THE"-S1ANDARD BANK ______ 0,OV CANADA Head Office . a- - - -Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNi,ýTS Deý,posits rnay be made or withdrawn by e;-liher of thc ltwo imemberis of a. household. This form oýf account is specially suitabie for thousc livig in the country, as cither member ,,an a ttnd to ! he bankinig when in to)wn. In case of dezath1, the rnoney mlay be withdrawn by thec sarvivor Without deiay or cost. -Wr7ite or cali for further particuiars. Int erest added four Urnes a year Savings Banik Qepartment ini Connectdon with ail Branches. W. J. Jones, Manager' '17C AS T R N and 91 horses.- Jr kLnown amoag farmers as the PIi D BlaI l4adeý, iecause lb bas the capaelýty, tire Knack, thee 4iet 'I'Iere, iirei others lack. - Try tire Bisseli for making a-good Setle --toc pnhverîztng Cora or Eoot Grounet, or for eny tougir job. hua tthe berut by fer. None gennine without'tire mime "BISSILL." -,or Sale by Agents. Manufeonoired by T, E,.fISSêLL, ELORA, ONT. r37 Asi for BiocUat "E." R. E OSBRNELocal- Agent, Courtice P. O LEA NNU TOLIE [f We Grew UVp b Be Good IlbWas Duecilirto Accident or bo' Miradce -ipyis the milar Iat tnd-i sdoir -1tLeniisîthatgetlIlir uuidcrslaad< hurg Pro. iii., 13. Luleî-atl'Lexicrirys lira i iN s ha- ~y u-h dcrwsfartir undeuslanding, i-Le kednealed tirrougîrilivirng. Xitiî -ilour caî'nirg lire greias-itlesson ha- to-ensistlii',onae! f îiririgLI, ct Iii rn ancfulli heritage cnet frtttng cuir tnis asmca andetwamnu lathis worhd. Ifanr syslemrs of eduettaon -tailt-10 eace uimair le lire tlrey fout altnqgetlior Tlire great rureetAet cor dy s hat ir bltra;h(,L cncine en'gr mc- ot jeignerrl îLo ireshoiedu ate a fer- be buIes e iun, ce ira Iilire strai s edmeae oi tai re htel T¶reu-o is tllte iilnetadLt lnmd ciut titboriste c batilty, ta huit-r f,nidrX\'te rv-'lts et re hvedu get. aterirabaer' imrici -hai la ainîLetpof n e hce cr; 1h01 e sbeil Wc deireitle prfec elat ions Ly Lie tios ir he, vorL rislcy, lirte w oret- ard - r'e lan nIstirnîn l reurtme erus ri aof en' poisoanotaofîorsitaî e iiînount wetUîlnnor e e enlles any sar. ve Ireteiresi 1(n,sgurabl- hs i, I i e ortitrairil i, ceta il, lciin, if ye-nîrlgec tieanturulleig 0fadl'iiag lin igfin eaîbmnsw:e ttn î-ie rs tîigh ian e nlî caile girlt- ladformersoBtaisr nie: il s lieepi' tclnug cf lIre pis co cieuuocialolite; A"1tyx'ewatt hange;lire acultudesirthie &u Ita uon siri a-auliasnni rtrae a lýl, 1h01lhdr c strit floreàoîo ne. rî loamuetsicre un tannrei,npofreau' hiossss uia i eî'cr !e au sîontý w li tireratire uilthurscolathegains htig-crby etrînv;nîLeusuca e L sel,;i ilS Shiatinryraî-îsasnceaî'rlade Plioîmgr t uurdeffos t nr bile - taxi ire bc -otiniaI çoiiirt tîda a'rle 10k all crna uretor t aire reiguciaîv Oneivensstctay as iret ithesl iar'rct n cur'. anet tui-mirLecur ageofhitronrou Fus thpmt'fl b ttencmrussane traitail pcime olfmsl rfade ir'nrac- sci saciei re hesî ofetheuo baunî- Onemesagconle iîcurrd tireips r-!Y evcy ea i -iri aec>pîrg