Gr-and Trunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWAT TIMR TABLE. BOWMAUVILLU STATION. CG0I%3 MAST GOING WEST à,ail.....9Oa. Em-I 5Exprems -*4.40 a. m lz xpre 1010 . ILocal.....7 57 Kxd 836 p.m Penger-.1 36 p. ta fia 649 p.m. Mixed,. . 7 33 al......0e24 p. Tickets to certain points sold in accordance s'ith special hoiday rates aninounced tn another Ivrann will not e honored on trains Nlos. 1 or swowi-r &Jtnv. Town Agents Ohildrehl, SByos Children at echool olten got for boeing stupid -when the who1le trouble is that thoy c3anot soc properly. Other children suifer so from heýtJ4ches and oye strain that they cannet study. Lot us examine your child- rÈen yos and i, there le any ihing wrong wo wfll toit you just what sho uld be doue te ro- lieve the trouble. W HE N 3VE TEý,ST EVES IT 18 DOXE PIIOPEILY. Stott & dJury, Detroit Optical College, Canadian Optical Collego, New York Sebool ef Optici, -Chieago Ophtbalmic College. k ABARGAIN! -We have just recesived an.- other shipmeut ef that colo brated brand of Imported Pure COasti1o Suap which hae been gi-vng our c2ustore euch eatisfaetion, We will give a Buri Wood nuil brual f ree with every bar of soap wblle they Price v2,5eC. SOAP AN DNAILBRS CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLET A simple a,-nd effectýive remedy for SORlE TIROATS AND COUGIIS They combine thle germicidal value of Cresolene with thse sothing properties of slippery elmn and lico- rioe. Your druggist or from us, tOc in) stamps. LnzMILas Co., Limited, Agents, Monitreal. 401 BOWMANVIL, M ]AR, 1ý3, 1907. Regerv e March 2o for Triniî social. JurîmnsSoy-edoinezjer page. Report of TownTrsrese inner Another supply of 25c;Biack Tea at Murdoch's l ca't e beat. Durham uld Boys' Baniquet-see 3- colun report on inside3 page,ý Crews have býeon scarce this winter in local option oaiteWhy. Mr and Mirs. F. C. Vanstone spo5nt Sundav with friends in Toronto, Mîr. John Fee, Salemn, is mnoving te Omnemee, Sorry te looseyou, John, Miss May Jamesq, Torante, bas been visiting her mother Mirs. R. W. James. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Frejelanid, Tor- ento, have boeon viiting relatives bore. Buy 1-5 cents werth of Poas ai Mur- doch'L-rare value-far ahoad of canned Peas. Miss Ethel Bartioti, Ceiborne. le vi8itlng ber grandfather Mr. john Hellyar. An legant lino of now raincoats, both Ladies' and iàen's, juat lit at The Mason Co's. Mrs. F. C. Vaustono will receivo on Thursday and Friday afiornoons March 2lst and 22nd. Mrs. S. Cawker and brother Mr. John Branten, Oshawa. spent Sunday at Mr. J J, Masen's. Mr. Frank Brittain and Miss Mamie Nott, Oshawa, spont Sunday ai Mrs. M. J, Brttain's Loavo orders for Ideal Fonce wlth Murdoh-getting lots of orders-will ho buey in Spring. You can use free ef charge F. A. Haddy 's orange' slcer, Now is due time for Marmalado. St.,Patrick's, Day wlll bo celebrated tbis vear lu alAbe P rotestant churces. Na doubt Irish airs wlll be suing. Dr. A. S. TlIIey recontly operatéd succo8sfulir on Mr. Wm. Wilcex, the base bail expert,,for appendicitis. Mrs. (Rev. ) P. W. Jollife has boon in a velock' for two we3eks ewing te ilines of Mrs. A. C. Denikos l11111elcild. Mllinery Openings at tbe Central Millinery Parlers on Frida.v and