USTABLISHED 1873-ý Head è,Office oot IYeposts xny be iade r)yitrawn b ter of the tw suebersof ahouseiold. This ~ ~ ~ bi fos facuti pcal utbefrtoelvn nt count,, vas ejîher member ca tedto !le akigvhe n onw ae of deth, thexnney snay be ihdrawn by teurio th tdayOr COt. Wieor -i frfrhe atiias lt-erest add4ed orie a year Sivigs aki)eadmrent i Connec ý*,on wý,,th il Branches. bar made a great record thogoral Canada. There areZgond reau,cnnsN!ihy th 15so. Balasseed Rigbt -Unsnoit 1unsp upsii. nproved Plate-Cuts aud turnssn:1,o over. iittctsesWeli Baék ~aydagt This lsk bas several Imitators b Lutno eqa.l. Noe genuine without the naine "EISELL" Jor Sale by Agente. Man- fatred bY sim gor 2, 1,T. E. ISSELL, ELORA*, ONT. asid4 heses [81 Âs for Booket "E," R.E. OSBORNE, L ocalî Ageiit, Courtice P. O. A% PREtvm VTDIG CILPYELIS M mcccli 2 th le home iiMr. Lc i lui,-ose i111 Iarm. ColamnSus, Seing Ile,,cileg;i,(,cf is seond daugitai, Klerece P aul nd-Mr. Ewent Glad- stoneGillry', bi-ite. 'lie ceceiuuocy ira petemet iy i-lac. E. F,. Howniard, yîe.Miss Nettici-on, '[erente, playet- 11ic net-ding înc11rc '[lihe bride ires seortt- by ierfllîcu- (nj [lie parler, ntiee a eaatfui rele etf gi-eas rilli llias luat-Sea1\icte. M.Cîye bu-it ixihî cfuauititul geit- iatei, ant- [lu buideuciit-cxilî aai ely ci-ai aIpitu. ) [lii- uidepcciuix[u a pxie ir li gloe e. Atter de cn- et lue ci chny nefieshi- r1îucs x u-epc[a co f. Mn. and Mrs. ten - , cue iîiîtofetaelarge nuic- uf cesi Pîentý. '[de yeîuig couple it cîdst tliowerts cf ica xi[isbest niscu- ltoie[ud nuny friniîs itis ae-ucuîîuOciy'. i liu ai:i-irel t liie Neilli Fîc t ation.a, '[ othClîy ý,p,'iiet bu ca ifli lie Ti lii A eIiendts bcscl ut uueve ou ýýgi)f office i e ny seil. île wan e ti pîýiicspitd ilzei i.nheriested in thie gmen [lu i d pens eo lise v ýill age: a k iîînd accou1ý; ,,iemoat - f- in-- fLriand i-neigfiisu: aie-dex e liusband and fther. Hisii-egca- cecuc and- hait a century etbsies n ivily liane gareIiini a large 4ýcce et gii ndcdacquaintouices aîîîeîg xc iene lit -cP irile greatly nussed. '['liuefiinenal frein iis laIe home, Set- uîday, was x'ery largel ty eleide-. ec XX'. H. G. Lewis, oi Brecispont, faruîuenrly cGecter cf SI. Paul's clisnchin ic Hoiey. etheialing; ileraient la Hill-d ere CASOýTO R 1I For Infants andt Children. The Kind You Have MIlways Bought Bears the tSignature cf STETTLLR, ALBERTA.. [o cir ccx 'neise acceiipaoifediscîce n wii lae lth, wfi lioxxicg ccects iericii l hcîe, 12at heSia trcct, neredc gîsandt ery gil 1er cg ethreccîîdtfi vne.c t it cne ixshcid cc abic i peiemaiti "i-e, uitMrsSiiet E.OSrili, iorvriîeda, c XXeliai emav nor xealrn $100he nl psiieWcure, $ow kJaîuai. irîe tethetxvenid ,1 Fl ae lotu- medical fraterîily. Caterrb î.eing aconstilineff snexr hene'y et, and [lie ranctiers aie tinnal disese, requires a consiiuiional treai mep.t. l-all's CatsrrhOcrie htaketis nternially, gettiiig an'ious te sce il disappeai. aeting direetiy uponi the bloed acd mucos sur- liay is $10 pet, t[cin the staclis anîd faces cf the sysîem, ihereby desti iying the xiwil libc nînch is gher. Our towxxis stili ffucîatlnu cf the diseaso, and glvinu1i" ptient bonn.Cnrcsae]tfrtil streng6th by building up ihe cons ittleion andbeiig.Cîtetarltfo îît assstneg îîai'îro le doing is work. 