Grand lrunk Railwav Svstem, IRAILWAY TIMETABLE. BOWMANVILLIE STATION. Guoiqe EAST Qoxue WgeST MML ........9 fa. m,. * Exprosa-. 4.40 ï.n 1 Exprego 10 10 NLocal-.... 7 57 Mlzod...... - 36 p.m Paoïenger.. 36 P. mi Ljocrl. - .. 69p. m. Y! Mxed.... 7 33 ~MailI.... »O' 4p.m rÉLekets to certaf n points qold ln accordance' q7fth 8pciaho'Àiv yrate, anme-nadh othe,r Ceolum2n wllI flot be honored on trains Nos. 1 or SOT&Juiay, Town Âet There is flot in ail Canaàda a bot ter eqUippe Optical Parior thlan we give you the free use of. The most up-to-date Im3 truments that n. oney eu buy. 25 years' experience lu- the largest towns and cities in, Ontario. Alyours free of charge. 1When We test eyes it is done proprIy. Stott & Jury,, Detroit Optical Coilege, Canïmdan Optical Coilege, New York School of Option, Chicago Ophtbalrnie College. t Bowîanville Viewe neeatly 'bouind xeedy for Mailing- P3Xi-be 10 fr l4I h, A. SongR~ of sprns.000 I'm neiflier ick nor sa< Nou' -:eing bad nor iw I'm th'éd- Juef fi-ed; So ailfred Tîred Thi t if 1 sleep or wake I shako and ache (1, ad. IAndi make Myself tired thinking just, 1:10W tred 1 ara. For this condition there le nothlng euawt Dr, Dean's Nerve and Bloodi 0. . Blilder... C 50 doses for 25c. Try it, If yvon don't feel boet te r we liand back your mone-y. Stott & Ju ry, TLhe Druaggists and Optic,-ians. See our town viewF, 10c. fer 14 v i(ee ty per CQXnt. of the III. of kind ai-e due to Kidney -ement. BIck&ache, pair, ;ide, hecadedhe, depressoton, s and eru"ptions, swelling eet, bed faztc in the aiouth, e fi-ar disonrdsred kidacys mgaion-wbich .bould reo toremein lu tice CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORlE TlROATS AND COUGUlS Thley Combine the germicidal vaLlue of tresolene with the soothing properties of,ýlippe(ry edm ind lie. rice. Your cdruiiet or f rom lus, 10e nmstamps. Laumao MzLa Go., Li e ii getas, IMonreal, 401 BOWMANVILLE, MAY 8, 1907. hoitdays nt home. Miss May Toose,, lisitn Mis,] Annie Hemn MIrs. Gordon C kunt is visitlng rela- tives at Don-y We t i Peterbjoro will spenid 82,50 on equip- ment afI new fi-e haIl Daliag bulbs, pausy plantsc, are for sale b-y S, . J ackman, Tho Farmers' Bank o Canada bas opei-.ed 0a branie t Bethizny. Mîss Elle oltyeIe visiting lier cousin Miss Fraukie Wiley, Toronto. Miss Mllie Horne, Shielburne, spent Sundeiy at her father's . Mr N. IIorne. Dr. J. S. Sornere, Toronto, spent the week-end ntthfle old lomestead egein. Mfrs. H. Ifowies and deucý hter Marie, Hlamilton, have beoni visitiig friende in fown, Commencîng isith Mey 12 ail drag stores la Port flope are to be clased on SuindeN s. Mfr. Geo. W. James, of J. J. Gibbons' Commercial Publicity, Toronto, spent Siunday at home. Mr. Robt. S. Pollerd, Preston, baa been vistingr his unicle mn- W.E.o- lard, Manvers Road. We are ploased to learn fIat Mrs John Somers le rapidl y recovoing- frorn lier seriouts accidenu . Misses Eda and LottiePerkins, Osh- -U Foloy's (or fari footwear. Milk pans and pails at Nieholis. Pretty