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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1907, p. 4

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Iserable AU The Time? Dullhaahe-a ach-es-lom spirited-hae - Il thesigh effood-dn' lepwel-all tired eut in Ji ~ the n-ioring-flio eart for work ? Mwil makie you well -Vour kidneys are affected-either through lover- work, exposure or disease. It le the Kidneys that -~ are aing you eci so retchecd. Gin Puis cure sick 1 kidcys7-make you .Uand strong-give you al ffl 'your o1ld ture encrirgy and vitality, Cheer up-and tak.e Gin Pill. 50ýýc. a box-G for $.o Sent on receipt of ,price i ordae esnthni hm BOD0 RIJG C0. -WINNIEG, MAN. 98 Have you money to invest in Good Western'Town Property?M li now ihe best Lrainri aiton 7BenW1an-dian S Northern Railway Company 's; main line between Dauphin and M Edmonton, It le a thriving agricultural tewn, Mackenzie, Mann & Ce. are boring for 011 her4ý andM Indications are of the very beet. 1I have seme cholce preperty te place'ou the marketM -ln a few d aye, Write -fer particulars.M 10-1 W. H. R. SANDERS, Langham, Sask., M At Baster I Q Ç Let your boots be niew Or else be sure you will it ru O OAnd the place te get them îs at+ j the CORNER SUQE STORE O * where everything is new and up E te date. * We have our Spring Go'ods about aàinl and although we say it ourself they -are the best lines O jwe have seen as yet. Call and ____inspect them.____ Opposite Balmeoral Hotel - Bwsvle e-00 M .. .TH E,,, mE. Faney:-.oking 10 iba Of meat, 1 gallon et z-u potatees, cabbage, carrots, pudding and tes, ail ou the smali amount of 4 ibs of wood'or 2î lbs. of ceai .I andi in lesa time than on au ordinary cooking steve. * The "Wonder" eau be attacheti te auy ordinary 3ooking steve,,will hurn hard or sof t coaI, wool, chips, * peat straw, or cern colts, andi replaces gas, gasoliue or ehl stoves; the censumption of fuel costing les than hai baUo that used by these stoves, and with a much S ceoler kitchen,. A demenstration will be madie lu your towu at au early date, and the article haudieti by a local dealer. The "Wonder" has been pateuteti here anti in the U. S. by the inventer, Mr. R. N. Gruudy ef Guelph, Ont.,oeeof the foremeat steve manufacturera iu America. Manufaetured by THE GRUNDY STOVE (30., LTD., GUELPH, ONT. BOWMANN MARKYEIr. To ma-ko oom frai tns ant a, fa-cI ua We have the followlng: ,,l . - 2 Barrie Top Buggies. now, piano box. BRLXV V' I ush, No. 1 Rubber Tino Covoreti Bugy, neani'l" now. j ::o rowd 2 Steel Tire COveA'ed Buggies, second OÂts, whteas....._.. baud, in geeti onder. IRY, a........ Open Buggy very treng for 410 00 P&s, Blakee- .s.. 2 Cuttere, new, up-to-date Canadllan Beauties Cuttar. second ha-t, a i ugot entier. -- m , BOWMANVILLE,'M~IR. 13, 1907. A f ew weeks ago 9 ConservatiVe jour- nal said- the Uiberals of Op#tairie are looklng for a leader. .1He must be clever, resourceful and cOurageOuls; clearhead4id. quicl.