreyvS., Mig,, 29 3ordeln; Jas. A., aconld Bvu rnam xiL, Ont.;, MissEte Y.tig Margaruet Coltege. DURHAM BOX AND-ILS Dnring the e-eIng, L ong, rm posed by IsetrJanuc, Lý.Ilgu, Toronto, for the Bane, woý;s sung ,)y Miss Carotyn M. teeol in -rel x otce-and, xwithi att joiiminii.ta he utorus. wxeîut xxilli a su ing: XVhmerseecur lstebpu r-1m Dei ld Douarux o-- oe Strîa XVslxigton 60 Ecuid;T. E XXheue au ivsveueat-d-e'ydfrc. Miss Van Ilorîxe.221i>Que-anE.;:Ir. \ran1 Shu-,56Groavenar; ij:Mrs. SrvuguXe rouineveu- have uoi 28 Bedohuui; Ms. BcLei, 74 QcenDreains'so sxxe-atasous xioien X';M's X îjivinBukl744 Quceux X1X\\.,; ow a e1 tdDchi X. John Srii, 6. 2 Bob-don; 1ev. Dr. DEx'eidea ad obai.iii:!t M. P. 'h'aling. 48 Beroib-: Ii's. alhin j 48 Fethy ooonI.Jicr,2 t ietd aiid Lill aad son aî un i-imu t, May;Dr .lcfc-e, 0st. Mr;Mis, Anid îLe silvetrsixm-r0usn S. A, Nel, 4Dloxx re;A. b Sou- Ors 1>0bobeIn x e oe Osiugon i'.XX.Di, kino127 e: utu en-a f laud nd troc, Ah. , aghru,203 n rosep; Dru. oiaIx~smni'J(Vru-, rx 'letiLara 253 antrse; Mss Ehel' X0uIl, ortHoe;Nohi Cui, Port îVlot-e; o!wbe :il,' Blor u-.Mc evet 7 lo r A e . a -s 0 g-u i a v i, xvi Itigtori,34 Bckie; u-. iigIam tuMou- x'iutno fitEid 'trultu% Xîiss lia XX'ikett. 124 IsLelta; X a X'5euxrbe x11hJ doitht ILac,24Chaton; NJ s.C. 1HaoI ie 8 I ursr-d ly je"Ys. Clnon lfccd CLallineu, 729 OntJclo,:, 1_xd xxe brlte trayer te night fur- hotlier, 72ih Onario; Miss Aie, hoc ail Durin :girlsfixndt boys XXeiuu,76 Bose; XMis Attre Y-thuCan Iel enexe1 0 ugauu tees, 23 Dixvisionx; Mihs.A. S. XX 'tuuDo's se gIiIon as tt-lu XX' odstis1, Ont.4 M. P. XXtie, 1t Keux.Dawixi deor yotd Bu-hr? cat; Mus. XX tile. 123 Kendol; MissLs Ex eu dear cld D îhuaix. 1 t i i j 1, 76 Oxfords; Not-ruanu J. uclxx u.s,23 Dix isixn; J. I. S. Auide- Felltoxi ng xx aslth nbisiîodpr-- sou,316 Queen V; Mcu. Aîxdc- j iiatiinluebt hItl eneniecif Pou'- sO, 16 Qm-ouu X., XX. Peau-doux, îiieni and .Xtus. C.uXu-iicr alsu St Juies; X\N. A. Sorx ed 2h ucuxixrenioidaiy absent: E. XX.I.fu-ermo W.n, 193ai--IlpMontra,-e;: fuIra.,igtn XX'lrnc B.; Lr. Stuls 74XX'hui- I Cavaîx, X'anx cs, Carîxu îigt t. Bd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ir ; iue -hrySat, 4Xunu reuL uthe potciot's Loasi fxxhue&e x Né-dfrcy 95 Clos Iixe.; iss2B. S! -G I.1>nlh Mar; h'hsYelaxlm-a,23 ixisb; îr. .Prso.M.P;JJ.exitMPP; lui Caxed %Axe.; r. IB. Tuekci-, Alla11- JCoe).Mi-s LLol ingMis C. Bu \n-ax ci, 92411 cour; ll's o-i x rXL uS îL if lia ncuntur st unI94Dafe-out Miss Ethel C 1)is ar v it. arts uoly ongels ruxld d St.;XX'îltr Barous 628Damcrc0ct;TOASTS. I ld;: M iss . J. hN u-Thu-, 13 XX inclue A\i; 11M. B.IMolIt,21BxeraTo rg Sht. Duat, 67 tuludXx .;M, uicEtl- LLrny excaNone uI; l. .X.'Jouis'trOxoicJeitlc BounOuilO, Ouie;0F.jB. McLean, Eh-i'J:,criala' liot liese; iss ou-y.Xlceuui, 38AI- ue LdAe Laay xe.; iss freit CoÎx.,li-lTI Ginestu' B B Adxv 1lt. XaTH Dlr u nE; etCy.t-avedngru (ie 1 Eur[!dûA-iuc.; Mss PLîldaiXX st tru.