o! inr" hui. dItral ima mýiooihe i onalrm i irIse, àonet L% hnrîrging lu eî'ecrcy w e rnrcy bt, irncenegmosse rcdl cisbn ce cli -of hra-cter. Ne ,v('ilder il smeiro ses 0us rha îLtwe Laie lorgoîten ta smriio; tbat eue laces are sordr'awu îvitihelLtenie stcuggle ofciftuatha nie Lavi lssiglîl c ' the ureaunrng of jrppiness. Ho' cin w( ire hiappy unless w'e sîrchi set eue- - uhoo!, lires i ir ar'ouy withth tb ings tirai are Inseaurelanet eteruci? W'e Musî lec,ýru le order aur lives, net - as omacumne lebedil rin tPi-moue nîtt ai ofocp I lirh f bany urt as, paric Iroguatlte f Le spiituelý vr'e, a nbm'if t iig i\m suhiînecnetglocans as csscssoc ,'1 "Paceoiviita i-uvleLue S,' by W' Alpr'i,aldui.s t e4eîrluunrurntrlal i iL the a Cr'mahbrrrs NVance lhiroilîpsoL brirngs iisiisia' lli'reycifus case ta ut elose in tlisni isuIr c' Faa ris neirî Maîrey,by h'Faran Fnk ot, ird"MyI.ite Sa Fac," b> 1lire taie Josicho i ii, i'a eculinucet. "Thie Ani-curIi'e Co., ])Yt., oreacEnrîccran Ronî Tr bor-t Ganre, ' by' W ittunîîr Biarion Os-- binandet "Rrison nsiece'by W iurNaîbut," ai-asfcm-teaf sistaineet uens.Corubulars ai r aorei-a nk LWtrlor valace Ilîx ifi. Forte Boioe- Falna fEirsi Neal Lwamni, Nixa,ýn Waame-- mma anJ d Fdulîîd Vcisca Colee. Ad- itre-s. "oacts Miagazine, 32 W a, cci WArtcl y IerirI Edw\\aid W leI autiliei "Jate Hay et :Maste (r ii-eir is~ ~~~~1, irbentetlIeApril uuna'c iriluts irnunous-i.aun "'lhle uiue Bol'- "TlIe Cosfac iIanie"b h.yll unr ho Spu-n agua. ts urne of the ;pl's aif 'lire Ournlg Mgzres"ltîyts tory" article. "lr Odofs ltIre Sea,"i mn: ', Cay Eirîy t5 a tie tum- trimerdern1 daî-iumg qatnnrg on:' Cocts."Potgapi iurg w uC Pigu-urlis," by JHrbert'IÇI. Jitu, -l i~ be.iiing nrruuative oI tuîe ioxispart et c a aIlluimitug. "TIre X oiee Pient1Y.,\byCuIt ru Jobhnsoni, is tire study' ofth îmn-or lulion of a gi-coi gone colun- try. "'IraLanng Lbirador- 'iltin tahe Au'ili tnsîoliîmeuîlpuaies tit-Dilon Wtial--1 lace hîr rxi ii l eîn actassic innirai ehhIter- 'îe.Tira ictiai is s edetby-"Joins Kcineiy 's Idea."' by CtresiecR 1. Fer'nald. "'l'ie. Dmg-Fi"ddiod Eberreci'," hy ,Rern Blowtir. a oganuînrehî' furny y arnu.I trihe4 etenoîlînemmîs Stairaii Ftaie t W' N irua ihhse of inap Eleloýinîîueuîb, tetlirmg j hou 1 ulfit a horse:, ; CiG.Duiiunrîe ai "Cirao-inng lie First'iriI;"FMI Bide a lree; hnF.Bna-t i L uuî-iicle entitteet Mkuiigtr aîtt' Boume," tîcats otl m, eactniicr u îî atr- gi doîs ; iai-ad S.Dauîig' mus Becuseyou sytemisexhausted and your owersof resitneweknd It builds aUP ana tr3 ghesyour entLire systemn It contlains Cod Liver Offiand IHypophosphites se Sprepared that it is ea sy to taike and ea sy to digest. AIL DRUGGISTFS: 50e. AND $1.OtO "ut a rarry ur. lIr - lli'y Ir<i' :Esappuart lia, Rab.l'htriiiltuc SThe Rich '1li "Xau ee," id Ibe haciiailec niie strtl, risfce as tbrrace vta taeiigai-rg ati.1obIt W. H you' v acouily eiriennas, re a giit corn er i i tramorera riierýi Icneto appear asthe MiIhariiaa o!]I1 l'e, nglre g-at Amarta ili