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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1907, p. 7

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MiseabkAil The Timne? bcth sight of food- doni't sieep weli-ail tiredoti the ntorning-nio heart for work? 1 Vour kidnieys are affc-ither 03hrougih over- vork-, exposure or disease. It ie the Kidneys thiat arc feel so wretched. GnPlecr ii kidnee-uaeYOu wel ad srnggvou ail yotir oid tirne ernergy antd vitaiity. Chieer tip-andt take Gin Pille. 50e. a boX- 6 for $2.50. SnIt 0on receipt of price if your dealer does flot handie themi. BOL£ DRUG CO. -WINNIPEG, MAN. 93 J E REAESI F JEE Love Is Born of Faith;, It is the ChiId of Hope. Ar ow abeità i _ai, hope, loxve. 'tisos hi-c the gb- (cýa est oet tiese A mi~. -u'rc s te liest onis- mont 15bis 'i i, If yau re- Isieil w 'ls horiscs ta tise suhui~e b '>s et 'iseg et loee xx a lu " S~tg c s "tsentimental -ditties '-a , iec. rptuous -seul, xvli tisrugisycar fe!perilous toit spemit l,îiiýMsef lu sericies for hiiînaity, yau egnte) scx'iuat lie iseant isy loxve. Lo is not an emation; it isrnet ini ilsef a assiîî.It- is a principll- a lax - <f itaîdService xxiicls boars flliil iis emeio, iichb bromes a dominiant, pasr.Itlcîsssîsuain tise xx'y W te ewr tiser's, but in tisereaiu w cdelrusneon nîaiutaining toxvard llc.Il is net)l a mnalter of your soesti- nient forien, buit cf your service tar Tise)e love tisat bliodîy follaxxs tiseorna- ians andlise passions maylie se, es- eiallv JI' ýsoifisis as te six ep eue on te degý.radation; tise love touat dfinitely, pý"Lsjaps lu apparent roidnss. det- miries ipaistise service of aIliers, tise gift. of- tiselifete laallers,,ifts lise saul te lthc tact and lise hoart te tisa ikeness ofthlie Most Higis. THIS LOVE IS SELF GIVING. Tise great Teachier c ould cali on mon ta lexe nc another, ocven as Ho leved the. hcause tise anc great anîd signui- tas fr f lis loxe xxwas th isaIhoxxs ex-r oselr ise niai asd spiritual lus- gi'ig \slie ,e)is.xIrd. ,1T isere"ce ( -5in us o 'metinallovephae ,f letIhshi ilospli' y xx'iisregards, lit aseu giaîs eporunte 1be f scrxrecouads veriol e sing as nu aparlu I o 0 elporcheer, gsoxxs ise cl joy of lix'ig, springs eostiens ixieand iseaxaîs borts. 1You casinot lox e in tiis ps4,y xitisaut becoming E ' s of loxve transfigure all t]e crea- tient. 0îsy tise seifisisli ecome cynical, It is greed, tise phiileoph1,y et getling and gaîîing, tisaI makes isexorld seem ýensp. tî,nieeriess, a tonb -ef biasled amisiit liens. Rut lUý those whis seek tise good ,t otliers, tise loxers of joy and ind- lcsý, lise ýf isopo aind iuman fe'ii, ail thlings tfisa are goad alieund Laie ivos visater v ie te ho- n ili!Ilile fil htil is xxorthi -vxisle.Il- sws ise sood o! iîdness, (elens, cuagapw'tiîin failli isat i l'ie sced wvilliserfruit Iotahe t u- ture;il saltes pei e îisdomn,lie. mieigtuIn are betîci- tian sîvine. Au, iililcffilli iniii messhope fer fhem, end -erxireand scîf-gix tng toDt!heisn, risc tise 3atisfyinig ernotians oe!Ilite. - - LOVE RECOMIES ýPASSI>«ON. tiielr lix'es lu iewly et' in iofly w'cys tisat allier lîves migit lie tise riciser? There is "'ore of eternal power and sublime PrMîY 1in tise giing aiof oe, p of cold inaerl the namîe and spirîi t lise iMastor af Loi-etisan in allishe loive son- nets ever wrilteu. Tise true and tull self is found oîîly IlîroughIs ox'e's service. Never is ;tise nio)tier uiebler than wisen love loads tei tisi', Ioxliest 'service. Nover do xve flud isac glary ot lite until xve are xilliug ta embrance ils ihamse, if offly aur ioved ocnos, aur lkm or iiudour 1ra(e "I' xvord, ay 'le erinsed anld saveýd. 