DONIALD(G. 1M. <*ALBAl. parri8ter, Soilitor, NOtarY Ptibl,.>, etc. Private and Company moneys to ]Oau at lowemt "curfýent rates. Agent fori, e Mdil'Iloa .nd Salngs Coips.fy. Office opposite J. B ~~rtyn~ or * nz. St. Bowman'ie, 2-t ;7 acres, bing spituated alld composeti cf part of Î r cmo lt or eirlu ahthe 7Notli of tbe Suh of lot 18 iin the 8SM evidnce f adancig cocesion o 1tUetowùsb.lip of Dar'lingtoti. yer. The e TLere Ls on the pre3mises a godbose wt 1f stone elr odbr l vth s'tonIe basemlent; anovlegc ie awscf ygine nd rulit trees aneî smal fruiits for a fairiiIy. For heafr T ccbtecieaoerî, and mnore furtha priclrsapl1), î,W.i Eoi healhfu 10cver wa thn capet. o th premnises or I. L. BeoiwN, Hampton. 14 /lfE SH W!Il,N-I L LIAM S MDERAI MET)ROD) ns 0 foor TR 8-. IVSIE FIIO PANT.Teniders xilbe receiveci 5v the uudersig-neç1 lhrcl llloiS Ti- 8 W.I'OIICHF00011 AINT. p to Saturday Matv 5thfo 0rtsf6 ft ForVerishti iilh rainU il)Bowiaulville Cemetery Isatuo~ MAI ,o, A Du,îht Jlor Varh.h.The l cwest ay tederfot necsarlya- .tîndoûo, isî nd~rn~ CmVsd cepteti. For\V~id in~5For 1paýrticuILars lapply 10 TseS [L'R I.JAMES DEYMAN, Foi-Unsghty Cack i- Cl FloraChairman Cemetery C2ommittee, 20-2w, iAdministralor-'s Notice. RICE &,, 00., Agents. Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Tinwvare. phone 6M.opposite Post Office. When Buying Giïve *U PLsAeaii __ eP And look over our stock. Welhave boots i + and Oxfords for womes from 1i40 to * '~~ 65.00. For menwe are weil suppiied A from prices that range from 1.0to j tinda ln whito, tani and black with prices raflgifg frein 65es to $1,50. Space * ~wOfl'tipermit usto teli you ail. Cali anti * __osefor yourseif. I eid & Pearn, __EAES H Tote I- TOWN lle Opposite Balmoral SotOD IN owrna.ii Our stock comprises al i hes of useful and decorative furniture, in the different grades. There is nothing made that we cannot supply you with, and our prices are as low ais the low- est. New designYrs -onstpîtîly arriving. Sec our Store îWindow L, MORRIS & SON, Thle Home Furnishers I3ôwmanviile and Orono, ~ Furniture Dealers. Phone 10. Funeral Directors TAENOTICE. that pursunaint T IFÎ S. 0 STCte 2, sec. 38ý, ami amendmeis, ail persons having clma gan the esiate o! eýb eu"ca Oueitt, ae ofBo a- ville, in the counity o! Djurhamn wdowhO dieti on AprU il 1, 190(7, are requiredt, to sente the ndersigneti, Admjiiiraïter othe EstUte, ai 88 Bav steetToro .ternie niai adthernatineie oftir s qecnitY (if W' Y) 0ouor before the l7thi day of June, 1907i anti Tae otice: that a! er lice l7thi day o! J une, 190î, thje îIsrtrwîi[pro0dsr nie theEsa ehaving refereulce -là - tLe ulaimns iwhich haveý then been reeeiveti. w. C. CLBITT, -65-fBay Se: Torontk. * Datedi this 130h day o!f lIay. 1407. 211-2w Shoes Worth Sovereeigta Sho-1es As the Qî,een Quality Shoe le the leader il st3 le, etc., for womenk so the Severeigui Shoe is The Leader for Men, Every sasen increases the demand for thie popular shoe. Thev are stYiish, comfortable, and they wecar. We have them in ail stylesý ___SOLD ONLY BY-- Fred R. Foley, Bowimanvilie3, Ont. In ouir lasI issue ws published an art- icleon ou'lhe Ideai TeRcher' , which hbas created considerabice discussion, SoMo conisidering lice tandcaîd deMAlandto Setohgh. ut ,,,I', dOit So9hi ,or there le no otLer offi ce UndCel-G Ov- ernionit coutrol and egutlatiOnÀs whieh tends more direetly to producee the social weil-being 0f lthe peoole than thUat ol thce Publijý c sehol teacher. A well con- duceetisehool .is an excellent prevent- stîlve of wrong-doin, h ence adds te the value and security of property sund character o! Mthe people of lcw section.1 