- witted and open- handed;- yornig, vigoreus and deter- mined; diplomatie. tactful and honeet: experiencen but wlth a good recora;2 enterprising but flot visionarv; popu- ilar but not a demagogue. Fie muet be mhrally right, physicially sound anai mentally fit. 0f course, said journal did not even suspect that Liberal ranke. contained such a paragon but, say, y ou folk who know Hon. Ueo. P. Graham, don't he make good on every require- ment and has a handsome surplus of god points on top? Those who have Swatched bis course since he was chesen temnporary leader are dellghted with, Sthe ability- and qualities for successful leadership he bas sbeown. He and hie collesgues are certainly keeping Hon. NIMr Whitney aud bis Cabinet Miniters on the hop and the, Liberals' plan of operatione le likely to keep the Govern- ment busy for the wbole session. There are 1992 independelit news- papers in Ontario, sbowlng that politic- Sai "'organe" are- rapidly dlsappearing., Amangs$ome politicians, unfortunately the view pi eva-lis that a neëwspapýer t~ le not an organ bas neoeaoabeex- cuse for existence. For thie deplorable superstition the newspapers themeelves .are partly responsible; tbey have been >1in the habit of giving ton rauch and ex- acting to littie, and poiticians are very human In thies respect, that the more tbey get the more thev look for, andi wbat they accept the firet time as a favor the second or third time tbey de- manti as a righr,. There are very few * rgane left among the neiwspa pers o -Canada, andi the number le constantly rrowing less. The influtence of the 2organ bas already almost who'ly depart- eti, The newspapers, or moet of them, bave made the dlsevery for themeelves that what the people want le honeet newe and boneet comment. Tbe po1ut- ecitns. too, are mal ig the^ dis éovery that the value of the organ le not wbat itwas. Hon. Ueo. P. Grabam, the liberal lead- er, in the course of an address bvefore the Canadian Press Association in Ter. ente, pelnted'eut the difference between an organ and a newspaper. An organ, he sald, starteti out to represent or de- >fend certain Ideas anti would brinir everything possible te bear te prove those fixed opinions. A newspaper, > on the other hand, would firet secure ail possible information about subjecte and reach decisions !rom facts as- pres- *euted. The paper which Waa giving *fair and beneet news and editerial opin- ions was the ene vwhicb wae beet serving *the public. The distinction is famillar te newspaper men; but it le net coin- mon te hear it e fairly stated by a >poltical leader. Mr. Graham, of course le an *old newspaper man and a 3 oung pelitical ieader, and that may acceunit far thA learnnss f bis view and the direct ness of hie statement. if the ques; tien were submitteà te the people of West Durbaicn wbicb tbey weuld p)refer Trig STrÂvaSMAN te be a pelitical ergan supporting the Liberal party tbrougb *right anda wreng or anl independent, honeet. tiutbful fRmily newspaer- such as it bas been fer several years, we bave ne misgivinge about their AnËiworQ- PATRONAGE IN DURBAN. Jn-a thnee-quarter column lengtb edit- eniaI on this subjeet The Toronto News saye some verv appropria-te thinge about the methoti et appointlng public officlals. Aften tating the Bowman. ville case. the article eaye It wouli be quite impossible unden the patronage 1systexu te romete an assistant post- master, for helswonk makes it neeesear>' for hum te keep elean etf the political 1cominittees. But it stands te neaeon that a ma-n ot experience would be more capable ln such an office than an eut. sider. Tho patronage eystexu, theue- fore, iuts the neede anti convenience ef the people second te the advantage of a 1Party. If Mfr. Ayiesworth je an ondinany man; with an ontinany man's hatreti for petty dotail, ho muet wish the patronage coin- mitteeofe Durhami and ail the, would-be postxastens at the bottoin ot the