Baek Combe at Nieliis'. Diamond Dyes 13 pkts 25c at Nicholsi Mr. Hays wants to photograpli you Spring hats have arrived at ! Mýayer'eç Oranges, the sweet, juicy E ch eea ut P.A. idùy's. Mrs. Wm. ýStone, 0Oshawa, j isiîn Mrs. P5 A. I{enry. Dalia bulbe, pansy piants, etc, ar, for sale by S.J. J ackman. Barders cau findla comLfortable 0homi at Mrs War!der's Queeni St. Dahlia bulbe, pansy plants, etc , an for teale by S. J. Jaekmani. Mm Geo. Mitchell home returned Iroan a Inonth's visit in Toronto. Ask to seo the newe Spring hats jus iu at M Mayýer's. Thoey'rebYlsh Durhama teachers' conivention hert May 1-2 and 23. Give them a welýcomBe Strawberry plants for sale, gooé kinds, by G. D. Fletcher, BoauvilleV Brorm and WIbrushes are nOW in ordel -,F. A. Haddy lias a good assýortmenl at right priceS. spring shipmneutof Six and ton piedE chamber sets and parlor lampe Just ar« rivoid at Nieholîs'. M1r. H. J. Bulioy, Toronto, sueceedi -Mr. Percy Grant as toiler in thie braneh of the Royal Banik of Canada. Men'S Mats, the latest Englieh an-d American Styvles. just opened out at CGueh, Johuston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Wi. G. Rundie. Toronito, wvere here lact week attending the 01 his brother, Mr, E J. Rudiie, Solina Post.master General Lemieux lias an- naned that the minimum sniary of rUra1 po0tmasters wiLlbe increased fromn $25 to $50. ip re st d mer and other filende. Cheep Saturday ta Monday tickets are again la force an G. T. R, out or Toronto, but niot into the city. Mrs. J, H. Asýhle-y and deughter Ber- lie, Oshawa, spont Suniday with ber brot 1er Mr. J. FI Cryderman. MIr. Waillace Shaw, of the Bell 'Foie. hone Company, Winipeg, lies been treneferred to Brandon, Man., in bearge of the Exchange et that city. Farmeora, you w1il Dot soon be offered -00(d wire fencing as cbeaply as T, H. Kvenson led eelling off the balh nce of fie DshaLwa Wire Fon2ceastock. Sce advt - Murdoch's "Ideal Fonce" the fIret and est Heavy Fonce brouglit out--put up ow for 5 years and every one that bas ha,j wants it again, Cali and s500i't. DaýVÏ Keitli, Cari Meynard, Elton ugsDoîpli Tueker and IHoward Bottrell ran fr omshewa la 1 hourï, L4 minutesj, Thursday night la treaing or Victoria Day sports T1b" lest t namler of The Chrite ýuùrdian conrteined an article on Sothema tiAlbenta: The Land of Poss- uilities'" that everý one 'Will hointerest. ýd in readinIg. The illustrations wore ;eciasjiy good Mnr Frank, Kaîglt, trevoller of Rhys D.Fairbiai-a Ca., Toronto, spent Sun- lay if h hie, parents bei-e Mr, Knigiht ras juet retuirned froni a trip ta Euig. and and the Continent bnylug for tLte Irmin, which heolies an int(erequ. AÀn importent land deai taok place est week. Mr. Thomas C. Jackson, me of Our Most succeseful ai r-meirs, pur- hesed fi-rn Mr. Albert F. Crago hie ac fairrn, This le one of the beest and noi-Écomplete farms in the township. Saturday's snow storm, meteorologiets i-pIil, was result of the meeting of a ain storm travelling w?.estward with a *Id