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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1907, p. 5

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Grand Trunk Efaiwav Svstem, I RAILWAY TIMBýTABLH. BOWMANILLE STAION. &G N EÂt G GouMeWERr 1 ...l........ 9O0a. M. 1 *Express f4.0a.D IExprm _ . 10 10 eILai....7 67 - 8 .........B36 P.m. I assonger.. 6 p. im toca .. - 5649 P.M. Mixet... 7 3s 'Mail ...10 24 p.m. Tiekes tol certain poini5 soid On aceordance a-IihspeCial holiday rates announcet On another coiinu wil uabe honoreti0on trains NOS. 1 on STOTT 6Juav. Town Agents Go od Sighnt This dependa largely aný the û7yeýou ieyoraesnw Impnfei ittngglaF ses cause eyestra-in a nid lead ta trouble. .Don't run chancees. Our experience af 25 yqears and One Of the best equipped apticai mooms iu Canada are at urds posai free ofai a«il carge. ords You paY Us no more for aur perfect fittinz and neat appearing Iglasses than N ou pay elsewhere for teotherikin7d.r WREN WB TEST EYES IT 18 IJENE PJtoPEBLy. t Stott & Jury,: G r a d a t e o fY Detroit Optical College, Canladian Optieal College, LNew York Sehool oi Optico, I Cý,hicago Ophthalmie College. Bowmnanvilleg Views neatlv el boýund readye for miig Price viec for 14.l' Tooth- Brushesv The very hard. itnbieached kirud, sPecially imported by us for se The mediium, stiff bruishes for Ei alî generai purposes. ai The soit toath brush for those Who are traubie-d with teader b] gumaî,W We can suiit any person hn tet1ýth brushlem. Every brush is f g-uaruanteed.n Na4 better value in Canada- Prices 5cts. ta SOcta. M Seo aur bargain lot worth loc., h 15C., 20c , 2-2C. Your choice 10c, while tbey last, Stott&JUry, HE 1i The Druggists and Opticians, Tc N.B G See our tawn views, loc. for il views. Fr 2 Os] RMwomvis Je] BOWMANVILLE, APR. 3, 1907. r hits PERSONAL. L Br( Mmr. A. E. McLaughlin 8pent Easter Du ïn Buffalo. N. Y. Mrs. Dr-, A Beith @pont Easter with aid frïlýds ln ffactIngs. Mr S. Waldock, Aurora,-spent Eaater e at Mr. Chas Brown's and Miss Winnie Jones vislted friendis lu dai Toronto during Elister.à Mm. W iil Chaplin. Toronto, vlsited Ma àlis sîster Mrs. W. Allen. dui Mise Morrow, BrIgbton, la vielting à ber cousin Mms Fred Rehder. RO, Mrs. Thos.- Brown. Centre St., Apent E jEuster with friende in Millbrook. h Mise Pearl Parsons, Wbitby, visited da5 ber graudmothier. Mrs. John Hoskin, R. Mme. John CoIwill vIsited bier son Mm. WV. J. Colwill, Toronto, Good Fmlday. NO5i 9 Mrs. John 'Babcock spent Eastem witb M lier daughter, Mrs. W. A. llanes, Tor- onto. ,' Mr. and Mrs Stanley Davey, Tar. da., onta, spent Eastem at Mr. F. W. Kir- endail's.,IV Mr. J. R. Finkie bas juat returnedl Ste' frorn a business trip ta Winnipeg and Toi Xegina. Mm. Harry Williarns, Cannington, a speut Eastem with his, mother Mrs E,. B, AI Wiiins. Mr. H. J - Knight, Direeor ai' the Mun ýthodisi choir, won zlary ni Strat- Dr. -d wherc3 he took part lu Sir Mcalu tA'sý oratorio aior amauvwth the eleet itrai MWethadist chunci choir oai,-)a men ies 'God Fr!day eveîîing. Puien meïr aort nexi week. ber, rIl t , ieKdVi ae las ogtBeau: CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A sim1pJL ant i efctive rexnedy for SORIE TIIROATS AND COUGI-S .Tiey combine the gernicidai value of Cresoiene- w!iti the eoothing properties cf s1ippery elm anti lice- rice. Your druggiet or from us, loc in etamps. lzSumNe, Mu,ýEs Co., Limited, Agent;s, Moutreal. 