sea Asitie frein the grave Injustio"the ss. tom" dees te the euntry ln filllngaiIl the offices witb party 1'workere " rathen than wltb expenlenceti andi competent mon, it muet be an offensive anti uniniti- gateti nuisance te everyene concenneti. Moneoven it cannot pesslbly bring a-ny stnengthte the party, for the blart- burninge ca-uset bya-ny ,appointaient generally outigh the satis faction et the lucky ina-nand hiq fiientie. Tako the Bowmanvllle case. Intimates ef Mr. Blnghatm, Dr. Belth, Mn. Davideon anti Mn. James wlîl have a bitter gniev- Ance net enly agaînet the Govenninont but ag-ainet eveny member of the pat- ronage eezmiîttee. The grîlevance wiil ranklîe for many yeamrs a-et, untieubteti- !y, wil caus;e alos@ ot Liberal votes lu Dunrha-i at the next election. M1n. McMurtry ma-y be an estimable anti s'ra-gtfrward man,but w6 belleve 1It ls net ia the publie iutereât ton any pElrson te enter the civil service at the a-goof 70, If 1'. batiful charge lu Bow- mauville veny llkoly hoe would have the office "ba-li up"'in 21 heurs _Ifbho pla-ce hile. !osti- lems- 8un- i ati ce or lga- tivil mou- - Mnr LIBERAL MEETINGS. Mleetings et the Libenale of West Durham wlll be helti in the different miunicipalities for purposes of erganiza- tieni and fer the selection o!1tiélegates te attend the nominiatinig conven1tion1 as fo Io ws: - Town ihall, B1ackstoý,k, Satundav,- April 123 at 2830 p. nm. Town ll, Oreno, Saturdav, Apnil 2B, at 2 80 p. mn. Town Hall, Hiampton,, Satunday April 25, at 2 30 p Mn. .Town Hall, - Bowma-nville, Frida-y, Apnil 22, at 8 p.,im. Anderson's Hall, Newcastle, Fnlday. Apnil 22, at 8 p. mn Ail Liberale a-ne urgently requestedt t attend these meetings. W. R!. ALLIN, Sec-retary West Durbai Liberal Association.: A HINT TO TORONTO Kingston citizens are getting, oh, se tons! 'the phrase '-going te Kingeton" ls, they think, negarded bY the otstide world synonimeous with -'Going te pen I tentiary," se tbey want Kingston P'en- etlentî-ary nameti Portsmouth Peneteni- tiary-the naine et the little -subunbr Mowat, of Kinagetenü, hi au interview with the Minister et Justice, Ottawa, reganding the changing of the naine. Hôn). Mn. A> l eswerth hati ne objection anti it le tb erefore Illely tbat befone long an order will be Issueti anneune- ing that the penal institution will be PortFmouth penitentiary- 'Toronto the Gooti shoulti new take the queue frein the tony Limestone- citv andi ask te have its goal calied Iliverside Goal, then outsiders ,night tbin k its ultra goodines rendered a goal unneceesary. Visitons: M. Fred anti Mies Lizzie Vitue wltb fientis; Mn. andi Mn. Jas. McCullouch, Manchester; Mns. G Vice at Mr- S> Werrv's; Miss Lnttie MeCul- leucb, home frein Aehbunn; Mr. W. Healy at Ballantrye; Mn. John Camp- bell at Cambraý; LMn. W. J. Ormiiton anti J. Hall hati a succeseful woodbee. Mr' Samuel Bray dieposeti of thnee Shontherne nt Ottawa !Winten Fair at tnemunenative pnicos, Several frorn hene atteniedtu te funenal at BowinanvIllie on Monday o! Mrs GeorZe Milleon who tiieti at Cambray on Fniday at the nesidence of ber une6Rev. E. A. Ton- kmn. Those unbappy pensons who sufer frein nervousnese andi dvepepsia shoulti use Canten'e Little lài'ver Nerve Pille, which are matie expnesely fon leepleos, nervous, dyspoptle tsuferons. Price 25 cents, HAMPToIq. Visiters. Mns. B. F. Dickinson anti son, Hîope, at Mn, T. Rowe's ...Miss Leach, Taunton, at Mn. W. I. Clanke's % IMn. F. 