weve coming -eeetward. May 1, 875, se w tliree inches of snow bore. ýully two inches muet have fallen loi-o i mueh af the enow wae nielted un the a-lier part of the stonm Mr. Edwand Dawson, Kîncardine, anr d West Durhamn boy, wes guosf over ainev of Mr Thos. 135rown, Centre St. dr. Dawson lies traeeled exteneivelv, sauithor aof<"The Mnwifh flie Mone v", t imelv booklet miuel apprecieted b; sads of finanelal institutions, and- je iow lectuming onu1The 2Oth Century dan." West Durham WoMen'ýs InetituIte viii hold a serbeq of s1peclal mneetings 'rm Mev '291ftu ne Il, at Nestietan, a0Ine, Hem -itonl, Bowrnanviile and itarkvi lîe to boe ddressed by Mrs. J. P. Bates, Broad Ripple, Indianh, and fise Grace Carter. Guelph. ReMoi- :er the dates and watcli for particulars lext week. Mr. Chas, deLaPlente. the ob)liginLg elier of the Standard Bank in ii owL, lies been prom-oted fa the position daceounitant and toiler la fIe Dai- iusio St. new lrancb cf the Standard 3nk, Ottawa Thumedey eveîrnng pro. ous ta hie depsrture a banquet wqs ndored hlm byea number of bis friende i 'tho Bel!uorel IIQtç! îj the Zgood 11 ishes werê X,)Ëeseùla oi' hî swued.8si bihfS new Position A gold signetù Ang us given himan behaîf 0f thie cer- ny %ssembIcd. THE STATEsIIIAN f Ltes iu cordial good wishes.e Tie article nitten by Mirs. Nii (atts in lest week's STATES,>MN by a paLyraphical inaccur-acy wae dat c oi V'ictoria College ineteed aI Victoyla ç )tage as the oditar ilnadverte ftly sl rote the defeline et the end of flic rt- il e, if oariinaliv appcaring et the si ginning but iwi hVictor,à ia II as o ehome odesignation àMrs W ,te e hueli surely wl ic uf roVakhe; 15 lest soie saoul sbonld take e fit a 3( nle'emrecovered 'Do from hU, ti )riy you chiangeflihe naým- and feke e thauke sýfQr auld ecquaintannco ao. Mr Ilockridge, Out et Din woi-tby, liasO nD fwo sewllows and heevd the cuekoo '0 weok. Badworthy mîit tbcei ppy liunting ground for those eemly lors fi-rni ecrosse -le ses. ~Rm "bas offen seenI those annuelll visitons Ier et Cleverdoul Cross o'r ne-ar HolS-v )rtby Wlirf, for tSi- lst ilmnomny, oi-6 luo suýceselan in tumes past Now is a Iittld f arther nortli fhe-v seerta, ie math oir Si-st Cali. After fieI' in of lest week. good briglit siuebîne ether prevails. Wàe have hed the aveli dust and.Apnil show-erLs, and tnow 31Ook, forwaird f0 the Mev ioer îdwofli, DianEngleud, Apnil i8. Imparts thant peculiar lightness, sweetn-ess, and flavor noticed in the finest. cake, biscuiit, roils, crtists, etc-,whchexpert pastry cooks declare is utnobtainable bDy the use of any ot-her l-eav,.enting -agent. Made from Pure, Grape Cream 0f Tartarn ROYAL BAýKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK, Diemiond DyesafNhol' Pretty Sido Caî1be et Niebiolil. Cobalt Silven Spoons ietNilos. i-runke, suit cases8, oe.,et Foioy'î Liberty St dra n le still an oper question Mliss Effie Geva., Ezniekilien, le visit. ing fodeinfon Soie sjuape in Dinner sets Cal] and seeetbem, F. A. Headdy. You dont noed