'Tis e serte mk iseaos la lve; tis secret et sa,, ing tisexverid lies lieuc, '«c neod frot ivait ftoihie mtglity im- pulsa etof soue groat affection, semee oe rpaweriusg emotion. '«e noe net xvait fer tise haur lu whîch xve may do some great, xvarid altracliug deed. Love gix os ilself bt that whrh les neacesl; it.3 service nover isaîts for opportunity. Tise least tiing doue lanliis spirit oft se lf-gixing unlacks lise door et love's icys and bIX'.ssiiigs ai-d îiîkes us part- reîs wil tise Lord of Love and Lite. HIENBY F. COPE. GIIOXTII Of A GREAT HORS1E REMEDY. No botter illuJi'atiau con lie given of groat tiings (-osiujg ftmsmall hegin- nings tisanKed;il's Spax'in Cure, il xxasropudd andl used lu a sîsal xxay at- ýiout 30 years ago liy Dactai'B. i. Keuaîl l îlie snobscure village, 0f nosurgFalsVI. Sn ison Isle usaîsse o "enaisSpx-n Cue' la gossPe Hta aI aîs t isesoil. fs s eritosandthe iomorela,of lise - onisiy tîsîve dou e tr enpou '«hilo e r Keîidali wIas pacsîg lie ay lieHorse d Ris Dise, oases." wI N xxlim lie cause in persoual contact, IL is saie l tlat nexv upîvrds et 12,000,090 L! lisose lutIle books iiaxvo Leen puilisised and grituileusly distribuleel. Tise cures ai spix in, erru'i 'ighone. sf lint, wxire exils, sores, etc.. asndl[fie expenseond 1l'abor sax cd te lsurse oxxn- crs liv Keîîdall's Spax ie Cure are lie- î'c'nd camprelsii on. For [lie groaler part cof tiicýe q0 years Kendoll's Saxin Cuit e ias becu 11>0 duel, and x ts[iu ual iel\- ee wto NoisA srcdil\ e e01l muiae boe[o gslo ne "li beat î'omîly îsy osecf imaylýimi Itiid gim"sIlail hue camhisaiso ai1 ins 1 aîscl morîsceis libi,'. i DURHAM TEACHERS, + +. + 4+ 1907T ++ W m.xeeîA.,edPtise saD., oslan a villu -eo s udnrni isl lsc 1irssîFora N. gix'e tficomtelisi- ville. 2.Miss Ex'a M. MrGill, Bowviianville. 3.Erniest G. '«illougby-ý, Dau'lîuîglon. 4. NMiss L. Nlaud Scoît, Courtice. 1 Miss Butis F. Culr.Boîx msauxile. i6. Miss Lillilan IM. Suiole. Baximanville. 7. Miss Laura E. NieNeili, Buuîketon. ,. WV. Hoxward Caurtira, Courtire. 9. Miss Edua C. McGill, Rewîuaîsvillo. 10. Miss Elisa Se,-ssiit, T1 roue. 11. Fransk J. Groat. 1Hampton. Miss Rabina Johus, Hamîpto)n. 1-2 Miss Maliel Dodge, Tauînieusi. 13. Miss Aunie Nixon, Tyrone. 14 Mitss Ada L. '«ighst, Salins. 1,5. Miss E. Idella Emsmors-ois, Enfield. liS. NMiss E. Lainîa Rase, Enniskilten. 1L, [.ane'J. Broîx'îîiiEnfietd. 18. Miss Mteta Jewexýll, TI rossel. Miss Maisel Wrîighst, Tyrono. U9. C. E..Kennedy,Eîiklen 2 ), Relit. J. NcaîcSolina. ii-Miss Miay Brown', Hriydon. Clarke. 1. Miss Augusta L. Iloldaxxay, Port! .Gr'anby. 2. Mis:s Ella M. Holînes, Neivrastie. li '«n. J. Tre,(nois, Clarke. o. \t\s Winniifred K. H-enryi, Newp'astle.1 î. Nîiss Helen Kyio. fClarke. S. Miss-'l'oîa NI. FergUson, Orone. 