A true teachier has it ilu his power t0 lence te God, respect for vourcotr' laws and respect for Our feilw-mau. or thce ver v reverse influence may be exert-' ed bythe unfaiclUtteacfervTîhý tosober, th;ereforo, whco has S c inn lu i hieý power for good or evil sud cehooses tice rig-ht Course je deFeevlng of the higicost respect of bis fellows-respect in proportion tolice power ho po-aeesses wlthout abuasing il. Regrettable il is that s0 maup assurn- ing lice office of scicool teaching are net more keenfly sensible o!flthe tremendous responsibilily attacied to the ealiing. 111s jilsl Possible thal lice course of lu- struction bas 10e direct a bearID n o the iterar 'y examinations le fit young1 mou andi women for conIductiDug a sehool successfully. Teachers are lîke poets borq. Thie profession of leaciing le not suiled le a .1ouue mani of an ad- veutureus, tirring or flippant charsel- or. It is a life requirlngý, a quiet, oven temper. patience, svmpathy, ionduess for chlldrena, iabiual cheerfuluess audi -wlthai elroug will-power and force o! cha.racter, asud soundi commun seuse. 1'erhape good jutigment sud te- ligence rathor Ihan a very ilaquilsitive miud or very brilliant talents are essen- li-I le lthe suceceseft.uiteacher. Tics really succeseful teacher, invari- aby commands resîpect. Odnr people respect the man raticer than the office, they value the teacher more Ihan his î, or raticer they conifer upoik tice ofFicê the resi3ect they have fer the mnan The ideal t-jacher, thoefrme, shoulti li,ve an uprigict, honorable , CGod- lyý 11fe, se as te desorve snd gain tice gcooa-wil of lice people amnongst icom he ie calloti Io labor sud strîvo continu- ally te set U) expample before his puplls *womticy of their imitation, sud toeuecour- age themt leworthy, courageous sud helpili actions Teacher, you ecau wield a powerfuil influence for good if %oau are properiy fitled for y 01 our 1ebe catlin1g. ________ SCH-OOLS AND TEAC-HERS. Ontario bas 88 scicool inspeclors. Onarie lias 488 public, libraries. Ny ew Tire S etter. Total numnber of teachers ic nlrQ --Toronto Modical Sehools enrolime-nt, 650; John Hopkins, 151 - Nuimber of teachers lu public sehools, 8,679. t,810 womyen; J,889ý men. - Y Goverument graril le Universily of Teoronlo wiil b6 a5 00 u1907, Oularlo spont 5,- millions ou public seltools in 1905, ~,2,2 for lo-acicers' salaries. K-indergartens,18;1,8puis20 teachiere. NiKh cshools 1); (320ppls 17 teachere. lh iRS fCld Tre(, ter, Toronto University icad enrlîmaeut of 38.000. second lu Empire (dnug having 8.500). 111es our mollo 10 keep 4,442 teachere attend et Normal lu ail linos of our business. scicools. Average salarv for maie Ressens why Ibis lire setter doese ilsleachers, 8514; femalo, 3348. work btter Ihan ticsold wav: RmnCÉoisspaaeehos4& Tho îles sltay tight longer. 'Num'rabelaroeft le aeher s, 9 70, Nu1,mbilSr -of Thiere îs ne charing or burnnig lice 1eroilet pupils, 932.Total sum ex.- Wood. ipenidtS37,181. No dage1o ovor dlsiiug lice wheel. Ontario had 5,793 public scicools, witic The p&ae is not seratchoti or nre. 897,i7o pupîlýs lu 190i5. Cnet per lpapil, noieiattenidance, $89,Average ange otýOur job doue lun ue qarte daiiy attendauco, 232,077 lice lime. 1High Seols, 110u,661pupils; 689 We lllguraneeaIlwok dneteacicers Total sum ex pend(eti on hIl'h by tues machine schcls 31,004,498; cosL per pupili, We are aise preparet Iotecut dowu reileti atteudauce, *385.0-5. ,22pupils wiceeis or any eticer repaîrs that your attendeti 429 continuaÀtion lasses ,i A may eeti ______%ud ovemi1 81uS scapeettu1 his i B yeS Oýay. A.- W PTCIKARD. I- Si .....The ZOàtilClluyBrand- Clothing... 