ENERA FUEVANýTWANTEI-)- GImmendiate1y topgo to Toronto. WIges 15-1 W t once Appiy to mîs. Gec. W. Brownl, Temperance 'St., Bumn ville. 15 1WI 1MIS8 M. M. ARMOUR71Issuer Of .AI.MarriageLicenses, RcgistrY Ofie,Bow- mnauville. ResidOUCe Beech Aveý 51 tf. 'TRAW13ERRýY PLATS FOI? ~CRAP IïONWANTED-WiBll pa k> fc.(ý, per 100 lb. for any uaftity of good Stove ' Iate Scrnp free fr001 barnL JI AN VILLE lrnlIqRY o - ARNIFRSLEAjilil h 17 acresi, being siuatedJ and cepoedofpat of thie N'orth 'ofthe South lo ot 18 Li the th cocsinof file towiàï4hip of DarlingtoIq. Tbhere is on the premises a enod bouse with 1stonecellar; god barn with stone ba8emenýI; fruit trees and small fruits for a î)iiiy lFor furnb* particoilars 'apply to mas;. Wif B 1 WN o1J the premisÀes or 1. L. BROWN, Haî,MPton. FARM IRBOURFR8_AND OFT. B AVE BEEN INSTRUCTED R'Y the Dom;inion Goverument to place Immi- graint from the Uited Kinigdom iii posýition as farm -atlabrers or domestié servants iru thi8 vicinIty, Any person requlring suoli hElp r111110,Dûntify me by letter statiog fuly the kind of beip requiredl, when wanted and wageq offer- edi, The numbers arriving maynotbe sufiient to Supply ail requests but every effort will be made to sUjpply each applicant with be0p E. B ELM AN-,1 Canîadian Goýverarment Empl.oymeot Agent, 8-Sm Bamnvl , O.Ont. Lawn Mowers. Theondrige tws eo inform al those iuterested in awni mowers, that ho is now* resdy with his new Ideal grinder te sharpen and overhaul mom. orn of every discription. Brng your mowers in early befo re the ru8h. 16. t! A. W. Piekard,- 1 East Eud Blaeksmith,' Bowmanville. Auction Sale of Manuf- acturing Plant. SATURDA-Y. JUNE 8. Pirsu&nt to resouIutioLI of the Sharehioiders of Tune Oshawa Wire PenceOopn.iied the W hole of the real estate i.clin large brick fatrte macbinery, ma teriai on band, officefuritue, book debts, negettable paper, Aud other saleable prcperty of said Oumpany will. subjeet to a reserved bidding, be offert.d for sale by public anction at the'Company's 1w.tory ti Oshawa on ShJrUxDÂTJunNE 5,11 next, at 'c10lckP. nM. For ferther p)articulars apply tg the under.' tigned at OshaWa. T. H. Everson, - Manager, Oshawa. flated April 13, 1907. 16-3w , iaD ToPil aPtt ec My Sthree factories-from 5e. pe YOU atokting, *r Pictures, * .~Shade lothi and 8arde paper. * 4< Watch my windows for * attractions,* Bewmanville.* Farm"Footwear. Four Specia1s, 'William S, side ILaïce....2O Williams, Blucher ...........0 Canadian Kip Bluclher .2.25 In spite of contiue 1 advances 1», wholesale prices these spocial are SUiiI lngat Old Prices ., i We bave a great many ot-her Enes rangiug fom $1.15 tce $ 3.00. Womens heavy boots$1,15 to '.775 The Largest Stock in T owvn. FredRFly I? 15 PURE!1 THIS IS THE PARAMOUNT FEATURE 0F lii aiWail G-REEN TEA Lead Packet2 Only. 25c, 30c, 40iD,,50o and 60c lb. At Ail Grocers. HIGIIEST AWABD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. Stylish Footwear o Men 4nbWomen We invite yen te Se oOur sprlng dlsplay o! Boots and Oxfords, we gu,,ar- antee, no matter your taste, that %3ou can b6e snited., j A complete lune of Cbildrienï's and j rifiMistss boots alwvavs lu stock. Ounr Vý rangeo0f heavy geods for men 18 vemy Cal and see ns. It is Pa ploasure Go show goods. OpoReid & Pearn, spoite Balmoral Motel - Bowmanville