-ix ru, 3 Blur;Xii-. . S Auoisn, i,ifTul0ansi (u-ossude., S1)s. J 1,;j 1cxxtuim1ix11InvOxt1, Coujou f-I; . Oia Xsi casXX leM Ctuu-em f.,~CsoCip, Giv u ofra Silsa Lauîa Paudru', boDymVasa"Ouxi.; OparA IoniiuuxoH ý:n ia. A hi od fteSsbeuu eey XI: 1;iMiaix, 8 nes onSardman ae wndei i luas1Ir Axe.; J. Il. Mk-anoP, 36bs e ranft,I wo il d xbta ton; {. T tlu-ituii, 32 Lip-iuxr ~Vt;,We ilforthxe Informationf housande hu.i ISiixv321 i-iuxritt Ait 1peoie wboCh.keSrto cuW taou o Ltcuicy 3 Shnnn;Ms. Booley, 33 tbiugel, we3wo"MASaytht IEPIID Yeu up' A run dowindi tion of the system is due to improper nour- ishment.- What you need is a food, not a tonic, Beef is the most nourishing food there is And therefore the best for building up a run down condition, But the difficulty with beef isithat many rI people fine it hard ilo digest. 1ký BOVRIL containis A the n 0U r 1shÉi ir' properties of beef in- a highly concentrated form, easily assimila'te-d by the most delicate« stomach. scixp!leasore Lby Durhgini Boys, and Ou', s illing unother impor'tant en- gagemrcift Ihut ex enLug. LIts cheecy getnuand geniol presence were gîetymissed by auany of the' cern- Tlj_ counpany dispersed ofter ainging Anhabout 11.40 p.nx., prauaia1g Ilus te Lst n -not , -fl an- a-sf ale x'iley . -tas.bA. C i phoît 'l Maux c-rs Townsrhitp fr muii- Anarîcil. Mc. A fcedByex, fli' etii Mc.~~~~~~ AtidA.hey e h rau n il ill ,ý ý, ij i 1 1a o 'ochi iii tha box'nj uit au d el-y unim XLcu cpli tx ,1 , cu ,t- , I S n Lue ilicci xvlh -ccepncof dthe Ltyu- lefohuis ee lu'( tt,-iý ii0 0f B le j a x, xvhuuc fcd lua t 1,11,11f DUIx x Ot Bobsf t iilotio eiab c ia xtue l -ied nbeveu Lc"x iiid 0fîLelie O ef of .Asx' e Lame staf dlimebaqut rnxu'ed u clu ar elst 1-ut-f fo1-tîmat as I cn lahot B.O.B.AociaMuxurd hefppit t'iOuile 0foletlxors ieste-,ee huxu oa u h xuxnttuea u fsxo-it Lo T4 ou- exxy xeddcon- t-le x iilig Ta-ent soibid auî Lon-iclikeo TE iiuch Atau til fitiixl lsix' - 'qa IloyAtrch h'euiyxLi a cn ai-id "t-tre ta Aui erie tuloitCu NIs L y a peu-i-'. 0f îLe mrah o E'oH.rouitrictan taîc îLe ixounerpial uixniaTxhuuat L gix s euitatxeL-t insci-irutofua eentylus iulec'sting eminatiaux 0f li,.LTe Stan-, rnsttliGfp et ava Lrd hy A.n-c theB XVtiteý, oi tan-uo tand hcliful tat-cc Agrarx i lan foc îe h1pxencn cLý IsylandArt nx-cln tutc- nTe jIý Sictdy t NionohC1 ie, vyPris- s-a KneFuant~.l Txeesoyuad it eri- tat-cs acioe suihtygn isugestt e aticl on he MadAma Ly lau'y Jmes Suilt. a ineceiia acracaf aIMode'uu SxnishFicto, b XXlliri X'isorCouî'rt M'xl'o B.t and otiude.ouxtherof . C.Beusan po ýi1ý fial; jse lno.srr:ns0 h soî etxin u n e x-elnon p selentist, C.is y.. c lendeee. Adores, Suc. nxonuti. uar'irtg he Lnhhl coolhond; eoti-ihit&,a -ev expl1nte a :et s ugaîe 2 ae1qPue e The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;ý Jaofuu xuutt,1 lriiij atintadX himMtux-,aYd uy f., !lues , xuh po u-il aLrut rltsi ea pe fxi!r n odae tototnsIX.