'iOWMANVILLE, MAY 22, 197.1k l Unlted States subseribers must ai psy $1.50 for 3'l1110,STATESMàAN-the ex - tra 50e is for posýtage. They are ailso requiestedt,,1) kinly remit b 'y postofâce or exýpress rdr.The bank (barges for cashing sasaîl cheq!aes, radded 10 lthe potgpactically eate up the entîre remittmnce. It ici important thiat leaders et mon haRve opinîins, emnpicari opluione, but it is also important that thev should elpe the following wili be weak and ineffielent. Parliameut lhas new some abie journalisîs among its meubers. and they have te ho governoti bv circuimetances. Wcod the resuil be s0 noucic different were a new lot of press- maen droppeti down l in hc omm ons? It would if Parlisment were run like a newspaper office, snd thes memn- bers were as ueis te discipline andi direction asý the ordiuary noews- paper staf -igso hg THE TEACHLR'S OFFICE. 20t1f Brand <4A SUIT TO SUITERY it bas always -been the persistent aimi of this store to' give the best ob)tainable lu Meii's and Boy's apparel best in qua ity, style and tone and at the lowest consistent prices. We are mindful of the ca.reful mai, whose income comîpeis eeonomy but who is jast as par- tieular to have thinugs right. Our facilities. are eoual to a large amouint of trade and prices are made on a bjasis of quiek sales and amail profits. t4extWeek for., 'tout' Su-it F1or nkexi we-ek w-. offer a number of speelal values that will bear the elosest inspection we beiie've in the nimb'e sixpence in pr-eference- to the slow shilling if you -want te save mouey pni a niew sp.-r-n tfi you eau do so at this store. Speecý-ial 2$1O.OOIVetS7.Suit s are, jat the same good value this spri ng in spite of al woolen goods advýancîing lu price we have the finest rauge ini pureSetl and West of England Tweeds with a good s8lectioLi of fanicy worsteds in the latest shacle.5 of this sammer. Greys iunotyles double breasted and single withi a good lengtb, shaqped shoulders and back and French seams in aIl sizes and fittings for short, stout or thin men. Highiest Price paid for al kinds of Produce, casli or trade. Bring Cc YouËr Wool, I JOHAN MeMIJE tWest End House, Visitors: Mr. andW Mrs, Fced Gai'e, Wliitbjy, at MNr. Thos. Vancamp's; Mr. 1. Guy,'Colurubus, with hie S StBer, Mrs. .Lagmaid; Mrs. S. Barke, Oshaa at Mr. Ira Pearçe's; Misses Powçer, Clarke, with fiue M.Arthur Britton hias returned troni a visit at Hamilton and Toronto and W'11 1eav thsweek for Rouleau, Sask....NMr. Thos. VanCssnp l a two vear old colt from plIeumenila...-Miss Ethel Rundie, Osh- aw., spent $unday at home., MINISTERS AND CHURCHES., Rev. H. A, Doive has been seet t returu le Camîwrigict circuit for a third year. Rev. G.ý W. Usundersoin, P'ort Hope, hîu 'oeen luvitedti l beconce pastor cd charlotte St Melticodiel Churcb, Peter-, bore, lu 1908. COURTIE etllavFence brougict eut-put up 180wv !or 5 -, uhrs anti verŽ oeet bat hes haI 1-, ,va*tts il agziU .Cal] and soes it. Mr- J. R. Butler visileti Mrs (Rev.) Suewjdon, oikie . isiid R'undle, lHampoti, ib visiling ,r elatives b-ere . Mss... Calver, Pickering. was recent guest o! Mint Ira fTmuil.. . S. S P;o< cimGtyrcie auilu- i:rylî t15e oye tiat 19osing hl o- ilidrabe unssieos. iseviola Thoicon it',spent Sunday mW ner brotber Mr. Joühn Tïhoiuton .. Contract for new scicool icouse in this section bas been leot to Messrs. IL. Wa padML.carswolmmbers a fraterca visit at eek. A Mess agfo tTRY, Bowmanville. DU. J. S. SOMERS, Veterinary Surgeon and De F. H, S. Lowreý WALAI PAP~ i IHow About Painting?I Are you going 10 Paint ii Spring andi what kind aPre m mmun ammum au mon maum m 20thi Century Brand vr -riw- ýl 1 1