40, Mr- T, H.Kuilit -îisited Toronto, Mis Caali Addrspeut Easter in iTr. W. J. SoT, Toronto, a is iiing Mn. John tiîrd Mr. Fred Spamllug, Tôooto, is home for the bolidays -Mn. william Prower, Taronto, was here for Easter. Mr Gea. W. James, Torouto, speut Sunday ni home r 'hs Roach vii e reltves in the City Good F-Tidcay, Mm. and Mrs. Mankus Mayer are visit- !Dg lu Hamifion, Mr. and AMrs. Gea. J, Rowe speut Easten IL Toronto Editor James Gale, Was lu the City lusi week an business. Miss Jane Bennet visiteýd fiends in Toronto Good Frlday, -î Mm. Ephralm Jeffery, Hamiton, vlsied Mms'-H.1,Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Whiti, O-shuwu, l visitine Mr, W. White. O Mn, Paul Trebicock, Touto, visited bis parents Good Friday. Mrs.David and IvlssRobertsCobourg, hb spent Good Friday rene, SMr. Reuben Cax, Tlomonto, and lady v] friend vssted bis parentsF Mn. Samnuel Fergusoni, Lindsay, C. visftod Mn. Arthur Densern.y 1Miss Ethel Tabb, milliler, Peterboro, îtteuded bier sister's weddiug. i Mr. A. E. Sherrington. Walkemion, fo was guesi af Mm. J. Elloti, B. A. Mm. Fred Mainird, Toronto, snent ai Good Fiday ai Mr. Otto Mayor's. - lu Mr Byron Vansitone, Toronto, visit- d bus brother, Mr, F C. Vanstoue. W] Mm. and Mrs, John Nýesbit,- Oshawu,, Tu i ere guesta ai Mra. E B. Williamns. Mn. Ernest Meatier, Týoout, setE he hlidya i M. HnryMeader's. " Misis Gemirucie Hallundale speunt uaster with Miss Mary Gui, Tomonto. W Mrs, R. Crago. visited Whitby and Ee Tarontoa ionda during Easter boliduys. Mrs. W. and Miss Dingman recentiv RE Lsited Mrs W. H. Pearce, Newcastle, o Mn and Mr1ïs W. Ridiug sud son Fred visited friends la Oshiawa dtmring, Easter . ho: Miss Nellie Pattimeon af Lilian Mas- Rr iy Sehool af Domestitciencei ome rn, Misa F Etcel Y. Ring St. Mam&aret's ollego, Toronto, was home Gaad Fr1- ho: lay. 1 Miss iElva Power, NMaple (Gravù1e, Spant "aster wlth Miss Birdie Pallard, Osh- h wa.1 Mm,> Erneflt-SrLtb, Toranto, vlsited wal s Moiber Mrs. John Reid', SouthLm a ?a rd. lcd Mm., Edward M. Tr-euauth, wife and. o amily spenit Easten ut Mm. R, Tro- outh 's.1 Mr. Ed. W, Pattinson ai the Grant 'f'g Ca., Toronto, was borne for theF Mms. W. P. Prowem. Toronto, is.visit- C g ber daugbier Mrs. W. B., Mc- 1 urtrv. Mr. and Mns. Fred Real sud soun laold spent the Easter boiidays in .rolito. à Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Cawker' 'b %orouto, spent Easter ai Mm. W. G S ]aver's J Mr. Lawry Cryderman was Good bas riday guesi ai Mr. John Dyer, Southi P shawa. last Mm. Norman Jenuiugs, Pont Hope, F isited bia parents Mr, and Mr& W. rnau nuluge. T Mr. Harry Tyler, Toronto, visited lisic [parents Mr. and Mrs. Phîhip Tyler, V borty si. 1au Miss Jean Graharn anti Mns. (Dm)l A own, (Paitb Fenton) aire weil-known l Urbaim girls.G M., Fred Sanderson, Moutreul, visit. 