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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1907, p. 8

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I Town aU, limpton, Fab 23. I ý cono'iÀ me t thie, day wlth ail mem- bers presentl, and Reave Mr. MoLangh- ;ie preaidingý,. Minutees cf Iset meeting were rýead and confirnied. Commrunicatlono were read frorn J. receolpt of resolution pagBad by Counnol;- i~romp E. Prout, as to 9tate off road ha3- twoan lots 6 and 7 con 3; from Wcod, Gurnay &C., as tLo leof(dobenras f1rom CharlesRdat M. D., Deputy IV lgls!tKar Jraoertlfying to tha degthp 31, during tha past ycair, Al woeafiledl. Froni Thonias Morris, Town lark, > Oshawa, requestiin-g co-operation In a maovemanàt to havaý passanger rates on Rallway East of Toronto adjoàted te -aîrt a at Reve MàeLanghlin and¶ Clark .EIlott vere anthorized te sign B patition te that affect. collacter S. J, Wiliamas presentad1 bill of atb&tement 825.6, w hic wss allowed, 1The Auditrspraaanýted thaîr report on the Tr5aamrar's accounts for the past year, which wa.s accaptad and the Clark authorizs"d to bava the safnie pDubllhad as usal. Charlaieoper prposeid to seli a place of lndusecifor roadway, for aRS. MISASIZAU which he a b e receevîcg rent for maiiny yaars. Reeveud Counc1llors Mrs. Mi aien Ste. J di îdl",rVercrs, P. Q., Canada, writes: MilîsoDn and Wioodlay waro rappolnted "Iariykn how to tiï ynfrt!- good Peruna bas doue mandCommteat orsda i mle "Isufeed ieyer ih aninteLonach- Aboui a year ago it becama ndreprt sbad I ou]d 1"hardî,ly bear il, By.ia o. 645 waa lnsroducad and kce Te cx, Treasurevrerportad hapving recelved *'ededtbrug rn boy nd aie ad iff~aiy a bcatin, ~'hih ademe aqu fro'3 the C.H.L Spronlae, as- AoUh vJyetouh hdcosmpin,-sstn-To -ua f Oanarl, for $108,- "Myhuszu~ herdut erua adbogh tAe httis,9:2, bailng âamoLUntOf shara f alWay "7'hicranen italycrdm 2-2 wI.ecmedPruat vr taxation fond for 1906, snLtldedpooited "I tankDr.tI~rtran or hisex~iirt rmed2'in tha Bank f Montreal. --M?.mois PIIE A commiîunication was racelvad flom 1 Clarka ùCeonliraquesting smre action1 ~ NEGLCTLD ola iegenerlly Peuna bs bee foun h otr- to ha taken ln order te Induca tha UN. ~& ue 4~s ns~s 0fcatrrb 0 aUreedis fr cugs, old R.1to aka the northara iiirvey In, btild- -~ '.ueî&ty t codeandcatrr, b resoà é ~tIng thoerproporied road, instaad of ap.j ~ J~ ~os a ci e e th vey sat ~ tha frçnt!çe owrDB, The Womn ~matter was £rthat pressed by Geo. A, lng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n th esop ete fwne rut.~~ tpesaiothars. L as orlarod an srig ha nyotertie0fth lt erches out every crevica, -atit"~lons boclroulated among th, year Oftn thy dutof he ody. Iqiknadqa-tntbu,_ . "'- nwQshPiP reqùaetlng t W01E SIOJL aenot cnidrd ize ite circula- rtpyr ft~ rssdri BEAR r eiosand so ae ionofthe blood, P~N h .R bfvrbyu. ' CATIING OL3, llwed to run othis rei'vng the TUE REMEDI nerseo tepopao ha emwnre- othey are treated congested Tmucoris FOR CATARRUEofthcnmtoa oi osad Gof . thaiemera l.such a waasto only palliate thzexembranes, It ex-0F TH U of Qý The oma uae ndW. Rs.A Sapni, eyDmptom5n, whlethe cod becomes ercises a healing tThma loBkerad W.R.hlun, arao ýnore deep-sea tod and the patient finally and _soothiîng affect upon thea1oeopta to lok afatioatertyoa iý.wakeastthe ,ýfat that she as awell- memb,,ranes, ne matter whethia lýy my seprop er ileveloped case of catarrh. are the more exposed membraneas oi'y Odes rée