itale n verplls. FTLE FOR RIUOUINESD PIt FOR CONSTIPAMOR Mn GMSLLGW SKINO ........FO............ "- ,I" GURE 1KHAAHO evey wdnesdtuy morn:Iing t the aIflce -G Statesman IlaK, ing ret Editr vlle Ou., y M. A. Jame. ýjo and Froprietor. usrpli stîictiy uavac.Aintsngrts trîsicsiadeîiartaiscetsperte eubsrqîîe,îîInsertion. Contret ratzs ROBEIrT YOUN, V, S. 9 pi. Niît clisai rsidecadirect- iy ppist riii Sià,cl. l7-ly. 0IIîPSO &ELAIR. etc., iers ItscUpsar. Rn sîrct, iowaiiihle So.ciora for ed ut lowest rates. t- y h mtal an t 1es ad andat faes rigean alossposssspacsyI L", 97,4-d'erT-i..slng , no.Cassso rri $5 oonion rpeo- $.i ada. tedyco2o j a s tiPter as o Srlt Býis e r s' Crnrs, !rp- ifai enqpeleOsur Iersa r ers for is5'r set"epo.- laç rs5 Sy Csaj yrsSra, &siar-sa Yo ir irfB dg NotelYa(!E U R EDoi 1)C, .SA E el the best gra Il es of GCoal at the lowest possible price. Prompt de- livery a n d saîisfaction Jowhn île &Sou, Lad n it,I)oa. FSak&tsbewisn anîd A1Iberlta, exeoti; 1g A 2d d ualreiervedý4_May ec,Jine-.le;d by 'inyl peroo"n Who is île tl h!e u!cfîa fainîl,à Oî any 1mie 8Ver 58 earsf agte tbe lext f na quataiScto c aresmr rl e laî fficefor le i trictý 1,.hICh' thei-,c id t 'onehlust-edarl eudt efr a ise fclbowi g*plans: LitAtleaiix mathsl'ilreIdea peL frLieeietnlty cf twHI he Iiand eneîd o,e reqoifeset stîeiec îyb aîtt iby s"l'1 person r( , i ( wlth îLe ftiino A il pt Y I11e: . (3)if h eierio u pii et eec CURRIBNT TOPICS-. li otnoc ise Lrobust opinions cf cerainteolies I tse eutga protes- 'to lis cos eu potitei frîle jolO fasîurxedtoi-y aleasa heipful oi- esen tr ctoî'ateî buldie i wsod l juîsda iasio Tion cd im con necitîs xviii l, ldiscuss !ion c h ii- ïdisd st(x'hes lt.'["ýi attitsV pmeo- xx ;mo ili îfCr 'ciiy.ngc id li dusso.iela) ing~oil Ilop--x i tis~ui isO ly t) 's, ad O fi-es l foî'î o ai iter soxc eatmtaied hî' pepulaily aoag al isoienstisrela iet Ixe li t ro' isith efrt e. j Zxsoir's eo-sesxxudsliol Bu Lte nseeso op cf to pnoîsan ui-dIîýcts, ced se n icisoetrr o xei xx iii cisuhe e lei tof tispa iitehi e 1ýlI f isusigiatin ones si stop ictit exi- ise o tiigs've autObeccnu -e lit antiiitciIy ete cîssili ii o uegoo aoy- liechthy e mlui aslirtoIui mb rldcx on pls Oî l?:,! doloie'inieai-c3ar- tuuqoxxcf xtocexxleriis , -o-Leadsta m-t' ped b sxcpe orignwn o is ipie li ond iulson c1 ciu1 i i- eOs îPs-a ine jlilgad for dtffi- Cures Woman's Weakn esses. We refer to lithat oon; to weak, nervous, suffering womcn 1known, as Dr. Plierc'ls IDr. John Fyfoe cf UIcditoriail Staff iýOf !F TEEcLECTUi',M1 1 CA J JiREV IEW says Of Unicoru ot(IecbrDo )wiliich ila one cf tihe cie! ng, densof ui*,Fa- .,oritePecito" "A remedy vhlih înrartistcsastie- ina invgorator **~mksfrnra r -tivitY cf tthe entire renro1wcs'iv ment whichmr ol wr h le above 1 I purposestf han m'ycf e,îi !wif h w>îich I ans Cuitai te xvomin Ltita1s ldonlithatacase Is sccu xhich does oct uaetbreinldjation for tbis remedial Cgn."D aFyefrther says: "'[he fllwig r ong th, leading indcaion fr HibiastUticrorooi.Pain or l ac !gLu h ak lh loroa ïînc< eaicnltoTýcf