glasses tf Sd Nidh- ails' store. Jueftfolaw te crowd, Hand-painted Japenese Chbine suit- able for we ddlng presenfe et Nicbolîs'. Mrs. Davis Luffroîl and Miiss Dorothy lave boen visifing fInde ln Toranto. M A. James is agent for ailî leadlng Canadien and Amorican stearships. tf Old Dut ch Cleauser will save svou con- sidorable work-only 10ec, et F. A Ifyudon't ge anc 0of oui- aalge sPud US word or eall end gcet ono at Reid and Pearnf'o, Mi-. Antliiur 4Ulbert's second daugbhtor, lltda feli fi-cm e fonce Moudey break- l-ng ber ieft ai-tu ,We are heedîquerems for evei-ything thef is up-to-diate 1.u1 tho sboe line Reid and Pearne. Meple Sýi-up und Sugar et F. A Hadd3 's--the riglit kiud. Also soif- i-ing Buckwbeat Fleur. The people sey we bave the tinest lino of Oxîarde in tawn. Lafl eud sec them et Reid and. Peara's, Mn. ,Gardon Werdi, 3tratliirov, bas accepted the position af junior clerk la the brandli of ftho Stanidard Benik bore. A cboice Stock a ofNesand Boys' perfect tting Readyý-to-wTear Site. Juef rtecived et Coitub, Jahulston and Cr3 derme u'o. Mn. Alexander Simpson (late mana. oi- oIfIe Ontania Bank, ortewa) Mrs. and Miss Simperon 3will lu future roside in Toronto, Mme. John Beacckl- as been visiting lier daughtîer Mrs. W C. Ferguson, Bleckstack, and ber son Mi-. James Beecock, Mynrtlo Station, Tloilet Sets-D)ont tbink ïîacent aI- fard a ueow Toilet Set. We will makze the piboa ight. F. A Haeddy, China Hall Gnoeery. BARBntS HornÂ-Tb babershape af fis townk will ho closed esach Mionday affennooz durng fhe manth o aI Ma, junie, July, Auguef and Septeiny. N. H. H Todgheî awho ba s 1ben teklnZ chai-o of Mn. F. R. Kerslake's drug s'ore during fIeheiateýr's liluesï., bas roturnod to hie foi-ir onpsition in Toroajto. Tbo DU O. & P. Ca. Bauid and Base Cliub are planning for e big day lu Bo -nil on May 24L Watch for sports prograyn and. Pa.ticpulers lu.lrgoe Coudh, johnston & Crydormenar showlng a big essaitient of Linoleums lan al widtb.s aIl baulif before fie necent edvanco ia pnice They show ton dit- feont patteras la four yards wlde. Respectable lady le offered e com-ý fortabie haie firea as companion 0f YOuug waman la a nice pleae.if auy Of our rOaiders knaw of suci a person coinfnuiicate witb the eduftor oIftis Mr. Frank Weeks, a pRinter, feli fnoui a laddem Mlay 1sf et Pont Arthur, s- taining a facture aIf te akuil.Fau s a former Bwevleboy bin ason afNlr.John C. Weoks. Hie miany 'niends bore will regret fo beer of bus slioue accident. Pick mýout theo ian you boilove f0 ho ho most use fui public spirited iman lu Bowienville. Thon pick, oufflie man you believe ta ho the most uprozgrees- vo upelessimnrin Bwnnll.Thon answertf is question: Do'yobe a great odeel m-ore abuIse of thoe -fulI mail tba eyu hbanof the usoleess ian 'I" Wire fencing very cheap. Sec MIr, EVersion"s edvt. Phlox planits 10ec elurnip or 1 for 2b5e etu S. J. Jaand pae or local news Too ba,-d Haines' plaaing mlll should gota O)shawaýtit'0oc bebrned. Auito se sn bas opened, several