Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1907, p. 7

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When 4"sweets", lote their sweetess- and cl substanýtialsl," their charm--there are always MOE' PERFECTIO-N CREAM SODAS to coax back tEapette Do YOU knrOw how aire? WAN E D A ON, MS A LJR Y goodi man ln each lcailitv'wt l.o aa' of Lvîanli hreS. taÙ)advetlee a dIl Inr, c cor i,,ranted tock and pllitryeeila N~~~~~ ~~~ x,'iîc tceaywe Iay i oui or ork fùr Yort. $Sa week alid (epn-ee positi ,o n w era'e tWite wA - IRN, ai aeuiGoC, Lý oin n ATLATICSTFAMISHIPS 0F ITHEý CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY RMAL MAIL SERVICE FïineRýwt ai Fastostj CURRENT TOPICS. Oua.of he oat eleramlieand l[os.r" TIslady,eCad l irbia dh- ng cere umîne uy, itd era tene!o ding dyexetas it wa's aledb the inrads etlim.Dteate coe ltsII vhe ae dmttd e gui-pac sue aîva~ appcred u th briaitr cervfe b payi pr eir nxit ea 0f Ib enduary a stf'-f, eallie x a thd scma yecrs ge[that1Pore n trng roebcuc teit nsxe'a epds frîilhlass se: Rît instruot per'esittel b may haie 5c"e ilicia FRM S. JII, N B.TOLIVRPOL-as beard FrMMN WN IRRAL aud QIJEBEC to LIIERPOOL Dut tusî Agau, purh~rrmx x Square lianos. Smtt mnusi Onoa Domdiln Rosewood case, Car mnuaitv lir : d loge erd pueolaver Strung Pcale, 7 adroeccdM Otave, a Nle toned piano $tCO 00. î One Raziotn unse. N. Y . oe e ogx wood cmeecrvd les ndslye4 oyer îetzebx 011t Marsha"il aili Wendai, Rosa J ispes cc)d w003d caseo carved legs H nd 1 "ro, overcutipuf etrung Sealeý, 7 bCtave, $75 00. sisio One Dom3inion, 5 octavehtgh top',oldate wa ît, gsts of reous, la firBt clare codii 3,87 50 OnelAni F. Batty, 5 oct"ve 22j Hut cuo stop% Ëoud wWInt. hlghL top, 51)I 00, sie n a Or'e NPeehaým & Sonis, 5 octavea înîse as good Omgan for hoginer SM5 01. îîî Termes ta' eut puirchasers, iiîîrr J~isDEYMAN,1 intleî siiiebliaht gd ss sh audLIr ýtunerag, x i.'hýiia te~ ~~Hý IL-pan ht adidn't greaso o bis Ire dus er ecios xcia c I afieu c s L s id bd cetin, xvIih ts an it - llitd manitunIan ete id~~~~~b tepalnteîbciss s Au rnn aeit ceaie corrt3 ion that sho ia lt mue ite Sulee b ii oy in readilcg buat il, pellilganr- citing. SCIIOOL REPORTS. HAMPTON. Iteperi cf Senior Dix ision cf Lîtinipton Sehool fer \larcb. Naines in erder cf ment Fifjb Clais - Elma ClarRo, Chanta Jehus, Myrtie Truli, Boy Bluter, Lottie Bonis. Frank Breixu. Fourtb Class - Lyra Treuwitlî, Blioda J'o bus, Mildred Cote, Peari Gibsue, Becs Johus, Percy ClarLe. Sr. III. Class - Naucy Jehus, Mark l-Iannam, I\bidre'd Mai liii. Jr. III. Cicss Billon Paters, Syduey Kersay, Eddie Niddeny, Wîllie Wakaly, Barry Double, Veruon Welsh, Grace Niddery, Sam MeAllistar, flucille Paters, Tiiemas Paters, Thomas Henderson. F. J. GBOAT, Teacher. JUNIOR DIX ISION. Fashion H'ints. 99.90% Pure -Thlat's whiat makes St1. Geo r ge's s0 satis'actory. it th'le pnrest Creairi of Tartar lBaking awe that Scienc cen make. Seed for a)ur free Cooýk-Boýok- Sr. ~ ~ l"I Il ls eif eiY, Mibled fuiliof choice lnew recipes. National Drug '&-Cheinic.l Ca. oece ~ ~ ~ ~ aiaa Mati, i ueWit, rak ebs Jr I. has I'tk ryeran Cc- i f anda imte, onrel his ilut. rAlnArlir lu. Paters Eve\ndWbtc, Oniile iarRa r. PtllladWili tect.WI-ebciiiuoh r glc iug Pepe il 1 _____ i cfi nd h ihat Mautteha ,1Pr iug ibo fleurariscs att, ileeuil! asdcc- Tue remn cfDsynzion ite eug, iinii at, lkmg u itlixaer i i Two Illinois Girls Suifr from Scalp Trouble-Another Sister Needs a ~Tonic-Friend Suggests Cuticura They Use It and Novi Give MIUCH PRAISE TO AIL CUTI-CURA REMEDIES "Ti mutive much praisû 'ta01ail e Cuticura Remedies. 1I uSed but aune caeof Cuticura Saparnd one abox Of Cuiticulra Oinent, as thiat wa.gaill that a reqluired ta cure my, disýease. 1 ýwas very muich troubleýd with eczema of the head, and a friand o! mnine told nme ta use theý Cuticuira Remiedies, whýlich I did, and arn glidta s-ay thlat they cired xny ezern& 1ntfrly- .-nethn~ havealwasket thle Soap (I an ant ail1 times. MAy S1teer was also culre-d of eCZeMa a! the head biy 114Îng,7th1 Cuticura Remedies. Ano)thier sister lias used Cutiýcura Reo ün nd Pilus and thinks the:; are a sýplendid tonic. 