anteà3 on the Treasur- By reason of their delicate, heafi and throat, or whethar theT dhe et as fowm -W. Kellay, roadway to 'lialungs are freqiiently the Seat c a the remotest celis of the lungs. gravaI $150; C. Hoopar, rant-of land aGoldJ,ampaciatiy 47 th1era Li tha slîghteýst A word to the wlsawom an îs suî%efen for road $2;'W. Pointon,keepfrtg Matt. 1,knesofthe orjigane , ThetreýatmntTake Pemuvna attha firet ýaPpeaarw4jeaG oRWynu, au IndIgent $5; J, 'Vaste, dam-f ut eatarrh ofthe l ungs aie or dif- a cold, ages $5.34; J.Trvirva$1 . aitan is-_cuiaglngthn _cata-rrh of Toadsrngselî W. R, Allin. services as, Audto$10; auy tha oran o th boy. ardîg te ue -PJ. Groat, do.., $i 10HElliott, r~ gadan te ennn, Is ratien feeq 2,0 S. J.Wilms It woul be wis, thereo e teguard drese Dr. 5.S,1B., Rarfiman, alay s Cllcte, nd xpn s$1 a g l n t i t y e v î y p e a t î n p o s s i b l e . T h e E H a r i m n S n t r n n O 1 i ~ 4 hC o c h d o m e t t n r d y M t O DLI.J. S SOM RS, .~ cH ELLGTT J. Rao lehc C,"l è! setoOn the death of hlm wifa, six yesm go a oved to Orono to resida with bis son George. 0f a fally of tan childrea-four boys Bnd six grls, sa8ven survive. 0f taathora wée prasent at tha funaral Mr. Wrn. Sey- mour, Port Hope; %Ir. andi Mro. John Nali and son, Cobonrg; Mr. and Mrs, SaulSeymour, 1Newcastie Mr. and 7mnA Moeand Mi. cGeorge qSey. mnoî3rThc ermain-s were interred ln the Ocone Cedmatary. lTha romains3 were interred ýlutha Orono QC'eneary yastrday, Rv J A MoKeaon conduot- ingth sie irvice3s Bt tha lieýuse and grava, The paîl beaareswe Messrs. Wm.Mo- Leod, Hlarry Barrâba1i(, J G Honey, James Brewýn, James uter and R Stut. BliAOKSTOCK. Tha rigors ai wiuter seem te be,-soma. what abating ...W a trust Mardi will ba a, constant weaith of suushine, We welceme, MIr, D.Jehuston and wif teaurvilage...Mr.Asa Spinks-- hired 'boy whiIn the bush Satnrday was strnck b ly a falling tree .. . .Two of Cartwrlghts meet estimable young people were uuited iu marriage Wed- nesday lu the persens ef Mr. Leslie Mouutjoy and Miss Mande MeKee of Cadmus. Tho ceremony teok place At tha Metvhodiet Parsonage. Thay wilh reside oný the Beacock bomestead. Their- mainy friands wll wish them avery joy and happiness .... The lme- trated lecture by Rev. WH.Cline, Port Perry, ilu dia Methodiet Churcli was a splendid înuccess the building being crowded, Proceeds $3.... .Blackstock is te bave a, goed Spring Show, and large numbers are lnitarasted in tie malter. A great deal1 of shipplng bas beexi going on Itl many fine catle are leaving h stables of our prosperous fa'eswho are reajoicing aI Ihe fiine pricas ... Mm. Tlos. Mason, Port kiorr V. lias rented the farm formerîx anx.,ag4)iï by tie laIe John Wýhite. WHrÂ' A J Oï vo FEL WELL-Do , ou' know whaî Il le te feel well-to 'f'ee yQiig, Jeart audvigous-to en-oy r Wôik and la ý fr alwihhoetoj the fuature This is the- way you i, fae ii yer rvi talize yenr w iasted aand depletld nerv;Ous systemi by the -use of Dr. Chase's Narv;e Food. Net in any iauosws.y, but when your system bars bngrtaîYbuilt up by Ibis E iN1IS KIL LE Y Visiters: Miss 'Grace RgesToro.-,t0 al Mrs. Harry Rogers'.... Mr. ar1',irs Gao. Reid vstdliCartwr'.g.h, ..