1 La uncle and suai Mr. and Mn, obi. Stanley. iJ M. BHubent Hlgginbaiharn o! Stand- May I Bank, Toronto, spent BAster hall- 19 ys ai homo,.l ~Ms. J. D. Stevens aud son Lomne, L ýple Grave, visitod frienuks la OaWa e iring Easertide best Mfr. Pred J. Mitchell, Manager ai the E yal Bank, and Mme. Mitchell speuit ee] ster lu Lindsay. ingE MIiss Maggie Allia wss a Goaod Fmi- B' Ly guesi ai Miss Eduïa James, uit Reeve doct W. James' Oshawa. peaf viesrs.Chares ud orma Lege, Ti n rs outainiig s gaodly surn af ney. Atu adv4. was immediately ,n ta TuiL ýTATis5MAN Pund the purs e sreturaed ta her long before the cmr was pvia.ted. Who dure suy ad- tiigdaesnat puay ? re~~~~C the- M i tî i Ii lasRui uture Milk plans and pails at Niciiolis'. Mr. Gardon Jury, Toronto, was home, ifor Easter, Mr$. J. Maynard,. Toronto, ut Mr, Wm. Jadan's. Mr, Norman Creeper, Toronto, was home for tha holidays. Mr. Ernest W. Loscmbe, Toronto was home over Sunday. Mrs Wm. Jackson, Oshawa, vis1ited relatives hors Monday. My. Lorne Frank. ReviewPeterboro. yisited bis parents, Eabter, Miss Ada Wight, Bradley's, is spend- [ig ber helidayýs a, home. Mr. Harold Meatb, Toronto, visited bis maother Mns. E, S8Ma1üth.L MissKate and Kansas MeFaul are visiting relatives at Marmora, Mr Colin McDonaid oaiMetropolitan -ank, Toronto, spen-t Easter here. Dr. Geo. E. Gilffllan, Uxbridge, ilie i mther Mrs. Jas. Gi lllân. Mrn Edna Kýinýg of Lillian Massey School ai Dom-estic Science la home. Messrs. Byron and Charles Haddy pent Easter with their parents here. M0i8ses Violette and Paî rI Osborne, Toronto. spent Easter holiday s ut home Miss Ruth Courtice, Providence, spent :aster holidays at lber borne Ebenezer. Mr Leslie Thompson, Tyrone, wasi I town Friday, returning from Tor- anto. % MesArs Fred Neads aniGeo. Kemp- bmr,ý Woodstocýk, spent Easteir at j lore. ,Mr. and Mme. D. Pollard, Oshawa, 1 sited at Registrar S Pollard s Good rid4y.t MNr, C. M. Scott, afi the Morris Piano ,0 istowel, wsts guest at Dr. e rOUng 's. Mise Alberta M. Wight, Providence home from Toronto Normai School àr Easlter. Misses Kathleen and Hazel SinclairO ,d Louie Jackman spent the holidays iOshawa Mrs. H, Hntchinsan. Toronto,' was th her parents Jh',eve and Mrs p. h 'ebi1cock. Mrs& J. C. Vaistone, Toronto, spent :ster at her son's M,-. F. C Vanstane, Ceciar ciliff ", Mrs. j Mavnard, Tornto, Mrs. m. Jordan visi1-ted friends atüOshawa vi aster Monday M1r. Ilerbert L. Creep6r, of Ilunter ai o>se Co., Toronto. was under -parental )f aver Eastem. ai Milss Emma Tabb who was home for 5r ister's weddiing bas retued to te ehester, N. Y. Mios Neilie &. Hall af Toronto te irml hool spent Y-aster with her 3r parents Mr. aud Mrs S. J. Hlall, a M'r. Gea. Porter,Toronto, la e nyi'ng- rip ta B3ermuda, and sent us a view of ae id process sugar miii at Barbados. fi Miss Gladys Ma-ynard, Carnpbeilford, as Easter guest af Mrs, Ciarence S. ason. ïIer schaoo churne were delig-ht- CE ta see ber atter an, absencee of tweive irs. th ______________ye Read John Grigg's advt. RE Boot and, shoe trade is good. fai Pretts Back Combs ut Nicholis'. 