'rhe pro- îîexr dweliings alpeady, and very maccy prisions have se nîueh faitib in its cu'5tive vxili put up ltle saceks ci lents ifirtise powsrs ibai they offer Oncs HundrcJ Dollars fer, acy case ihai i f ailâ teoure. Senti for lust of Sunîmer. Board is scarce icere; ah tise _timonials. iselels aie flal, aed pceplc aîixiîeg -e 'r Adri, F. J. GamI-EY & Co., Toledo, Oý day, ruastly Acîeicaîis. WXe have pan- Sold ly Druggisis, 75e. - peltele eryeeysaed h Take Hîil's Famîily Puis for constipation. - Ule scengianit, eal4evd, £cbandin thes <.tl' iglit anc'd Man, Australia. Pussia, Mit. AMES W. 110DB. Geî-iaay,- Decmark, Nenray SwQeden, -- Pelgiam. Fiance, Nova Scotia, Newr Dcath of L42e Longq Besident and %Wideiy Piîins iclk, P. C., Atrica, China acd aj Known INerchan( t IIolley, N. Y. peefi many otheî places. Oi course. tîcre [s a deai et pevrlcy , aspect- Mi. Jamîes X. [obs, oe eof lilley 's ally axcy eut on tome o e! [ornce- lst ,îexietizeis-ý, died on 'lusd ,siead, hicIyfft y, sixly and ori te aý Mccci; 28, aI M sissiL;e n Soil i MN ii0 1 drDIciieýS t tiu oxrn. SniofI he fi botcîdatedtelt Josepdeess. ý1tuxxnofîîd ty f.sleciii rt appofcaeil Mc. Ii nas lFelDcys eldesi buses si mach.he Te ou11 ie i, 4 t.prccly u nlthe bduset li t Il g ce-aly i moreas orîg lesIn ic ap ii .in bsiess inLi as btdc gre et i aîsd seet on t etlis i i ai hie v[etc JespisRls, ad ena cf tn Tai cn iicu unelsanre. tl xas aiciin cîc ad e, 837, ideiberoe l it xvoiii ire yendtn smaieailcflie theOxi oupei baiy H.Cogsx eh !catrisu dss ging en.isete. '[li e otry eCi-toS, hiiet a tion tise bsouse aindiig lî,1ejc xrlcs eted ni-e ciue cîel-i tc dedthils edea aiîî xas ob bte rle St e ller was isondcxxninuil tencd is eldby(ie[aesocistioldn e ali'ds. 'licceiclihiiisdcc ai-ri.stl liscibitcî-erstrdfteiadctxcîîîbr tet f-dtaeilun caýnol Gden tiing foici tuiciJIl îley caeiny A tîbusiesson- Mr.- eld Dccc i nteîî. P yall pedianfe li iýt te oiniearfexey ta-s e enod cm eti, lr.I eîiy Lic de, aîîd nc sure cîlnshelfi by Itie s,sucien. e u bn,[lenavle sonto ny b.ei. nle [ree-dlu ahstran(]depatr letise ed andr.Clemcdesa csn to,f Nlrs.d xx ieu hle cenliiiuet- ditise appel paît-l W in7. 1-. Ttcker onOdelI street, ai-id .îÎlii, ii lOutil aboeut [xx eyecns cge. in nic my ise suie I xras pied te sdake ax [c, li al i d leticexv li uilin ýi,îaus xittî soe e e rc i hme. ..If b- at-cî-ckdeuxTenmas Sti-eet. cir"ma, Mr. Edier, comne cuit Ibis, lu 813Xi. Bb a-idMiss Ca- i ay, yen xxiii t tax Iuxcree ,n- 1P1f1a1.).N. Y..