£ r S and M rs N. Byers, Porý en, "' a -'I Mr C, J. Meuntjo3,'s. -trFrank and Miss Florence WVern'Î, l3éhesda, at Mr. !L, J. Uar ' . ý. . rs. William Stainlon and fam~~',, wltifrelaives near Orono... .Mn. adMrs. Cu N Ruse,, Hampton, with fiinds.,. .MiýsS Aneand Maggie Bell, Oshawa, at home ...,,. Torrey-Alexain- der Sang ServiceSun,ýda-y evening wias m hnoeepeilythe singing by a Gle Clu etlwenýy votesand a ol tives et the late Mrýs, Gea,Misone EdnsCmpbeî)hdied 1Fridaýy atReýv F..A T,~'in~mCramhrav. hiave the svm- jSaved Fo i FHI 8 à.. , V V -L .-F A SPRING NEED Wûak, Tired anidlJepressed Feo)pie, Need a Tonie ta Puit the lo Right. Spningz blood le bad blood. Indor 'Yen e a tonic tea buiid up the biood nelw sap 0 ive ýhemvinilvfor the -3 summaer. ntesnn a lo hw itef ii in ny WaI% s. lusome h itbreeds A pimpies and eplnla oth ers ài . may ha throughoiaeoaîheadlachas, a variable appehite, Foliape twinges of, euçualgia or rOna-ei or a IaZy feel- in ueming innd tdeereto avoid exartion. For has s prinLg alIments il Lea is a tIuleyen nead, and lie, grealest 1ail Ihe world is Dr. WiLi ïams' Pink Pille, t Every dosa helps te m ake ne ew, rich, red, healti glving blooid, whieh reacies avery narve and avery organ î le Ih bodyv, bringing healtb, strengshý and.j energy le waak, despondent, aiing men and womeu. Hare is proof Mrn, , Geo, Merritt, Sandy Cove, N S '»a!s0- "! was weak, feeling miserable and Iarrîbly run down. The docton whom I consuited said the trouble was anae- mia, but ha did not hehp me. A frian advised me te taka Dr. Willlams' Plk PIlla and il le simpîv impresiýble for mep( te ever-esîlmate the .good they have ll-- doue me. 1 shah aqlwaqs recommend them to ailingfrad But if yen wanl a'ýiw healîliyon muet gel the tyuine Dr. Williams' Pink _ PIl for Pale People, manufacînned .3à Canada at Brockvll, Ont. Other so- called pink pis are fradulent imita., lions, Ie 8ge-ninel Dr. Williams' Plnu" Pilloe asoldId by ail reputable medicine, or six boxes for 4 SObv 7àwzitiIjgp the Dr., Wiluliams pMe'ditueCeo fvlont,! Rerv, and. Mrs. E. E. Howard, Mynrtle, Visiled Mn. Geo, Pewar and Chler friende rBceitîy.,,. Mm. Leslie and MissesLo,* Shirle-y aud iEiva Saowdeu recenîîy vieil.- ed Mârs. Ed. Powers, Oriono). .._ Mn..John Ehliott, B. A., UBowmanvilla, the puipit here Q - ý - .-.nea~MVireached a Mark Mnnda,sen., visiîed Mr T. H.L WlidVhitby, ever Suuday ,,,.MYiss Ethel Power, towu, spent Sunâday witli Receut y1sitors. Miss Louisa Hodga, Mliss Aima Wflght, Bowmanvilýie, Mis Saraii Simpson, Hamplon, aI Ibair homes; Mrs. Giýbaruk, Lekr, (0 n David. Gilbank's; Ms . yosat Mm Chanleýs Honpem'u;Mr. Fakan tM~ ~ thein ss-ter M. M J. Wa-ry; Mss M. Ms.aryColtacoît; Mn Win. Litîle, Tûonulo, naIqme; Miss Etel kiaar î the MoT ýj3 D elijius a LJ RfrekS'_i c,(zT e a ia -the'jworlcbi PerhLaps yon ee hppn Co alln' oayad e oretre u.DO you know hai 'l a p of "S'AL- -DA',ol ae opeey erse you? The ffeary, either bun mmd or bd Now CGooda_'ýArriving Newv Spring Goods are arrivinglu il eprtmntin ci ldingf Ne, Dress, New Srn 'itNew Skirt, e Prints, New Ginghamsý' LNew fose _New Go e, New Underwear for bot!,Lde n et, e lt o el (lChristy's new 8hapes) etc, etc. Ail winter goods aie beiscr*ified au t abot haf pi LADIES AND MENS IRAINC)OATS Fro eïudbC est tact- store in this towri. ihe ltes ode1's ùbe aufll y M-qad!e Ti,ýeotry ana t Tb1 Ooer 1OUR SPEÇIAL BARGAIN FOR THIS WVEEIK i clearing lot of Table Covers. Assort" ed in.sizesfro i ydi square to 3 yd square. 'They atre beutflj1- pttm at eolor , very durable in constant we -ar u-o-aein style. During this week theyw" u owing epecial pic1ýýes3. ~ ilb fee ttef 1.35 to 1'7Ï, $. 2.00 to 250.7 2,75 to .0 26

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