1 Choice Prunes at F. A. Haddy's. ami Deaths were rnany the past winter. 1 ece Ed Beilman about farrn hands. da Are yau going ta paint? See advt. Pa; Adverting continues ta crowd us. Kr llays wants ta photograph you. ME 3pring hats have arrived at Mayer's. ple ohn Williamso denti8t, Peterboro, 1k disappeared. em Peterbomo. bult 300 new dwellings ge ty ear-growing clty, eh ?1 ma Funeral af Mr. T. IL. Vann was large un my Odd Fellaws attending.1 'wo train mon weme killed in a cal. SF1]i en near Raglan last week. Beý Natch The Doliv Varden Ineubator MIarch 27 at Reid and Pearn's. M kok to see the, new Spring bats just be ¾iM Mayer's. They're stylisb. o(,od Friday was qiietly spent in tha "j.i1ads werv too batd for driving Rei )arharn teachers' convention here F ,22 and 23. GivF thiem a welcome. you :m4iw-berry plantS lfor"sale, gond ISPE As, by G. D. Fletcher, Bowmauville. G Bave order for Garden and Flower the Id w1th Murdcb. You wlll have theho 'uinoxial bitorms. did damage last Ide 3k, lightning burning- several buiid- goo s. 'B ;y 25 cents wborth of Peas at Mur- she h's-rame valuc-far ahead of canned nat Now for huelaîg Geot b sinradnee Hause* ta meut See advt. Diamond lDyes at Neai' Omano news on insidle page, Baise yaur (o wn vege0tables. Gold le mepcnted in Haetlngs. Teacb cblldren ta save cents -Ev/erjbady seud 11s fresýh ewb. inside pages wilI Inlterest 3y0ou. ReomConvention Apni ceth. LUne up ta yaur eggmns Store away overcoatpa and 1fum Welcorne new comers, citizeus. Tirne flies-this showery April. Good chairacter is u.bove ail else, Big 20 wall rper displa.ny is fiue Favor us with numes a01 visitons. a'We'il welcome good moads again. Cobalt Silver Spoons ai Nichols'. Bazaar and sale ai St. Pul'Ils April Liundsay's Chief ai poliee has resigue M., A James É611s oceun tickets-i 1Rarmada HTomes cosi 106, yearly. Dou't rua Lu debt unülesa 3Van see way oui. Swet (ic ranges ebeap ut F.j Eladdy's.' STÂArESxMAN office pr-iais ived'din siationgBry, Adve.rtiei'ng Of right kluid indueÀ peapie ta buy. Sale and teaplu in alsdn P'riday April 5, AdvemtisLng Libtis district la veste In Tin STATLsMAN. -a Bawaavilemillinere do niceF trmring in Canada. We bave several promising, yann, lacutionîsts iu this town,. Gjood home for 11111e mnySeC. N Ruse. Hampti about it, Fine brie,, resideuce and. two acre Df land for sale. Secadyvt-, Another supily ai 252 Black Tea a lurdoc's, h csn't be beai. Misses Dingman's il iuýeny windoN ias beau an inter-estingspt Road,,tin lu his town are bad ,but îî 'shawa tbey are much wre Young man, yau sboul1d s8riousi] n01sider joining the A. Q. U. ýW. Qwjeu Sound wiil spendý $500 lu ac irtisîng ihat progressive town. Waicb The Dolly Verdfon incubator m March 27 ai Reid and Peamu'a YouI dont need glaeses ta find 'Niclh la'siQtre. Juist follow the erowid. St. P-aul's ladies always Zive a niee ea, Take tea witi h tbe Friday. Orientai Jelly Powde, nothing bot. br, 100. 