r4 ++++++++++++44+++++++ -ICountry Newisj brohirii, ii Afex. XVei, bacc 1cr mn JanetMs 1ei om gan Mc. gilliam B1Ïikar jd, ewsietU 1\ergeiA Ljbrl cNdidteca1 o f 1ieds ere eclly.1î alonlect uri ondlMoucaylivein ilUe JfaguehoUix-csbig cyuu 1c10T. i-enna, c lpuif [ f iot o, e hl~ Mil ,pîrnsait mciîy lis o PORtT HOPE. T ;-re-i a arong ,feeinglh- uho th w il' cf Port Hop,[btGo r ments hxe for ars faod Cooue pere n licDalyGie, eaing Mil Edtrc h uIl Ide ir , Il y e dene lse emaksinade lu!t'ain ion Iul; nli ex i HopGude, ad 9mo1 whe ihy il \vork leiuther. Take, rb Mnstance , thtna lie ent f th Ce bour an Pot lopGeatMunicipalLoa 8wn ; heIcwncf ot oorce freinsd und $Tlc,0uailcfSheh -%ent mheePor opCLnda an Beýaen baiiwdoay ndtUinw bo. Wh.n t DoininaGeumn t Trhn- ferd1teue del c Prt e on rac on tïGr1eSlocuis Roriet Tonlopam tindorr i d iDiea ea D eroeri h Useo(jad In Thoua ndsu tlnîand what8m dlies aýremskingatdt IHo a cert doainw iha Payehin re garit as hl boanpdysican an CHols WOpit are tBeg qickiy ami permanenlyce e al foaR o hroathl, ceslngaudsToesa,~ Ctaroubes hlea clentiicpepara- teain duoing a deee hges ith toni an sysem uildiromed,an fÀCaêmHa, 5Uronch C 1s LA G, thPe dietA hilaresk-ajus hFee, oldu, ndifDi)tiff(-iicireaîhin tb iiuiul, Genecs triL-eal[ns. tionchbut .si VaeradToublestý pirev, Fckle Apit9 e, Shin.plenes,'i ht Sweats() rvosI 0eu, CoYsumptio,, Nalarla, Catar knof ti tu InAarl, tomac,): n o selvs, ad ifnet romply cred nprh tien butïi lnmuc caind ser ;14te prcn ldviopmntWy usingsy chnïIýoa.idine. Here e smio ii husad fh Genlemn-Ifoo it bnidt y Cto dvaye f olth romarrirbleor fece vyurPyh mdOxmio, wlIl aecreudrm pei-onaiobsevatIn. T r îen.it known teý,. me, iber Teweend H~zi Ilps fis f oh, no 1to ail y0a m dial n in e av (osupidl be incuF;rableand otld f liv I ee ri adT. I ov ho oiriug hmitê17 FAMOUS PREsCRPupTHEIONOSTECONI READAND BE CONVINCEDe Mis I. at, 50N.Dale ssreot, a~Pui in , wri tes: "LStprng 1i had a very Sovernscase et catarrl of the stoemach aud boweis. I was Very mucrdimnlown n sirengili aud ost my appetito. 1,1 took :tbroe baffles ai Peruna and foundl myseif galalng Ver-y qgîickîy On every way. "Ialsalhad catarrh In MY bead, Whlcb bias boots enfiroly curod. "Itbank Peruna for the bealti,1 I arneaoyirg. - Trhz; World'z Greatest Mdcn The rapld growth of the Peruna M1ýcdci- due Company i spheniomenal iu the business world as the un-iverscal popu- larity cfthieir famýous romedy, eruna TLhû plan t e;cvenubrof acreýs, nund employs severelt hunidred people. -No ot'her medicine in l the world reachos 9anytliing like the volumeo! business done by Dr. flartumans firm. Although Peruna is a proprietary medicine, the dtails o!fis compound - Ing are iu strict accordanc(e with phar- maceutieal discoveries and nothing gîves D--. Fartman greater pleasure than te shlow his intimate pr)Ofôss fonal friends tisrouglh the- laboratory w1here For years Dr.-,Hartmnan use-d 1ertina în hAii privateý practice as a regular po scription. IHoehad neougtc u facturing I oir adve.rtislnig it sapo prietary imedicine tuntil there wa.s a, de- mandm, ado upon im irby his manly friende, who clamaowed for the original arîsuse nt, tic tro Oocînas bugtouîr10 î l i bo sairi funri li $2,183 Ue Slwlios been paY ing (Aoui f iseir M.L L. F.? T-ylir rwdfri-îsiid luitIse su -im cf 500, O00. A large amouit c f f Ibir brrs ing frem said fund is ne m, n PIbebttn of Riee Lake. TUe Ontarioe Gove-iiLf redrco irels-dclio $61580, evenitaIo suai tiscy ifused fo pal - andi bite Gv- ernscîsihad tle senri a eîuîsinte aigu l'eir bo)nds, hii mieh eul,ýr ndgladly sgsd haPoî-t hope 'ii, "giisiil; b "r 18 lt îbîi iin g:1;II Viaa.