ana fa ttc À1 We a re ouwill find c, Base Bace Catel Catel Inflel Cluab Un ifor I Seed time Sselection of the I ha G ,headquarters for A. G.ý Spalding & Bras. ce f Pase Bail and allier earin oode ýanld our stocýk imost completIe ùnthe folo in us: Bals, Bail Bats. Toe Plates Pitehers Toc Plates Bodty Protecetors S.coreBok Scuring Tablets Foot Bal, etc. )rs to orderf-ask for, catalogue and priceis.' le apon us and 1, have on sale now -a ehoice ofollowing- Aile eedigvarietieýs lu B. Martyn, ýLeaaers !n Low Prices TIES OR STRAPS JlkWhite, Ohocolate We have secncin any ot the pnrl;tiest tyesshQ)wn tlissesn price on theilafurnish pr"'oý'of o what everyoue eays: D'ihe l8' PjjggÎ3 M1bl li psi, Ladies' Dress Shoos. Fine Leathers. Stylish Shapes-. WVe have been busy getting together as nol2by anid durable an assorîment of Sheies as the miar-kct1 containis. Shoes aI $1.25. Shopce at 82.00. Shoes at any price. Eve-ry lkind proving iRot Numbers. ýOrCanivas Boots for Men at ........... .5 Our Grs trap Slippers O hr 0h1 d' trn-p Shippeýrs 1 Ouir Kid B!oots for lMPl Our Tano at. .... . Main Four Corners, Port H1ope, Ont, Established 1872 Capitail !ully paid up. 589,0 Réserve Fuud. .......... iýQooo0 ONE DOLLARwlltataacon EINTEvFEiT 11,71. 3 1per ccci oinonc alyai anSpaiS ay31s, z!ami Nov.10h C 4 Y'inu iillrecelve UN VEIEST for EVERT DAT thiat the ALACE e. al;cli, ondepoit.1a1 i ay NOT iA DOLLAR os -everi ie. -No troobie tc, de- posi or Sraw xnoney. If you have 5160v or more and wood like il gladty givexl i s do nlotheta bsk Troesare autblorzedl by Liaw ta 1.nesthinil'n the depetareg i), lits welkowii that thé CAF EST SECU- RXT tdayteFIRST IIRGGSO IMPRORO RAL ESATEaxiStht, 1 the otase0f seeurity we ïhave 10 offêr t eVe-ry dpstr Bear in ilid that the FARM ti,, anS aïlways nU;l be, 15e fouitainj Atbsîestransaýývcd wvith u skept ABSOLUTELY PIMlVATE. i-OUR BUSINESS IS RESPECTFUILYV SOLICITED. 1 28-fim. J. . HELM, 7Manager. The Royal Bank Incoilporated 1869 Rese~'ve. . Cc,39'es cmnweMe W0114,50, Soageny 8 ill-torepnet A genera aking bsns Bunkers' nonev oers issaed, Speelal fciiiesfr adlx farmors' busieSss.1 beoisof 1 rc vd .tnterest ,frm date cfdpsi paid 4l times ýa ya.Noûrube "red tape" or delay. Accots -ý3ofcoprtnsfis and dvdal reeecived and best tCrorrsodne oiiei Mdanag-er. give below tbe staff of the lBwmanvie meietings of the eomingcovnto zI be bekic. Mr john Ei'liott, B. A, Prin- cipal and matbematical master; MYIss E. A. Allun, M.ý A., miodemngug teacher; Mr. W. G. Carpenter, B A, 8c1iineieand Comrmercial masýter; Mr. A. R. Cameron, B. A, classical maste3r, Prof. Kirkpatriek of Knox Co'liegeA and ease Univerei;ty bas been re- quested to givej as his recital onl Wed. nesday evenng next in the Opera House, S'nake-speardis "JualinsCasa U1e lias edered týbis bfoesome of the best audieneces n To)ronto anId il le specially a ppropriate this 3ei1,fir an1 au'diencerof studenatesud lteachýers sce-1 ing tb at ithepl a y lsae, ne ai hse prese-rib, ed for thie matieulationi and teachers' exaintios.Teachers and oftlers wbo wish to get tbe rnost ont oi tbe recital ebhould read ovee the pla3 elr that evening. Citizons geuerally are cordiially iuvited 10 attend. The teach.ers' day is comine. an. Itoba le short co! teachers and 0 are ail the western provines,. There will soon be sqcores if ual hiundredes of new îownI5 aud villages in Onatarloanad tbe west lookiDg for active and prog-ressive teachers 10 take charge o! their echools AIl Ibis means a farîher- drain on the older provinces aud a premiumi on gouci teachers lui Ontario. The salaries of ali teachers are bound to go nip but il would seemr tht youing muen of ability andJ push wbo enter tbe professio(n now will profit iLost ofalil. There will be an; inereasirig nuynber ofimiîportant and well paifi publie sehool position-s for1 wbicb maie teacheýrs wiil be pmrepared and for snach as these ibe supoly le e'ven now scarcefly tiquai to'tb8 demiandl. No yong m an who b !as tefeements OF succes lunlm anned be eere r Pîpebouis, ezraand other They a- re alrdcly n er' 1 two bçeured bAl SSas. ac- Ths