O m r Pnwrcrwu UW m- I Prunes Exta fncyPrunes, large and glossy, 3 lbs for 25e; Extra faney Vry large and cheice, 2 lbs for 25e, Fin TablE' Fip-' £lbs for 25c, I Te 6st Oranges Th etCalifornia Navels at înteresting prices, IBanauas Cholco stock cheap. fogt(rockery Do' ogtthat we carrv a very largo stick oet Dinner and Toilet Sets at a bargain Glassware Anew lîne jnst iu, 10c, 1-5e, 2ue and 25e , extra goodi we ~valuDe, see the eholce aSseri-ment. I We re stili selling HrAdys Ideai Test. Sales I increasing. Butter and Eggs w&ntedý I ~ ~ ~ l CHN IA ll/INA S HA LL r l-W J.GR9 GROOERY foA. %FAf'Dcn Flirnituro!1 Furnituro Our stock comprises ali unes of USefulI Dd deGo--ative- iunit -the~- differeint grades. There is nothing mande that we cannot supply you witLh, andi our prices are as low as the low- est. New designas constantly arriving, See our Store Window L. MORRIS & SON, The Home Furnishers Bowmau.ivide and:O.rono. Furniture Dealers. Phone 10. Veterinary Surgeon sud Denitt F.HRIS. Lowrey, IONORARY GRADUATE o! Ontario veterinary College. Toronto. Specialj attentiion given le Dentistmyl omele lu Mr. W Icaldwell's I4vry Stable; nîglt calls at bis residence, Lorne villa, Centre Sitrieet. Day o r night cls prom~p;y responded ta. Hoose phone ne 1 26, Office 127 Bowmanville. B W an .ug o UIr- O T Offce sud Reidence Wduhýjigton St.TeIt chone o. Pt, Funeral Directors P~UBLIC NOTICE-i hemeby give k n tiibt Iwill not be responsible for atny debts cen-trateui dbY auy persan whatever in MY name. E lzsa-s r STIIUIT, Buriretea. TOWN PROPEBTY FOR SALE. TN the Town or BEi,7anvifl(lete close Lt1se ptate of ibe lae tepeWabgtn Esq.,-A bloècckof f*our sh îc osso Ontario St. jusI soth of King St., cnann five lrooms eaéb, and a bl-icek on Wsigo Ave., contaluig to i Ve-roomed oue, n eue egbt-obmehousc, albrick and11inceta boain.ASe poiot orivsosa thie propertv ysta esold. Keys will ]be foumd for the Iower terrace at Mr.P. Trellcocýk' soeami for thie upper teraeitey wil S foMnd Witb itenants.AppII l tALUERT WÂIHNeTNEecutr, aunonP. O, 1,- Mr. , ohn Bwikley laiasbeen siek, MLiss Vilda Cowvau visited frieuds lu Port Hope. Mrce, P. A. A !ord is home from Bonck- ville, N. Y. MIrs, Geo, Lapp, ,Poutypool, visited at Mr, J. A. Joromes. Bey. H. V. MIountecr was luii le ývle on buisinless recently. MIr. Mlansel E. Maguime bas arived safefly ait WesskiwIun, Alta. Misses Vilda Henry and Millie Will- iams visited friends in Oshawa. Mie s Lillian G;amsbv open t the week. end with fiends in Newcasitle, Mmr. George Chapmuan, blacksmlth, Ktrby, bas been engaged 13Y R. Foster, Mss Bertha MlvcCombr visited hem father, Mr Jass, NMcCorrnb.Fort Hope. Mmr. R. C. Ccowan ha .a takn a position as foreman iin a saab aand dcor !actorv at Limisay. Me. A. ;L6ighi has completed moftit'ü- the mammioth turbine water wheel at Mm. Geo. Stepbons3' Mils, Salem.. Mr. Johin Bem sold his complete apiary o! beei, 100 hives or ûver, toi Mmr. Alex. Smith, Eufield, Mm. snd-Mme., William Beaeom are eomfortably settled in their uew home, Misses Jeant and Jessie Odeil, daugh- tersi o! inspecer A. Odeil, Cobourg, are attending sehool heme, iMr. Thomas Vinson, an old Orono boy iu Toronto, bas gone to Calgary, 8ask , Io resîde with his son Austin. somO e seety miles West Of that City. Misses Alica and Frances