îî ed ui[c.a~n ti. t[ lge piseie ,lui - l~cfeeN.Y.'tie iser 1 s, Surli Pet t t buîges [lie red oi tise yd-- lic petil e INîr. Pedbis a tife i-, -u lw ut tIse. est coens xx lien \irefind - nia cnsstPî Dinciel tilie eI li atiue ellaxii need iOur Iuive. -~--- palechilrenis magical. Itma es thempluMp, osctive, happy. h cortain CodLiver 01,Hyoposhie andGlyerie, onak fat, lo and bone, and So u together that it is easly digested U by IttfOikM. ALL DRUGGISS;50m. ANDMO M u ountry News +, , iii D a e , +, i+a Nenues euî jkt, art-ctcf ui. M tli ieii, u s1011 Xoher !r, Cetoid.e Ste- S ii'. [tu - F ttu ScienBrEtuePrSI, l Etg[a .Ib ali.etBatýn euiJy. atilieP(ri Seîudeîsor, S-nt- Ca,er,Lenua BSmbih î aiyGay. lii cirsBucui, -XArury li un -e Cordon,- ~r. Peu-f i . o ROScElb-i, îclia Niill. H lea XXciyRbetRnhîc Bos X ctl S AA _- ID m -. CANADIAN rOMEN MIU RELIEF The Case nf ElîeWslby Ils Oas cf Thotisands Of Cores Made by Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Cempound. 1-ow many wnmcn neliza that it i-nt the pflan ià n ature tisa',wonc lînit- ever, have found relief frm ailmonthiy suffering by- takîisg Lyd,ýia E. inkhauî's VNegetabie CompQund, as it is the most thoroueli female regulator i-known to medicai science. It cures thie condition whîch, causes so mucli discomfort and robs thes eriods of their terroirs. Ellen WaIlby, of Wellington Hotel, Ottawa, Ont. rie: "Ynuir Vegetahie Copound -1wast recnm- mndeýd t<s nie to ùtke fnr theitessuer 1o cliotivndued eve-lry 1onh ndwth whls ai ïbeen a sulerr rmn er gettiig no reieffr -, te apy i iprcipti is Which Were prescrsbed, uil finlallben- ing discouiraged1 witblonradteimd- Cineus I determined to tr);y VLia E. Picýk- ham's Vegvtabile orpunaM i ce :ntglad t hat 1 did for m7 th in a short time Ibe1nt ,mend anâ in anincmredible shlort time the, flow eas regular, natural audlwithnut pain. This seesus tnn gnod tn lie true and 1 arn indeed a grateful and happy wnvman.", Women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, bloating, (or flatulence), dispiacement of organe, inflammation or ulceration, that "bearing- down" feeling, dizzines, faintuiees, indi- gestion, nervons, prostration or the blules, should take lm mediate action to ward off szerions ,conseqpuences, ani horesore t perfect lhealth and treit y ai Lydia E. Pinikhain's eF el on pnund,' and then write ft Mrs. Pinkhiam, Lynn, Mass., for lfurther f ree advice. She, is daughter-in-law of Lydi E. Pinkharn and for twenty-five years lias -been ad- vising women free of charge. Thousands have been cured by sodoing. 251, t w 1elIk, Ili, tiiyie was ici theiari Tîce Stue oc igîen by [licW'. M. S., in ihue S 'nool uce i oflie Meýtlie disI ei i.Gucd Friday exening nas cpleesîng eiifiai-, t\c. P. »neifi, nfe dît ttise Axiayoceîuplc tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s1ý chi udgi i itc igac- l'yR aisr nd A . H. e sî Fýchogericd; duM Re!!, s ieti ccde EttieP tei clodu. , addccus atsout$2- "lie f11CîîecDi cinte laIeFi-enk Andrus, Thueiisdayv, iasiell 'attcnided. Bec'. H. V. XleactePCr cndneted t11We services a. [lie a ,oce î re. el,[ie pre- sel-nt cccMes. James UGifittn.Mss. Geoge hi-ciss ad Mr.