3 for 25e ai F. A. Haddy's. Uand-paRinîed Japanese China suit, 1d8 for weddi-g pregsta aiNihe l Mrs. RonaOr qregg, aged 82, Saini- ild, dmank poisouetI porter and died, PrettY Side Combsa ai Nichiolis'. -M. A. James is agent for ail leadlni- firadian and Amemrcan asteamships. ti Jas PblllLps, Tomoüto, who7reckeà e Y)rk*Lan& SvnsCgat Bars. Citizons will be sary ,ta bld adcieu to ev. -ud Mrs and W. Hipkiu and nmily. Ontario fammers swammfl Toronta lm. gration offices offeing as blAgb as 927 manth. r. H. Knigbt, Molel G haïm,a il ireali letiuce, onions, rudishies, trley etc. Wonder Cooker demonstmatîn ai L5son & Dale's iamorow Ladies, ease caîl. )olng business withont advonîising la te living on:skirn milk Advemtisers bt the cneam., Four columus af editonials and news itter crowded oui lasi w, ek, appear inside nages. f you dou't get one oi aur cataloguÉes id uï word or euhl and g-et ane ai id aud Peanis, Leave orders for Ideul Pence wvith urdach-getting lots of ader-wl busy lu Spring.* r-il We-are headquarîers for eiverytbing t 2la uP-tOedate iu the shoe liue 4d and Poarne. bfuse cýleaninîg lime now. Sort u Ur cnockery wants at F. A.ý Haddy'la ucial in Toilet Sets. à et 10 cents wortb f ai, opram for bo.ys ai Mumdoch's ta hring tbern me in the evenings. For a gond cup ai tea try Haddy's pal Tea ut 25e and 4oc package--aý d tea at a low price. Bowmauville ls good and prettv wben gets on ber dleau cloibreýs 'She La praud but diguified. 'lie people say we hava the finest aio Oxfords in iown. L ail and ilee se fthene he u as-Aea -th Biabies do not cry for the fun afitl,nar la it alwuys because-thiey are liungny'as 80 maay yaung mothers th.nk. NivE o trnes out of ton baby's ery ludicates that bis luttle atomacb La out a1 arder. mat hors wili find, ilstant relief for thoir suf e1 'nX- littie eues lu Baby'a Qwn Tab. lets. 'A few doses will cure ihoe niosi olbstnate carseof constipation, indiges- tion or varnlîing. and a Ta.biet givcn now aad tbeui'ta the w-eh child wii keep ht well. Mrs. Mary ohoeGawus, Ont sas; Bub'sOwn Table6ts have boeen a Zreat benef4it ta my baby. They have made bim bap i, , peucetul aud, econtented, when before be ued to crylý ail the tirne 1 have more caminort with hlmn si-wegiving hlm the Tublets than -ILYsuv a bwi.!1uu eny warit, 7Wbat greater praise eau I give Baby's Own Tabléta." For sale at druggst or by mail at 25 cents a box framThe îDr. Willlams' Medicine Ca., Broekyile L;Sp i g Orono news is on muner page. Read every page of this paperTeNws, atetad otCret Linen wedding-see inuer page.TeNwsNtîs a-i otCret Zebina Frazem's family-eee inside , page.