havinff passed through townl, PaV us $1 [Or a new silbsertîption to THE STATESMAN ad lWo Will make ýou a present of WVeOL[y Globe3 and Can-. ada Fariner for a year Canad.I nPs ýhould be loyal to their own literature The Canadian mnaga- zinee le esspntially Canadien and shoulid be taken ln overv homeo0f intelligence. The May ünmb3r le very instructive, MARTINLL-IIIKend(al,Api 7h10M an r.JoSeph ýHenry s,rtluell, aSon. TODD -8'à'PsON-At the Parsonage, Orono, Macy la- b 1ev. H. V. Mounteer, George A. Todd, O11sliawa, and Miss Margaret, daughter 0f Th)omais Sîncipson, Clar-ke. NîýcfOLB-GRLs-on Aprill 2Mb.l by Rev P'aiher McCaffery. Miss Dinniie Nc olaad Mi-, Tweed, lI-iav lai- by Bey. R. Biinin, T 1.Mae Burus, forme1rly of l awa iad Captain n. Tu le, NM B.. ox esel XYLYLAR-DoLLAll- Ou Apriïl 3,ai Thorn- Wl'y byRev. Dean lEgan, Bar-rie, 1erlne, dfaughter of îLe lale RirDolland' , ffeidlbrg, G'ermany, and W. B. Kellai-, editor The Jour- nal, Uxbridge. VELD. RÂe»g--At Deuver, Colo.. Moiiday NMay 6,MadE_, oidy daugliter of ai-, Chas. Rai-. de ,dnIsaged 13 years. Internmeut will take plae lunBowmanvllle. FI.NLÂAvccidently drowned lu Bowmamville, Suudv. Maiy 5th. Charles E., eldest sofl of Mi-, Robt. inlay, aged 5 years, 5 montbs. MALCOLM- At Mountain Avpnue , Ashland, Oregon, April 13 Archibald Malcolm1. inlulis (ý3rd year, VFormerly of Darlingtuon andbrotheri of Mr-. W. J. Mtalcolam, Maple Grove. WALKEiî,-At WVelcorna. April 19., agae Jane Filzfgerald, widow ofti-e lateR. A Walk- er, ageýd 72 years. WEVFB5TER-At 15 Roieberryý Ave., Torouto, MalýY is i va Violet, second dtanghier 0fW. A, Webster, formerly of Oshawa. THOaRNON-At the residence of lofa sister, Mrs. John Gowan, 191 St George St. Toronto. Apt-il 27 E, J. Thornton, Manager of the Domninion Bank, Whltby. youngest son ofthle laie 11ev, Dr. Thornton, Oshawa. PLAIN-Iu Torouto, April 24th, Sophia 1sabel Bi-nwi. wl-e of Mr. Fred Plain, aged 17i years snd! 9months. SOMEVILE-Ili Clarke, May 2nd, Mary Wadd;ell, wife of Mi- Geo. Someryile, laged 70 FISIERlu shwa Apiil 2GiI, Minule, daugliter of the laie JTames Fishr, aged 26 yer.Inierred it Myrtle. SPAYLNG,-At 27 GCowait Ave., Toi-oui-oMay 4th. Mi-, rJamnes Henr-y SPaýrlbg, superinteLdeni of tlie Canadiha Fxpi-ess Company,bin lis ist year. Brothier ofi.J.W pilBowmnan. ville. L ADY (2011-ANION WANTED-A _good hme will be given free to a respect able woman as c paion ofia Younig lady whose parents ar.o dead aud who desires to con* toethe home. Tite only secrvice r~ie will ne tu attend to lber own ioîmo Apply toNM, A, JASBOWID nvill, ont. Auction Sale of Manuf- açcturing Plant. Pursýuat to "eoulc f the Sh'ax-eboders of Tfle Oshawa 3Wîre Foe Company, Limnitedl, the whiole of tlIe real es'utt încludîugt, large brick fact ory, tihe m acliuiei-y, materilalIon haud, office furnltu e, book dehîs ngotiabie paper, and other saleable cpe of said Company will. subjeci 10 a iîeser vedj hiddiug, he offei-vd for Fale by publie anction at the Compauy 's factory inOe'haw-a ou SA, URDY