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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1907, p. 8

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M IlSS M. M, ARLMOUR-Ilssuer of marriage Tcenses. Registry Office, Bow- avil.Residience: Bepeli Ave 51 tf. îloWXAYN yVILLE. * OàT» ,G iLý 01ME LITof Tlnt iln iv t7Toct~~'lryars Attenà ný phy'sicieaud Sur goet Mi armlH I PI.ttsbur>g, Ks. Office and REesidelnEceWeUti&on t. t-Tekt. PvIOne 1;a,1los The Fi rst ,S top e> * as me.ant sucest,) thouis- ansof yeuing peapleý whc * rtefor arcaýtalogue a fthe first step tcward a9g00d st.ep toflay. AdesCn fraIBuiesClge 9 T7he oid reulbi leon deck agaîn and wold soliHcit" 'orptoae~sI' the pasf 1 wilt guaintree to sharpen ami rpair vour lower to give tborogh large exeine u a eedo good job done, ipso aul edge tnems ground ruch as kiveqi scissors etc., 5aws Sharvenes, ad MIerneral j bug dôrne ih otcsaid streugli. Tbanlng vouilorasptong The Wes End Sîth King S Bow- niauvile, 7ü3r WM. I.WL L[M FARER~', OW PIS7'T11,ETI-ME Tu ilE U1SH1A W AiR1 UE PtN C E CO ..Factoy il esod uJuean nuet dean lontuil Wý-"ira ecigand' GUateýs nowIn stýck. Wire Fenicig is much 'dearer thýan for' sanie ears past, MIE i IN C 1'ýG 9.49Stanard 5c~sper ro'l. 99Sp cîal 30t er rod. ci50 o.' cspar ro'. WIRE GÂTES. 3.4u.48 do. 1 90 943n,48 do. 2 ici 8.48 do. 350ý 9-118 do. 8.75 10)48 do. 400 1(il,-d. 425 While testock ast About la, per rod w,,ill delive'r them f01 ,î7 Ov T.C'rEV ER'ýSO& , Ohw. Ono of th Bst a i Ms 19 Derlngtn, <earZioi). ood farm resider.ce 'l',d ont bidns ai aecgood Young couvenient o sci'on i c; cornuected by telephone 1c1with Oshi1wa. Wiii be Soidai reason JAMES MLOE, The Barrie Baggies. Canaa's best production, icludiug .ube and St,-ee Bet-pairîzng and Painïting-ý A L LAN LINE Vtii ad Vriinare Tur bine steamer uf 13,coo ione displacemutsu IlontreLal to Liverpool. luien......., ,sy5 My31, àJune 28. Vigna...........Ma 10, J un e 7, July 5, Ti ânîsiatn........ 1.... Mav 17, june 14, Jniy 12, etoian.......May 24, June2l, July 19. Montreal to )Glasgow S;co1!ien .- , May 23. June 27, Ang. 1. Nemdan................. May 30, Jniy 4 Rates and full information frouî !i. A. Jaines. Al7an LUne Agent, Bowmanville.' Gýreaf preparatlions arýe being made for aur coming -anuniversar . ... Mr Jonathan Bray of "Braeside," ELfield, visited bis daughfersL, M W. Werry and Mris. johni VsnNest, ... Mr, eud Mrs. N. S B ~Jaoes aud Editor aind Yr. M. A James, Bowmnvile.visîted frieuds here. ..,> [Miss Lela Westleike continues in delicate .heafh .... àMr % E.G Pascoe and -Niiss Eva 'isitedj at Hyo.,~r.Edith VanNest, Torortýo, visited hier son aud Spriug LShiow c;ý!me t our ising fl;mers, Mesrs. T. Baker & Son-s, wvin- nir3g two aid 5Mr. S, E. Wer ry o ne. Mî~S ~ Peuound, Maple Grove, vissîted atMr. W. C. Werrys .... Women'sLinstitute wMi bod special meetings on Thursý,day affernioonan-1 eveing May 3P. nM1-3-J. W. Bates.q Broad Rippie, d, and MssG1ac Cartï er, Guelph, Iwill give adîres-ses, NO lady ia the section sticdms era these ladies, Rsretlse dt n THE SPRINLGCvFAIR.ý Glonilus weather mnarked Pa,ýir Day on the 9ýtlî iofFarerswere fobusy 10 ieaive the seeding, hence eattend- ance w-,as eaîrhe gate receipte berng oubr-i a.bout $4i1 1Ml James A Criowi, of Toron o, aadMr. J, M. TardîhCu-C, W.eston, were judg-es on hosesand Mr. A. A. Powers. Oroo uncIl Teprize 1sf is as follows: Real-Ivy Draught tallan(aged) 1Isf C. Power "Bladnýck," 2nd I. GrFeDelees"LuCky Ronald" rd J no. AIre ' Pianiste" Heav Drugit SallonCanadianu -Ad1f . ,lac, "Prince of Carrtgtotï 2ad obiuon Farrow COntmaloBoy" HayDa~tMare (- eu ae 1 p sf W, E. JeweiI, Diploýma- est Ravy D raught ta lio ongrouind C'. Power 'ldn E" Hcne ' alo (ageo) I1sf Geo. Mthl mlt 1sfà ad2nd T. BAker -3rd V.