Satur- dlay Match 22ad and 23rd, lladdy & Ce. Mr. Norman Stanley and bride of hldi ave been visiting hie siter Mrs R. LlewilJyn Osborno and othor re- latives. Ladies' colourod cloth coats and al chlldron's ea&ts-ail now gooda-at balf prices ai Couch, J ohnston & Cryder- man 's. Apple mon have been shipplng bal- ance o! winîer's storage and are iikely te realize handsow.e profits on their holdings- The Mason Co's special bargains for thls weok is an elegant lino of table cevers fout and tapestry. see advt. fh particulars. Goed lime fer ail ai Social' Match 20. Saiuruiay was a good day îor business. No flood., boretiis Sprlng--too littho snew. Bring your Butter and Egg9s te F. A Haddy. Milss MeýWain spent the week end ina Oshawa. iSeOlal ai Mr. J. MeIntyro'5 Wednes- day March, 20. New Geods arrivirig just now ai The Masen Co's. See advt. Ladiles, read the Instructive page e! fashion hints etc in Ibis paper. Miss Ricbardson, Whltbv, is guosi of Mrs. V. H. Emery ai tbe Parsenago. Sleighlng is fast disappearlng-mere buggies Ihan cutters wore eut Sunday. Leave order for Garden and Flower Seed wiih Murdocb. You will have the best. 1Men's and beys' Spring Suils opened pjut Ibis week ai The Mason Co's-very choices Rév. W. A, McKlm Young, Wossburni, Man., was reconi guesi of-Mr. W. R. CIemens Miss Amanda F. Bond, Osbawa, is guesi o! Mr. John James and othor relatives. Geed Maplo Syrup at F, A, Haddy's 80e per quart, Aisoselsof rising Buck- wbeai Fleur. Eggs are scarce. Caîl ai Murdocb's and gei Grit-oyslor aboli and Pratt's Poultry Food. Twenîy-five per cent off ail mon'é And boys' overcoals ai Couch, Jobnsion & Cryderman's. Mr. Fred R. Curroiley and- bride, Canton, wero rosent guessisof Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Magon. Town ceuncli report for March and Treasuror's statoment for 1906 appears on1 an inner page. Approntricos wanted at CenIrai Mii-ý llnery Parlers. Apply aionce. Haddy & Co, Bowman'ejillo, 11-1w. ýGsi 10 cents worth of Pop Corn for thé boys ai Murdoch's to brIng them home in the evoninge. Mise Arvilla- Cox, Ontario Sireo t, bs preparod te do dressmaking ai home or go oui bv the day. 10-8w Mr. and ire,. S Taylor, Charlecoîs, were guests ove r Sunday of bis sister Mrs. J. K. Galbraitb. Fer a geod cup of tea try Haddy 's Ideal Tea ai 25e and 40e package-a goed tea at a bow price. Miss Irene Dyer aud Miss Lamaa Rocker, Oshawa. wore guosis o! Miss Theressa Joues Sunday.. AUGTION SALES. TuuUeRiÂv- Marcb 14-Mr. William Hutchînson. blt10, conu5. Darlingion, wfllgsolailcf is farm stock, impIe-ý monts, etc See his. Sale ai1p m. L. A, W. TobLr, auctilneer. BARGAINS IN PIANOS. 1 want te clear oui my st3ock of sec- ond baud Pianos apd Org ans before the ond of Match.i 1 am geing tQellou heap If you have the cash to pay down ail right., If not I will give you easy mouîbly pay- monts or arrabge pay monts te suit yen, If yen are thinklng 0f ge3tiing a uow instr'ume-nt, cone fil anid seseOur new sivbse o! the old rolip-ble Daminion Pianos and Organs. None botter and few as gond. Payments arranged to suit purchaser. Dout filto ecue omi ofth ba- '- '- JAïmus DEYMI gains now goiuw ai Couch. Johnston & il-tf Agent, I Crydorman'a stocktaking sales. _______ Miss Aileen Kers e!, THE