n( "W bo was hca cîa k mJ itiiii ir'posed îLe wuiratm"m. Bts fa1 c ii no t Mc. iý: "e-I haso .Nac iriake ure of Lot befoî hPurin or. cmstite toly-;tac al, aîoîîr olrý i lce courîetu rerîgb-1l Ia.e ai IL4e î'odirgiaîrpoulits sldy tabl,ian ttreî-e irasmair i aru. tnk ai u.uilg o larieontvn. -il nofdn "X a kiro lithait" L teet.1 Tir àoasrubrnyvaie "W eh, iai cf ili o ', iintr inisbr'ipog MrrIolf em11r boxof igas rr irVlabe1s ie r11 Fortir îî'ceîî, i îr drp i . 1 cil yes gi11 ailteat 7ýI 1l, 5ttro ý,ýý tai udsii fin il rditrt l lalr ,itc, ' 1 iusilu e ciund "Dî daie oliardIo t uic" ploadt "Ia, i-et m r'u t ili r oi,, L irbeIIte'ir t 1rgs " lieItat.f o ix'e, 1ti t ae 11po " Ido fupp\v I i-lasald" Tiaîr gud by e le Mc, i lonBet laie sir, as iIil a, FuieIleter' Mr, Ba Wtd, lr e ar-b tt ie." 'l Iýd t itiioin1. 1cpililcatt. "W'tro arai onL ilov iid orrnaI atriat ?a h havio paer. "'csr1cu blai-e.' iere "' "rin'd b 1aie sor-ile dthretJtimer i clýiore i yrsel lra kept ycîr'supe for oue se dI us'ai Wiiiais',niLe-f ad lti, tiolie -if LgîralSere, Caibedon t ,ý,(, r-ebeîrlucrea ga r anyy-cas!noi -~to mgairoy ie o niietio pai air le toi~a 1 ia scîIelI)îrg baloi \\oi,, ri Htira isonaItire îop jctiieribs 'r !î iasbiniidavHarrsoni î'eaîs.o 1Iiîoug elr iI i usty aIdclîres ilail i ; bur t . in cri unr (ls made uns t a aicieb 'lua-icdand W cl IHarsnîsa he swainr r eatrsoîrani."nd ln -,el " ifc re, irîrrînren t tic ririhorie foiirtty" sTrei tare ias i oaetr' ulhi'reril Expectant Mothers 1 shouid take "Bli-Ju" duriîig this trying time., The extra strain, weight and undue pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflanie the kidneys. This i1ot oniy increases the dan. ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby in jeopardy, keteps the- -idreys ný-trong and tric Acid ithebiodrlive1rritated BJLadder (ytts)at s a muld tonic on ail thre female organs.- A "Bui-Ju" pill at bedltimec takes away the sharp- pain in the back -relieves the draggig, bearing down pains throng1h the hip-ý prevents Constipation la fsthe becst protection against KRiîey Trouble durit!g pe ny of price, 5oc. a large box. TftZ CLI.A UHMCMAL CO. IM TED WNDORon'. brick cflis car iapuiture of bewii- dceel irage.i "Il's junt tleIik , 1"porituý e hir lack- niailer. "Ile'.r it thief 1Iîletoiet Cacher- rUi n-TrT0m îrîîan You have heard of biscuis-and resd ofbiscuits-and caten biscits- but you don' t knowv biscuits-until you try Mooney's Berfection Cream the ideal biscuits should1 b. The air -tight, inoisture -proof' package big them to you freshà, crîsp, inviting. Practicaiiy every groccr in Cinada fias MOONE;-Y'S. Yo;urs wilI gel them if you ask. Jl 1 & 3 lb. Pkgs. 9 ,Oîra attre inst gelrninelyontrle'aiîirrig ..a r" "starisofsaIgiî azine ltleratureair- peauwtrni ItleA prh Boheiniair, arici is cn- f illeet "TIre tiVle. - This ms ance! ftire n LrnnturalIhlîster>' saies by Fdward t.lai-slrotl, wmnich las beon an anar-giý)-ci -iîrg daiigbt, frouer Lhe lirst hasiaitinent. Rlafrciiig llîis-splendid hirumorous leader intrhe Apu'il Jlahcnruan.Jlemnrýy illehri'toîtsaone ci tIre lst stan-tes yat ni "Nly- Yesten'days. tiMr.