-WVerry and S3on, tandard Bred Staliion (aged} 1fC Powefr "Auniex"2ndJ. B. Wilson 'YiolliF&"3rd J-ao Percy 'ýA dlefD", btain1 dard Bred Stallion (3 yeariis old) 1sf Jý. Percýy "rou aol". reford Bull 1sf John Oke. Stock Notes. ANNE X (81 ) ditheAmearic ,aStnd- adBred rtigstlin hepaet makt i s ands focr the seaoof1907 as folw: odyMay 13 Il th fN day no0on Jibn Joli'5 Hiampton; hom1e af uih.Fridav noon E J, oer' nerOrono; 1home1anti ight. S~ra affernoon Beuctko~, wavle home a,' niglhf. ANNEX (à881) is one 0f the best bred t'tigharses in Canlada. Ped"(jig, ree on Lapplication. BLADNOCK (0698)WLil ave bie own sýtable, Maple GavMonday affer- oo.May l3 and proceed f0 ýJ ohn Olie's f or i-L" uigf. tueedayrelu n f0 b is owu stable. Wednsday preeed f0Lev!. !Raibbins', Heptn, ght. Thursday pnroceed to 'J' G. Lnmid casf of r eturu f0 bis awn stable, saturdav; affeýrnoo il stanld af the Benneff Houe, owmuviiereturuiug to ownv stable unLt!i f e followng Moudayaf fer. nmon Terme $15U-; no second price. C POWEn, HARYWEL,i 1Pnrprietr Manager. LUCXY RONALD (12664)-W i1il leave biis o*n stable, lot 3, B. F., 'Dar- lington, at noan Mouoa.v May 13, and proceed f0 B3eunaett7 Hotel, Newcastle, niglh'. Ttesday:,, Peter Stalker's, moan; thence 10temeeceoe.Orcno, al nighit Wednesbdayj, proceed f0 Mr. Elias Be2rry's, Towna Li ne, noon; thente ta Richard H-awLe, 'e, T,, rone, ail nighf Thuredai to Mr. IR. Il. Collaootf'e, loi 8i, con 5, Darlington, noo!i; thencue by way of ki3amuel Bragg'e f0o hie owna stable nbt, Frida ', hie awn stable untîl Sa turdlay affernoon, wben hie will be aI the Beunett Rouse, Bowmanville. Terme 15 il. GuEELBUS, rM, SANI'IANNA, Propniefor. Manager. KEANWILK, th frotingstallion. w1ili make the seaso of197 as follows- Monday morninlg wîll leave hie, own stable, Bowmanviile, and proceed f0 Ra.yniond Daveyý's, lot 2, con ý7, Darlin- ton, D0o11; thence teo Wesley ,KnaPpp's; one mile west of Burketon, uighit. Tuesday prGoed ta Fred Cochraue's, lot 34, cou 3 for nighf Wednesday, praceed bo Central Rotel. Oshawa, noon; thence ta hie own sta,,ble until Fidar morning. Fiday. proceed f0 Bennetts hotel, Newcastle, noon; thence to hie owu stabi3 andi rCmain ukntl following Moudav. Terme $8 RICHTARD PEATE> Fropnietor. THE MACINTOSH <11558) will leave hie awn staple, Bnwmanville, May 13, and proceed to Aý C Allin's noon; thence ta Bennett's bote!, Newcastle, uigbt. Tuesday proceed fa Robt. Mar- tin's, lot 17, con 1, Clarke, noon; thence ta Temperau e botel, Newtonville, night. WAedu0sday proceed 10 Moses Cowau's, 'lat 17, con 4, Carke, noon; thence fa Temperance bote!, Orono, niglit- ThursJay roceed tg T J T, Coie's, etheerai, noor; thený c 10jas. nlghf.Sa, da 1nie awnstabile untiliefoown Moaymrug i R YOUMIV . 