9. Miss Lillian' Rae. Oono. Io. miLss Heleus I MKe.iOi, Stam'kx'iFo. 12, Haryv J. Hoidge. Os'ono. Nlaud V. Birand, Oroîso. 13. Miss May I. W'slls, Keudai. 1/. Miss Alice NI. Srnellie. Kirliy. 15. J. H. Billicugs, Lcskacd. 163. Miss Olive, Rickord, Newcastle. 1? ilyo Wilson, Keudal. 18. miss Estelia Butledge, -Kendal. D \Ilss, Ernsly MNlutosi, Pantî pooi. 21. Miss Helena Waddell, Kendol. 22 Miss Niaud Poixer, Orona. Ntaux rs. 1. Miss Caîbarine Colvillo. Yelveclan. 2. Miss Carnie B. Aycr, Ballyduif. 3. Miss Ruths Veals. Betisauy. IL Miss Elia Gltddasî, Bethauul, Rex ,1. 5. Edix'acd Milcixol, itod 6 John G. Staples. Fleetxvoo,,d. 7. Mi , ss Ell1a BorI Srîili, Ja1nelville, L. E. Short, Jsevle 13. David L. .Sensen'iile. Lotus. 14 Hoi'raco Gu"îndy, Nîan-veî's Station. 15 Miss Loua Finlay, Rotisaîsy. MissFil-a Staples. 1.6. Miss Marie J. Biggar, Janctil11e. 201. Miss Margaret Copeland, Newx Park. Ca ais. 1. Miss Grore NI.,Ta1'lor, Ornemee. 2. Tises. Walter NîcLEan. \Ml Pleasant. 3 Naora D. Soatan. Ml. Pi-asant. 4. Miss Elliel E. Banîsan. ida. 5. Miss St"lia L. '«ay, Cavais. 7Fred . M. Stapies, Ca ais. S. Miss Malie-l F. Sulton. M\iilbmoek. 9. W-- sGeorgia '«aisti, Fraseril11e. I1.MSsNation. gsI rsevlo Stallus. L Harry' W. BRoîsaîi.Baisu'. W- faiii 4 (,.M___I une More Adedtoe the Loiig Làst of Czires Effectefi by pSYchine,ý This youing lady, who ives lan Browns- ville, ne'ar -Woodetock, Onit., tella her ownl Story ini a few eýffective words of hlow she obtained deliverance from dtho trrible grîp of weakness and disease. 1 av to.hakPsyehine formy present heaith. Two yïears ago 1 was goln 'g intoý a deti ne. I could hardly drag myseif aeroes the floor. I eouid not sweep the rarpet. if 1 went for a drive I had te lie down whenii came baek. li I went for a mile wheel I as toe we ak te Litit through thse gaIt . ýZ way; a nd lagit trne I came In from havinga spin I dropped K. utterly heipleas f rom fatigue. My father woflld give4, -me no peace until ,I proured Pay- decl11ine or weak- nese. I must gay thse r esulnte are wonderfut, and4 peo ple remarked In IMProveasent. InStead Of A 11itie, p)aie, hilleW .ehekc, ltisumelancholy iri i1!arnto-day, fuit -of life, reaày for a âlelgh.ride, a skating match, or anI eveninI Party with anyone, and a -fev menths ago 1 cou d not struggle te church, 40 roads from my home, I have neyer had the stightest cause to fear aiiy return.of thse disease. ELLA MIJEIEL WOOD, Brownsvlie, ont. Thousands' of Women are using PSY- CHIN SE, because they know front exper- ience that la ilt they have a safe friend and deiverer. Psychine is awonderfui. icpuifyngthse biood, driving out egerma, gives a ravenous appetite, aisdigestion andý assimilation of food, and ie a positive and ab2(olute cure for disease of throat, chest, lunigs, stomacis and other organs., It quickiy builds up the entire system, mraking sick people weli and wreak people strong. PmOIUNE I~LH for sale at ail drnggists at 50c. and $1.00 per bottie, or at Dr. T. A. Siocum, Linited, Laboratory, 179 King St. West, Toronto. '-Dr. Root's Kidney-Pille-are--a -Sure -and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back and ail formm of ICidney Trouble. 