- The Celebrated Northway Coats now in stock, 1pExtra local and otherwise-iusîde 3* page olmaeitrasautmrSee Them before yoU buy. Shaw's article 3LS aD Ralqing mouev for churches-Rtead~NE W DRES GOD editorial on an insîde page. iealth-Handy -Medicine CainetN T TTcm Read the, article on an inside page NEW IJLdJX I T S.Oi Fammema and'their wives will find 3 much l nteresting eadlng on inuerN W MULN AIT pages.NE ULNW IT E H Ker, B. A , Caliege,E Part Hope, died ai pueumnonia at St. NEW LUSTRE WAISTS Catharines. n. Men's BRats, the latest Englieh aad 3 Amreican Styles. just opeued out at NEW WHITE-WEAR Cauch, Johuston & Cyderrnan'ls, Mfd-day mails are made up daily ut RW IT'UT1XT Part Hape and Oshawa for Bowman.iL!iJI2- ville but few in those tawns seem ta k o w i t . E R I T Sunday World eaontaiued an excellent N W PIT photogravure ai the D. 0. & P. Ca. Hockey team, champions ai Bowrnan- E .~NHM ville towu league 19061907. The photo NEW'l IN '-'-M- was made bv Mn. S liai s, phatograph- er, a.u_ is now an exhibition. ~r. James L. Hughes, Chief Impci E AS AISE r ai Sebools,, Toronto, sailed iroinE Boston, auo Saturday for England onNEWDMTE in Juêly. The Board cf Education vateel E 3 irn8750l00 for e,ýpenseis He will ý INEW PRINT WRAPPERS NrEWWMT 3SIG Bargains in Pianos !NE UIEVETNG Compare these Bargainsi with tLe bargains yaousee adivertise lu inth(, oTrý anto.pavers Qesquare Pa~.N E W MEN FSUFR NiS HIN Cr OeDominion 13,oewod ,case, CIT AS TEEC yod legs anld lyr1e, aven Stng Seale, 7 AS A S IS fT Oc.tave, a fine ianed pianlo MVO3. I__________________ Onae Hazieton RBros. N. 'Y. Rose.,-____________________ woodi case, tcamved legs and lreaver 5 s i mU n n g S a o . 7 o v e ,$ 8 5 O 0 One Mushail and Wendll1, FRo Sse wood case, carved legs aud l 1,mE3, 0over strung Scale, 7 ociave, 875 00, . x, .. ~ Oe Organs. _I is i we.inYut, 4 setsùa reetqinlufilrSI.t usj , condition, -837 5" - .j-* OnerDaniePl F. Beatty, 5 Octave, 22,e ,tops, o id a lut, hi h top, $ 4010W , N x <t o taS tn d arýdJ] ia k , B w a v l e Qne Needharn &Sons, 5 otvae. JA4mEs-DE im-AzN,,010w-W4 il-tf Agent1, Bornnvil1W LMORRIS & SON;9 The Homre Furnishers _ : 3cw ranviîle anidO0r no., Furniture DeaJers. Phono 10, Funemai Dire~itors I I 0 BOIKLN Davrry,-In BowmanvilIe, Good Friday, ta Dr. and Mrs.Jas..C. Devitt, a danghter. (May) CH'TêT-Lun owmanvcuîe. God Friday, the wife of Leonard Ernest Darcli. ason (stiulîbrn.) JÀMESON,-In Bow man-ville, Good FrOday, ta Mn. and Mrls. Milton Jamieson, a son. GsIEpi",-In Enfield, Mai-eh Ï3, the wlife of r.Wm, CGriffln, mereat, of a daughter, OasN,--In Oshawýa, March 2lnd, taoMr. su MrT., Ogdn, daghler. WApa-nCedaer Dale, Mareh 22ndf, t(e Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1-Wienl, a daughter, JoNsAt iaMadison Ave.. Elizbeth. New Jerse, %Mar-,, cb tb, toDr. and Mrs. C. F. Jones, BIEmClsrke, March 8th, to Mr,, and Mrs. Fred fLI a son- stillbornr. H EuNmIý-- ln Oiarke 1 Marcb c4th, to Mr. and Mrïs. WaWLlimr iHnIr, a daughter. LITTL&-HAG,At residene of the brîde's father, on Mar"h e28, by Rey,_ John Bar1'ris, Mr. John P. Little of Oampbeilford andi