'iNPTTR I B r 0IV I y g INO UP t oods lle! Uur-ng '(Ihe past week naumobers of people have driven righit through other towns ;to) cone tb our big sale. Tt pays them well, too. Some pe%le have, laid upastc of staple Dry Goods that will last themn for- two years., These people people know what they are doing. lhey have bought goo-,üýds inmaycesO0 less than present 'wholesale prices. We re-place no Dry CGoodsi; once sold it is gone and youm iss your chance. The big piles are being reduced; the people are fully convincedi that the -saei-- aiasweli -as-tue ]biugains& W-ihave ne-ve-r decaiv-.d th.e- public and we neyer will, made a5s advertised, We wlill do as we say and changyes will be et Neyer in the history of Bowman-cvie ,'has the buying public had such an opportunity to save, money. g N ew goods, bought for this spring's b (siness. bought for cash, imported direct f roma Europe, or from Canadian manufacturers are bein.o sold over ()ur counters -from 1IO. to 25% Iess than present wholesaie prices, This is no catch advertisement or fake, sale, Thie conditions mak1ing the ne necessar-y have been stated by us plainlyý and are oso, apparent that we are surprised that aniyonesol be mean enioughi to st-aît such a story with a vieýw .of injuring the sale. The way we atre going to cnraitthis, report is by fur-cher reduction-s in prices. We have onily got nicely started wt this clearing out businessý You will read very startling things before Judly lst Ail prices preý-v-oiisly adlvertised hold good and in addition we empha -size the following thîs week: Cotton Hose. About 200 pairs Cotton Bose, f2ast laeqk, good weighf, sizes'59 10 8 twi'h i-egulairty from 12ule to 17c, youar ehoice or 10e a pair. Special Lot of Dress Goods. Your eboice of 15 piczees worth from 35c t0 50e a yard, for 28e a yd. They are nearly ail new this spring and coiisist of -plain and fancy Mohair weaves-blaek',, w hite, sheppard check, antd tweeds. r New Silk Blouse,, See West window--We tl these are thle best vailue wc have ever shlo wncn at - the regular prices, -but aItishe reduceed priees thýey are irresistable. We have a full assortment of sizes 110w but they mil be snapped uap soont. Regular$30 quality for $2 35 3.50 " 2.50 4.0 " 3.00 4.50 " 3.50 500' " 4.00 5 50 el 4.35 i Mr. T. G. Mason who has been -iiifor 2 weeks will, we expect; now Arbor day was observed at the schobl. Tho sehool boujise lbas been impnw-xed b y niew metallic roofing..-.. Miss Meta Jew- ell, T) roue, was recent guesf ut Mr. J,ý 1-le '. . ... ad rs M'ifhEn- fdspen t r vdat MNi. v. R. C reep erýs .... Mr Egbert alkd Miss iEfleda Witht, Puîpaspen Suirj(ay a"i hom ..., ýMr. T. ERýan, oota pn Suudiayat hLi ie .. . .Miss Mande Creepe of T'oronto was borne over Stundaý,-. Mr Wmr. artor, Oilia, vislifed ii Mr ver-sary and concert J une3o Siaud July 1. Rer. L. S. Wightu B Aà. B 1), Brioehton.. will preach Sudy.Thc beet talenit is beiug ecre for! the conert. Reserve juiy 18t for Haydoni.., .Mr 1Rd Slemoni and Mr T Mýountjoy bave purcbased Magnef cream separators from Thieroni MAI njD y...M,. ;IIHudSon afoW Haydon; boy now of South Afric.r, wilb bis wifie and child, visifed af Mz. J. Rev CAdaepastor 0f the Metbod- isf churcis received a very -or-diatlIn- v itationi f0 remaina afourfh ya)r .. The- sale of the real. estafe and effeof s of Thos Rouf1iy was held on Monday affernoon i -'.George lla vn s the purchaserf ihe119real state At the pnic of 420. rs.Johin Ormiston and Mrs. J, Bennett And(erson lbavel f hie week for EaLý'and, sailiig an thej Tuniis ai fromn Montreal on Ftîy Rer. Dr. Rare, cf theO ,L, C., Wib occuipied the pulpit of the B3apbfie churc.h lent sermon .. ... M-r. Won Tordiff, jr7, bas on~ Cub, wbre he bas roper- erfy.Mrs. C. Adais was called f0- Aloah W'aLsh . M...r. A. Ketchen bas improved bis otitbuildinges with a coatl of red nalat. .. Mr. J nhn .laffrev -Tor-1 onfo atteuded f lie funeral ù,osfiester, r .