JURE 8)' nnexi, For fnrffher particulars apply to thie uudei- sîgneod aiOsLawa. T,. H. Eesn Daxued A pi-il 13, 1ý0076 1ê1 HO 1.1 - o o I t o o o O e ,~IDEAL TÇA, good Top * HALL Ladies' Spning Coate and readv-to- woar Sklrfs-Made up lanfthe Most up- to-date styles et Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderrnen's. Durlng house cleaning youl will want ta Sort UP In the croCkerv and glassware lino. F. A. Haddly, China Hall Gra- cery, lies somo bangains. A lovely lot af Drese Tweedi, Vonet- lens, Broadelothe and aIl kinids af now Dres godsjust opened et, Candi, PMir. end Mrs, Gýeorge )Sandorcock recently visited bier brother, Mr. Will- lai Heard, Coder Dalo, and ber sister MrS. James Bellemy, Port Whltby1, Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Cewker, Tan- onto. have refu-non ta town, Mr. Cawker beving ecceptod a position as book-kooper witl the D. O. & P. Co, Victor record dises, VIeto)r and Bei- linon Grarnaphones, Edison Phono graphe and records and aIl talking machine goade for sale et F. ÇC. Poll- ick's Barb~er Shop, Do not forget fiat Couchi, Jobaston2 and Crydermen show beyond ail ques- tion fIe in-test stock 0f Carpets of ail kinde and Lace Curtaîns in aIl qualifies 8hown b 'y eny tbouse in West Duirben. Mrs. A. Bond, Rois nd, M'ean, wi-iting f0 IIT11F, STATESMAN" save,, We are lieving e very laeo spring; no seedlngî dloncenound thlis vicinity Vet end the' weather eontinuos vei-y cool anud back- Prof. A. S. Vogt, Toronto, was bon- amed by a banquet tonderen hlm ibi- fhe Cil. Club af thef city. Pi-af. Vogt annaunced that lio would like ta take the Meudeilsolin choir fa England il setisfectary arrangemnents cen lio madle. Mmr. Wîn. Templeton, editor and pi-o. prietor of The Beaver, Napene,lias installed aenother mc in ubis office, a "Malnoline" which appears t0 be do- 1ing good wanrk judgiug froîn the clear face of the tYpEý in The Beavor. We ýovgratulafo Bren. Templeton on bis outerpnise. Tiiý two yong tari liande, Wm. Terny aeud Chas Wilmo.t. employed wfili Mr. Enes,,tus J Bnrk, L~eShoro West, wbo wcre founid guiity of assanîf on Richard Frd'a tenant af Mr-. Butrk,'s, ai-e baek et fliir stuton e._ in)g Allowed ouf on ikto-aefor. good bebavior. Mr. C. A. Byenî, ftle .eteemed Noble Grand of _Durhan Lodge, No. 78 1 O. O). F., Port H-ope8, wae pnesentod w.ith( au addmess neaid by i-. W. T Greena-1 way and e beantîful gold locket bear- ing the triplILuk4 and suitably enBgrav- el froî th b mmbeïcs of the LodFe, an]l a neat Camap pin fromn the meambers cf Victoria Encemprnent No. 25, pro- viaus ta removilng wlth bis feîily to LIskeend Ont. %Ir. Lambert -K. Fan- who bas beeli a-ilice aslstenit af the Dominion organ I & Piano Comnpany for the peet fouri voarsi let Wcdnesdey ,for hie borne ilu Nernrket foi-e couple af woeks vace- tion beforo tekzing e now positian, bMm. Farr will ho mucb xnissýiCinii e Met b-f idiet churcli wiore hoalies been an ail- roundl auq yerytvq n ~flhI n churdli, Su4aShool anid Lc3agulec vork5 iavirîg