'M Hannain, Torontoý, at homeé._Mr S J Williams hati a foot sevenely injunetihv Pa heavy tîxuben Sat- nntiay. The transter of Rev, J. P. Berry, E-. A , to Alberta conference in Juýne will be. genenally regnettet, . . The mEseienary -Who An D" programme3 at the Epworth League Friday evening was very in-terestin-g; C, members suc- ceetied tidieeutfying the 61i nissienaies; five othens-- lackýed only one. By coin- mion con)sent thne three pirimze wore awanti- cd the three y(ou)ngest havîng ail correct. ist, Miss Etna Hanna-in, 2nd, Nelson WÎiCOx, 3rd, Miess Annie Wilcox Are you tîneti. faggeti eut, nervous, leepless, feel meau? Hellisten's Rocky mountain Tex stnengthens the nenves, aids digestion, binge netneshing leep, B5conts, Tea on Tablets. Stott & Jur-. Women's institute meeting, Tbunsday March z4th, at 2.30 p.i . . .. Mrs. A. Hogarth is attending her uncle'sfunenal at Detret _.Mr. W. N Pascoe bati a wood bee Thursday. _., Mn. T. B, Car- lew, Wankworth, visited ait Mn T. Baker's.,..Greait regret is felt hiere over Rev.. J. P. Berry'a remroval te Al- berta Conference_. Mr. L. Landeir's yeungest son is very iii with pn-eumronia ....mies Lelia Hlogarth is home f'reinm Scugog Islandi. . _ . Mr. Geo. ýMeKes,%- ock visiteti hie biother here on bis wayj back te Saskatchewan.,Mr. W. C. Mers A. J Ctie, enezer, îsgitl,,at Wrynes .J.Cuthe beerdays isi edrl Mnr. J. T, Rundle's..- Mr. andi Mr. R J. Luke, Kedron, ani Mr, andi Mrs Editor James, Bownanville, were reeat visitons here, ..,. Mr. andi Mrs C. Sturgie and Mr Arthur Westlake,081ihawa, vîsit- et at MIr. Chas. Bacads,,Ms Marjony _Paecoe lias been visiting ber g rantiparents at Hamnpton. . ., Messrs. Percy, W. G. andi Cecil Vice, Oshawva wene berne Suinday ....- Mr W. H Gor- il bas fully recevereti frein pneumronia .... M 1r. W. VanNlest hati 25 tonts hay presseti for delivering ai Oshawa..,.Mr 1. W. Brooks bas hie apples al repacd at the elorage, Oshawa. -.,,ttMn.Hobbs, Ponts pool, visiiteibMn, W. N. Pasuoee. .MU. John Rcyîiolds, drover, was at Toronto. SinceCirlhood m E J. Vatnde.rburgni of Easterni Welland avfqiue, S(. Otharunles, Onit., wites: "For-tetyoeyeairs I was, ba&dly v ice ith, heart tou lnerv- oumness anMd cramirpei in the limb, ais twitchinig of the munisclesî andi nervou8 beatiaches. I1beamie weak', debili- tatedantiemac(iate(t. My conito was distres4sin1g, anti I a ate worse through Worry andi o8e ep. "I tried à hunkdretd i remedies in vain, and, reading about,, Dr. Cbase's Nerve foodi, I dceidet ro tu-y it. After bvn uýeed half a dozen boxes et this prepaxra- tienl mY Old trouible had entirely vsant-. 3hAan 1 W"senjoying better heaith pat middle lifie andi ain perfect hcaltb. 1 would net take werlda te-day anrd go back te mny fermüer tt. Dr. Chabe'. Nerve Foodtus, espeýiaiiy Our New Sprillg Dross Goods. Are arriving daily, They eonsistqof allithe most up-to-date TIweed offeets aïad ail the latest plaîin shadles Suitings and are, now opaned up ready1lor your inspection. New 5Spring rPrintse, We have the largest selection . this year that we ever had- in this line and under the eireumstances that Prints have advanced in price we have deeided to seil the best Crum's English Prints at the old price 12îe, eonsising of ail the shades that are-to be had in this line. Thneî.Famous Rock Fast DÉri Shirtings We have suc'h a large range of these that it would be impossible foi anyone flot to be suited. The Rock Fast Drill Shirting has got its