Carveth, Toreuto, who have beeu visiting their nucle, Mm. A, W. Carveth bave etutu- ed homne accemnpanied byv their cousin, Mii s Rota Camvethi. Previons te the departure o! Mrs, Geo. Mlosgrove aud daughtom Miss lia the Epwomth " eague presented an ad- dress and each with an -English sever- elgu. The fpsniily is meving te Brantford Messrs. Pst Clunan sud Martin Cou- noms, twoe! Peterboro's most noted horsemenu, psid a visit te Mr O. A. Gamrsby on Wednesdav te inspeet his bunch of high class herses. Aiso Mr. 1-erb. Winch o! Sutton with the same ebjects, taking home with hlm a vemy pmomrisiu,> 2 year old filly. The repu tatien of Rarry Wilks' progony is apid-. ly bftcen4ng Provincial. Oreno Division Sons o! Tempemauce officýers were insitalled as tole ws. P W P. MmIr, G. Mi. Long; W P. G. M Lonu; W A, NMrs. D. 'T Aluin; F S, ebt Kunox: Treas, A. W. Camvoth; Chap, Rev R. V. Moiunteer; R S, A J. Knox; A R 8, Lanra Alunit; Cou, E Hamm; A C, Jennie Ilughàson; I S, Mms T. imith; O S, D. T; Allun. Seven uew candidates baye been lnitiated.- T he funeral o! the late Thos. Sonch- tokl place Tuesday froin lot 4, con 5, Clarlke. Dee.eased had la grippe. 11e was oue o! the most highl ' vepected pioneer farmers o! the townlship. lie leaves, a widow and two sous, Albert sund Fred, both marmied, sund s daugh. ter, Mms. Gen. uxn.lie wss a mern- ber o! the Methiodist ejhureh sud a stunch Liberal lu politics. Rev, J. WV. Bunner couduacted the services. ., BOW24AN VILLE, &PR. 17, 1907. THE E DITOR TALKS. We aim tri reach eyery home noi West Durham this weok. Persons flot subscribers are invited te join our circle. This is the best paper in Durham- but flot too good for you. This paper neyer had as many sub, scrlbera as it, has now. A local newspaper is aslueynec- essary to anly cmui THE S 'TATESAA-N keepý,S Uthe ople c f t1he commïuauity in, touch wîth eaeh othor ùy givi ng tchem ail the news of their own county. jin this paper we try tae kýeep the local pride and progressive spirit arouised. If yonr son or daughter doees well at sehool, college or receives promotion anywhere we want thie factq for this paper. HAMPTON. Mîr. W. O'reeper is visitilg at Ras don ....Miss Eva Clarke visited at Mr, Isaac Clark's. .Attend Leagne ser- vice Frldav evenlng and hear how to read "IVise books in a wise way" by Rev. T. Snjowdon. Much credit is due the oditorial staff cJ 'The Gleaner."',A very interestii3g oveninýg was spent In reading the pape~r ini our Leagne Frlday eveuing.W 'le welcome Mvr. John Lane and familv cf Nestleton to our village..Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Brown visited friends in Linidsay. _Dr. J,tî. Elliott visited his fatiter sudr other friends prier to his departure for Balti. more, Md. where ho wflI spend some tiîme studying 1ýlung dseases. . Rev. J. P. Berry, B. A , will preach to the members of the Sunday Sehocol, next Su-nday morning. Every mermber of the school is reqnested te bae en.i, Following aie the new oiflcors o! theEpworth League: lion. Pros-Rey. J. P. Berry, B. A ; Pros-W, H. Moore; Iîsi Vice-Miss Reeye; 2nd Vice-Miss Maud Horu; fird Vice-Miss Alice Creeper; 4th Vice--Miss Minnie R1omn; 5th Vice-Miss Roach; Se'v-Mlss Rilda Johns; Treas-L. CrYdermnan-' cor. Sec'Y-F. J.