STATEsISAN -OITC staff l9 taking bolidave lu Oshawa CUTC vislting ber sister Mrs W, J. Webster. Miss Hloar, Providence, Master Hugh MeDougaîl reorts a Rutb Conrice... . Mr. ![ fine batibinz of chloen March 6- Chicago, vitsdbis sister Good for Iho Canadian express messen- Booko. .,. Mr. AIfL Huggi ger ! Generai Bootb's meetingsj Mr D. M Tod and Mrm.T. H. Ever- --Misses Courilce, "Lllly son. Oshawa,woro rocont ZuoIms of M103 tained Friday evening McWalu and attendod Vo Qîdo Tymm' i $îel6 wil buiid an d Concert. I bouse .. At a succossfi b, 25 nr cet nf ai Mnfe Uffe MtCarswell, over $50 0( 25 er en of al Mffs RÉs ila ýIý e-- n rg~an. BIakef %N, visited Miss esielo all,' lirs . S.S. lus attonded lu Toronto ,.1 Hill" enter-' ..Mr, F. dilion te biis aueO 4 - Wpma-In SoIlina MarehbtoranM8 W.C.Werry, a davgliter. FIeE-Im Boýwmanv lile, NMaref-,h Lto -Ar. and Mrs. Wm. Fi(ee, a&son? ALLÂN-In Bowiffanville, March 7 to Mr andMrs., Williamn Altan, a-son <Norris êhaplln.) MIDDLETrO-Ini Newenstbe, on Saturday March 2od, te, Mr, a nd Mro. Elvin Middl eton, a MOU. LAMMIMN-Ini Solina, Saturday March 2nd, to Mr. and Mre. Wm, Lammiman, a son. -DIBD. SEThiOUR-In Orono, Maref 4th, 1#07, William Sey mour. aged K7vyeari§. LA,,emAîÂm-In olina, March Srd, infant Son of Mr. ond Mrsý. Wm. Lamnmiman, aged 1 day. Baiowm-Near Saintfield, Feb. 2$, Geortre Bron, ge 98veas.Deceased was a Pioneer of Re.., h township. DîwEs-At St. Johni, N B., Fel'. 18, En- phemiaý,rellet 0f the !,lteClement aes c Brooklin, Ont. MAY-lu Bowmanville. March 5, at t!bc ne,- Idence of her daughter MsAn J. C. Maybee. Mr8î' Amelia May, aged Î3 years. Interred in Tor- onto. MILLSON-1il Cambray, Friday Marcis 8, al; the nesidence of ber uancle 1ev. B. A. Tonkin, Edna Camupieil, rellet of thse late Geo. E. Mil- son, aged 32 ye-ars. Interred at Bowm&nville. Fastor and faster the paco la set, By people of action, vlm and got, Sa if at tho finish Nou woUld be,, Tako Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Stott and Jury M ISS M. M. ARMOUR-Issuer of Matrriage Licenses. Reglstry Office, Bow- manville. Ptesidence: Beecis Ave 51-tf. F O SALE OR TO RENT -PlanljngL mlii and blacksmlith shop. Terms8 easy, Apply 10 MRS G4. C. HAINES, Bowmanvile. 5 ths *------------'ý A ATEOFH«ELTH Furituo!Furnituro! Our 'stock comprises ail uines of useful and decorative furniture, ini the different grades. Th ere la, nothing made that we cannot supply you with, and our prices are as low as the low- est. New designs constantly arriving. See our Store Window L, MORRIS & SON, L T-he Home Furnishers Bowmaýiviî1e nd.Orono. Furniture Dealers.. Phonte 10. Yuneral Direciors 3 tarmaladee afu wLs ote fto make Marmalad, F A. Hladdly has* a ful "ortentof ranges and bernons for Marmalado frorir 20c toc. per dozen.e lie will bo pleesed-ta boan you his Sileer if you wish ît, T ea G Don't forget Rladdly's TIdeal Tea in il lb and i.l1b.pakg G Gren, laekor ixedai 2e, nd 40c. per lb. Our sales ofIea *Tea are increaFiDg. R1ave yoit trled it? If not, Why flot? Je lly Powderse OAil the fiaevors inJelIy Powders for 25c. * CHINA F U ffl CHI-NA * AI G1O9ARAur.y.HALL le PGWDER Absolutely Pure ACiream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos- phatic acid RAÀ4S NO ISIJASÀTI TII TE lui