-Balpayer Me. and Mi-. Ar.tiue illdso Oîrone, N <).ewnGe, Ic aaha Thaisce. ghl B. C.S., nglari L B. P., L(;d.n Mc. Pisilp Dingma,iPhyic(1a nt- cti w!s îts lfI edîsdcy or l1 bers ohisî-ed n lie polcî ad pescî- case. Maibersbave al bengeai bfiiefi ils iclrsisrlieîs. harl Leige o., cf ta D. D.G. M. Bec.'. A Bl. Bounel-), Bsvinaviîe1w, Tlii-doîisgli, aslie cciron florwa have pecibec! Perunaitfor ov"er ton"y thou1Sand patients be2fore it wasador tiseoqasapropr-lotary medicine. Rclieved W iFour Weceks 1>f Szvç,e CodonLîgs Miss J Sie Saetzel, Gen, Dol., Ap-1 pleton, Wvis., writos: 111 contracted a sovere cold whidh settlod on mny lungs in very short e(rder and it was flot long until it developed mIe a serions case of catarrh, Every morning 1 would. nuise a lot of phiegni, wbid wasvery disagrecable, My digestion wias poor and iny lungs sore. "A Iter e- w do-v kses of Perunla 1 be- anto nmend,and 'fei t that if I kept 0oq taking It, Lt would ot bhorog unifl I ivmiatDe Weil. l, JwCfl rA5lr, 70r in -Our[ weeaks 1 was wel-l aga-'in. "; I tiak Perunia le-agrand mieicmne, and wish iote drliny tostîmlouy 10tel mnany ot hers yenhae, Caars leaimeest îera.Catarrh le difficuit te cur, Mauy cdoctors do pet cane te treat ca-tsrnh at ali, hsyse, si lwo d iy 1 1u P HPe lasIxx el~ u oficai bsinss. -tadroe tuert cf obon Bomi, gils ear1hU xxesxvar isetisCtIspsetO.T.R bae Sen utis f isAG T B1nci lna Mit. hjiregsa uh npear us e C. . B ileudle aR or Hp ïgil chi! pin Xtva Tofi-enenri Moîst 1-lJleç Isaili pois ncud Ifahiug se cftUe- arberr te a.gVi-etlx- trant If slieanr e cii ar eriecl, au Li niîzuevinspuse nulha gi-vven ho ie pîeset cf PeiHpe.Tise V17leIst Mu- iledrtzbeîg icf grehdrt sguf pcnce frt 1)' lte e ere C. P. B.cursîecticdu wil bus o baibei- aI Port Beraniite Un or ýt Hope seci s the lias e gliof, eri. Arillun a hsp qn rtahlat es Gi-oýnt hcux'ro ds pru o!dis csns c Quen aîlinand bexhorngis, kcsvsos tie Bise ce ýRatin dîaagesi ese, 4,000; t-sm Mes.Heln ,ýùS eric,sidcsv cf Mc.y Sp cear SI. dem, 84,000 heMiss W lu nied Sf Johdn durgistr cfed Speaker t.-11ý o, sam1,00 Ou.Ci. T-ai o iv-5e ns dgtrscagoi educaho'I'l ,!Y pva Swas suffoeing froi estinate, con- stipationd(Jtorpidlilver whoni tecký y Our adjv1ce and punchased si - botties et Perunna and Manalin. 11WhIlen I held takeri oaly CaO oele I1 feit mur c boter andsince I have iaken buit! w1 lcotiuetalnite med;cine for. a-short timne to mako sure of my cure. 111 1tbink Manalin is one o! the finesi remedies for cntpto that î evor triedl. 1 wili never be wiibout t. Ih has made mo'e s treug. 1 eau do a day's wonk -and nover tir. I1arn se glad 1 do net get those dizzy cpells auy moreis-anthad eue since L took your inedicine. Il ùcannot thlian k yenenougli for whai your medicine has doue for me. Alsc pPffj1ýSho1à givc t Lfini ral,,, Peruna e ý,net like se ma111ny other rem- eies cthat paSsa-nway as so a t. iret5 !.