IT IS WRIYTUAT KIULLS, NOT Y-;RK pr loa lfe. On ithecotLher hiani- orry wiîhr wîtut wok, is fatlbeas it ussu ht theDoctors cail tie "Lecthi," pbsphrizd ft wicbj 11 thecf Col'situen ýlt of the brain and nervus ystm-awaste whic, f flot stalyed in imne, nmeans ,complete nier- VOUS \wreck. Teevideat rmoral is "déu11't wusry --edvicce asy touie anrd ini these dlays cf stress and stiain practicailly im;possible toï take. The ale caieis;fiad sorme way of re- iacing t.e asted Lecithin-the phoshorie , ft, This absolutely essntil eemet will be found in its miostpefet palatable and assimi- lal!e forrn li an1 emIulsion of Cod TLivr 011and .1%vth ren. the recoiznized tdood builder Teideal Laxative + ~+ à + tfor Cildren -4, To n o ci + + in what they give chîldr + move the boýweils. Cal( + + cascarasena aIs, catJ ir ý- -ýpus castý)-or o, an.dpui Alerrotie \. is'Ill oqe e jing e Quce sccc otcred e S1re1t T gced. lis bathing, ena shoukt Le care- fuin 1) 0 gey t cild litE ]ESTC\IETIC. areful lomel, aa2rtic mlinerai wate-rs iritate th,_ bowel-upst te stoiacl- anid even-tuially lead uip to chron'iec noni-action of the are h 2 etmdcn in the world for children. it is jucst like iving thje littie ones apples, oranges, flgs and prunes -because "Fruit-a- tives" AREý thej uices of these fruits-but so comlbined thlat the mnedicinal action is in- creased rnany times. Fruit-.a-tives are perfectly saf e Manuy a salov nd biotchy cean-iex-' ion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c colwerc eie ~a~se yoss x o ".1rcr' 1t te al tlie eet cue, wil te ee [oule suauy inodse fcial iemihas 'x ic pa n i y L e r]la ved ,ý, ly a i mple diiii il o od rmd o cmtearofghe svs to R lae ceionsi arn~n fpre w i nterst , w clbw4ae i te aUIe n eg -~Rubbers nd epy,'ur Sfeet dry andwam- Wirelek-from "0eOid Tel R,rnWbO lived. in Mado of the best Para gum, eul' to fit snugly a nd accu rateiy, "Maple Leaf Rubbers" presenct a%'thorougbily waterproof -surface. Keep your feet dlry andl was m in the wettest ksnýid of weather. Iabrboot illusirated is thoroughly waterproof and doubly ,attongthened at peints, wr ~ear is Creates. e 7 s