ý Groat. There are mnany tonies in the'.land? As by the papors you can see, But noue o! them Cani equal R-lollist,3r's Rocky inounitain Tea. Stott & jury CHNE1' unss L. Morris -& Son, Bowmanville, hav- ing bonht onit iMr. N. C. Rundle will keep a braneh at Hampton. The present stock of Furniture mu8t be cleared ont and will be sold at a sac- rifice. Acy erders for Uudertaking may be lef t with Mr. R Katerson, or teiephoned direct to Phote 1w, Bowmaanvilie, atid 6amr, will. rece-ivo our prompt snd most careful attention. L. MORRIS & SONQ 14- f. Phone 10, Bowmanville. JOHN MCMURTRY, West End -House. I3own-i. anville. I -m W le Farmners are busy on the Jana- - Large coaigegaions greeted Bey. J .Chapiman Easter Sunday .... LUI Thomas Bradley bas pnmehased Pa fancy herse.Mr. George Taylor had a wood bee Wednesdav and a party at nlght ...Miss O0ilarper suient Easter boltiss a hoeAnd 'fas retnnedteo Bowmauvillie Hlgh Sehool... Mr. Wallacff Loekwood is hauling cedar rosts from Mm. Thomnas HIII's swamp. ....Our Sunday Sehool is about te open ag-ain. ..Mm. W. R. Northeott visited friends here ecently ...Our foot bail tesm are getting ready for ac- tion,..Misses Beattyv, Port Repa vlsited frieuda hre Miss Aima Bradley has returned home aftem a month's visit with friends here Neyer Expected to WaIk Again Mr.John Best, Tharnesville, 0nt 11l net wialk a step when he bgnusn Dr. Chas's Nerve Food, could zscare- ly feýed h-imsiýelf aind hiad pains i i is back and ]sides. J-His doctor treaited im, for locornoter ataixia, but told hirnho coufld nver lget bettor. Rn couilo t feel the lneodios tedoctoir stuck jt isfi' Threc rnonths after bciningte ius( o! Drï. ChasC'Nrve Fod, Mr.Bt wvrote asfles -I arn glad etl yeu that I baýve been wonderfufllybn flted by the usýe of Dr. Chase's Ne-rve Food. I can new walk ali over with- eut çrutch or cane, can sleep aind eat wçell, and do lots of werk about thie farmi. In faclt I1an the wevu1d(erof tho neighberhood where I Bye, ferinove expe)fctcd te o abl J)e 'te waýk aan Thanks te Gomd -d your vwonderfi-1 iriedicine, 1 Ilrn around aga1inandtili every eu w-atitbas deone foîme. Dr. Chase's Ner-ve ' o,50cntU oECmnoDtf&C. oton The 'Woman',s instituite meetinig on the Brd April was well attended. Mms, I. B. Strzave au excellent paper on .CbiId Training." Many presenti brought their favorite pudding rceipe.i Next Institute -ear, coInImeucing 151, (s monthly magazine) will be seý dis-] tributed that evemy member ef this banch will have the privili£ge of readl. iug it. Next meeting in Kendal Mt y Thousands have prououneed Ru)lllî- ter's Rocky Mountalu Tes the greateýt healiug power on eamth. When medi. cal science fails, il succeeds Makes yen weIl and keepa yen well 35 cents Tes or Tablets, Ststt& Jura. NBW OASTLE. Miss Rhea Bennett isited relatives in l3ewmanville reeently. .... Mm. Howeit Rewland recentlv visited Brussels, Listowe] afud ether point.... Mfrs Me- Ar:hur, Fenel!on Faitls, who visited hem uep)he, MmI. Chas, Coultgr, bas returu ad home... Mr. W. Morden, Nevwon- ville, bas 105 fine young chicks wt of the Trader-s'ïbank is promnoted tei GrandVaey..N. Gamnet K Hall! has eeu( appointed Accountant berej sdM. McKenny, Port Hope, fils the r, -,i rcet.... MIrq. Theýs. Fjiuev sud sn John i i aI odn.... Mrs. D. Scett is visiting hem brothe>r, Win. Le, Gcd- erich. ... Mlissq