-Cir-F. i'clccs wivrîts ertrtirnngty ci soreaw mnrenf I ri si. Miles Bradnr-es coating arilee oîniitted ",The ApatinCosis of'tho, Pie" n hll rnioete eaceer's nîauth wateî ,cnet nrurh- tlre urioir irînger feorlire-enlicing î'ocipas printeel lhenai. Tte 'aigirt si'ie, ebhaîn tire r'cader"s buleresi, eraî-y ore f lIlar. Saure aiof emare: " tait ii\ilTabIturni,"7 by ýNmuta Cran ey Giimrue:"TaOnîrletWis Auo - enor, b . ~.f'as1 "ATire I-(lai,)!i - aih]i orar"'Iylle i ara itra 1-d n . nun mijn>rureussalo In"r ii Î,po par L oae'." A udal iý J.tlg, >CelFotu catd ODno of the Greatest iWonders oftIthe Âge. Uu--ndreds Rave Been deWl by Taking,.Âdv7,antag3 of an Ottawa ril~ysician's Dsoey e4jiie Iucua,' saitr NI M. lcrs sniothylakngUpTi)tle. "I lu: ri et . Altlth irmo imoIII c hnr ýli1 didflot, jow i ,g ti re lmfb r il-I)J ,;ill(I mcc hai ya fe woîI-Ii s.ThO ir frIo 10 me l Ild(citeSselw Ir ie ha don, land11 tgw i( i rad a Lyg. 1wc onc. -t bd e 0 lraw i re I teyfl>,, if f I w euie, 1iol enecsfrit a cf ~ ~ ~ I WieyugwieIewasta fi' ngfidc iecyod the leteri, cnt ipiy adoptei\"m îLe ramerrliiar'rnon. ib ad nd 1i d injrt)ply ecase I stîctcm-it "Li bd ILI cd i-aig'{ ouR obtrt, fl"i. I~~~~~L 1hs s.haveoy.I o i sk Io ta ~ Il belev i Ic în ti prov eil" "But 1-I ci t srd vica fra1't vi ek co l, I iIil AL Lt -;11)liao[ i hrnIl t. ifo Mlis ,arw it. Dealy pl, (nter slice.aiy ic i, sr tclfen ie cli "'lre tit l, sc sid 1, wl, " a 11- firsihursbf d l Jnnestrexeri,;11 ;t" lM)IIrr rit h:il posibl? A et "h iet natilrlcognizeyuwioberW, niu lias weigtre n iay it mii t\,, e yeju i 1u ty Y u bado dikper et, a ird ; Lciri,ý a i 1),ut trtoi er. BbfWile, hrîrn s die ticivat ou1i f an fu ecoeasdonard "igne il iroîcre w ii;i.i nea fl. ic avc oby" i i i tiuI irt o t ot islainou congprodce.i !irir. sLhtad e i Li e kpi ,cIsi ev Eiei'onc egansbring bonds ai thb point exeet latencl rrp1s o Tîrirsousandlace. AibecI Groso WhtiuoldUse la obck ageo chai, ra Threor adla& it. rsnCoLm "Sic Mirtrt" haid nufatuiersgofhre oeea "Su' Jon iuuisof DIAYO Du tMESw ia tins rîhavnois whe daughît conecwioitsay Wti , o r ow im w i os apoyle h re njt11hWiidnuaîLe sn eandou sltirgaiskeper t r n The mitinfan urreetf îA fNDe tr 'mie thafolithoup b is aur stg ace. "Msth er ond"reaiotilofth "-oid Bobt'e spots Si John, dsiii ma im orieomo andurnirgtoains. I ts at thoi My ideri',aearputt-lob a"cor " D-tc ttinh e or' kircîr ytheu atttiIs ir 71IiE, Sflair t i110w e te i miarersc Tcbn r t Thpe taesuw a bai w lie j coai b os t aetyu irex or Ic-ietou and rt ian IAODd leatiîoEs. iri Coblekmiiiag sMonrtrol Grogs ni'm ae .feetr ay be's gnew si ma chous a Anoket h and, ntvoveir bCard fai To T Yn hould ave 0fLadi Mr.Flart R:dge, ira% movati frorn s tLe village. Ska'îng RitQk closed Sîturday week fo tirtie-isun. r Tire R.dge biacerlth Sirop la cffkr- i ed forsalie. Reýv. iMr. RbnoitraGtee