25e per box, at ail dealers. Miss Bertlia MrWaini. Miss Minniie Jon-nings. Mi 1ss Edna F-ýicig. Miss Amy T_.Aîor "Nfis LîlMarry an Miss aHlen PorS ri Miss FSosie M. RlianOM. A.s AnniJordanPrincipal Rlit. lliyE. MüHSY M is s HElzetis alvl. Mliss AnaMayy Strirhin. Miss Edillis M. liith Miss MatyleenTrottero. Mais Flro tnPrnc oulgmlr. Cha. 0. Mani& Dayý Miss Heln aldel Miss AnaMal Eîlit Mfiss 5iali Dean Dt IIAM FIONEERS. \VEST DUBAM PIO \EE , . P)CHN l\ir. Jous MeColloli', 15 oflieolds setier i Daligle, iedpi'f l]Stl,a thc~ ~ ~~~~~vIi taiycsdecnltL5 o.8 Darlngln, li neililioroodf xxlic et outr. o x a lor ai1liolt' Fli lg [ontSotadladcie lirdotfor somlimelern ise ca- Of tiie firs-I laiiiig pae i i Witl-y Harbior. In 1846 l('e purcti;icd lis firsi faînsisnortîsof x 1ler Efld xvillage sas n, -,tisUnkîs,xxisas lsaeugujay, and later on acquiî-eýd tIle trin ieiro ie ssesilishe last 10 cars fi is lý ie,,on lise toi \rilino betwecn n iiI tiýi iloandiDitnin. 1- xxa s a soccoýss iil tarl ir %l,loing hi0 land mnder a higli state of cliain and accumulalcd considerablo xs ealtis tiram lis farmîng eperatioîîs. Doccased xxas a m-.eissliei- af tise Presby- terian cisurcli, and lassislod at or- gaîîiziîsg Ilie Columisus congregation at tlie lime the late Dr. Thioruten liad cisarge ot thsePrcsisîterian Mlissqýi in this district. Ho enjoî ed the ministratio)ns ai tise laIe Dr. Tisorsit-on, thie lato- Dr. King, Bey. J. B. Edînonston, Rev. J. B.. McLaren and Rov. J. A. Car- michael, oge a#d intirmity prex enling iI frorn attouding sm-e ie iîîiducitîan afI Rev. J. H. Borland. Hjo x aPisoS.en ane of the eiders of tise Coliuiilits con. Igregation in, 1870, 'aîd lild tise office un- fil tise lime et lus dealis. H-e tlook a keen lîsterost ils tirexxelfaireofot is cisurcli, w as aa early roîîtriliutor ta tise funçl.s af Knox Colioge, and had his sou, Willians,-cdu- rated ai tisat insstttution. Haexvas a Lis. oeral iii politirs, but alxvays toîcrant of tise viaxys of otisers. Ho look an active, part in ise suppor-etHon. Edîxard Blakýe tis litise ho xas electod, for NVest Du Hcas. i-leoddii aixt for îlt. A.B.Aisxrspoen MinisLÂer of Justice, xvhise ocils tisaitrcounty a fcxv ears ago.- Eaclv ius flite omorieid \Mis.SuitsOf Darliîsgto,wÀ,ho suixives sin.Six soîss, ohe f xvlîm sîrixe iim, and lxx o daugisters xxerelion tohumi- George ,il d Robert, sow residing in '«as- terri Ontario and Joint au tise a i ome- s[leail xNvh isxth is fansily kindiy min- i sles'ed, 1,)tise wants, and comforts of tise deosd dxrLng is lastiliiness. One dagse~Mrs. Tiss.Hill-,resides- lu Toitoi and tise-otiser, Mes. Jetaii Gis- son, ini Darliniglon. T'ie fuiseral servicels on Tuesday, lu chsarge of Rex. J. H. Rorlaîsd, postai' et Columblus Presisyte-I'iaîs Churrs, hxxas ai- teuded by a a rge nussisr oftise old- shovn a tse n noi' cftise dfEad[his- xasclld lortis.lfor .tse eristr o- Aller siicsgigad fîl-eadsg ariond ta ises'itud iîin prhe --b st11e. Tfiss lilicus, Bo.gas. Hodgs MrBA, star o NOisaxfi airesî teiais 4eisurcfx h a ia ssted rilsint is ai sae f l s reaskdr rwetexho camfe lu tise early dayis oand laid lise foundataons aof home and clsurch, state, scisool and col- lego. [Ho urgcd upoîs ail present tu tivo lixe \Vxiortsy Of Sucti .polle sireS. BRPOKEN BN ES Nov- ays a i'roiebac î