-. md Mît. Bent Andins et Biw1cnuciule, ?nd id M. Xes. Acdî-iîîs i tht V.ta. Tepula-r irai ThXlesrsti. Wîn. îd Chi-les 'ccý1ii sd-eig, w[Vin. McLed . . leîccyo[le. Hr- reniigd , W.Jiteicv. Siha l M. S. He r c. S Meý1 ieiît; lt-t era X-lu'sMilici-13îci X inM-e-Pccs. Mus. E.,is ýýisdick; Bec S ý ilc to. e. Mhisrje; Trý. efers, es.[ouxeuiaîîd Mnes. To.tcuu TepPrt dennM. Momn, raus lechKingdetee te [lie Brancistmthetic u-lisrangmnseîi mdet i for ste-e aeig.,Rfr.d h T(ee OXYNs. CO Nani-CIL. s t se te la' i , othiy cîreeigoupt. t -roili 1 ceaIe, cnineniiasti irr r-,ici- to ;min tisa ýui tetr pue,(- seuilS te tiseir iactr. Birrdte Pads ccd Ii'eals Coi. [o e'hoî-t nudd Fi-ec,,l, rlyesouKing sî he neofk iutha fUic uui eraieitiet s ofad foctin cIi-acf ataig$. Bire ets Teh[e n-eCTu-te pipcnlycens-ed $eut.c Fgiicric B. I-i.Ha slatlipaeicihssoiî te lose(7111an ;i1aneea pscet adinipug (i procet. efere- [ Padscc SlueotsCoin. t repart 3' àU fnt1 r i ' an aa nt 'FERROL is an Emuision of Ced Liver Oil, and if it were nothing more it would take front rank because of the quality and quantity of the oul used and the scienïtific imethod of pre-parato-î But FEPRL has scilims which take ià out of the ordinary class, of Emlil! alogether. Fo"'r instanlce: FERROL combins Ironi and Phosphnoras witlh the oi!, and no, othar cemulsion contains these ingrecdients, alýthough it is vrell known that they shoald always bDe aid-ministered together, as each is the complement ni the other, FERROL is s0 scientifically prepared that the first processes tif digestion are actually performed id the process of manufacture, and the ernulsion is ready for instant absorption into the blood. This is tif the utmost importance to persons with delicate stomachs. unlike other emulsions, is positively palatable, and flot one in a thousand find any difficulty in taking ift. FERROL contains the three essentials of life, viz.:- Fat, Iron, and Phosphorus-they have neyer beeni combined before. FERROL hlolds the record for in-creasîng the wý,eight. FERROL hasre ciedmore endorsai»ons from medical mnen thani any other preparatio)n on thle 1akt FERLwill cure an-y case of Conisumpl-tion that Îs capable of cure. FERROL iýs an. absolute speciflc for Colds. Croupe Bochtsand' alIkindred trouble.. FERROL is an unfailing remedy for nervous pros- tration, Chronic Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Finally, theformula iýs freely published, and in taking FERROL you " Know what-you take." RM. Mitchell & Co., Dr)iuzgist, Bowmanville, If There Were No How Drear Miiss Wtni kitclýli.PotHpvtd Jr W . a Itn n atiindd [le St Mtliuist iii, i-Api il III., on, "Jecis1 and JiIl." Mr. and Mis,. W. ezzicweeda, ad t-vo deuglilers, Toronte. xited relatixes tiare reenlly. Miss Dora Bll, Picten, w-as guest oi Miss MI. \IIji1ney,Eaîr Mis ,s Htte Thonia, lias gene tei Great Falls. Me-iiia, te -0fe Me-r.Luiier Kirby cnd Arthur El- liot, erecto cisiieýd ihelir parents ne- lia iseitlixd u 26mIlra reductienI Miss ELiu'ca K2eeler n essý-isiaîii beelý- Ixeeper d is e miunicipalolî. Mr. A. WV. Farewell bas, rtlurnefi frein