-. fe %,,botties re used ThoIon ger Perun a is t)-ed lu an-y coimmunity, the more popnlar It bcms %bove dis ~ ahw a3vUeTen Pc-ru-na Removes thse Cause ot catarrh, Penuna las ne badc effecs, pon th-e system and graualiy eoliminatçes ca- tamis b'ry reroovig thie cause c, f catarrb. There are a mul1titude cf homes wlcre Peruna lhas licou uiserioff and on o er twenlty ycars. Pe-ru-na Atal ei~es The reason why Peruàa Lhts beceme Da T¶11E CO 1NTIES' 1106. fbe ijSrity 'cenisc -gel coicisO1 - ~~~~jlice svile insatiabIle eiu, eue Ccborg Ciesfor Everýlhf11011 ortope iit Arimoy-steats f1iscDrian î nexv bildin, amîi ecapels tUiDoilu (Fraihi DiiyGide.) 1n Gxaririet l undrbae IeIi- liaIstep cfbuilingtic(:ir baîbolia Ticho lbourgPife Dec. 28, 1906, Olnet fui te inup an' Ieisediilu-a sar "h tn etaily iunsefiicf83000 a[eal oixy lbasto icar cf tUe proscjty il ',., 0 -e, otlits esh 0 chi any f ilie urondnptxna Pît ari'uidigtu 0lndBIo-ay LoPpe espa!)ciall, n'no e îgdeie bt ilnillt soy: -Cooui l shiladvauciug. 1Si epmatch teeohî flish. TB.Fer,,, addition te 5ceuring tie Imm w gol tnri v1ci sL aficl.pi cdari anu Il errb beî adcurri f CohurgMmsUwf. IetUarhules otoui- Cppears te bav 'lc eriln c le u laniBaiway ih i backing cflue fuýIlpower cf t Ii, Dc- caterJaI>Cbour." Pot1Hop1la ise cu nly town n Ise11 MATfIIL ARIVNO, frot -bllias stoori cninnouifshy Lili- llOn jTi KI i l I hsv, or oae s IU c,: an d t fýris i Alim Pt Hope i s e- li Coour -eu-eanduneonari ail-- tic. NLl' shipp byteChou-g aiare exofcdîAeri P. oe wiltixisJ.B. eCi MlP. arsivebc i lbin hie ext aw roys.foil i larelttiJu<-s3 efotsI'hat, si-a-ca [csb\lown age!Pr oIy 1 had% 1w iinisthlbas beau doue, inu lb jely a Pot opca epane.IL iaI les' Tovn. NMe. MCi aîpctdt le hailse xpus c sm'il c aseguyed eW ue f eue cjIizensabu plae; cthngi- eercriginateri ce pairiKong1tis feryand a aiesi, "OU, rwe fUn byai oui-Coust ls' Tcsvn. Ts ge-ls.wiigieycu$500fr ou ld bac- iig iliti1'4)11Hoýp;,En!iri eglîse ut visan fisc wc oug f iPort H p r Tic Conuiesi' hbuiding ogcly cf oui- ý,jv ý,! CoUalias' Tsn foi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý, ficlccay1frneee uDr eare giarite1Iosec TIseGuide i-R bianstUe Couuly IHonsc 1 Bcug ouriiîslp tetUa thé, s-aicu dea Iio base beau ai CMbUeg I s srd___ Tumi laîA Duola se(rAacribe adtbveîsrucdtesiesdie Lai - orDerbîsi TaRetee, ise Teisi olley Cossa eut kici The'o, ogpe ple over pied1tipe r, Iin<I, hope for- il, lbut tbey iaijsIed Pofiie c pluvlii ai, ui gu llrs lcg ise ren Rlij ýver nho Whooping Cough, Cýroup, Bronchiis- Tor Trison nr mualston l, utxvialcresolene is a boou to Asulmtc of uale4cuy l ich, i i -t DIeit ntîeo Por ect!-e tobe. ei Hope-1w st i mde ' te-fer-eidy te cure di-eae f thebeahn egn Coi-mg iasunh, otie ebsWhattlehrmdhohsoah a~ ~ ~~w rpsefciewUhounlseloalouI ;M ure bseons e eAirnosmGay stogi'at- un i')Il'ic scare oe ir iea1 urae wh Doîshîsen Gs e-nînnts anr neGove-n-e1ey breatb, gîvirig roionged andý constant treat- fae.Ptclop n i enra)li as îedency Aid ienatwe Cai-xvrîghs Mover orri Cssuenv sCenposîal fi,, 1okled plukywok eusteelciavu an ies asuM Ce., Port ope nri -hop n'ihhs tsais 11 real, Canada. uý 4 standard cutarrii remody tise wor!id over is simpiy 1becau:se it eli-minates cataýrris Thisexepliins isy Penun laso-11 cerne se pepular. It relioves cpat1u-Lr Tiesifan a ply siiTicieut reasen .hy if should eeolo popular. It therc-fçwe fow>ev-,tIhit wiîca- e4y is devised Visai eau o uedluîl home ut a moderato cosi, sncb ale mey shonjl ineVltabiy Ubecomo popular. 