Totoutc, prescheet lu rira Methodiat- Icirurcir Sundav week, eDivision Court euh abcraelu inNew- cam~le, T'ourdsy, Marcrir 8,b. Mr. Adolpir llienry,, atteodeet A. 0. U 3 W. Grand d Lndg-, at Toronto,. r Mr. A. J. Lookhart, for ye-nsr realti- rîg et l now locAted aI Varcouver, 1B. G Mr Mer sel Magulra bia gone 10 Wei- rÉkwitr, Atta., te asit ai bisrotirr Arthrur, who ia a mânufactnu.'er o! mat- Mr.AI x. McLrod, Newcoastle, wire iras bren in tire -N wcrstle FisiLhRHa'cls- e rY, lait beau p)rornoeete n akat p ace et Il tir heJohn KdIIîaflc'k. iVLrcir 61r. Lt0tire 3ome o! DVid wrv, Kinib o! y u buirktire R-v. H 'YW. Tir tupoMr. Francra Hiiuîn a f Mtîx nti Mlg. SarriA. V.dvn t er 0f Yube a re unlined i i mnuarrIrga. They wrli suade n _r. Honkio teI Tre o fun brcthem of! Ie. R M.John sirachei, IK G. la tire -new IDepUýy JidA forforord,Eîgý. tand.,àMn.- strocian la a a zta Ive f MtIr, A . A G -,.ni ýby.-"M apl e A v e." Mr, Mr. Sraebn W&5a' oeetuneaslau Ldîtor o! lirOcono San, unmer E ban7- tzar Tiorne. M '3 Lanoti gh fa bonisý .MO.A. Garnrty -pent Srsnrty in tMIsa A E MoOorrnlck ia 111 with a Boara rlil, Mua -rtite R ckeby baBbeau i. Mr. Thîrnis Vckers,ânttoohi,î iaîd rut Mm. R. ockin's., Mre. J. R., Cooper, la coufineedt btire ironie with lit grippa. Mr. Wrigirtmon Fuatar, lri axpected borna f romu California in Mm3y. MSssEsui3 Ballegir, Cobourg la Vilt.- log Mrs.a. Medin bell. " El. H. rad Manager of Standar- Bank,waa lu Bowanvile over Sun d ay. MNI. John Hocklin, Port'Perry, viti- i ar et Mr. P. llocriin's Mr. F. W., Williamsou iras beau confine, t o tir eirut, Mre. T-hornas Donc rater i3 aeà.'ir lly ili et tire home o!irer daugirter, Mr@.1 G. H. Linton., B)wnanville. Kathleen, deugtirer o! Mr. A. J. SpIsbabeau Iiw1rir tonailitia Mla'ea Nineandt Comrpaevltiü, oo wiro have beeu vitlng et- Mm. A., Mr F. W. caenlghain, Srzpedul- tendant o! Pair Outtura, viâ,teti Nez- oasatie Haichery,aud waa a guest ni Mr. WilliamnArmstrong, et Orn3, over. Suuday. MissahnerWas, will leive Ai- Ierte, where aire bia baa living wîth her aunt, ou Good Frhday. Hem fatirar Mr. D. F. Walshr, wili int hem et Winnipeg. Messra Chrles and Alberti Barrai leave ibis weak for Bat-iierd, Sek. Dm, H. E. Arinsiroug, o! Biliýnga. Moutanna, owiug 10 111 healîh,ireehbï îo give upiea practloe, ana irai gone to tire Getelîne Listade. A SNIOOTII ONE. Ha stole a kirs, And tliranogey miss Exciaiturîcd r"I likie yeur cirek 1"V 'fLots gacet," saiet Le; " hsian , yo ese, Each ir mrrrnýg inu tir e ce." in a irigirly intensifile ere ~r faiaii ontes and interna ntiep tics rr'ere addarl and tire ivirale preised mbt taý-blais.