grnlt adcine ;tlorogi'tl ctGineS tetoondredores health sI hve used to b10 otes o osfiar- greau. ervuc8 umxug tit, yuutms oft ni youth sud mahod ut ns Mau lu the c mniyah the pruseultuenculdi, from anl human sadonb obaaly Spared as Le, but 1 kniow ,.Iere3 are no errors 11uthe retEtemunal plan-, Auid ail hîgework tgte For the final good of mn That each eorrow bas Its pu rpose Biy the sorrowving oit apussd But as sure asUIch sun bringe morning, hV ate ver s, te best. We have recelved thie brie! note fromi bis pastor, 1ev. J. P. Berry, B. A, sinice tbe foregoIugý was writtr.. The late" Fred. T. Alfun, a -hifid aji Godly parentS, nlited wilthieMeo- ist cbureh. Hampton,. duriag the pastor- ste of, Rev. PR MelCnloch,. 1e s9oonbe- camie a usefuli memnbeýr cf Iba3 Epworth1 Lea-ne flhi2 hepi)týoi oo!Pre:Sideutl cf the loc-al soeiety as e-arly as 19 aud wvas atso- prominent in the Distr7ict or-i ganizatianb lu the Suudlay Sehool!, be becamie a teacher, then AssisatSk erinteudent ;and later Superlulenden,,IýýIIIt whicb position he held ai Ibe-, lime of bis unlimelIv decease During the laSt 8 yrears. be hobas lbeouau active loical preacheýr. W bile on bis sici, bed be thecnght much abont thie service be was planned to Ita aI bisown CbmCb0on Sabbath Imornlingisedt. Li aU the2ý? di!- forent spbemes be gave ebeerful, effiiint sud falîbul serviýe whIch vwill long be rem-embhered 111e eau la ervie luthe biigbher realm leaves a wide gap lu tbe home,Ibe cbnxreb sud th113Comm(Iuity gener aly. MAYORAL RESIDENCE SOLD. Mr. J. M1. Cri Cermart bas purcbased MavoGr 2T.fiH. Spmy's finle brick'relfenpce ou Quesu -,St. 1e bas b9ecu in qiet bof a comlortable bornefor sa ie uisd ba ertinygot a mî irab et. 'Tt'¶r-n'e-îtîhe bee-t buIl deuiug i towa and the loctioni dirabice, ai- fording a. grand view Vover a pmttv; ex- pas iflandscape with bIne043watersi o! Lae On t arlo as afiling backrouud. 'Tview ýa! Ibellig Sebol lecon-sider. ýcd tle vemy best lu towu sudai"býe Quecu ish o! thei numerPsniens. ha The hagbt o! 1oe Y h11 Pr,'bt it VAn 3, lugshadies rudn Aud Iemthe hiitp far it glea, is o ve sdrest sud comfort ceau I Wbeu en wt h ofoldaï- Theetîfc or glory, gold or ïame, How set oseell tue isquiet way, Wbee lvig lps ll llp Ur ame> Aron4ith libtat home. * blipherd of the told" verv sweetly Snday evnn n the IMethodis Cbureh. , M issJlliffwho je stili visit irqg ber grandbcfpther - ney-er fails to de- llghbt ber auienee wheni she singe." W'e leara that the myorning elaLss 4of gls d by Mirs.(e) T. W, Joll'iffe -and MisGertie YouDI ng suowmiantville iu the MNethodgis5t ehureh bas contributed SOOto the Chinese FamineFud No,)ble3 effolrt, girlsý! We b ave bee s u r- prisea thaLt a more genleral effort bas flot been made for the tosnsa starv"ing peoples ùin hie faine untre Rev, W. T. Gunom, M. A_, B 1)., 3 VîctorAv, Tororito, Clhairman of the Congreg--a,' aiUnion of Cýanda%, was 'Llie prearcher ini Trinity CongrTegat'ional church Sunfday in.*tead of Rev. H. Fif T homas, Mi. A., annouinced. We had oppojrtuities whenea in Ltjodo, Englanid, inl the eighties cf he-arling RevLDr '(IlH. Sýpurgeonr preacli in tbe lTabernacle and -ice tbaturne we bave not heard a preacher so much like Spur.geon both inl m-anner and matter as Mr. Guu. His style of addresýs is rather couversational thansermue.IFfe spok e Étor57 tminutes jut as if tbe were entertaign company iu onensdrawin, ora m His imr ing text was the Iast clause of Il Cýor 12. io,"ý Wheuî 1 arnm ek then a1 Islrong." lie was niost apt in e-mpbasizing the fiour divisionls of bis discourse by 'pithetic injcfidents and stories. His eveulng theme wa-s Faitbl. A wsrmn welcome ealais Mry Guun on ans' futu-re visit to Bo0wmantlville. If you are suffering from impure blood, thin 'blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tio youshoud bein t ne Sarsapar-illÂa you haveknn ail Ou i fe. Your dco knowsIt, ouî skhi.m about i-t. Unicso there 1, diation C!l qborvels, ev4nln te 5a~apai! l ohz; il beït Pilleare ie Act lS À gy, We llui no rieertts W. l,1l taxe fongniai of ail Ocier ilinc.. Red Clover, Tim o thiy,