~ ~ J mea woer.fedf gsîbered Monuday af the residence 0f M'i and. Mrs. W J Hacatof0con- gratulate hie mnother. Mrs. Thomas Hiay(raf t who resîdes theronattain- iug ber 861h birtbday Thla aged lady enjoye failyivgood fhealf b and ber mental faculties are appareutly a's cliear and shàrp as erer, f ailingeih b>eiuig ber only complaint, Amanxg friende from a distance Who caled ee Editor and Mrs. M. LA. Jme, rs Normnan Jame2s and son StLuar and Mrs. Havcra.ft bide f air Io live sereral years yet. CLARK'S LUNCH TOMMUE, le madec from, the very bLe ftangueos, Alwvayscnen-las good. WOMBï'iNIS INSTITIJTE MIETINOS. The summer serie-s of Womnen's Insi- tutes meet1ings will be held iunestDur' ham as follow's: NES'TL1UTON, Wedjues'dayMa 2, t P. r. ilu Foresters' Hall. Mrs. Batesý wili speak on "FrO ci Values, witb dem- onistration in meats, veýgetables and soujpe; Miss Cre on Swig"with demous- SOLINA, hrda a 30 at1 2 p m inS.O T. Rail Afternoon subcects: Mrs. B-'tes, "asblEooisau'd Couyienielcces"; Miss CartrS in" itb de.monstratiïons. 8 p. m, Soia ,Rigbts and Dulies of Farmiers";' Butter Makýing on the Falrm" HMIOFniday %ay 311 ai 2 30 p. m. la S O.0l. Sub5jeets , 111,ood Val. nes" withdmutaionsin meats, veg- etabie-s and soups-. Miss Carýiter, 'Sew.,, ing" witb eostain ~BOwrANvLLnSatudayJufe 1 ai 2.30 pm in Couneil R00171, -leets : "FOOd VJaluies," with demnoustratioýns lu meats, vegefab,)es and soups; Swi "wiîb demounstrations STA!IKRVULLE, Monday Junpe 3, at 2 p. ni in S'arkville Scbool H1ouse "Food Vaus, itb demaonstrations tu meats, Veg'ýetabl!es and soups; -K itchens, Past aud Preseut' Speakers for these meeinugs are Mrs J. W. Bates, road Ripple, lindiana,1 wboa bas had exteued expenienuc in Iu stitute, work sun the Western States -n bias a, wide kniowledge of Agricultur-e aud Domestic Science mnatters, Miss Grase Carter, Gulpsia gradu.- ate of Gue]pbi Da'rv Scbool1 and bas be advrtage of practic-al expenience in creamery hues In ftiseart afrswing ber instructiorln ill ho found most iuîterestiug and -profitable. Ail ladies will ho welcome to anauor ail meetingDs. Mem bers ask yocur friends tQ corne. MFts. T. PowER, E. E. HAYORAF,' Presideut Secretary. Eczema Again Overcome ZAM.-BUK CURES A CASE WIIICH1 ,FOU 17TWO YEARS HAD DEFIED E VuRY REMEDi Y T RIED1. Darïgerous Purg-t esý. Miedicînes; of This Class do~ not cura~ -Their Ef-fect is Weakening. Notbinig could be mnore3 cruel than lu- tnducai a weak, ar oemic rerson te taka. a purgative mýedicine( in the hope of flnding r(li ef.ý Ask aur docfor and hF. wîll teil.% ou thaf a purgative rnedln mergallops througb tLhc !-wes,- wea igth'e tender tissues.,lHe wilU tel! yoý'u àlso that a purýgativfe oajn6 pas sibly cure disease, or build up w blood. Wben the bWood le weak wa.tery, when the ssestennn le mn do,,m È toi steone î lng eeded-îs- the onty tbing' that Wil1 put - ou iif Andàin ail Ibis wonld thereIe ne o 'uiC s0 gooDd as Dr. Wiliams Piuk Pille for Pale Peopie. Every do0f theqe- il acfualiy makes new, ric red blood wbich flle the velus, reaches eovery organ in the body and b)ring- ealit and sfrengfb '.oweak dspodn people. iMiss An-nio e audrââ. - herat, Magdaleiie Islands, -ý'I was pa - e, myheant wlk apt rlolentlî at the lafexe ton.. aid1 suif ered g-reafly from severe 1headauýic 