- Theicse :,re "i'rl-rîv," rew - deirul I.ver Tablais yau hear ro mucll abu."Fruit-a-tIres" cure the mo-aýt obsýtinate cases off non-actIonoftire bowets, Iitiausness, ireadaches, cep Jidney trure rbeîmausmsciotîca maet neurqJgie-.. ion on tire Slrin, Jo laar nmdbau- fyingtIrecampexto, isnoihtngsht et arrveins. Ak yoirugglsti for "Frut-atire" aet sc traiyou gel pspifronr FutatrsLmtd Ottawa.lia par)t haste, framnt cutilîlucre was%;l puitattan to' rng eue i-f tr rîdo aeAuneaiigUpm ir il bath.TIr altir caanci" Mcly sid sui ai iciilace,"w idLi alw"Ivshseee l gra t-a pteinsiec ereu wheinat Partngor re.Itics Nc anewas anicus o hare h or~~~~~~hd enn y exin aiy Iai air "Iw ,l t toilegyu alt ty atti W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dc ii n i ate&e? paît c the ouse. nd enerad ir ai Che emptyrooja On['i tht'rieýld a smale f Letu îrlitianatre' l(stud it, Fold diar, cr eed o th stdy idambyuic curtain, sep~roted ireco i'irrai tethit.T:sd or hnbe apeer ho~~~~r nighibut îL uraa-o couerape uh eponîcfrr irieyappasile(la te offa whe thre wri rrmau's joig ,a p!ei 1,eateet ttrernsOh, es, anL etaboi ari-n "I t tilak y au wîi .ed i uttarsli '. rbi es cwaud t. Smutiing ouir rtdy, Ie isoppeal e or l'Iltell agther oti nd itIr.( oirerthe dinne I rb studIcntr outode wos e dle pe, arda mir soc. n [cil hr' n w ti"er tire lt in i rtlloa trat Robee I tiorri-n ice h0 ,li cri. ii t yenricanider i ii? Il wi ineIýrJI terinîrn's vai ad L cillerhnaeknti. iCf mcig Bomeoa adira i amoà onl Eve1rone knows 1mw'benefici, fruit 's, irhen cc4e(n regu]arty. Fruit is na- tures xtv-h finest kidney regîs- Iata)r-anLr the Jdeantslin tanie. Un- fectnatlytire medcinai rurium,-'Jie of frit oceVra enly in miaule Onaittaes. Ia order te cansume enougi fruit t, reiv iliousness, oeewoullld aisgn 1- suImeý a large amount ofrvad ir or puly, mwith would îrpsettieslm aci qnIl Impair dgsin warto Lgtlaenltrs ifctis Ha pcesseýd tire mjica f'ros pis r anges, fige and prunesý-Lmet t1iren 1forc- ed one more etani ot tire itterpria- cipte tram thse dinc'rded oranepe, tnto the concentrateet mica3s. This formeid a ncw compounet, iaving ahi tbis curative efoocts of f fr&sh fruit-ande 1 YOUR SPUNGSUIT. iesror. Jos Jefféry & Son'ti Star flouse ta flireexlsetaorgant gents' outfitfing etbiimn atoWCV1. Tirer h ave reeivul mgafientor- Merýt of tire fiuest aud bstSpring Sui3t- ings soeeetd.w1iti rare gocet judgumebt andetatste, onrbracing ail thu i er y hàtenst novelties in W-orsteds, Twéeeds, Choy. iota, etc., whlch cainet>fait te mreet tho approbation o! the most fartidieýus Alil ga-rmerrîs constructeet at tris iiatsr mený,t are distingaisheet for f ne' worir- maiýnshtp, fit, finIsh anid ltvcfoater- fat andt trimmiînga,,. Mr,-Jiff cry'alng expertence ia a guiaranteehtiraD'il gar- metrs emuatig from tria estabiîhh. ment are ixodetrs 1)f iorn r Jeffrey bastise pleasu-re o! etn i trumereus patrons of! mau'3'Y eara face to face anet taalwa: s coýAfirlt e!retai- ing thre custom of iris jiatrolia, lhev ttnowtng fis aapluea Pneta profit 10 tirera 10do buia'at tlire ohet reluable Star Ho1uso. Fuît unets of geai-s' furu- ishings aiways !lu stock MONEY FUIR GHURVHIIS. Tnu STAT1tSMAN h1ire P)syptr wbtvrwtti modem lmetirodsand~c achares fo raia n oriov for clsurcb. pýurPosez..Vinayaiasexa giigara tire s-ce1ripu a ndt otiy proper wývays of rrrc'ienishîng churcir