rpoduciv thcrero ïtleGanm f me;osan: sensaion hat n he reion f t kl i s erhgi(loig. u eawa- mie t 0f1 l" l3oidhesSaf c',aotoio iet ingreirs cf F a',vori e Pecrpio, îitip[rdoa ileg , Cltteageilcys: and gener ai ncluntiu;w is fouswfi" !! Prf1 oi0M cddre.D.vaeo The MoneyBaker carnot pou e ayFin bStte t haas The. very best cf flour, butter anid cean- hemst modern plant, the. very best baker 1in Canada. A, biscuit sujper-ior to any other you have ever tasted. Sy"Nooney' s" to yoVUr grocer. +4 ++ + + + +++++ + STheMiati A il4Iit- vi- Who Escaledt cf Ib V, i h, A l M, 1', +++++ + +4-+ 1+, Lt~~~~~~J la"lre,'ic i h firo and aday c aimoi troicallirilIane lg gei d tlo rtiy l iiecolA n es In th hig,m nn pd oigMrs 'Aziiyon no w lino ml a fifl lm- o' lis oot. A ormisct(breoz, rada lentcf fcshy-cu Ilo,, iipo d ghtlye foth litsliar. Eor whiic li loy tar îng, \dreamî_.Iyu) e Uic skaunil an iîdsand hey cosd.Fr m amn-, olumber.o-]iiiie, h Lucy Broy cme stcppin ainhii ox fer ,'Y asapeL n, wtii, aIftati suppi tîgurenand rle smail iiasietiîlt lumph î'ed seii ,0odxtlcîsit cp tiotCO ,is.J i4Jý sudden gasp lt" svmn nlt a' cttuce uas 3m'iy t dîop le papenii c'asily ced sprti, g t i erl p11Uriefigu'etu mucdsuprse ' CioasuereeCeio bepnci Cliî'ou il(.aJi-cnt le xx;Cic i,,,i' Ulie e Ise icfi 2coOl proluc, isn exprssion dliang1 Mis',buo ol lise dring. '[hot~nt xas iedts, l 'uAy iisa ;o. ime os on a ird 15cr iLes tieon quiRl icsescdIl 1s:1Coheîinitle ce d--aisdcmsloy s il aiho jiI Vi.t I 1a !-tiLllety thal sIc ond st xvol up'. iss Bray extî'acio a revitîîlimîtbcxvci ic feIda 0f O soti -1pporoe tu donhl'u i i -o c pac, id lou r0 tdt yxu do. ijilvI lnox vlo(yoîI o 1ie, a isdeei, eisn e "h ams cemtoini gote le d so. caugi Ite slodcw et sloi-bi s ii, s crmnIi, ' msglrja(ilaitin, xvos te rd mec o li isscIl 1y1 cui o efaniycodsiem-sess an gctîg1)ccIi y Andt, ycdobat assioiassci( l 't eipoeyu telcoîderxvia 3c acton xii uIo ilx O." j "A xii1niveluapi.e. sîu u i'-îlii5t '[iegu ead osude îoies iscs-e net argu île qustîcîs.Ieny Rscx thatit a îsy d t te gi o yen ie Cu tcdy gate cedîlot cm ot gim t s"om[ rnei. "Yes,' dîemr -liitne l- mmcxvcud ,li1.rfuiiyqtîmuatIa feliow- Hoi speeh alemil a ilw-as, led siicred atuin inte iîy ýd in lier casedoreauet nro oo re dontehnicn ùblee l()Ii, goxen freali.tit IilrI aoIi.i- cen- fu,IBigt oin xvtelsct is es? "Yc imuît;butI oîstbradti I0-. Por. haif Gld net r 5xiv i, 80 enne" Her oycs fisled intll is. s ltifit ecouid go off ielle.xoi Ist solusg moi-e sU1n11ob Ie h isefh 01) ek ce nîy lti1 h' l 1 I, ilis . c Jct1ed , e-" s lie giudusiea ItelioniA li itd to lis n "icaded.ll "I I drt btixe yout ie iîs nîerod. lsta -hytencal brs îleisaf sppî-td, soi-cinid Isl ite1 "Bplt if ycuî' ie Jme Hdved-? site be,(gon, duifiy ey os. t "cu"e ltite gaspod.i 1Yesl 1 n Mt-ion1W-sas 'lot ssli t i is." I-le flîn hiessifa! l,, iofot. loxe you ncaiI 'Ls Nove mc isox'e h iard. lmy co ioyta on cj n isepiopnuis go 1i t l troilt ai ,o erougi ffr te lnisg a is îl titrait xvittî mc itouîdlisee x n a ing. 