Caliiernia. isherelie w as spcîiidiiig Itie xxinter. Mr. Oswald Wis1iu le een ixith M\r. T. Il. McMurtr l y foithepast tw o y ears lies goîie te, Toîýnto,. Mrc. S. J. fionlin, nde bas 1Lîi&I ,l iCre ct filic OsýI-ia ageîîcy ni thse SingerS,,wý- inig Maclan C.. as[akn aoition a geicra aglîtferilîlistrIct ill lýis Ptikisdny ex eIitî. APild. the Graîîd Io:thyC-aiir etJ. ieodd s (Fi[cm-e piserncr. ellaiîd pet Ar, orgen- lied ;ast odcretaCdery, itL s[li el-; lexxig efier HotsPairiaiclMrH shanhiîurst; AKstr P.,Sster M., Bran- SlEr Crande ; .Sec la iy, reA. GBar- O S., Sisl er anc; P. W . P., ýA. Il. Plaull G. WV. Dcputy. Hl. Panliursl. The 1Irasces of flic hll'iare-J. Boddy. T. BEriîtui n d A. 1-1. Pauli. Tbcy stailted w 11h a gond \w iii and ccx eîieeîi ieaibers wcre enreiled, DABLINGTON COUNCIL. TowxiHl, Hamipton, Mar. 30. '07. Begular nîenthly nmeetinig, mnîbýers all present, fleeve MeL-aughlin -presid- ing. Minutes et lest meetinîg read acd cenfirnied. Caiincloswee nre- ccix cd frein J. F. NI '\llan, Spt. floeuse or Retage. witlî staiement ci nucuber oi ilîniates frein varions municipatliinl DtrlianiI ; 1re -L.K . Jbues, secretariy Deparne[,Iit et;(ailnays, aîidA. D. Car1- 1rsaiî [gi1 1ý laI1 [n ceînp ian c x-I lî e qust i ie owisbetDelz I ?, Ingînc ralxay ts x'as cnIderdan u Tornto samLe as w est il liuli- c l.e recx e fim lie Cnterie, Bridge Cîcaî,aise sevei-al resigîîaliens, fet l ffceetpetliiaster. Oui moitien al xxcie fîled. A pelitien sigucd liy J. J. Aberiictliy cnd scierai older icatepayeirs__wns i-eceixed reques-4 ig [lie Council te place a bridgeacress tise ci elk at tise Camilriaui \Volein Milis, Sîxtli Coencessioni. On mion tlie oisideratioio et icsaaîe xwas left over. Ac petiii sigiied by A. L. Pascoe a, nd tw enty-six elliers ilas aise rcceived n ie- questiîîg lieCetîtcil te arrange foir pre- curiiiQ graxel iiitise Seventli Concession. Ar. application iras received frein H.I s 0asn. iiietien tise application w as laiid on tise table tutl next iiiee-ting w lien cli applicalions w îll be censidered. Oii motion i As cede a :Iý fii'appli- caItieîîs fer tlïe officeIf Cnucto tui e xt. ,neting, aIppiý iaiIt testat saliry îce- quiu-d. J.H. Ged aplied er beas t build virc onceie g x est iere Iiîn tTule'odr for quai Icrily et ori ecl. On nîotiîj c.Slceii w as appointed palmse ii place ot J. A.XVeinry:;Ja.Sti lanluplace et J 1-i. Mac ili I i ;Jspl e ryiniiiplace et C Dean, alJeep 1 nidin place et Tns. eaiilei. E.Mili nipaid 'I easre eu dlla lO cdarsid. Cii i 1,oî edr weie ýdrawîî on IiTreais- cireras iiiew : X. Criga i 8245 . der epiin ugy iC.0; . H Sttt maiii siiiscc -I Q,ctc .)Ijwcî i ouîeîiuu v.~ e - c. . A. Gamsby iss le '[ceente C. A Clapuauc elu a hîeeyec cî-onaîîd$3.50a. nýIuli, i us lcisad cicilts cerwhea[deica1J uil fili Mrs Juu Miue-bas etict- Iccuce ie ence tle Durhamicchhcblier C.' wxaeuîre tise bird oigi- iste gun xL tu-ieXV,4(sieucbill andi on pioplie- sitac h riyxhreratic-e (21eirers orn ut idue-o [lue Je.Hall, frin tise cîly. ics tlken Agricalîi-al Society, buth ne e ictieuuix ctTl sn eJeIýjn aDiii r charge etIlle Mitvale ' Dairy farrn, îakeeuî t uclilr. Ilucne[inat.Citf cîrne -biy lis fathicr, Mc. Daniel Hlli. These acceucîs xrcrc pas- - ucl eii rders c tiseredAtissnetuise pas tune.