Misa Beatnuce B, Haig, daughten of John Haig of Sey our -East. C - H.At "-Union Hil," l3owmanvlle, Wednesday March 27th, by Rev. D. 0. Crossý 1,5e1Y, Whitby, Mr. John Cox, Stettier, Alla. a ln d Miss Eva A,, second daughter ofMr. Isaac ýed 1Ta bb. -ail I . POTys-At 8 Prince Arthur Ave., Torasto, ,30 iood Fridsy, Margaret, beloved wife o! Bey JonPatto, D. D, Born aI Kingston ln * q0 WEEBBR-A t 6 Sultan et., Toronto, Good « saFriday, Bey. Gea. Webber, former B C. mînister. ageti 68 yesrs. BarD-mn Kendal. March .f5rd, Ruth Boyd. A. ageto 72 years. AsNDus -ln Orono, March 26tb. Frànii Dg Audrue, aged 76 years. BROWr-At Myrtle, March 2-4, Inrafirr Brown, aged 21-yeara. es COOGN-AI Cobourg, March 2G, John Coo- gau, ageti 77 years. Cav'ER a-ln Oshawa, Mari, I.22ud, Elizabeth ehGimbieli, relcet of the Iste John Coller, On ber S th Fear. ~4 Cnaîsl OrnEn- At Buffalo, N. Y.. March2, - R. M. Christopher, agcd 33 years, interred ai SPort Hope, 'St, MILLE-In Lindsaýy,' March 250h, Richard Miller, aged 90 yesrg. RicuARsom-în Wiitby, Mercih 24tb, No,-. îgman C. Richlardson, ageti 27 yesrs.1 SmilH-On 26th Mardi, 1907, ai lie residence N of is datighte 1 Mrs Robert Perry, German - town, P..,, J.;eph Shuter Smi, On is rard y ear, formerly of Port Hope.> B5SmiTH-At 31 Cixer-Eowell Street, Toroutc, Marci 26th, Percîyal Bidwefl Smith, Ibird son of the laIe.Judge James Smitb, of Lindsay, iu at bis 42nd year, Burled ai Part Hope. TERoop-At Port Hope, March 27tb, Andrewý John Tiroap, marchant, ageti 51 years. VANSTOtz-At Owen Soundi, Msrch 28, W Vanistone of Kemble, forierly o! RHampton), nl ageti 82 years. VP NSTONE,-At Owren Sond. M,,,Ch 28, Wi1. yf rid i Vansione, of Kmbl, geti 82 yeajrs. fïor- Y îer1y o! Hampton- lton--t HIly, Orleauis Coun1ty, N. Y.' -Maci l8 ae arn10h aier fB.W Rabb,Orton Place, and iMrs.-,Mý. A, James. jr.' HI msmlire streeýt, Buffalo; aged-70 vears. i1 r terment ai HOI)ley, Salurday, CRYING BABIES. 8 lie third ae)nlnl eeting-aiofw vjie Bowiàng Club will be held îi Devitt's offic3 on Friday, A pril 5W 'ber P in, for the reception af reports> o tion of offiejrs anid Making arrange gîv< As for the comidè seasan. Forme, was nbers came and bring a new mern ap l M AeL ê .~ T ~~. ZA.. Prunes Extra fancy P-runaes, largo and 3giosy bs for 25c; Veylarge and choîýe, 2 libs for 25C. * Oranges The best Chifo -i s a ls iter estig prices. * Bauanas Crockery D a't f rget that ý w e crr y ,, a %ery ar ge stoc k i, I D)in nier a nd T o-il Sets t a ba pn A tOc, 15e, 20e nd 25J 0(extra good newlie jstlvalue, see the ehi ssartment. Wel are etiliselling Hadd'ý,'sde;14al Tea. Sales creasiug.flatter and Ezgs wanitedl. HALL F M l-IIY HL Our stock comprises ail uines of useful and decorative furniture, in the different grades, There is nothing madle that we cannot supply pou with, and our prices are as 10w -as the Iow- est. New designa eýonstantIy arriving, See our Store Wlndow Furniture ]Dealers. iuneral Direcors

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