'lie fîtdiioc d lîn 'uting. a dent LsteR îsyfuttîî- xpcstte', an tioc p'i, im xîtilie encras îl c ieî ist,ly î'ckoi b fresi Ieip ils ,i'-l g. 1i \" l Iclrloîodsiten sslne'o et "I sy, on' Ycx'e rt le ;flnsl xA li'!Let esc i xe, yont l on erd e b ise the~~~~~~~ piyltsprcoslth opna lie, bu uil s J ipp eig t mntoiy foccepted îl eeiid od i lddlo,ýu ,i Tgeiiertliy rdgd t tue ale fth ied "Yeui como?' le bcgedfs tholiar vhoos. ilit e iae cfthe Lnden1sta l lespon- lnabcd and b'cndthe "'stropoi that adldi ie.MtsBay n taec secnd a.ýincse cr rwt _No liereidth coslmentJr. onertis nl- mIn jnîcIoy ciling at hAct tae lnd,, ilxvîa PIl wfindi-deutif, tlîcovitt nin- , iegn h îcli amtdofe grf i,(- houIlivir, suppi- d Mn.d La lierilli xvic i x1s-euId Ips-t nEie tht piesîn1intelt adismr ia ceoodlaateny) bxIetbi id t Jw iai1 pasaosabodcfsi OCnelos eghi Ileu lngl ncvcdlie uscd te1xveo0 to', ibse n n ltinidsurptîtk tIat for hiscxxr camfr ieb o n closýïe tîcn 'inc o lig, DxZtuî, -orciessew-ed ex e-r l iiniftIfýtdty. ',liet in ate>-ti i b'~~~~~1 piitngbi bam, ,iso t bda w-îseî L ondia tiaist, ,duO 1ixustI t ~ ~ ~ t!( ex ien-dct ica15 -I . lpi en'ib i ay m'ce 1001 aking machNTe shop wrkNlo grIs hr i h a1 huet o! ise '["1ý "Lle u nsîs e ný 9d0,mos e I, [ibm ;pb)iLof escompeief',Y îl ta' sEmgidatd Xaes u'Oci- ft iha t 4rabie ()nneiae1 wfilîl baldnas la île destructon cf tegm- apsni, sx te- aladyaiut lu eue hundred par cent, cf casebyt-msh w ii di ypsjuilepuciet!îtnsiia île~~~~~~~~~ aplcto fNwrocHriie CH omielet msionhetasox uumtitý R t Seud bu Icdîng di-uite."en lc L O tn i e sitmt qtiamps for sanîpie to The epideCessn soidittem'e tsuetfff scOus & JURIY, speclisAgonis, 3' jsclet dOîtil',w oute i, -. ithr ric vets Yom a Soll Sc uie S That sou wlIfeel at home lu, It 0!! bo cut to flit Pirfectly. Thit you will Iok dresed in, Il bu hashioabie, That will ho atrogl'mud", Utwin h sw aue -&t luiSshow Oilour goodo -'-s thernatorials uFuaýllv used lu -jstoc rody o u elo You au' afordto ar 858th we chaebecaUSe o work nth doïie for icss Yoýu cmn't find botte2r work-,bcus botrwork ea'thodUce vanywhere by epybody. JEFFEsON, House Cmnil a DO'TREAD THIS Every Day is Bargain Das At the' Weare stili handiling liest Brando Canadiant Cements, tBrit1sh Qolwrmb-ia lRed Cedar and, ther good Brands Cedar and Pi-e Shiingles, Pine-, and llemilock Lumer Dessed analUdeseDosSs blindot and Mouldigý. ms Freh Mined Smranon Gol, CanetGoal, Steam Coal, Charcoal, 1liard and Soft Woo,, Lonrg, Sawed a11nd 1ý Semi, Siabp, Egiugs, Land Plaster, Fine -,and Coce - Salt in barrelsmad sacks. VWe aways atm to giee i beutvaleoA reasonable prices. HighoeîCahPrc S paid for Gri ud. Seed-,. King t Eas, Bowna-nvlle o ~ ~ ~ % 45naip"il oilhn rr h î cdteEgil dWtl u patrF xnpce 0mR h c loe n iix vrg au f$0 cours baancecooltlie an in he ognegte1x5,tl oc 9bce reabu170psaIfx os hnMme0Xî0 A ryno s liounds, consisiing c f ot600Ciîit te ottecxtesno coules inEn lan or XXoie, od a $i,00,00Uo cp ------------ 1- 1 M, ý7 -7- -, - 7 , 7 2 1 14@ art y Fipst. lheri.'l il FI ve-rrm ... ýi!!ed ,,, 1 Centre, UiDen L Lc - 1