1 fnied sererql medicinos wWki fieeihed actally ta o leae me orse. Then 1 was adviqed f0 try Dr. Willmas Pink Pills, and a balf dozen boxes ha,ve made mue as well as ever 1 was. They haedonec me 3so mchgod - thaf 1 would lika every weak girl lu the iautd f0 try fthem. " If was the new biood Dr. Williams Finis Pille actually imqde that reetored MiOse eur ta healfh and Strengfbe aai In tha saine way they will1 restore ah ufeer ýrOmanEum1a. indizesfioli, hat tpal faion, nualirheum- atism na5 tihe secret ailimete i5tat make the lires of, so many womeln and growiui g'gis ;a burden. Soldi by ali mi !cine -Iealers or by al ant 50 censts a box or six boxes for 82 5U fromn The Dir. Williaisms MicCo., BroCkvîlle, On- TIN WEDDNG UILEBRATION, Thefe±haliniversary blt,fwed. dinig- day of Mr,_. and Mrm.He;Flot. cher was Uelebrated o'a SatttRý a 4th th lagdroome of theb, comfort able home being wel'l flteà by, relatives and friends., An ejo.-yable vnn was spent býY ai preSent1. A good poraý gram was given wicin(Ilclulded sanigs, readings, recýitationls and inst-rumental muse.MrGe E MYnard Officiated in thoecapacly of chairmanu. The bhost and bo)stees, were- presented with an- elaborate st3 ÈOf c0okiD- utenýsilVIMr. JR. Grenflid read an address;, and Mr. FIlee r replie01 thankdig te Ifriands. otheir knnsaffer 3whicb refresh. mnente w;ere s8erved,ithe large compan, breaking rip about mianighf Am orn, those presenit were MIr. and Mrs. Chas, Fletcher, Toronto; Mr. Midd!eton", Newcastle; The5 Misses Perkinis, O- awa; Mr. Scot, Osfhawa; Mr. and Mrs, T. Fis!hleigb, 0shaiwa; the Misses RttSLph- ens, towin; Mr. and Mrq. Chas. 1Rïchrds Mr. and -rs. MdleoCîarke, and m"- any ý o es. EDITOR SAEMN:-Having har thaf thecre is a rumror beinlg circulae r Bowmauvil1e f0 the effect that 1 ae given up the intention of oi-eEÀii' buSines!p. partnersbip witli NI j J Mliason, i desire tohýeeby deniytherpo. and ýtate that 1 will be in Bowm7rianville a ffer July i sfianýd hope t0 meet ail my aid friends nd nany new ones. As 1 have already done muck of the buxying! for our UFal Iusiress 1 arn able to sa- that we lvid be in a position to show the public a better assort'ment of high clast- Men's and Boy', s clothing and fu.rnishïngs. than h-as ever been showýn n lu1owmnau ville by an-y firm tin the town. Yo--urS respectfuilly, NORMAÀN E. JENNINGS", port Hope- Port Hope, %îay 13, 3907. A T HY1fMELN'S L-EA R, A very qieat weddîng was celabratcdi on 'Satuiday eveniug MaY 4thl at t ,he, Pre.sbyferian c-murch, Butte, Mentania, when Mr. Fr8d A. Tattarsail, a well- known miner af that citýv, and son o the late Ediward Tattersaîl, 0riiLýaria uniýtead lu marriage wlf h Miss La- youngest daughier cf the lPtJýà,x Laýwrîe, COsha'wa, forïme)riy of Bomn ville. The ceremiony wsprtrndby Rev« E J.Gonel, pasto.r of the chureb, TheL bride was attire'd in a travelling suit of liglit gray with white siik blouse aud becoming bat. Tise3 gifts f0 the bride were a very pretty and usettul collection, corninDg from îriendH andi relatives in Canada and the U-nited Svfates.ý Amonýg theni was ~daintýy and usefuil collection of linen given as a "show%;er" 'rom hber girl friends la Oshawa previaus to going to Uncle Sam's domains Mr. and' Mrs, Tattersali will reside at 42 Soutb, Main St-, Butte, Mlontaa. Their ïmany Canadian relatives and frïende join lu heamrtiesfcngauatos ý 1 ý 1 1 .1 i -t

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