M r , Oy TheWasnohveoloutei business and are reducing stock as speedily as possible before mnaking transfr Our successors, M o Jezinings ýwill not bandie Dry Goods, so ail Dry Goods has to be disposed ýof either retail -orwhlalaeodg to contract. We have also agreed to reduce MXLen's and Boys' Clothing and Oent Funishngsto oe hif res-entsize. In order to do this we w-ill seIl Dry Goods at CO,adcohn andmens urnishings atL.se,ýriously reduced prices. We have over $7,OOO0.00 worth of new goods bought for this spring's trade, ordered.belore ethis change was contemplated, in factthrarserllosyto corne, as tire facotr-.-ies-are late in delivering their ordo-rs for tl&his spring. New or old, everything goes. WhteBed Spr2eads. We hawve u latansortmnt imrted irec frm he0ld 1.25 spreads for I~ 5spro;dS for 16 ,5 spre ads -4 1.9 3.50 preadafr 7 WC wil!pei ydifret odse c ee drig he sale bat ev.,erytlïng Ilouqale, lrom the lrISetnP!Illow Cotton, Sit inDack, Drills, Girighams, Towelling, Corsets, Wist,s, Msin, LaesVarû, ibbons, Fancy Collars, Belts, Skirtsq, ëetc, etc., Oape~and Lino1eumic-- Are right al seasen uew and cveryy our carpet reoom leooks as if a tornado had struek it. Present appearances would indicate5 the carpets to be one of the firet lhues sold eut. We are flot taking any chances, we do neit stop at a small loss to make a sale. Corne AiL our 121ici priais selhJing a" 10c. We have a big lot of te and this quality canuot be bought wbolesale aI Ihis price. , Ail our 10 cent prints selling at 8 cents, AUl 10 cent shalUers, wrapperettes, et,, at 8 cents. Other qualities of prints, 'shakers, wrapperettes at simihar reductions. Dress Goods are usually sold at much larger profits than prînts, shakers, etc, and will be sold aI much greater reduclions. Re- inembera large portion of our Dress Goods are ným this spring, or-dered before the ne was antitcipated. Linings, Dress Trmigbuttonsc, wili be soldaI os prie-aout25% reýducý,tion. cott'on se wiill be sold at 4 cents s Ibefor, as-there lne profit on them, 'nuo edc hmecetl oef7ine- numbers whieh 4do n1* etls!ifast, whleh w I!l sefl for10e AISe slow seliing shadea in silk 8005at 3fo10 ce'nt, Best EngiJs-h pinsreur 5 cent.s,saepce3frits Boxes h-air pins, regular 5cns o .fr5cns Jlelp us toD seiliOU, and wewlihp you to 'bay, by making YoUr money go f arther than eer-before. Over 700 aut nsokta ewn el w autmuiueeyu fte and- the -pri adrdcinbtw urtee t give you a big 'bargain everytime. Ir wil pa.y you to corne 20mle and lose a day's mwork t uy your sprîngIn os ee More particulars nextwee. I wil b xhuh t yor mfotcto shop 'ii the forenoon, Every afternoon already we have hadi more people than we ean serveatoul we have esgaged extradana A wL N -iv U I "Clothing and Men's Furnishiings Such wonderful improvement bas been made iii the last two years in Ready-to-wear Clotbi-ng- that it la forcing- the l ocali orderedý work to the waIll We hatve lots of our customers that prefer "iProgress Brand," to our owni local made ordecred Suits. We maI.e suifs to order fromu our own clothi at special prices, suits that we formerly sold at $,25,0'J and 323.00 we will make ap nwat $15.00, either herei towE or- Progress Brand, sDndirîg cloth and measure to Montre-al. Any suits marked $18.10U or $20 00 for $,13.O We irec cearinig out our eohfasýt lin this wy. We neyer hiad so maizy suits 'I our sok and we neyer beCfore bad so large- a proportion of striutly Hligh Grade I3randted si Goods fully guarauteedý by tlhe makers, We are under contract to reýdUce this stock to at least one haîf its preseut size. Mens' suits will be redu,ýced, Boys' suifs, both 2 pi2ce and 3 Piece, will be slaughtered as we know we have too many. IRetttinsw!111 be made lu work clothing lui syrnpathy with the. general reductionPs. We have a Unie of Mole panits at 75e. ,and Illued do,t C.0e. Th ese' are ýval"ueS tatwe or ne onle else eau repeat When Makngoutiy, rwant order Cdo flot ýforgeýztoteconsider the Oeca usin RanotToPppers, etc.1in tock in great vaiety and OVer- coats at less thlan next F-,_all'S wholesale prices. We inust seili$5,000,00wrh of elothIngý aned, Mens' Furnishi- ings ditrîng this sale tbo meetL our agreemenit. That is one-hlf of the presient stock. You may eýxpeet great bargains flot only lu Suits and Overeoats but also in1 Shirts, Capfs, Underwear, Tics, etc. do do d r....fo,. ~ ~ . smock lin 4rle. $îI5f r ., ...... . ........ .$1sil. WaepôfWorkeoaôts reg. $2.00 for................. $1.60. Mole Pauts, Sanford's beat lui Canada, lined, extra value at regular price $1.25 now................................. 1.10. Mole Pants, not lined reg $1. ..n................. 85c. Tweed Pants, lined o-r not rg.$200 for........... ~ 0 reg. ,1.75 for... .......... $1 25. reýg, $1 50 for .......... ...110, Odd Vests a, big lot good tweed at.. -..,.............. .75c, Cordaroy Vests reg. extra valuce,1l.25 for............$1,0.Q "r eg.extýlra ývaluC.e $5 0 fo r............$»25 e'ssIts ýreg. 9$12.50D for.,.......................10. We ave aboýut 40 suits to sel! at $'4 50 and $5.,00 worth $65 t$9 00. There are some big snaps lu thiýs 1lt 410 Overcoats reg. $'.0 Or $6.00, fot (old style b1ut worth $7,50 'wh-jolesale to-day. Raiucoats from $500ü up to S10.00. ail at sharp reduetions. Waterproof Coats, a fine- assortimýent of Theý Montreal Water- proof Clothing Co. gooda.,, Waterproof Coats,'guarauteed waterproof, reg, $10.00 for ST750 Wterproof Coats, guLar2anteed waterproof 'reýg. $9.00 for$0 Waterproef Coats, not g7uaranteeci, but good hunes, regular 5,0for................... .......... ............. $3. Waterproof Coats, flot guarauteed, b-ut good Eues, reg. 4.00 for1 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.75, Some very serviceablo Coats for ....... ...~............. il 50 Fur Coats. We have about 6 left, If any old customers waut one wheu buying a bill of goods f'rom us he eau have it at, cost priee andi have six montlis' time te pay for it, Hoisery andG1Jovesý We havý,e alway, s had anbig sale on these Unýes and have always carried a big soc.We are nowseln reg-uf'ar 50D cent cashmeýre h ose, 2 paiJr fo,)r'7 5 cents.1 Ki GovsBlack au.d Clre Guiarauiteed. Rguhr$2 for 90 cents. Kid gloves, Bac ad CoUored.Rgui $00fr 75 cns Black suede rgua 1.25 for 90 cents. Dry Goods, Our reset stck icludng crpets is 'fally $ 13,000.00 ai our ezst Ipric f we rey-z, 12-,000, QU we wi be sa tisfied. When yoa hink that prikes-, have advanced very conisiderable, f'ully ,e Ihiukanaverage o! 12h-1- , imany u Jnes more than 15 i certalnLly laï,good. buylnig te geýt go a rglrcost pi We ' 1Vise ai ou'17r eerste buy fre'ely, and i( we lo 8 1000 o r mo re wec w ,i.hve t-h e s ati sfa ct ýi n o 0f knowing that orcustome.rs- havIie had every cen t fIl u redcived prices. Y,e h ave a pety OOd feeýing tow,1rC7S-oir cusntome r Scn d iCl we -, ut o thgluhei way nw les what thely have done for us 'before lvear %fter y ear. Our Linen Unas alwyseen a, fay1orite department wiîh, our people. TWýe have awy had laigvalueàýs and now Ihese values are reduced by '2,5'/ or on average aud thal, right iu the face of 155l% advance lun the mr t Ou 1r mDr ess qGo o ds. We haýve3 a nice lýï.jzot f the ,neýwest shades and styles. vr dy is reducing them.Drs Goods generally stand a good round poiThis year the cmutter gets the profit when buying from uis. V7e have a verylage ell assorted stock et general goods. Make eut yeur Eist and let i.- cover your wants- for mauy montha t corne. Yen eau save 'à or mocre ou what yo-u kbuy uow and don'!- foiget that yen eau get-, some geeda thal wHIlb wanted lu the fali aI les han any streluOntario eubuy. TIsomecases where ,au ohd customer is buying a b bi wwil give a few lm-ou tha' tlme, Otherwise ail sales for ash Due BuÎîis taken aI 10- icut We -,hqve aýý very fine asrmn fthese godsahi bught aI cases at eue- haîf regul-ar prhceýs. a a REM