Olive, Thomne vlsited hier steMrs S MPSOP, BOWManvil!.. has -one te Boston.... Mms D. J Gjal- braith attended the rnlitary g-athering at Colbourg .... Alonzo Cowau baught !rcom Mr. Chaplin four acres south o! the railwvaY track sud W. G. Cowan bas scùured nlearîr the samo arneuint on theý pora id. ...MmFred Grahamn sud MisLyma Waltou were UEitd lui mat rimrony April a0,î the home e! the b ids other in Pickerinug5 th cO-- traeting parties belng helped b'y the! brideo's sisîter, Bertha, sud th.e groom's brteMilton), whieVy oo a p2r!orming the iceremony, J-RDiiJ, S Omýes,, 'U - DETIST, Opp)oslite Eiton's, TORONTO, -DONAL Q O>. ABHAITB. îarse,5'icýitor, lNotary PulL, e.- crvt n ompainy moneys te boan ai bowert fcurrent rates. Agent for The Mldlatnd Loani SP RING CREEK DAIRY PARLM FOR Sale or To He t.-iated within 3a haîf- mu o4owm'au vil;e station.,ossio ie ibsFali. AppIly to -M. BURE, b)ox 67, Bow-ýV mianvîle P O. rLonprises. 13 tf, Wanted Fur Cash. 1000 tons ail kinds *scrap Imon, scrap copper., zinc lead, old rnbber boots, shoes and other scrap rnbber. etc, Wx'l eall at Sour place or yen may write or phone. JOHN GRIGG, 32 Ontario St,, Bowmanville,, Phone 17 8 - t f SPRh'ING TERM. From Aprili 1inerges in- te our~ Summrier Sessio~n for July and August. Enter any tie, No Z vacations. Clip out, sigu + his and receive our cat- .~alogue by return mail. * . Send~ to Central Bus- in ess College, Torouito, W. H. SHAW, * Princ* . 1- 7t 11 ý11- -- _ALL '-L --r New Spring Suits Are Now .*.Ready for Inspection** We have iruat opened lOutV our f0fli range of Spriug and Snummer Suits iu which we have an endless.variety of ail the latest shades a>,nd cuts, ýonsiîsting o! light greýy mixtures with invisible chek u i he laertwe ffes Aise black aud blue Worsteds and black and blue Cheviots, single or double breasted in every siza. If von want a Sprlng Suit-we advise you te corne early sud get the flrst choice before they get picked ever. We know our suits for spring will suit everybody, as we are showing every style that cau be obtaiued and our suits are the best for style, niaterial and workmanship tbst can be p roeured. AUl we ask o! yon is, if you have not tried the 2Oth Century Brand Clothing, try it, and- be conviuced o! the fsatisfaction that il gives the public, NEW IIATS and CAPS.-Nearly eve.rybody requirei a new R.at or Cap for spriug. We are now ready ta meet your wauts. Our caps which we are showîiiugfer spring are in blues, blacks, tweeds and chevJots. A large range teo seleet from. We have eývery sha«pe lu Se-,ft Hats, Light Greys, Bro-wns and Blacks--in Fedoma styles ?Dd Knock Abou1ts. ,'T'FF RATS-Our range is cemplete, suid the geods are English manunfacture, imported direct by ourselves. We are able te show the best $2,00, $2.25, 2.50 sud $3.00 Rats lu Bowmauville, in every style and4 shape that ca man cnwish Our Dress Goods Stock is Coiiplete--W(- are now ready te show you our Sprig Dress Goode lun ail the latest chek-over chiecks-stripes and plain materlals, lu union, aIl wool and silk, aud wool goods. Corne sud sce them before buyiug. Boots and ShoeS--Our new spring stock o! Shees is already opened eut-lu. Patent Colts, Mrror Patent, Dong01a Bals and Box Bal! Bals. if you want a pair o! new Shees it oudpay you te visit our store before baying. r