-ing t [lu Lan. Deicster is nowIl - Caluicat, g[îacted for p-iyiuent o h l-o hbps pinsfi ilcfilinig a ieadngpasiti-on in It luehs. Ilugîcteýn, labjr ............ $23.90 Elle et the peesent. Slew [y,îunpeucîu-h lmre awpacî clieatc eirycfPt. Jeuuiîîgh-, lebI.or............. 9.76 tiS[y, ait nains-e teveleops, becausa [lieuep, iss Mi arnnuie \Xeu r,,l l, i. Saexîn, iýI-or............ 16.88 is 111e. 'Thece is a nu n lite. Eatu IS( A. S '[cîne nu isnuemen Caniuî- MC[ýUwuu&.35 spîseglide markaî-ltide c lutl aua Ae. S.tcj a C j. ýýlii )famcing ........12 .,40, 0than tise oca h)etloea., -ù'v" W11 Cdehe0c1)s.e- t M rM. lIgguS toe _e.......... 15.00 Is lucre auuylticiiuug [cn cicis liglicu,F T . Auct. Gd,ü ie atM.Jas. EIlîl, p! aseline.ý...........248 nrllt ia ensad etts e Mrs. XViiiuuCoeirsld la-Glb îihc-Avriing .0if lie [dat wnite aitunaturec sitilune È dauiser Mt . otnri PernyenMail Printiuug Ca., adeiauising ... 2.88 k daughte, Mrs. . Perryown.MClilain & Ca., fuel .... ....... 51.11 ui tiste infiitai, sînginig hi s prause-,B Mrts.- Pauker Siicuiis, C vumg isiled InIdgientRelief ................. 20.00 ant- findiuug eu [[te, uuan alouie it e-a.tV lier muothucu, Mus. B. Hugisen. Xlauris- & Son, tancu-al .......... 12.001 cf larineny? As truuy as thare is a lidet- Mateu- Gedin Uu-uieet-. olHagar- H. Fletherci, scvltmgscoir......2.01 wlîeîclite tpnaugs apîrard [n the w edýs mans Cî-îers ciite- e Mu. Ceu-c as. Wight, shIoeliug suceir.... i4.00 and f[udt-I tnay is tiiert a lit-e tua Daridseuc's. augUýr M F, leening clethet..............3.95 tnecces ts e le ircste , XX'et. [bcete cut- -cuisfr, itSJas Ga, printung ..............5.75 '[le yeeseiyahinauuet uee ?xtlss Alavut- let-ges. '[encula visi'adtlie. 9 a-!t miues' rni i yui;ll TaM .".W Jaeksen'sil«. Miss lîcgs- .hcr atccycitana'[iepxe expeîs e gote icnpegic Jne. Wll il toud an excellent remedv tut ( ccdl' Mu!. fIacr' y Dutsne oiwedLvrPie.ThouLsande o! letters from 'nn scsncttefc[aien.S attendefi'!'isel,,filueri etIlicIr IIa ne- pee)ple wno haive uqed îhem ,prove this cn a up ct atu eni [ent- phex',- _1 indericte James ickson. tact. Try them. cwytlepssblt tn I' glîs- hî- lTlisiretdcr, Mr. M - . nehicgIitlOiP\ ihntesa-Va'U--& BctIh aee rce', ring frxunu texaiatche THE CIIUBCHES. c iÀ atiU. ,of lypluedlevru. The programmcee t lice Metodisf Thcîugli ie înay laaelong gix ta tp Dr. A. T. Stanlounieolis belu Pro- Icagume [uesday crcnîng ires a Feueiguu [lue pe9sibiiitY et fiauilîg tise teuntllu fessai' in tise Slîoel cfTropical Mcdi- Mission ineeting i charge et Miss XM. E. If eterna uîiy-hi.tisaI iscpe w as bui lte cilUniversity of Loicdcuc, Ecg., tht enesccd Miss Frauclee Jeweih. Aflleetuten evidciice et an o-t-nai, muller tact. pash hIe ,-)yeci-s, js iecîîg Eîcgtauud fer Idexetienai