15c laIe hCcl.Fdi i CuhbiieiMyo Sniasca pil 14, lu ber75-isYe.D- B-osimani-ileu, aii sUesi-as elec.,f ItUe i-cIy fcew remiinig liisks 11 -ltIibonuriHte posi 10 theprest. Sneberbsiuda C1re.i iving a lt IBeginai. Altloi.Ms -Cile1c1n ironti emi rsriie Coh.uNil Mc. J.SiryDosnni Me. ~ ~ ~ K BUy D FiraiToeno.TU ilu1it, Toi-cuý l, 1;a1Nri Me. 1Fred. C. Cu- bihl, Pedtrbrosu, TIsa poil acar soK.C., enri, A. A. SuýitHoll. Bi-. W.V E.Carecli B.., Bcchr (f"StlJ-lin, n~ ~~~1 a sihrii Iesrices byB* 1. B ladîgprOlassýional ajirduiss alIteîded ïtise Inserai. Mi% XV. NM. lHrsey, olie agistrale,ý hi0uepesvs iIe at EKingstoul. M r. Eri- win E. Hc11rscylus tUe oplar mna)ger cloia Lake Onhtaclo ni oy 0f AQuinte Sýteomboi)at Companry. TIsi(-eiKngston W igf April 11f) î-ele otu e ich nigbt Emîa, sconddangLor f J'dsm ;lrc iri beauail d i o- sem iunie but li MndoylaItSelai- hon u n aRs '~hexsasouidnrisg ichîso un lulsv vnngstr i- o-e' Thereara great many catarrh cureg î7i the world. Thec most of them are local appl icationsý. IEew of them. are te b)e used initernaaly. Unfortunateily, a large nu-mber of t!h£eeCatarrh rmedies, eIec 11(3th onjes presýcribed by the doctors, nti n'arcotics, of someri sort. Cocainleopium, aud oýthe-rnrctc are used. These remeclies -ive temporary relief. TChe patient thinks lje is botter riglit away. In a few weeks, however, hie discýovers his mistake. Not oniy is l is catarrh noi botter, blut he has acquired the habiJt of usin Ome narcotie. One reason wby Peruna lbas ieud Permnaneiit use in sc m'any bornes ;I.s that It contains w; nar--i cotk of any khîtL 4ruaill I perfeclÉîay e~,if iakn acrcor4ig todiÀrerfons 0on the botttbo. Sussed, il rn be taken aùu Ienîil of thue without 4ciitt$s arughbit. SHO\ iNO Owig b ise cangeby nhcb th fis cal, yea end on Mri,- 1 !insbea-1 1' tdun e 30s, Uece- ',l- fc e,1the tat :meni f- ,- i on i l tinonths fii-c un 0,10,c 1 iii March 31,c1907. TUe r Fciptaadriu bserl Ere? Or8,la figure whicls la b11ce&n unp- crease lu lvnubever tise ores- ponding nine md ousc 1 s ea a 1 'r 87, nd i tsecrinryexen panThe caitalxe ndt hvitce for Ibe nine yron hths eding eris 31 was$1,35 beenredcedin Ie snseperold by $14,66,36.iis iDrs g-reaer tisvonite Pre- dction, frchi e o iiia yer sInE Coua- fderln. kd lblttý1 anrce wOn, knrt o o ur nthso thdllue baren11P of Ig Intntelligy oeof thlkinivba . strnespossible Iorrseakenevouaes ain sandasu ogthon de f nè.s cho ytchsti rtio ae tda, tisbss ruilsfor isrt w an'a i11s7'" The fomarfetDr. PecesFavorite Pro,- s'cript ion, fortcreo eknneu.un dton,fovn-fore. bit rted ainae tigedlnts. evonýJ ieu'iert wichba t indesoftandard authr ii u th seenf 1th conpoodie Pe, iinii asn eneý,2,i n th o u er menîptin viii en ise meet nitîcaexamj (f ia til en f mdaiexert, on t on , 11taîs Aichl(nrctcaf ariul r it-f ernl liingls Thee aIhoîes 1nureceod th,3o ninr 0f Dr PiFees avulie Positon o fo, Ai7n ý rsM.S. Davisý, l&)J5 Buiena Vista street, Nashilîle, Tenn.,Iwnites: "lA fer havlng boots a constant sufferer from cataSrb for mayre ibn fwnyyeairg aad attoIr tryig almast oevery remedy advertïsed, and iba-v- ing lest il hopeC, Ivery rlct ybogan thoM'ause ai Peruuna abouitfwo years aga. "1Everybody says 11look younger Dow than f did twenty years aga,1 andI actually feelyounger and botter, and weigb more. "Ilam recammending Ifta my nelgbbors and ail wit h wbom 1 corne la con tact." Î 1 iv- 1 ý-f