namie by the satisfaction it has given by standing its color in washing and for'its extra ,weaxing qualities. We have this shirting in Plain Black and ail the Biack aid Spots and Stripes that these 'are to be had and also the same range in indigo Blues. If you try this famous shirting oncee you will be sure to try it again. We StiR have a few of our Ladies' and Men's 'Fur are thinking of buying a Pur Coat this winter, now is money aid have la look at ours before you buy. Coats lef t. your time If you to save We have just opened out our spring Shirts, Collars and N7eckwear. We have in Shirts ail the latest shades obtainable with cifs attached or, detahedranginag in priue [rom 50e to $2.50, Co-llars we have la this lGe are complete in every style and shape. Neokwea.r for Easter Now is the time to pick out a nice Tie foi Easter when you have choice in Plaids, Stripes, Fanecy Plain Shades, Spots andPli Colors, us a eall for a real up-to-date tie, a good Give Mat-malade Oranges, -An extra fine lot of Marmalade Oranges have just arrived, Our slicer, Highest price paid for ail kinds of pro duce. Also ,try JOHN MCMURTRV, West End flouse. Co01 anl9a-ethtth tte tiit bunbsheds were'net opeu Olti Folkr Concert night fer cenvenlence ef country people. let ume Bell 70U a, Incubatoir 1 On Time Do you kî1ow thiereus big monDey in raising poutrylý Do you knlow my i)c11- bator wiilpay yen a big- ger profit than an-y th ting ye, can haRVe on your pla ce? WclQl these thinxýgs are ' ruc. Thouîsande e ofplpe aIl over Canada have proveti il everyyeair forthe last five years. 1 want te q note yýou a pni!ce ,on miy ChjathainIncbtr s c lON T 1M Eaýnd c>n a cyar guarantee. I want to scnd yoiu ny Chatham book. Ti nu bator book is fv-'lseindit te yen for just a postal card. Rtt (1l lio hoto alcte f,eouto£ cliokens. Chatham Incuibator, and Bodn will maL&hûte o moey.for aCata Incuba.tor xilli hatch ka ive. beaithT chicken ont et ever>' tenîhlo egg pu, into it. in 21 days. WVîil -ou Write f )r mi- book tn-day? Tour IneubatQr Bgok-tluaîs a;il, Address me per8onalhi-. Manson Campbell TWi mNtsea Camplleu ., MW Depi. F120, (bth.M. Oât, Bowmanville. ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS 0F THE CANADI AN PACIFI RAILWAY MAIL bSERVICE Fineit and Fasteîst IdE[V,'PRESSES"1 FR01 ST.,JO10, M. B. TO LIERPOOL Marcb 22, Fnlday .l.*,..Empress et Ire,ýlanci Marci 3e. Satuirdýy ... .... -'ù ake M ab London direct aalln'ge onaplicaition. Froni MONTRERL and QUEBEC tq LIVERPOOL May l, atuday.......Lake NMantoba May 1-1, Fi ida>'.,........ Empresa eof Irelar d May' 25, Saturda' .,....,. LkeChamplzin, One Way Secolld lass Ooloffist ickets DONALD 0- 1%,i.*ALBHtAITH, Barriger, Solcitton, Notar>' -Fnl-val-e and Comnpany monejs te blanMl owt alurnu rates. AKent fçr '! Mdl"dL9An antiSavl~e Omisty. Oficeoppoeiie i* garty'. store Kfing.!St. BowmanvhileV The Or-tarie BUSINE2SS COLLEGE Belleville, 1 9th year. 89th yuari le te most preseroU u auc- cespful business eColege lu Canuada anti tho eeOt Wldely attended Wl lu Amenica-. Send for Catalogue. 41-1 Address J. W. JOHNSON, F.C.A, --m. Picpl G-rîgg Selling Out. On Sale dtaiY until Apnil Sth te o inOtibD ilu British Columbiat, Calltornia, Wash- i ingonOreonColoratdo, Montta-na. IOf 00i ePECI4,L TRAIN Will leaviD Torontoi Tro No every Ti A (a fi 0 JOHN ORI 82 Ontario St, Bo'N ne 17 Wanted Fur iii. or iIIdSJ p )McDONALD Agent.

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