firelv !,,helped in inoarlyj eveir7 Idopai-fient of flic churel except fillinig the puîlpit. Ho le an exception- alIly fine ) oungý mani and tho be8t wlsh-t esof 0lisf 0ff-ÎIentis follow hbu. Char-les E. Finla3-, fivo yeai- old sou ft Mr. and Mi-s. Robert Finlay, Queen St. E., strsýed fron borne Suniday îomiugandwbe misedseanch wes iuitIed bt if was nearly 4 p. in uilion lis lifelees iutile foi-m was Sished ut of ail unueged weli near the stables t Sont h Park The fuigof bis bat itbo.ylcinitr e(a eWell being ex- ý)cje(,The hody was not visible buta rajs broucgit t f0 te surface by mo3ans ofa 7pika plo.Greef SyMpathy letoit Ioý-n he bereeved parents, NI-. Flnlay le ngineer aet tIc Durl in iRubber %Wrkue.s )h, sadeand suidden wa-S fie oeil t( Yf our dear Chai-lie, beloved by eh, rn ee lit fIe tboui-,Ltiet o au fefda v n Ele would so soon be celied away. i 3ut My Lord lias need of flowers gay, 'ho Rxeaper s;aid and eîilied; Oear floUs o!f thie eari-h are they, W11oe e wsonce aa cbild. 1Tne,ýy shah l! blai in fiolds af li'glt, 'i-ausplanied by his caro, And saints up aon thei- gai-monte white TUiS secrcdý blossai Wear "t, 'Lgature Ï 17 $6.0 Coats for 7 50 coati for 8.00 Coats for 9t 00 Coats for ~JenSi ouithis'and Boys' Suits. A-11 of the b-dance of our stock- of elothirng we wiil clear1 at exýactly cost priee. lso specials in Lace Curtains andi Ladies'Dress Skirts. IDS !~ £aULng~ -e-e e e e e e 'le tee to use. A ioc per lb, CHINA HALL duAB 94,«âItb M M l - - - ~, - - -~- .~ - SWall Papers tî Of yuauity. 1 To tho)se wlio appreciate true art design cour Wvali Pa-peýrS wili appeai very St-rongiy. Wo have the higliest qua1iýy papers this -spring we have ever slown. 4î~ The prices 110W frorn Se. per roll upwards. Borders sarne prices peýr roll as the papers 7)olidïngE to match àt 2c. per ft. W. T. ALLEN, S. W~***. ra-n & SoIIs I, S. W . fandlaston-w& Si ion's 30 dof Swiss nd y Lawn o E broideredC 5 dozen Men's Colored Cambrie Shiirts reg. * 75c- each for 40 each, * Colored Jap, Taffeta Silk to arRgua E50e yd for 319c, Regualar 30c yd. or21ce yd Ladies' Long Gloves in Cotton, Lisle and at 35c., 45e., 50c, 75c. and .0pair. Silk $4,75 5.7II 5 7.00 USECLEANING AI OLD DU,-TCH- CLENýSER.--One of the great aide f0o lions clanngl Oid Du.tcliCleaniser, aeyo r if? As wefl as býeiig flie basf t lei the m-Ost noia eanser -,n1 the xmarket. Large sIze perforated Cali Oniy 10e, Aiwýays ready. No-,wasfe. SOAF-Also alarge stock of Su Soap Po erop Chips, Ammonia, Metal Cleaners, etc. BItOMSBromshave adlvalnced lu price, but baving mnade lai-ffe purehases early in, the s;ýa8on we eau give you extra good valuie. A goodst(cky Broom), well made, special Value 2,5c. Could flot be sold to-day undier Soc, BRUSH ES.- Scrub, Stove, Shoe, White W8sh, Bannîster, et a]l) t-Dn' forget that Ideai Tea, iiith( M at a 1IOw prico Ppeelal at 25c andj40 BuItter. aiiEggsTaken F. A.o H'A DDlj Y' Ladies' Spring Coats. Oniy 27, ai new this sporing1 ivf. Masoil & 8011 To C~ear 'i 1' wl -T ýCOBALT L-9