ualai- havidt agd r îsvivdoinsaa Evel-y,'ûôdy knowvs that' Cod Liver 011 is awndru flesh producer, 5IF )yoitcanitake it. Nobody doubts that Iron is the greaýtest entriche r of thie bluod, IF you caniidigest it. It is well known that Pliosphorus is thq ideal nerve alnd brain tonii, IF it is properly administered. "IF." ah! there's the rub. But eve-rybody docs not know that Cod Liver 011, Iron and PlPhosphorus have at last been combined in an emuiilsioni so palatable that anybody can take it, so asily assimilated that the smallest infant can digest it ,%,;tlout difficulty and so perfectly and scientifically prepared that the value of ýthe original ingredîents is enhianced -Tourfold. Th'isemulsion is known asL (Iron and 011) -FRROL" has wiped outthe "IF."' "FERROL has brought the wonderful and uniî-, versally recognized virtues of Cod Liver Oul, Iron and Phosphorus within easy reach of the multitudes who need them. "FERROL', is the only perfect emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, because it is the only one that contains IRON and no emulsion is-perfect wîithout'it. That is why FERROL is an unequalled systemn builder. PERROL is flot a patent mystery. The formula is freeiy publishied. Itis prescribed by the best Physicians. It le endorsed by the most eminient Medical Tournais. It ie used in tihe promissent Hospitals, Sanitarums, etc. Ra, . Mitchell &Co., Druggist, Bowm anville, BAY 0F QUINTE CONFEIIENCE. A CALL TO TEACIIERS. Anural Calliering IVili Be Held in Boiv- Teacliers of Durham, pray give attention mansiie Pograme o hie To a I ew plain words I'm going to merk- Proceediiîgs. The W/hiiney Gohnetlas corne te The annual meeting of tise Bay of saur aid; QuiteConerncefo 197 iilli lîldTisai is good liacking, so you need wAt Qin tie Mnfellontc frc19,7 awrnans ille, le ataid, inthe moii, rc, ýcstand upfor yourriglits; unîte n Tise Spiýai Ministe-riai Sýession xviil olhis eisead men, and firiiily witi commnce n WdnesayJune 5, at 10 sad arn. an th Geera Sesionon hur- Xi 1w ~dea oro penurious mcen day,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t lue6 l1 ..1tcfnoec ordc o starvation xwagej, The InIieEwoti -Leagu aristicTsts 'r lo wmicraursai Mindth, Mune , t7.30ap.m .1a0îoxx; in lieYoug 'n' rornat .30on- l1c, rî for tie mon xvlo ali!szye Monýday evîing, JImoa3. Rex'. . P i ot 111 gers, BVA., Cont'ence ttc iin letrei ovcrefryut i coveor iea;i, ,n w M i o ,) 4 CO,(N" FERENCE SERVICES. Speak yoron1mindIs and lot iitoL \Vednîesday ex ening, Juno 5. Sunday your tWord, sehoal and Epxvortis League aniniversary. "For [lmeiundrod dollars xve'il irîo Cliairman, R. W. Clarke, Esq., Prosident, uwork any more, Ontario Sabliali Sêliooi Association. Eutgixe us five liundred and.xve'l say Addresses by E. T. Siemon, B".\., and glr; Boy, S. T. Rartlett, Associate SEcrietary WiinyGornetcm ou of Sunday Scliools and Lx oti o te Wite Gs saventcr-e ü Tuursday ex eîing, June 6. Misaiary aniescy. Ciamn, [e.S.J Shr P .D., Cofrui ersmiiti FNly. Ra h ]MIanLBy . .E 10o',MABD, soil ertr "Accepl aiaur lia,,ks; do sa we pray." foi , Itlt1stes aking a li ter iý dýtau,, -Wu Itiai sogulosncuegn Tisat.1yeu1are inearnet inxliIi t

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