1ca n- inot say exactly hoWlong I suffered, but I think about six moeths. Miss; Edith Hammer, R. F. D. No. 6, Morrison, Ili., oct. 3, 1906." Afflicted with Torturing Disf igurig Huniors Bacomeg an abject of the most tendrer solicitude, fnot only because of! tg su!- fering, but because of the dradful fear that the disfiguration is ta ba Iifelong, and mar sftuehappieess, IL and prosperity. Raence it becomes t h e duty et others of such affiicted eiidcren 1 w 1ith1thqe pureî;t and mnit aalal,viz: warm btewt Cuticura Soap, andi genti aoitig 'ithl CuticuiraOnnta great Skie Cureo. C ure ade in infrancy .aed hild- hodare uttually speedy eand pnermanent. 'crtficl l sk- a umerS 1yii aier fent'l, tiais attil i' is cou. l gix's lite feed ji atît xxiil i- iglîas ced ave. lIeutt5epe.s x cI) ticra tre usn l foi' rua,,p ; yaj dctis $100 REWARD, $10i., The readers ai thls paper willI be pleaeed t, leare tlat there te at leastnc'ieAdei0' sas that scie nce hlisbeen ab)ie to vue i e l ai1P ta g e l, ianAthat île f7atarrh ïHall's ,CatIirrît Cur jethe ouly positIve cu1re now known iýtcathe medicel fraterliîty. Oatarrhi eing a ,cone-titu' tional deae eurs osiulnltreat- aclo drectl pon the hlorcd atîd meucous surt. fa ces8 Ofi the y teun. lrebv det ' ying the f',111ýatn of th e iseave, ci,i gýilt patien t ete~hby lbnlîlhs up theco -nestitution at)d asletilg nalture fla jusngttC wok. 'Vh pro pritor hae s mutsfalth bin s cuative poüwers tttheyaffr One imuodretDollars fo)r Adre 1, CF. J. CHEoe &C., Tol do, 0 sold'by Druggiste, 7e Take Hsiî's Famtfle Pill e fr coostlpallon. POLICECUT EFrt PO itE, M 1:ISTB1 ', EV l ,-[I ,, SEX.ý Jelîi Tt'r Craitel exuaî tetr l'itssceiil îdtc. eieMgs mateItetsey cii Ch ýia cri teis l ia îransp ced gotlite x tl, te I tie fiu t-la wen ai il ci)eitvad timiait fer si ifx ceil-e bg te dî' iîs ed lais ivbara liledge. Oiefundy 2' in Iis h l'etinilxvemn le-da 1 e ias a 1igure thaýtt LI 1 s \VeiP 1 ii rea eîpi~egoi n Nxvand LigainOul ~, "cen Lu L Ns ,ýpictrequ a leece Le he 0hi1tr i t[edl otcngn draper;ies, ilasiw ueILordi Itne xa a ii< , iaher' , hrid1isbu raeniai she alair dam e1th first mpireicance upn il Ex en i d il m vdIvrd fr l i as been emire-cgu. isnc lpsben s .trng fx erkdi fer labMenat i a, cetqi xlda wnrfe hf a ide1.ed tee tnaca it acncd limIbs. 5(>C. a bax. Mone y bakif "u- âîbale. At UDrugg ists or hi' mail.d The Claflin Chemical CO.. Ltd., MWidSoOnt.IL Ont ti ciha'luxa;t aii cii manyI eltg "eIa cnpîs'etittes, iteac lt r t o s b i it cfthi ' tm int, ntei, s oi ci-ýq ibsîr ils 1 heiuîîa.u, il s n fa~~~ deos, u e i1pril, a Lai eascur moilev.., A UATIO0N *JFFFERY &S1"ON9 E. î Whthr it ar, eshJruis ýe Cnt or St ain- o an aid Spav0n, 17lit Ringone r Swuingyouc-12uredoorloasewif rei al( reP 'Vst ti t, >dNI ;tu f', a r txîh Dix~ R i,, i'ENUAd, V ,, Â '1v "I "ikU.S.A ailL s"t,-"a0esluure aaia,.rar 4 it i -- 1- -- -- - -- .", -Ili UN a ILi§iLu il - 1,11-l' 42- IsO1 ()E Oly in sealed[ Lead Packets, ivtich Preserve its Oiinlal Dellejous, Flavor. Neyer Sold in Bui'k. 25,3,t40eOt, 50e, and 6oc Per lb- Aski your grocoer for "SALA DA and insiest upon gottirng t, THE BSSELL STE EL ROLLER J ýC-ï,romke. )QnleimroVyemenuL are: Iev "à nsjfv.eil nuta toa ey straine fate1ap ýee by ruail or &tlyoux l,. ler. î -me genu.m lthuLtChe ixeme "M"B. Sb"LL.ok ont for itL Âdrei T. E. 21SSELL, CLOMA, ONT. [32) . Write for flookiet"" R. -E. OSBORNE, Local Agen L, Courtice R. O. *11 $14 $1 , 018c, 0 $2ý;0 ÀSidit Tl l -7h Fit siu il feel Lt homelin, it wil]I ho eult tafit Pocrfoctly. ~ hat you wil i ok dressed in, Itilbefsonbe ' -l hat vw,;11ho ýar)ng- ç ade. I wl l hobig value. e Lt usvhwSou aur goode s O)VERfCOATS- Vour hsndiest fgarm#ant yerv soon tow. l the mi.tceriala wuLiailv used ltu stocvk re-ady for our sligand Yoii can't affQrd tf) pay !loss thia we charge because gocd w-ork can't ho edont, fur lots You catl find botter work, becâluso Sbotter work can't ho doue anywhairo bY anybody.

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