exercises luy tue puesýideci, '[liera is a fýountiie etfetIcat yeahti 1for1 the Mahay States, liaiing receivet - a Xiss Sheila Maseon, Miss Jeucat tec tise latI.Tîte heat-ay ibenl fe rasty - vmerimp orn pielmet ren h iair. Huîicg the siuugicg ni chymu but theinpsucsîinat weritu once agein, Inîpaîai Ce eueuecuxt.Miss Lena l-adt-y rpresenting a Japan hiis opetsîuu-uîug up, uutxr and lballer, A ici-y iiitanesling ccî-eînnîy tIolçesec lady, Miss Era Wickett a Chicese idecis are Scni. n, wurex an lheisen ta1 place,î-ecemî[ly aeth[le h eîuil f GMn.Cee.lady, Miss Fiankie Jeirel iien litian hlettuîuuî iIon ari heeanit-ligtl.q Scyceor nscelushiset ocs cut- ise ly, M. Joli e Ilelyer a Bitisht Cohuin- Is Ilicre aecy l glilicredslaehn r. so Wiin Xn. '-cynouin. PortlHooel , 1-icinutian, and Mn. L. K. Fean lt-nAfi- [lhelietsIeuu ciaectît-dri cidt- tutfamuly et Me. Acc-IuieMeIt, cc , li tht'Il'placet ont[liathfeui. [o perpetual iiner? Villi soiea1h filantk lîurcdiaeatzt, Rr lEccli in [arc ucazt- a papier putlicg fotuirlce-cees tbafoue lueda-sniyouthiartecuit-- V. lounteer peu fornu!limeg tîte scuipuiel a st-oîcg plea feuriselp l ine diaicîent-. Tise cnicit-Spiît, [dc eit- wiscuI iutei. ceunluies, cii nf iricclixx re iiteréstiig altituade, ce h- iseauterusiset- uy rail Jee. -cneenu bstudclet-ancd llinuglîty eujeyet-. MXis l;itcc - tluuc acd seeicuiig t-cit-Io le liepP,, cee t [d nert penuiaîî tabus IlCc it-isu pluiyed ',eiy uiceiy a piii, l Uc burird ]bereaiti 1he mcxxs e ofsius Balfal- N. 'U.,(1t- eely e r-soie. Alc sngiuîg [licmeeting nost- I SthIere mna [w, ihlineug i e wnu an ct Mciiesby ueniXu Vn rli[heLau eeiteu.cnu 'kiiiuig -11 i Ile td i (l tisaeex eI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " telccesbiîcsleei[[Mu.cescili , tiertae beat2,000 c yee' e8r. ni ie te eat iue tucaul et Ifil ueý,peý. Cepalin; bTW,.Jaciýkson, Lieu- t lciuil Scîcan - emeut MKeei OUR HAT '[lI1E BEGIN'N[NCCF NEXX' LIFE, fbi--aicisaec LedEtirit-. Xet. h- flciîu [d buis t[usg ofIV[lit- ndof tieluedi lu-, Fret- Deulsona l . ShaPele; XVîi yx i. alstylîsu one, Butlitlamak..îelu andet-[leaîcn u -ic ucx tuî Coenishi - Eucgicuari- sllet A. J. Trouble. ,1ji-c V, Ilde d aait la KnIex; Finecîîaei, . helIy. There- ccc A nrunusuaily buys a bat thats ein ip Is lic uul ucuosul Iletcq eteî'eîupeiti lîî bersli iicdng thIlui- style" but the modemn bat for mon bas ucurceis - -îCîî-iuc[talci- Siteli lots tu answer for.- cie ix-- tuîci-.p t Mucli s-ipatey Ntitxx[[ e.cii Baldheýi1ad argowlcg mono numor-xxî-île.[i îte[atn -I ec- Nîrs JciutsH c'seî lu lit dclii t every d(1ay. 1Hats niake excellentttuefiliuc-11 ettui:leu- thuer ei~ hit Frt-euiekJanes m15breoding placeis for the parasîtie gennua - e 1lernn- il 1J I'1wbich aap the life fnom the mots cf the tjpt e-t -î e n-iaieîis citr ahiugciuu [tan. e tîe gclf'Wben your bair begina to fai uitcdpioî itlecii ie-Lthu eî tee eu-uuhs.ynur scalp lis full cf Dandruffi h us a DcxiciF. Vestihesucîunuet frinsure aign that these couctless garnis areliut' iuediceucusnlausi