- X ' htIuv ixsdrctci sla lovL îea Aottu nydfeec ewe h gruut, uy X iliani S. e. u-, ttliCenur~. Aîong he uod tons lareping pcttia atd geft, a jb t cha laaîx digroî ~ T~i~ umuiciotîtus aînurerare "Seoua LLnxeiel- e h bod t tE ag 0fflu aplicnt Ox nr1ipofx'c'tIlliool-i c--nrs, L BLp -Lnc BrLur "h îniny L Exxar T HynOeînuxI mi ~ ionrCoin," ty Chcice Tîcnia. l ass ore cnanu'f1-1afHj Loid t s xieciil s L X hliin. ueBcencoton0fLut1.evs» nocyl tepon fjouý i ad Ilcs Du-e r: Vhx 'lutSax ugsBuiuls iteb ae .Fly trei of'btdsieohr vnmr asa a Insuinre fî Wag Eoirr~îst-v îîîis - tyXXalur tuin-Ei-u S-ir- -, ixn- 'h'he uorent auîddca tIr-mIL of boulait [lb rut XX iltard leuida otrutior l2xici-esf le uixe Mourir ixuunxbou- aI Suuceoss XIu-gazua, la v. tfrh Ixis notai -iogx-at-h-iy. "fi1 h lIc '-di toc,' us uxexx i-nuuux:uig os it sou-loi. ox'er huis t-un iiiuiiiO crf "basuair Id-i-i>t. "Bran- OInt XX cidurul ici Poilcolucir-. -. lb .Gîxaro XX lxitxm au fix, is a cracumuto et1 tue .îu' rgri'ss ai t orluait t-Oiiibîig ta Xnrc cx. afud la c tp.nusly ihhustu'ated xxuttx o racés tif Iu-uadseruuo Auuxeric-crum xx Olriuiut. uxps'srshsic- lions ai Pautruuits hy- xuttabk luuuuutirs. "Foals auxci Tixeit- X~oaey-," liy' Fi anIs Foy- nul. anti "'Eh' Bi'ey-lmus Xfle lu'. Ly Vise-e Tliuuxn'-cn. ou-e ocn'i~xs:, d. Xlu~. I 5l~ sOt discos-e.s ail Losouis la CalCalcula. I-bd- one SThpt yt>u wL'it bel t home lu , twil ho uc-t to fit prerfecty. That von ,wilt iook dresbed in, It wflL ho f-nhionabla,* la ilL esrog a6. wbe bigvalUe. .5 Let lus Sh;ow Ou ur good 8 OVER ASYurhnis garment very onnwAl * thernatrials u upued la st;)o-radv for oOur elnai h wiMl pa euý to hive it Yo e!ntaford to Pr,,,tssýs thaui wo ch:arge b8cauFfe goodf work Can't tbe î,done f ;r 1teýiYnii (1n'tofidebotterork1 P , euso botter mwork c-An' b1, ne43 whrob-va o CZi JEFRY ON ý à r-DI-51 Rerc VeCum arid Colds. DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Bargain Pay/ At the Peope'suolad Lumber Dpt BrnoCedar and Pine Singl,-es, Pine and emoe Lumber, Driessed and UndressedDo',ls. lid and idg. Fresh àMined Sranton Ceai, CanetCai, Steani Ceai, Chari-ol, liard :and Soft Wood, LnSawed and Split, Shahs, Edgïngs, Land Pla'oter, Fine and Coarse Satin barrels and sacks, WTo almvays atm te give the ri O best value ant reasonable prices. llighcst Cash Prie M ai fOr, Graijn and Seed. K ing S1,t East, omnil