raure.We have lineobj;"ection to teas, sjcrals or othior entertainaen1ts fort swÂnIl features andt opportuit1es tirssy' afford fer giying tire people o! irleel)o- gregation a chance te bec0me botter acqua,,inteet. andi for spendinp' a sývWa evenîng But te lhear a ministor an- uounleing ýSunday nitter Snnday Ibis antertainnient andti irt andi begging- te pople 10 attend a-ad ;eoften abso beýgging for1missiîons MIi oua wondero 11:1w a wreking mnan witbi a family te feedl, ciotirs ant. educate can enduire tir3 strain on iris finances iL more than any congregation should ibe oxpracteet te stand wittiout a pmotoat. We do nI objct te a gond play or theatrical performance by tlocal talent buit censistoncy ta a jewcl. Cirurcir mera- bers are fombirde te1 attend theatrea, yat what was tire r ecent Olti Folks' Con. cert lu t.ha town gi-tn by the Ladies' Aid a branach ef tire church tiut a tireat- ricat pemrformance given te raise m'Oney for cirurcir purroses andti atietiseet rv tire pastor fron tire pulpit >oni Suudar ? Ahi tire pyleacbing tirat minttr eain do durinig tire. rernainder ùf bis pastorale w Pl-net combat tire evil rcsultiug from iris advertising and coumtenancing tirkt tireatre, for sucîr il was. Efforts are constantly bcinge made te ya~ur ouug,-mon frotn goirog itfs devious waya o! temptation. Wànaté1 a tireatrîcal performanca iko tire one in~ question, minister anti people go antci parents take tiroir cilîdren the y are gtvîng tirem ataste trot oui, for 'tire pantomiie-es ut for cornue opera anti melodrarna iraI any amount o! preacir- irig cannaI cunnteràct. In otir opiriion as a parent tirere la ne roorn for discus- sion wirether parenta are justifieti in tek iug tiroir ciriltiren to-a theatrical per- formance unless tboy are willing tiraI tirey ïhali. cuitivate a taste for tire tireatre. Cittren eanu6 omore be ad- mIttedti 10ail sorts o! playstiran te readf ait sorts o! books But we set out ta discuss methotis of raisiug money fonr cirureires. "How 10 raise money for cirurcir pur- pse" says Whitb-v Cirrouicle, ha tire subjeet cf mach intense brain werk a nt ireart interest. We must endeavor te separate ourselves from tire ide&a ta tire chirrir exists principally -for*tire sake cf k1eeping up an unirreken sartei o! shows -andi suppers Th,3 wcrds of Paul indicate tirreis points neees'ýary t n tire successful administratinchuc' finance. Wiren te glve-"Utpouiirhc first d1ay o! tire wtehk." Wirn, 4JnUi giçe-"'Let every eue o! ý) onlay by fii Uod bhath prospereetbin" T 0Ici-c,% points. Mncir of tiretocru cf Jetsu.s was occup-iet InluAdiizting tir hre i betw,,een heaven anset car tih. "NM-m1a eau serve two imasters"1 Tira 0'exfi. ment ras been mltde; ami lrepeitet ini everyý foi r, andi ini every -ag, a hon ireen proveet etornally fipatcbe Tire question la xnovinrg tire minda o! tire Cirristian wprld1 andi new hdqni R rocelveti-or rather gospel eues moývtvod poweýrfuî pmopnsitles 1e raise i1 arges sumsata any cost beid aI bey, andti r