busily ci wnrk. ntuc ntBciccta edit XViuuspc eeeucpeiit- y iltdctugi hor i but one wcy to overcome eIcieici net' - ic - Ist'bc XX tih. '[ic C. P. lb. toblind k71,Tbe germa that na a -:ltgic te4si fga i.cee traie cci xx hicis [lie jources et- îles to apiy ebnsi:leýg(rpn iid u o, ciie la [ uuCci tsr ex sclplutlkl, tegracd elh ia l-ue euu iikecx ri-1itl ix rcke- iuan ~ et Xcbuî- k. Sueke heu issur to esut.d ra-Nît 1 i ti ocel lap Sddb sdc rgit. odi- nîc ecc ci[ite-c-lu~cssunt u -~ tietaî i-t e c -i-ei iIvsap rsmî t [oHriie n zirc h.Ltsx,'ntuîyl [ st i- l tI(I i l-[n [etatca-i f toi. Mc.t'u;bt ii ie xx i--, f Iue s ie- lieu tev luerisnt hu arti e w 1- tla oiu t tsx iuestsi 't, y y imâ %bA& ýW A %wu, JL-A ý -K-ý A , A A %.P ý& [S iNUNE New Beg-inn-iig-s rOur Life. i; be stc rifl'g g I ! [ie icf tif is~~-aqu ~eyMsl irjrThasi That Mt GrentBrtars retuIli lb f [i e 1 ~iienlfer1ite pa1S L fscalt(m \laidiutt ihe laceasii, Caîîdaý t rade w [1h lie Uile Stte 4as been c, isiderjbiy nmere thandebl tie in-creas-e in the tlre \ vith re Brileii. Teade w 11h -oiierBrtih o essiens ies rerneîjnedcnpa del bout [l;,in me l 1ival unrie, w~n tad(1 wilh erig ceunhlries 4otherhis h Unit, iStaties -Showxs ta fair nrae Figur, s fei r wfast n-ieii ni ise isca îex en nlien lis ndng Fbrar 2t lst [he increase in impesfm r e-at trilain exver hie cerrespniding priod n0 l'05-6 xvas $13.640.51.2 ed ic experts 1 - Geat BritaLn $9,024s,030, mkn total increese ini [rade xvith Grect Bn cmli ainoýuîîiiîg t 2264, Drn ro ie Uniledtes xvas $31,65',and ln aext te the usUacrt eieit e Sate Y.,809.336, makga id ncrae aseldi rdewtb le romteuue cfurse,964.032. byi the ses inict-up mding lifrsdo leven mei as ptli s hb 3',5,end brat arn cpetist fei t thengise nt ctelcs[lied increes. was lle lias 707. Tonm ovroms h wll-groupated ntsi reasonablelabnc.tons fto oebinte-' ligentito he use ni ecret, medcsnacrctm Y.,setimefao, decidedt mandeade*k bthemaereis of ut-p medcinestor o ntus, n 1 s s D p uisebrsowd-4 and compse sit ti tho Inrde ceertdti)ru s a hu h lasP. e th andepatioent; telts xnov lsediinesfro camng ecret t only dôed 'tdvi-aniier 0f every bottloe 0f Dr. Pierces ' oicî e Illsc-er.te famous, medicine( for wccki stomacbl, tonpl)d liver orbiiiousess audail ca tairal dsae ,wberever loctd aierltd uonit. fii plain Ecgii, ;a fuil ndcomi,,le t sifai; the ingedlint, cmposing t, ta small book lbas beenilc (ompi i frou numronsý standard ieiica11 of cf illediern scbonis cf uracti-(c«'1contaiig vr mr mus extracts fcmtu n og f ed priactitioners cf mdcn.edriiiuth 8trongest possible terisi, each adoeige dcient cýntpined luiiir.Plrc mdiins Ceof f tarse utie bkookîs iiil ho naiied freo to any cne sending address on osa card or: by letton, to -ir. R1. V« Pionce, Bufa, N. y.. aud reusigthn sane. Frosu ibtis itl boo 1, it m l e a ei, hIiat Drli i ersne bie otdin uarc hol. arcoltirs ,mnca and th ihey anc-ina l fo atie e, n edii anÀ debtilittc ome r epclong 'V'ns arc.hyterdan orsmla liet o sukvînaleediai pat neigit ýAï